Chapter 185
In fact, Liu Hezuo has a place to stay in Fushun County.

It was a widow's house.

In fact, during this period, because the time just after liberation was not particularly long, in the Bashu area that has experienced long-term wars, families were formed temporarily, families were formed again, and families were formed again.

Some people are desperate for men.

Perhaps some women feel that it is difficult to handle the interpersonal relationships within the family when they form a family.

Therefore, there are many women who would rather be widowed than remarry.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the Bashu area, as long as a man is not sloppy, people will see him as dirtier than a pig in a pigsty.

Even if his mouth is crooked, even if his teeth are broken, if he doesn't worry about not being able to marry a wife, he can get one back!
So it's not surprising that Liu Hehe has a confidante in the county.

Many people mistakenly think that in the 50s, the relationship between men and women was very strict, but it was not. In fact, it was very light and loose at the beginning.

Gradually tightening, that's going to take a few more years.

Han Xiaokang followed behind Liu Hezuo, twisted and turned, and finally walked into a family building of a factory that seemed to have closed down.

This kind of old-fashioned family building is purely a copy of the tube building of the neighbors in the north.

The stairs are in the middle, and one floor up, there is a long passage on the left and right.

Then, on both sides of this passage, there are dormitories of the same size and exactly the same layout.

Since the living facilities in the tube building are not perfect, every household has a stove in the corridor to cook with the daily fire.

Over time, the entire corridor was smeared with smoked black paint, and the lights had to be turned on in broad daylight.

Otherwise, it is guaranteed that you will not be able to take three steps, and you will have to knock over other people's briquettes.

When Liu Hezuo walked to the door of a family on the third floor, he saw that this guy was familiar with the road, and he took out a small key from under the scrapped writing desk that was placed at the door to support the stove.

in the dark.

This guy didn't turn on the light, let alone make a sound.

Just because of his relationship with the other party, but those who can't see the light, let alone shout loudly
If not, it won't be until dawn the next day, and the whole corridor will be full of gossip, and the aunts at the roadside club will have a new topic they are fond of talking about.

Gently unscrewing the tumbler lock on the door, Liu Hezuo held the door with one hand, then turned sideways, and shook his head unobtrusively at Han Xiaokang.

Then Liu Hezuo stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

It is estimated that this guy's confidante is sleeping soundly at this time, the weather is hot, and everyone wears less in summer.

If Han Xiaokang was inseparable and followed Liu Hezuo into the house, he might see some scenes that he didn't know were good or bad.

——That would make Liu Hezuo feel very disadvantaged.

After all, the puppy still knows how to protect food, not to mention how could a big man not protect his own woman?
Being looked at for nothing, although no one will lose a piece of meat, but you feel aggrieved, don't you?

A few minutes after Liu Hezuo entered the door, there were rustling sounds in the room.

Then someone turned on the light.

With a loud "squeak", the door was opened again.

Liu Hezuo appeared at the door and made a gesture of please.

When Han Xiaokang entered the room, he saw that the bed in the room was empty, and a thin summer cool quilt was neatly spread on the bed.

move so fast?
Han Xiaokang couldn't help being a little surprised, and then looked up at the thin woman in the room, "Hello, sister-in-law!"

It was the first time to call a stranger a sister-in-law, and it was not a serious one, which made Han Xiaokang stutter a bit when he spoke.

"Hey, Brother Xiaokang, right? Hello."

The skinny woman, who was neatly dressed and even put her hair back together, showed a smile, "Our house is a bit messy, brother Xiaokang laughed at you and sit down, I'll go and make some poached eggs for you .”

"No, don't be too busy, sister-in-law, I'm not hungry."

The other party was generous, and Han Xiaokang really didn't want to cause trouble for him, "I planned to come out with Brother Liu, find a random place to make do for the night, and go out to do business tomorrow, but it didn't work out, and I came to disturb you to rest."

"No trouble, no trouble, don't be so polite."

The woman bent down, took out a ceramic jar from a cupboard drawer in the house, opened the lid, took out 2 eggs from inside, handed it to Liu Zuozuo, and helped him hold it first.

Then he reached into the jar and took out 2 eggs.

Then put the jar away.

The thin woman just took the egg from Liu Hezuo, and then smiled softly at Han Xiaokang, "Drink your saliva first, and take a rest. I'll go and turn on the stove right away, and it will be cooked soon." , take it easy."

The other party was so kind, and Han Xiaokang couldn't resist her kindness, so he had to let her go about her work.

When Liu Hezuo poured a glass of water from the thermos and handed it to Han Xiaokang, a weird smile appeared on his face, "I see, Brother Han, your mouth is quite sweet, and your sister-in-law is quite sweet when I meet you." Dear. Hey, I said brother, are you familiar with this kind of scene?"

Han Xiaokang smiled and said nothing.

This kind of scene is all sprinkled with water, so what's the fuss about?

Since primitive times, Homo sapiens have known what equivalent exchange means, let alone now?


Liu Hezuo gave a thumbs up to Han Xiaokang again, "I just brought you here tonight for the sake of your worth, brother. No one has been here, can you believe it?"

"I believe."

Han Xiaokang nodded, "The communication between smart people does not depend on the length of time, but on the momentary understanding."

"I have to count Brother Han. You have a high level of education, a lot of knowledge, and you are accurate in seeing people."

Liu Hezuo sighed, "I am so stupid. I know many things in my heart, but I just can't say them."

"Brother Liu, you're being polite. In Zhenxing District and Fushun County, you have a lot of contacts and connections."

Han Xiaokang naturally understands the truth that everyone carries the sedan chair. Others have already begun to accept him into his private life, which means that the friendship between the two may continue to deepen in the future.

This Liu Hezuo in front of him should belong to the category of Chenghu Sheshu.

This kind of person can't do big things.

But in terms of some small things in the local area, they are very active.

Now that I can't even count as a rotten fish, being able to make friends with people like Liu Zuozuo is a great help.

At different stages, make friends with people of different levels. This is the most basic quality that a person who can really do things should possess.

While the two of them were talking in the room, the time passed quickly before they knew it.

After a while, the dry and skinny woman brought in two large bowls of steaming hot poached eggs, "Come, come, you two, eat while it's hot, don't talk too much"

Wait until the woman puts something on the table.

Then he turned his head to Han Xiaokang, and smiled softly, "Brother Xiaokang, my cooperation is also a very high-spirited person. He is not a bad person, but his temper is a little bit bad."

"Brother Xiaokang in the future, you will be promising in the future, don't forget to ask our family to cooperate."

The woman smiled purely, suddenly giving people a feeling of innocence like a 17 or 8-year-old girl.

At this moment, Han Xiaokang suddenly understood a little bit: why is this ugly, thin woman in front of her, who doesn't even have soup and water to drink with her children.

Why is it able to attract the well-informed Liu to cooperate. Sensible.

He treats people generously, speaks neither humble nor overbearing, and is also very decent.

In fact, when a man is young, he loves a girl's beauty and pays more attention to her figure.

But when he reaches a certain age, like Liu Hezuo's age, he won't pursue those external things.Instead, I want to find someone who can listen to him and let him be wronged outside, and have a safe haven.

Nothing more
By the time the two wolfed down the brown sugar poached eggs, it was probably two or three o'clock in the morning.

As soon as her stomach was full, she felt drowsy. Looking at the bleary-eyed and exhausted Liuzuo, the woman's face showed bursts of affection.

If you don't hurry up to sleep, Liu Zuozuo probably won't be able to bear it when you wake up tomorrow morning.

Today he went to help Jiang Yue. The tasks Jiang Tao and his brothers did were not something ordinary people could do.

It is not only necessary to lift people, but also to clean them up and change their clothes. Serving a real big man is very hard work, let alone a man who is already stiff.
So this afternoon, Liu's cooperation was really exhausted.

If it wasn't for Han Xiaokang who had to follow him, this guy would probably be sleeping like a dead pig by now
Han Xiaokang originally thought that tonight, he could only make do with the floor at the woman Liu Hezuo's house.

Unexpectedly, when he went out to cook just now, he had already discussed with one of the neighbors who had a close relationship.

So in the end Liuhe stayed here to sleep, while Han Xiaokang went to the neighbor next door to sleep on the bed of their child who had gone to school in other places.

Silent all night.

Early in the morning of the next day, before dawn, Han Xiaokang hadn't gotten up yet, but the diligent woman had already prepared breakfast.

Originally, Han Xiaokang thought they were living in the city, so he went out to buy some soy milk and fried dough sticks, so it was okay.

I really think this woman is really hardworking.

They washed Liu Hezuo's clothes from the inside to the outside last night, and washed Liu Hezuo's clothes overnight.

Then he dried his clothes with the newly lit fire, and filled boiling water in an enamel jar, and Liu Hezuo ironed the clothes neatly.

It is conceivable that after surviving all this busy work, how much time does that woman have to sleep and rest?
That's it!

She still didn't delay the next morning, and she baked lard dregs pot helmets for Liu Hezuo and Han Xiaokang, and cooked a big pot of spinach and rice porridge for the two men carefully.

According to the woman, Liu Hezuo is going to pull a cart today and walk a long, long way.

If you don't eat a solid breakfast, you may not be able to reach the ground, and you will have to get tired
Wait until the two of you have finished your breakfast.

The woman thoughtfully hung a homemade satchel around Liu Hezuo's neck.

"This is a new towel. After you lift that person, don't use this new towel to wipe your sweat. Here, there is an old towel inside. Before you wash up, use the old towel to wipe it off."

"There's half a bar of soap in it. After you're done working, find a river or a pond and ask for something that's cleaner. You should wash yourself with soap first.

Then after you wash, don't take this piece of soap back, just put it by the pond to see if others can use it?
Then I put a bar of soap for you in it, it is brand new, remember to take it back after you use it up, don’t waste it. "

The woman took the trouble to tell Liu Hezuo one by one, "I heard from you last night that the family is really not easy. If their grandfather is also in short supply and really can't afford to bury him, then you can help them!

Don't dare to wrap it in a straw mat. It would be a lot of trouble to have a soft burial! "

"Well, I will."

At this time, Liu Zuozuo, who seems to be able to deal with all kinds of things outside with ease, is like a primary school freshman who is just about to enter school at this time.

Very nice!
However, what the woman said was a bit rambling, but she picked up things very neatly.

Between the long-winded and long-winded, Liu Hezuo has been cleaned up.

When Liu Hezuo stretched his head towards the woman, looking at that posture, he was going to give her a kiss before parting.

But when he suddenly thought of Han Xiaokang still standing beside him, Liu Hezuo could only withdraw his mouth embarrassingly, and instead patted the woman's head with a slap, "Okay, you should go back to sleep too, it's still early. Waiting for you It's not too late to go to work after a while."

"Well, I'll wash the sheets and mop the floor."

The woman pulled Liu Hezuo and pushed it out the door, "Go and do your work, this kind of thing is nothing compared to anything else, so don't dare to delay."

It is still dark now, and the neighbors around are basically not getting up.

It was the neighbor where Han Xiaokang was staying last night. Someone from their family came and took this enamel spittoon to the public toilet at the end of the corridor to empty out the overnight urine.

At this time, Han Xiaokang and Liu cooperated to sneak out, and it was unlikely to meet other people. Relatively speaking, it was easier to preserve this woman's reputation and avoid being criticized.

When Han Xiaokang and Liu cooperated and went downstairs, there was no one to be seen on the deserted street.

Following behind Liu Hezuo, the two twisted and twisted, and finally came to a dilapidated alley.

After that, Liu Hezuo plunged into it.

Walking forward for about 5 or 60 meters, I finally stopped at a dilapidated yard with crumbling gates and dogtail grass growing on the walls.

(End of this chapter)

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