The woman in black shows luxury in a low-key way, and hides her inner beauty in her reticence.

This woman is not simple!
No wonder Liu Hezuo, who is well-informed and well-connected, can also have a good conversation with this woman in black.

Just because this woman gave Han Xiaokang an intuition: this person seems to be able to do things!

If you put it in the old days, she is not a social butterfly, but also a heroine.

The old-fashioned passenger car creaked and moved forward slowly, and finally came to the steepest slope section of the road leading to the county town.

"Fuck me, are you lax and sloppy again?"

The driver of the bus slammed the accelerator a few times, and then changed the forward gear to first gear. The sound of "quack, quack, quack" shifting made people's teeth ache!

Fortunately, after the driver stepped on the clutch with two and a half feet, the GAZ car was successfully put into gear after all.


There was thick smoke billowing from the rear of the car, the hissing sound of the front engine, and the shaking of the whole trunk. People couldn't help but worry that this car would be shaken to pieces at any time?


The driver stepped on the accelerator a few times in a row, and the classic car went forward 10 meters up the slope. Finally, the old and frail passenger car couldn't bear the heavy burden brought by the slope.

Unsurprisingly, I fell down.

"Don't you even wink?"

The driver of the bus, who was not surprised by this phenomenon, didn't make a sound yet, but the female conductor with curly hair and a swollen face became furious first, "Hurry up and get down to push the cart! Everyone is sitting still, and they are very comfortable."

Paying a high price of 3 cents to buy a ticket, the passengers not only have to endure the harsh driving environment that makes people go crazy.

And you have to go down and push the cart?

It's hot, move around, sweat all over your body.

"Mom, I just met it!"

In the car, a middle-aged man wearing a uniform with four pockets and a briefcase under his arm muttered, but he had to stand up first, and jumped out of the car door while the classic car was still wrestling with the slope and the shuttle was stuck there motionless.

Its movements are skilled and graceful.

From the first look at this guy, he has been on this car a lot, and he has done this kind of thing a lot.

Han Xiaokang walked through the aisle cautiously, following behind those men who were about to get out of the car to push the cart.

Unexpectedly, in the crowded crowd, the back hem of his clothes was gently pulled.

Turning his head, he found that it was the woman in black who covered her whole body.

When encountering a slope that vehicles cannot climb, all the passengers who go down pushing the carts are male passengers.

This mysterious woman in black, why is she stopping her?Could it be that she wants to get out of the car for herself to do some work, and then let herself sit comfortably in the car?
Sure enough, women hold up half the sky!
This can have.

Han Xiaokang originally thought that the other party wanted to get out of the car to push the cart instead of him.

Hiss. Could it be that his personality charm is already so strong?
The two have never met each other seriously, why is the other party so considerate of him?
"When pushing the cart, don't stand on the side of the exhaust pipe, just put your hands on the side of the shuttle and push it forward."

The Heiyin woman lowered her voice, put her lips next to Han Xiaokang's ear through the tulle, and said, "Otherwise, you will be smoked into dried bacon, hehehe. When you arrive in the county, people think you are either a charcoal seller or a kiln burner, hehehe."

Perhaps it was in the mind of the woman in black that Han Xiaokang's whole body was covered in black smoke from the classic car, blackened by the smoked black paint.

That's why the girl couldn't help laughing, and had fun there on her own!

The distance between the two was very close, and the seductive aura on the woman in black became stronger and stronger.

Across the black sand, a small and exquisite red lips are charming and charming
Tighter than the third sister-in-law's mouth, more charming than Zhou Min's lips
Alas, people watching. Annoyed!

When they got off the bus, some activists had already pouted their buttocks and pushed hard behind the bus.

It's a pity that the wall has to be pushed down by everyone, but the effect is obvious, but this "Gaz" classic car with a very weird temper has a very stubborn temper!
There were so many people pushing forward desperately, the bus didn't go forward, it actually took a few steps back
It's clear that they don't know how to flatter them!
"Exercise, everyone is drinking braised rice porridge, impatient and lack of strength, right?"

At this time, the conductor on the bus also got off the bus and supervised everyone pushing the carts.

I saw her using her hand, the ball-point pen bound with a bamboo stick and white string, to beat her ticket holder vigorously, and shouted desperately, "123, hard! 123 hard, that so-and-so, you fucking! Why are you squatting on the ground with one foot?

It's not for you to play Golden Rooster Independence, and push your legs hard on the ground to borrow strength. Everyone listen to my slogan and work hard together! 123, push!

123, the waist stiffens!Work hard, if you can't climb this slope, none of us will go back tonight."

pushed for a long time,

Until everyone was exhausted and out of breath, the radiator tank of the classic car was about to explode, but this car still slid 2 steps forward on the half slope and 3 steps back. It really couldn't go up!
The angry conductor was hoarse from shouting, everyone's backs were sore from exhaustion, and the anxious driver was facing the clutch, stepping on the accelerator and brake hard!
It seems that if the iron plates under his feet are not crushed today, the hatred in the driver's heart cannot be eliminated.
"It doesn't matter."

Han Xiaokang wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, looked at the GAZ car that looked like a terminal asthma patient, and murmured, "Hurry up and find some buckets and fetch some cold water from the river to cool down the engine, otherwise, I really can't climb up."

Hearing this, Liu Hezuo, who had gotten out of the car and was standing on the side of the road watching the excitement, couldn't help asking curiously, "Comrade Han Xiaokang, do you know how to drive?"

During this period, those who could hold the steering wheel belonged to the best of the Eight Great Yuans:

Cook, salesperson, conductor, nurseryman, postman, warehouse keeper, hairdresser, the last one is the most leathery driver.

It's not just that drivers are paid the highest of the eight dollars.

Moreover, due to the nature of the job, the driver can travel long distances at any time. Even if he is running short distances, his colleagues always run long distances.

Therefore, among drivers, they can entrust others to go to other places to buy a lot of supplies that are very scarce in the local area.

It is no exaggeration to say that some drivers with senior qualifications and high energy are not even stage frightened when facing the director of the district office!

Let alone the heads of major units.

In front of the drivers, the heads of these units still have low eyebrows and are pleasing to the eye. Otherwise, these guys have plenty of ways to toss those units.

For example, if the boiler room of a certain factory needs coal, he needs to go to the coal supply bureau to get the coal supply quota, and then go to the truck transportation service agency to contact the vehicle to pull coal for him.

And if the person in charge of the factory accidentally offended the driver.

Then the driver who is responsible for pulling coal can park the truck at the gate of the factory and not pull him to the boiler room!

The person in charge of the factory didn't even have a temper with him: the "Transportation Task Execution Form" issued by the car freight service agency clearly only read:

"For this transportation task, the driver is assigned to drive a truck with the license plate number xxx to pull coal from a certain coal mine to a certain factory."

No, they have pulled the things to the factory gate for you, and this transportation task is considered complete
Things have come to this point, apart from organizing a large number of people in the factory to unload the coal little by little and carry it back.

Who else can mess with the driver?
It's good to meet such drivers. If you offend these drivers, believe it or not, he will break down the car halfway?

As a result, things that can be transported to the ground in one day and one night, he will drag you for three to five days!
No one dared to say anything about him.

After all, the car is so precious, if the driver says it breaks down, it breaks down, and no one else dares to touch the car engine.

Not to mention, dare to suspect that the driver's move was intentional?Or on purpose?

There is no evidence!
Therefore, in this period, drivers are a very powerful existence, and people who can drive are simply rare.

"Comrade Han Xiaokang, can you drive?"

Liu Hezuo asked, "Otherwise, how do you know how to deal with such emergencies?"

"It's all in the book. The book "Driving Techniques and Principles of Mechanical Maintenance" is only 1 cents when I bought it at the scrap price at the buying station."

Han Xiaokang casually replied, "For this old-fashioned GAZ car, the optimum temperature for power output is 70-80 degrees. Now that the water tank of the car has been boiled, it is obvious that the power is insufficient, so people can push it? How can it be pushed?"

Liu Hezuo gave Han Xiaokang a suspicious look, then went around to the front of the car and whispered something to the driver.

The car I am driving is underpowered due to high water temperature. The shuttle driver actually knows this basic common sense.

It's just that he was lucky and didn't want to bother. Anyway, there are so many strong laborers on the car, so it's useless.

And if you want to fetch water to cool the engine, the driver has to get down and open the hood by himself.

Therefore, the driver of this bus, adhering to the concept of "everyone for me", intends to try to see if he can push the bus up the slope with human power.

Now it seems that it is not possible.

So the bus driver cursed profusely, then jumped out of the cab, and shouted at the big guy, "Which of your comrades has a water bucket? Hurry up and borrow it!"

The passengers on the bus are all going out, although they each have a lot of things, but after all, no one would go out with a bucket of water, right?
Seeing everyone look at each other in blank dismay.

The driver took out a cigarette and threw it to Liu Zuozuo, "There is no other way, we don't have a bucket, where can we get water?"

Liu Hezuo struck a match and lit a cigarette for the other party, and casually asked him what to do next?
The bus driver sighed, "There's no other way now, so we have to wait! Wait a while, the temperature of the engine has dropped, let's make plans."

At this moment,

The woman in black, who seemed to be in a hurry to go back to the county seat, poked her head out of the car window and waved to Han Xiaokang, "Do you have any good ideas? Waiting under the scorching sun for so long, even roasting can cook people."

The woman in black is telling the truth.

Although the afternoon sun is not as violent as at noon, there are no villages in front of the place, no shops in the back, and there is not even a shady place to hide.

If there are so many people crowded in the carriage for a while, some passengers with weak constitutions may really be at risk of heat stroke.

Without any choice,

Han Xiaokang walked up to the driver who was squatting in the shade of the front of the car and smoking a cigarette, "Master, do you have scrapped tires in the toolbox of this car, especially the scrapped inner tubes?"

The driver was taken aback.

Then there was a look of disdain on his face, "When is it? You still want to take advantage of the public?"

Han Xiaokang grinned, "It's just a scrap inner tube. If you give it to me, I don't want to make it into a lifebuoy. I can swim, so I don't need this thing."

The bus driver just now mistook that Han Xiaokang was asking him for scrapped inner tubes, so when he spoke, his tone was very unfriendly.

Because of the extreme shortage of materials and resources during this period, especially for the farmers in the production team, there is almost nothing they don't want:
There are glass bottles, discarded razor blades, and even a discarded bicycle steel rod thrown in the trash by urbanites.

These things are rubbish for city dwellers.

For the members of the production team, it is a rare and precious material: the glass bottle is taken back and washed, and can be used to hold oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar.

Even if it is broken, it can be inserted into the top of the wall as a defensive measure to prevent thieves from climbing.

Discarded razor blades, farmers in the production team can use it to disembowel eels and loaches.

No matter how blunt this scrap razor blade is, it is much easier to use than ordinary kitchen knives.

The scrapped bicycle spokes can be used to make hooks for fishing eels

As a bus driver, this young driver, he usually meets farmers in those production teams, asking him what he wants.

Even scrapped motor oil, people would ask him for it. When they take it back, they can use it to smear on the wheels of bicycles or rack cars, and use it as lubricating oil.

Even if it is a scrap tire that is useless in the eyes of others, members of the production team can take it back, break it in half, and use it as a stone trough for chickens to feed ducks.

The driver just now mistakenly thought that Han Xiaokang was taking advantage of the fact that everyone was free, so he ran up to him and asked him for something cheekily.

For this,

Han Xiaokang also responded unceremoniously, "Since we can't find a bucket to fetch water, we can use a scrap inner tube, cut it in half, cut it into two pieces, and put a rope in the middle."

"Ah! Han Xiaokang, are you planning to make two simple buckets? This is a good idea!"

(End of this chapter)

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