Chapter 168

Zhou Min went hunting this time, and the harvest was so-so.

Only one badger, some pheasants, and one hare were caught.

It is said that badger meat smells like urine and is not tasty.So Zhou Min just peeled off the badger skin and brought it back, but discarded the badger meat.

"Xiaokang, let's hurry up and eat. In the evening, the two of us will go out to touch the wild boar's nest."

While Zhou Min was busy plucking the feathers of the pheasant, he said excitedly, "Not to mention, the little monkey is annoying, but with the help of this little guy, it's really much easier to find some prey."

The little macaque was also plucking chicken feathers, but this guy had no patience for his work, he pulled his paws here and there.

Straight to a good pheasant, was torn by it horrible.

"Zhizhi——" the little macaque glanced at Zhou Min, and moved a few steps aside with the pheasant in its hand, which meant that it didn't want to get too close to Zhou Min.

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and for safety reasons, the monkey group had already climbed to the top of the cliff to sleep.

The little macaque had to work overtime at night, and it had to lead Zhou Min and Han Xiaokang, so this guy didn't spend the night with the monkeys.

After picking up the pheasants, Zhou Min made a soup in a bamboo tube with the miscellaneous fish and shrimps that Han Xiaokang touched.

Then after the pheasant is cooked, tear off a chicken leg and throw it to the little macaque as a reward.

Today's dinner is relatively rich: grilled pheasant, miscellaneous fish soup, cold wild shallots, plus a piece of rice in bamboo tubes for each person.

As for the offal of the pheasant, Zhou Min fried it casually, then mixed it with rice and fed it to Dahu.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhou Min threw the bamboo tube away, and impatiently picked up the riding rifle and the bamboo basket on his back, ready to set off.

Wu Xiaojie is a person who eats his own food and doesn't care about his own business. After he is full, he goes to bed obediently.

Zhou Min and Han Xiaokang lit a few more fires for Wu Xiaojie, and left the short fire for Wu Xiaojie, so that he could use it to protect himself in case of a wild beast.

The reason why Zhou Min was in such a hurry to go hunting tonight.

The main reason was that when she went out in the afternoon, the little macaque Zhizhi saw a big wild boar leading a group of young wild boars wandering in the bushes for food.

The little guy was very interested in the colorful little wild boar with stripes all over his body, so he followed the wild boar and directly touched his old den.

Wild boars are not bad at fighting.

Especially once a female wild boar with cubs starts to surge, ordinary wild animals are really no match for it.

Zhou Min was not sure about fighting the wild boar in broad daylight, so he planned to wait until night and go directly to the wild boar's nest to fight.

Han Xiaokang picked up the long fire gun and followed behind Zhou Min. The two took the little macaque and the big tiger straight to the wild boar's lair 5 miles away.

An hour later, Zhizhi, who led the way, ran to a slope, then hesitated, jumped up the tree branch, and refused to come down again.

Dumb followed with a low "Wow", and slowly climbed up the slope on tiptoe, becoming extremely cautious in every move from the beginning, and no longer dared to trot forward like before.

"It's there."

Zhou Min approached Han Xiaokang, and said in a low voice, "I only know one cave entrance, Xiaokang, you stay here and watch, I'll take a flashlight to look elsewhere."

With the help of the light of the torch, Han Xiaokang found a naturally formed stone crevice at the top of the slope.

And on the muddy floor at the crevice of the stone, there are large and small wild boar hoof prints and some pig feces and urine all over the place.

The smell of urine was pungent, and countless dung beetles were busy in and out of the pig manure.

This is what makes wild boars so annoying: these wild second brothers really don't pay attention to environmental hygiene and like to drag around.

Even the place where they live is unsightly and extremely smelly.
Holding a flashlight, Zhou Min carefully climbed up the stone wall, and then carefully searched for other exits of the wild boar nest.

After searching for a long time, I found nothing in the end.

Presumably, after this litter of wild boars found this natural grotto, they directly used it as one of the wild boars' shelters.

These lazy pigs didn't modify it, and didn't take out a few other escape exits.

According to Zhou Min's guess: this place should be composed entirely of stones, and the wild boar only used the grotto as a temporary shelter, so there was no other escape route.

After carefully observing the topography, Zhou Min proposed to light a bonfire and block the entrance of the cave. This would prevent wild boars from rushing out of the cave and escaping.

Then she and Han Xiaokang climbed onto the rock wall, found a crack in the rock and drilled into the cave.

Find a place with a more suitable angle and height, and finally shoot down the sow condescendingly.

Originally, according to the hunting rules in the mountains, it was not allowed to shoot this kind of lactating wild boar.

But according to Zhou Min, the piglets brought by this wild boar are not small anymore, and they can survive even without breast milk.

It happened that in Liu Hongdong's breeding farm, all he wanted was to get a few wild boars to breed in the past, and now he happened to encounter such an opportunity, how could he let it go?

After discussing the plan of action, let's do it.

Han Xiaokang and Zhou Min led Dumb back down the hillside quietly.

Then, hundreds of meters away from the wild boar cave, they began to collect firewood.

There are lush forests in the mountains, but since it is early autumn and the water content in the plants is still relatively high, it is really not easy to collect enough firewood.

The two of them worked together for a full hour, and only then did they collect a few large bundles of dead branches.

Carefully move Chai He to the stone crevice, at this time the wild boar hiding deep in the cave seems to have heard the movement, or smelled the smell of people.

I only heard a few calls of "Gong Gong offering" from the cracks in the stone.

Then the big wild boar with two gray and white tusks began to dangle around the crack in the stone, observing the movement outside the cave.


The wild boar's cry became louder. At this time, some young wild boars with immature accents responded from the depths of the cave.

Obviously, this sow has already smelled the danger, and she is calling for those piglets to come out quickly and prepare to escape together.

But it's a pity that some of those little wild boars hiding deep in the crevices of the rocks may be sleeping soundly.

In their ignorance and bewilderment, those little wild boar cubs reacted too slowly.

"Xiaokang, hurry up and speed up!"

Zhou Min threw the dead branch in his hand on the stone crevice, then took the turpentine torch and threw it directly on the dead branch.

Zhou Min, who was afraid that the ignition would be so slow that the wild boar would take the opportunity to slip away, took the gourd containing gunpowder from his waist regardless of the cost, and sprinkled some black powder on the dead branches.

When the fire is about to meet the open fire, it's not bad!
I only heard a "boom", and the whole pile of dead branches burst into flames!
The fire was soaring into the sky, and the flames were raging.

The wild boar was so frightened that it hesitated at the door of the crack in the stone, wanted to run, but was reluctant to leave the litter of cubs, and retreated back to the depths of the cave with a "swish", neighing and bumping restlessly. with.

Moss rustled down in the entire cave, and pig feces and urine splashed indiscriminately.
Panicked, all the wild boars in the cave, big and small, panicked immediately!
One by one opened their eyes wide, looking anxiously at the raging flames at the entrance of the cave, and kept circling and colliding in the cave randomly, at a loss for what to do.

Han Xiaokang threw the firewood in his hand into the fire, and then he and Zhou Min started climbing up the stone wall with a flashlight in their mouths.

Looking at this stone wall from a distance, it feels very smooth, very steep, and difficult to climb.

Even if you really go to the top of the stone wall, you will find that there are cracks, gravel and vines everywhere on the stone wall for people to settle down.

When Han Xiaokang and Zhou Min climbed to the top of the stone wall, at a height of more than 10 meters, a large stone crack appeared in front of them.

Drilling along the cracks in the rocks, after walking 4 or 5 meters, the cracks in the rocks have become a slope extending obliquely downwards.

The stone gap is narrow, only allowing the next person to pass sideways.

In order to prevent being attacked by poisonous snakes or scorpions, Han Xiaokang asked Zhou Min to hand him a torch.

After igniting it, Han Xiaogang stretched the torch forward to explore the way, and at the same time frighten the poisonous snakes and scorpions that like to hide in the crevices of the rocks.

"Gong Gong Gong—"

As the place where the wild boars were getting closer, the cries of the wild boar cubs became more and more frightened.

The smog is lingering, the cracks in the rocks are damp, and the smell of wild boar's excrement and urine smokes the brain.
Han Xiaokang endured all kinds of discomfort and moved forward little by little.


In front of the torch, a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly appeared!

Sen Sen's fangs rolled back, and the smell of white foam was unpleasant, "Gong Gong. Hiss!"

The big wild boar in front didn't seem to have expected that a person would appear in this narrow stone crevice!

Immediately scared the big wild boar!After letting out a scream from his mouth, he quickly backed away.
It turned out that it was this big wild boar, which was forced by the flames at the entrance of the cave, and was helpless. It was trying to escape from the cracks in the stone cave.

never thought,
Although this stone crevice can lead to the outside world, the size of the big wild boar is too large, and the slope of this stone crevice is also very steep.

The big wild boar can only stick out a head, but its body cannot climb up.

They met each other on a narrow road, and as a result, everyone was shocked!

With a sound of "whoosh", Han Xiaokang threw the torch in his hand forward, feeling that the torch rolled down the slope between the rocks for a distance of 2 or 3 meters, and finally fell to the ground with a bang.

The little wild boars in the startled cave were screaming and jumping around!
It can be seen that this place is almost at the end of the stone crevice, approaching the wild boar cave.


Han Xiaokang used the long-fire blunderbuss in his hand to shoot indiscriminately in front of the crack in the stone. The sound of the gun was boosted and expanded by the cave, and it was deafening!

The gunshot came too suddenly, too loud!

The frightened group of big and small wild boars hiding in the stone cave panicked and slammed into the stone wall one after another. The gravel in the cracks of the stone flew randomly, and it was really a bit like a world falling apart.
Scared off the wild boar,

Han Xiaokang handed the gunpowder to Zhou Min who was behind, and asked her to continue loading the gunpowder and Tieqian.

It's useless to use firecrackers to fight wild boars, and it's useless to fill them with iron sand. Those iron sands the size of rice grains hit the thick wild boar skin, and it has little effect. At most, it can cause a little skin trauma to the wild boar.

If the distance is far away, the wild boar can't even be hurt, and at best it can be considered as tickling it.

Handing over the firecracker to Zhou Min, Han Xiaokang continued to drill in cautiously with a flashlight in his mouth and a riding rifle.

At this time, due to the change of the wind direction in the mountain, the smoke poured into the cave was much smaller. Under the strong beam of flashlight, the structure inside the cave began to become clearer.

Here is a small stone step less than 2 meters high from the bottom of the cave.

And at the bottom of the cave, there seems to be a groove washed out by perennial water seepage.

A group of young wild boars covered with yellow stripes huddled together, looking at Han Xiaokang in horror.

It's just that the light of the flashlight is too strong, and the little wild boars under the light can't see the situation behind the beam of light at all.


Humans invaded the wild boar's territory, and the female wild boar let out a shrill hiss, and rushed towards Han Xiaokang!

As a result, the bitter fruit of wild boars not paying attention to hygiene immediately appeared, and the big sow put two front legs on the stone steps and only used its hind legs to exert force.

At the moment when it stood up, there was a loud "plop", and the sow stepped on the dung with its hind legs, and slammed it, which directly threw the big sow to the ground. !

I saw the wild boar rolling desperately on the ground, trying to get up and attack again.

However, due to water seepage on the ground and a lot of pig excrement and urine, the ground at the bottom of the cave has long been muddy by these wild boars.

In the panic, how could the big wild boar get up for a while!
take this opportunity,

Han Xiaokang pointed the muzzle of the black hole at the sow's neck, and then quickly pulled the trigger!
"Zhou Min, cover your ears."

At the same time, Han Xiaokang did not forget to remind Zhou Min behind him, "Quick!"


It was too late to say it, and then a huge gunshot echoed in the cave, shaking people's heads and buzzing!
Eject the shell, re-load it, "Bang——"

"Bang bang bang-"

The 5 bullets in the magazine were fired by Han Xiaokang at the fastest speed, and then quickly retreated 2 meters away, regardless of the result of the battle, Han Xiaokang just seized the time to reload the bullets.

"How is it? Did you make it?"

Zhou Min also came closer at this time, exhaling like blue, at least it diluted the smell of excrement and urine that made the smoked person almost faint.

"I can't run away. The first shot must have hit the wild boar's neck."

Han Xiaokang replied while reloading, "At such a short distance, the barrel of the gun basically hits the wild boar and shoots. How can there be any reason why it can't hit?"

"What about the next few shots?" Zhou Min asked.

Han Xiaokang shook his head: "I'm not very clear, the gunpowder smoke is too big. But judging from the echo, it's a very dull thought, so it must be a hit?"


Zhou Min covered his mouth and smiled, "It's a shame that you are still a big man. Didn't you participate in the militia target shooting training in the production team before? Your marksmanship is really stinky!"

(End of this chapter)

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