Reborn in the fiery age, I am a salted fish in the mountains

Chapter 157 Transplanting Rapeseed Seedlings

Chapter 157 Transplanting Rapeseed Seedlings

This matter involves everyone's vital interests.

It is even related to the tone of the final distribution ratio after this small group becomes bigger and stronger in the future.

It is equivalent to a small start-up company, all the original partners are discussing to formulate the long-term distribution ratio after the matter is involved.

Although they are still almost poor and white now, they don't have much property to divide.

But what if you make 1000, 1, or even 10 yuan in the future?

As long as the distribution ratio is established now, generally speaking, it will go down according to this inertia.

So this matter is not unimportant.

Liu Hongdong first stated: "I don't agree with this. I don't even want my salary at the animal husbandry station, and the subsidy for being a stockman in the Wujiazhai brigade. Let them all be used as our collective income."

Now Liu Hongdong's mind is much more normal than before.

But he still regards himself as an official employee of the animal husbandry station, which should be Liu Hongdong's biggest obsession.

Even now, he can't turn it around.

However, this is also good.
Perhaps, Liu Hongdong is really going to wake up from that dream, and then his outlook on life and values ​​may completely collapse.

Liu Hongdong finished his statement.

Zhou Jian followed and raised his hand, "I don't want pocket money. If possible, brother Kang, you can help me go home every month and give my wife 3 yuan of living expenses."

Zhou Min smiled softly, "Yes! I just need you, Xiaokang, to buy me some supplies for the girl's house every month. I really don't need money."

Everyone agrees, no money?
Han Xiaokang looked at Aju.

Aju smiled softly, "I am the same as Sister Zhou Min, as long as you can buy me some necessities for girls, I don't need anything else.

Even about eating and drinking, I think I can rely on myself Brother Xiaokang, you don't have to care about our feelings so much, just do whatever you want.

As long as you are there, we feel that we have a backbone and are at ease in our hearts.

As for how to distribute the proceeds, Brother Xiaokang, I can't make decisions for others, but I can say for myself: When you have money in the future, you can figure it out!You can divide it however you want, and you can give as much as you want. Anyway, all my personal wealth and things are stored with you, okay? "

Now there is no move. Originally, I planned to set up a distribution mechanism for the big guys, so that everyone's hands would be more active.

As a result, it seems that except for Zhou Jian who hopes to give his wife 3 yuan a month for living expenses, everyone has no desire to share money.

Then we can only do this first, and wait until we accumulate more wealth in the future.

After eating, everyone took a break for a while, and then continued to work.

Han Xiaokang felled the wooden pillar for a while, which was purely physical work, and he had to run back and forth.

After running for two times, Han Xiaokang stayed behind the hut and continued digging, which is equivalent to letting his legs and feet relax a little bit, and he should take a rest.

And Liu Hongdong and Zhou Jian continued to dig the ground. They were responsible for cleaning up the 7 and 8 fractions of the land that had been dug out. There should be no grass roots or tree roots, and the large soil should be thinned, which is very convenient. Transplant corn seedlings in a while.

Zhou Min was growing rapeseed seedlings in the front yard.

After fumbling with it, she couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and even ran over to call Han Xiaokang over.

"Xiaokang, seedlings of rapeseed are grown first and then transplanted. Some production teams have indeed adopted this method."

Zhou Min's hands were covered with black nutritious soil. She put the corn nests into the dustpan and asked, "You can cultivate this corn seedling. Why do you have to make a nest for each one? People sow corn, Isn't it just digging a small hole in the ground and throwing in 3 or 4 corn seeds?"

In fact, this technology of raising seedlings first and then transplanting has not been widely used in this period.

In particular, Han Xiaokang chose the kind of fertile soil this time, which was mixed with river silt, plant ash, and "nests" made of pig manure.

This thing is equivalent to a "culture medium", and the fertility contained in it is not ordinary.

Using this kind of nest to raise seedlings can not only ensure a high germination rate of seeds, but also make the plants strong.

Moreover, in the early days after transplantation, it can continue to provide sufficient fertility to the corn plants so that the corn seedlings can grow smoothly.

The soil lump of each seedling is shaped like a bun.

A sunken pit was deliberately pressed in the middle, and then a corn seed was placed in each of the pits.

Zhou Min had never seen or heard of this new method of raising seedlings.

"When we grow corn in our production team, we just dig a hole randomly and throw 4 or 5 corn seeds into it."

Zhou Min picked up a seedling soil nest and held it in his hand to observe carefully, "The members in the front are responsible for throwing seeds into the pit, and there will be a member in the back with a dustpan in his hand, and he is responsible for throwing seeds on the corn seeds. Spread farmyard manure."

Han Xiaokang asked with a smile, "Does it mean that there must be a commune member dedicated to burying the soil behind the man in charge of fertilizing?"

"Yeah, most of the production teams basically do it like this."

Zhou Min also laughed, "The members who throw seeds into the pit are usually women who only need 8 work points for a day.

Those in charge of fertilization are mostly strong laborers in the production team because they have to pick up fertilizer all the time; as for the final burial, it is usually enough to arrange one and a half children, or young girls, and earn them 4 or 5 a day. work points. "

Han Xiaokang shook his head when he heard it, "The work can be done by one person, but it has to be divided into three parts. It makes everyone look very busy.

Apart from diluting the value of the work points and making them less and less valuable, this kind of approach doesn't know what benefits it will bring? "

Zhou Min raised her chest: "This is called fairness! Everyone has work to do, and everyone can earn work points. That's great."

Han Xiaokang raised his hand, as if he was about to hit him: "You're such a fart!"

Laughing, Zhou Min bent over, "Do you dare to hit? If the giggling is broken, someone will have nothing to play with."

The farm work in the production team, in addition to "double grab and double harvest", at that time everyone was indeed very hard and very busy.

The rest of the time they do farm work, which can be described as "looks very busy": one by one. If you want to say that they are lazy, they really did not sit down to rest.

Let's talk about how much work he did. Actually, he didn't.

This is really not.

If the big guy finishes the work in a hurry, the production team leader shouldn't arrange for everyone to go to work abroad. No, it should be another big guy, which piece of land should they continue to work hard?

The production captain, he is actually worried too!
Now in the production team, this kind of atmosphere has already been formed, so no one dares to do too much at once, too fast.

Otherwise, he would definitely attract unanimous ridicule and ridicule from everyone: Yoyo, look at that so-and-so, you really work hard!
Is this intended to evaluate advanced elements?

In fact, during the "mutual aid group" period, everyone worked hard at that time, and it was really hard work!
This is because when the agricultural mutual aid group was established, the members of the production team were voluntarily grouped together to form a small group to help each other.

None of the members in this voluntary group is stupid: if Zhang San didn't like Li Si's hard work, wouldn't he still want Li Si's wife to look good?
The same reason,
On the other hand, Li Si is willing to work together with Zhang San. We work together, harvest food together, and share it together.

He must be doing a good job with Tuli's family, and you also have a big yellow cow in your house, this kind of big livestock.

Therefore, during the period of the mutual aid group, seven or eight members of the production team were combined to work together. They were all about the same strength, and no one would be lazy.

Otherwise, people won't ask him to help each other next time.

But now, the members of the production team are forced to work together and work together.

Among the members, the ability is divided into big and small.

Personality is also different: some people like to work slowly.

Some people can't wait to procrastinate. They work hard when they like to do it, and have fun when they take a rest.

Forcibly screwing them together, over time, all kinds of contradictions will emerge.

A hard-working person can suffer for a while, or for a month, but if you want him to suffer like this every year, no one is stupid, no one will do it!
So much so that in the end the big guys just dawdle, no one wants to do more than others.
Han Xiaokang and Zhou Min fought for a while, and were about to continue working on the fence.

I didn't think so,
The sky in the afternoon gradually began to become gloomy, and after a while, as the dark clouds became more and more active, there was even a drizzle in the end.

This kind of weather is most suitable for transplanting corn seedlings and rapeseed seedlings.

So Han Xiaokang and Zhou Min didn't bother to play and play, but quickly seized this opportunity to transplant the rapeseed seedlings to the field in the front yard.

"Yeah, it's really nice weather."

Without the sun, Aju can come out to help with the work, "Brother Xiaokang, where did you learn these seedling raising methods?"

Han Xiaokang didn't answer Aju directly, "Didn't you see that I bought so many books?"

The books I bought are very complicated and cover many categories. Anyway, regardless of whether these seedling raising methods are recorded in them, Han Xiaokang always refers to the topics in the books.

For the rest, Aju and Zhou Min had to figure it out on their own.

"Brother Xiaokang, you love reading, no wonder you know so much!"

Aju looked at Han Xiaokang full of admiration, and smiled softly, "The method they use to grow rapeseed in the production team is actually similar to your method, brother Xiaokang.

It's just that the rapeseed seedlings cultivated in the production team didn't grow so well. The seedlings were thinner than this one, which made them grow up later, and the yield was not high. "

During this period, the production team will also plant some rapeseed.

After the rapeseed is harvested, the production team will organize the members to go to the oil mill to squeeze the oil.

Then the oil was used to feed the pigs and chickens, and the rapeseed oil was distributed to the commune members for cooking.

As Aju said just now, the production team planted rapeseed, and their method of raising seedlings in the early stage was similar to Han Xiaokang's method: first level a small piece of fertile land.

Then sprinkle dung water on it, sprinkle with firewood ash, and let it ferment for a few days.

After the bottom fertilizer is fully fermented, the members of the commune will sprinkle rapeseed on the field to let it take root and sprout.

When these rapeseed seedlings grow to 6 to 7 centimeters, the production team will organize members to transplant these rapeseed seedlings into large plots of land.

It's just that during this period, there is no plastic film to keep these rapeseeds warm and moist, so the rapeseed seedlings cultivated by the production team are usually very slender and the stems are not strong enough.

The rapeseed seedlings have poor disease resistance and slow root growth, so the survival rate is relatively low.

As a result, members have to keep replanting.

But often when replanting later, the best time for transplanting rapeseed seedlings has been missed, so that the production of rapeseed in the production team has never been able to increase.

As for the seedlings cultivated by Zhou Minxin, thanks to the greenhouse made of parachute bags, the rapeseed seedlings grow very gratifyingly.

Get rid of those seedlings that do not grow well.

Aju and Zhou Min only select the strongest rapeseed seedlings for transplanting.

The land area in the front yard was not large, less than one mu in total. Three people braved the drizzle and transplanted the rapeseed seedlings without much effort.

Finished the front yard.

At this time, Zhou Jian and Liu Hongdong in the backyard also cleaned up the 7 or 8 points of the backyard.

Standing next to the hut and looking over.

The piece of land that Zhou Jian and the others sorted out is like a long ladder, presenting a "me" shape as a whole.

The two rows of ridges next to it are used for transplanting corn seedlings.

And the piles of small mounds in the middle are reserved for some days. When the sweet potato seedlings grow longer, they can be cut short, and then the sweet potato seedlings can be transplanted on these small mounds.

Han Xiaokang was carrying a dustpan of corn seedlings, and was about to take Aju and Zhou Min to work in the backyard.

But Zhou Min stopped him, "Xiaokang, wait a moment, I have to go back and put on another coat."

"Although it is raining lightly, the weather is not cold. It is just right to wear such a short-sleeved shirt to work." Han Xiaokang was puzzled by this.

Zhou Min pouted, and pointed at her own chest coquettishly, "No way, the rain has already wet my shirt, look. It's so embarrassing!"

Following Zhou Min's onion-like fingers, he saw that the rural people were not well educated, and he could only say one thing: Wow, it looks good!
It turned out that Zhou Min's clothes were already wet from the rain, and the shirt that was tightly attached to her body was no longer able to provide much protection.

Aju also understood at this time, "Sister Zhou Min, wait for me, I also want to add some clothes."

Zhou Min stomped, "You don't have to go, do you?"

"Why?" Aju was puzzled.

"Giggle" Zhou Min covered his mouth and laughed, "Aju, you must have been brought up by your grandmother."

Aju's eyes widened, her face full of curiosity, "Sister Zhou Min, what exactly are you saying, what do you mean?"

Han Xiaokang stretched out his hand to hold Aju, "Let's go! She said you were brought up by your grandmother, which means you"

"I wasn't brought up by my grandmother, obviously." Aju became more and more confused, "Me?"


Aju suddenly lowered her head and glanced in front of her, then stomped her feet, "Sister Zhou Min! I'm going to chop you up!"


Zhou Min smiled and ran away a long time ago.
(End of this chapter)

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