Chapter 124

Selling blue sheep this time is easier than selling wild boar last time.

Han Xiaokang directly asked those men to help carry it to the catering service agency. All he needed to do was chop off 4 goat hooves and give them as a reward.

Anyway, if the sheepskin is peeled and sold, the skin on the sheep's hooves is unnecessary, so there will be no loss in doing so.

Fatty Qian took a look at the prey, found it very fresh, and couldn't help but eat it in one bite.

Originally on Zhenxing Street, there used to be more than 10 restaurants specializing in mutton soup.

But later, due to some reasons, there is only one state-run mutton soup restaurant left on the entire street.

Moreover, the business hours of this mutton soup restaurant are very short, and they will get up at 3:00 in the middle of the night to prepare.

When it sells from 6:00 am to 1:00 noon, the shop will be cleaned up and will no longer be open.

In this period,
Most of the customers who can go to the mutton soup restaurant in the morning and cut up 1 tael or 2 taels of mutton to enjoy themselves are the urban elderly with some savings and dual-earner families living on the street.

The shopkeepers who participated in the "public-private partnership" before were the main shopkeepers, and there were no big shopkeepers. They didn't know why, but they all seemed to disappear from the street.

Some of the small shopkeepers left behind are actually people who earn some hard money, and they belong to the objects that can be united in the city.

So even though their shop has been donated, the government still gave them a sum of compensation.

Therefore, relatively speaking, these people's small life is still relatively moist. At least for now.

After their little amount of compensation is used up, it is probably time to tighten their belts, start to calculate carefully, and suffer for the rest of their lives.

Fatty Qian is in charge of this catering service agency, which mainly sells breakfast and dinner at noon and evening.

The customers it targets are mainly employees of those units.

As well as public units such as district offices, district grain stations, supply and marketing cooperatives, agricultural machinery stations, animal husbandry stations, food stations, etc., when important guests come, they will serve some entertaining meals.

Therefore, Fatty Qian's catering service agency usually mainly serves Chinese food.

However, if there is a good source of mutton, they will sometimes introduce special mutton soup in order to come up with something new.

This time, the sheep that Han Xiaokang sold to Fatty Qian was big, and in order to save trouble, he sold him the whole sheep with its fur.

Selling sheep went well, but when selling wolves.

Fatty Qian became a little unhappy: "I said Xiaokang, a good wolf, if you take it whole, I will not say anything, the wolf skin will be counted as 25 pieces for you, and the wolf meat will be counted according to its weight. This one has a hole on the left and an eye on the right."

"Look, let's take a good look at what this dark green juice is? It must have smashed all the gall?"

Fatty Qian was in great pain, "If the gallbladder really burst, the long belly in the sheep's belly would be useless, and it would be terribly bitter to eat."

This time the wolf skin had big holes and blood stains, so it was naturally not in good condition.

Moreover, the wolf fur has not been processed by Zhou Min's exclusive method, and Fatty Qian can offer him 25 yuan, which is quite fair to be honest.

But the wolf fur was smashed and the internal organs were smashed, this thing can't do anything by itself!

In the dense fog, he suddenly encountered such a wolf that wanted to sneak up on him, and it would be good if he could kill it smoothly.

How can I take care of a lot!
In the end, to be honest, Fatty Qian held his nose and only agreed to buy the wolf skin. Because of the rock sheep, Fatty Qian was desperately unwilling to accept the wild wolf.

Since Fatty Money doesn't accept it, Han Xiaokang can only find a way to deal with it by himself.

Wait until the tofu shop next door closes the stall.

Same as last time, Fatty Qian asked them to keep the chopping board so that Han Xiaokang could sell wolf meat there.

To skin the wolf, it was Fatty Qian who called the kitchen staff to help, and Han Xiaokang only needed to give them the internal organs as a reward.

Those viscera that have been contaminated by bitter gall must be carefully cleaned and treated before they can be eaten.

Handing it over to these post-cooking workers as a reward can be regarded as a professional counterpart.
After they skinned the sheep and wolves and took away the internal organs, Han Xiaokang officially started selling wild wolf meat next to the catering service agency.

According to Fatty Qian's suggestion, Han Xiaokang priced the wolf meat this time at 1 yuan per catty.

This price is higher than the price of pork. The pork sold in the fresh meat market of the food station is around 4 cents to 2 cents.

However, that requires meat tickets.

If the value of the meat ticket is added, the price of pork sold at the food station is actually close to 1 yuan per catty.

And wolf meat is definitely more expensive than pork. It is warm and warm. Everyone thinks wolf meat is good for the body. What's more, how many times a year does wild wolf meat appear on the market?
So it's normal for the price to be a bit expensive.

Since it was not a market today, there were not too many people on the street, but after Han Xiaokang's meat stall was set up, there were still quite a few melon-eating people gathered around to watch the excitement.

"Yo, this is... fragrant meat?"

"Blind? Look at the tendon meat on that leg. It's obviously wild wolf meat. It's good! After eating it, no matter how fierce a woman is, she will have to beg for mercy."

"Hujiba, wolf meat is hot in nature, and it is obviously nourishing yin. After the wife of a family eats it, the men of her family dare not go home for half a month!"

We Chinese people have a habit, as long as any food has something to do with it, we don't have to worry about selling it.

After a while, I bought 2 catties for this one and half a catty for that one, which made Han Xiaokang very busy for a while.

In the midst of the rush, among the crowd eating melons, someone suddenly became interested in Ping Ping who was squatting aside: "Hey, this guy has a fierce look in his eyes, he must be a wolf?"

His words immediately aroused the interest of others: "Isn't it? You can see that it is trembling all over, it should be a dog, and it is also a sick dog!"

"What yellow accent? Look at his stiff tail, it must be a wolf."

"You're nonsense, can a wolf be well-fed? Look, his tail is still wagging, and his body is still shaking. This is obviously a frightened dog."

In fact, the little wolf is mediocre, and he is indeed very scared at this time: firstly, it has never been surrounded by so many humans.

Secondly, on the chopping board next to it, Han Xiaokang was chopping up the same kind with a knife, and everyone would be afraid of bang bang bang!

"It's obviously a wolf!"

"It must be a dog!"

As they talked, the two blushed and argued with each other.
At this moment, Fatty Qian needed to deliver mutton and fat intestines to the leader, and just as he walked out of the catering service agency, he heard these two guys chattering.

Fatty Qian pushed the two impatiently, "Why are you arguing, that's a wolf dog!!

Hey, I said, are you going to buy it or not?Go away if you don't buy it, and block it from doing business. It's really idle, you two bite bloody bones, look good? "

This guy!Fatty Qian described the other party as "bloody and bruised" when he chatted with the other party.

In fact, he was secretly scolding each other for not being human, because only animals would "bite" each other.
This time!
The older one among them was not happy: "Hey, I said Fatty Qian Er, why are you living and going back, how do you talk?"

Fatty Qian held the mutton sausage, stopped and glanced at the other party, "Oh, so it's the second uncle? It just so happened that today the catering service agency launched a special mutton soup.

Your old man hurried into the store to cut up 1 tael of mutton, served a whole bowl of soup, added 2 taels of small wine, and drank for 3 hours?You don't buy other people's meat here, and you block their business. Is it appropriate? "

The old man stared: "Why, do you think I drink too much time?"

"How dare I!"

Fatty Qian said he didn't dare, but his face was full of "I will dare", "I said the second uncle, the world is different now.

If you dare to be like the old days, find a small restaurant owned by a private owner and buy boiled broad beans with salt for 1 cents.

Make 2 packs of Gu Shao, sit there and drink slowly for 2 hours. Now the catering service agency is a public unit!I really don't serve customers like you. Believe it or not, the master chef dares to come out with a kitchen knife and drive you away? "

The old man was choked up, "It's the other way around! Regardless of the old era and the new era, respecting the old and loving the young can't be less!"

"whispering sound!"

Fatty Qian ignored the old man's jumping feet, and walked towards the district office with the mutton in his hand, "Second uncle, I advise you to take it easy! Your 'Shuxiangmobaozhai' has now become a Xinhua Bookstore.

If you don't want to go on the stage and stand there with others to show off, you'd better keep your mouth shut! "

As soon as Fatty Qian said this, the old man was immediately speechless!

Standing on the stage to meet the spittle star, the sole plate, the rotten vegetable leaf clapper?

So fucking scary!
The old man was so frightened that he ran away and closed the door when he got home, so he didn't dare to come out for a stroll.
In fact, Fatty Qian had good intentions just now: Now the whole rumor is getting tighter and tighter. Many people who used to be unqualified to be on the high stage are now occasionally "invited" to stand on the stage, and then have to make a few speeches tremblingly.

So Fatty Qian was beating the old man: Control your legs, control your mouth, it's best not to come out and cause trouble.

Slowly, others might forget about the second uncle.
Han Xiaokang ignored what happened next to the butcher's stall, and was busy selling meat there.

This wild wolf is too thin, with less than 20 kilograms of meat in total.


That blue sheep is valuable, weighing 113 catties.

However, because it was leather, Fatty Qian was only willing to pay 1 yuan, and sold it for 1 yuan and 124 cents.

The sum of the two items is exactly 181 yuan.

After finishing these things smoothly, Fatty Qian also came back from the district office, so Han Xiaokang directly asked him to get some cloth tickets when he was paying with Fatty Qian in the office and there was no one around.

"Didn't you just take away the 15-foot cloth last time?" Fatty Qian was a little puzzled: "In other rural families, their clothes are worn by grown-ups, and they are changed to be worn by the boss.

The eldest will give it to the second child after wearing it, and then pass it on to the third child. If it is not threaded into thin paper sheets, as transparent as lamp sand, they will be reluctant to throw it away.You kid, why do you eat cloth as a meal? "

Han Xiaokang smiled, "The last time the fabric was made into clothes for my mother, and what about me. Director, take a look, can you bear it?"

"There is a fart who can't stand it."

Fatty Qian scolded with a smile, "In the production team, there are many little girls and wild boys who are running around with bare buttocks at the age of 7 or 8!"

But joking aside, the clothes on Han Xiaokang's body were indeed so tattered that it was hard to see.

In the end, Fatty Qian opened the drawer, dipped in his saliva, and counted 15 feet of narrow fabric tickets to Han Xiaokang.


But the other party confiscated the 5 cents.

In addition, Han Xiaokang also asked Fatty Qian to transfer a few catties of meat tickets to himself, planning to buy some pork back to satisfy his old mother's hunger.

By the way, it's also good to entertain those craftsmen who came to help build the house.

Fatty Qian waved his hand, "I'll send you a note to buy meat, just go to the meat store when you get the food, and I'll settle with him tomorrow, no meat ticket is needed."

Put away the cloth tickets, meat strips and cash.

Han Xiaokang asked Fatty Qian, "Director Qian, do you know where you can get processed aged grains?"

"Old grain? This thing, the grain reserve will eliminate a batch every year."

Fatty Qian said, "However, those who can buy aged grains are all designated units, such as Zhenxing Winery and Xushui Daqu Winery.

There are also some professional breeding and production teams, and they also have indicators for purchasing aged grains. Hey, why do you ask these? "

Han Xiaokang said with a smile, "I'm just asking casually. I have a cousin. What kind of pig breeding base does he run in the animal husbandry station? Director, you understand."

"Breeding pig breeding base. Liu Hongdong, Liu Shen?"

Fatty Qian had a detached position in front of Han Xiaokang, so he didn't care too much about the other party's feelings when he spoke, "So he is your cousin, that guy is quite interesting!
Eh, that's not right. Liu Hongdong's nerves are nerves, but he regards breeding pigs more important than his own life. "

Fatty Qian looked at Han Xiaokang in astonishment, "Could it be that you are instigating him to secretly replace the feed grains with aged grains and then"

"It can't be done, it can't be done, you can't do it!"

Fatty Qian waved his hand, "Those breeding pigs in the animal husbandry station eat better food than I do! And that guy Liu Hongdong values ​​breeding pigs more than anything else, he can't secretly change the feed and grain, and you're dead." Take care!"

Fatty Qian persuaded himself to give up, and of course Han Xiaokang went down the slope and never mentioned this matter again.

Just now I just asked casually, wondering what channels can be used to get aged grain?
Find out the bottom line first, so as to warm up for future actions.

At present, the time for large-scale grain storage is not yet ripe, but some preparatory work must be started.

After thanking Fatty Qian, Han Xiaokang sold the wild honey to Fatty Qian at a price of 5 yuan per catty, and the other party almost jumped up for joy!
The honey I got last time was about 7 to 8 catties, and I saved about 2 catties to feed the queen bee.

He also asked Fatty Qian for a glass bottle, filled it up to 1 catty, and left it for his old mother to eat.

The remaining honey weighed less than 4 catties, and was sold to Fatty Qian for 18 yuan and 5 cents.

So far, almost everything has been sold out, and there is only one golden pheasant left in Han Xiaokang's empty pannier.

This is reserved for Mr. Chen Wei's two brothers and sisters.

When Han Xiaokang came to Chen Xiaoduan's house with a golden pheasant, the one who opened the door happened to be Chen Xiaoduan, "Student Xiaokang, what are you doing? Come here if you want, why do you always take things?"

Han Xiaokang smiled, "The meat ticket issued to Mr. Chen in the school is only 7 taels of 5 a month, how can it be enough for his tall man? No, I picked up a few golden pheasants in the mountains, so I brought them here. Maybe let Teacher Chen open the meat."

Chen Xiaoduan complained.

Then, while reaching for something, he stretched his neck, put his lips into Han Xiaokang's ear and said softly: "When you talk to my brother later, pay attention and talk more about happy things. "

Han Xiaokang frowned, "What's wrong?"

Before Chen Xiaoduan could answer, suddenly!Her big beautiful eyes suddenly tightened!
A look of fear surged out from the depths of Chen Xiaoduan's eyes
[Thanks] Daoist Youfang for the reward from the boss of Yousifang.

(End of this chapter)

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