Chapter 256
Du Yu didn't feel any discomfort, but when he looked inside, he found that there was a looming dragon-shaped phantom in the Tao Dan.

He wondered in his heart whether the world-connecting god Qian Qian, who had been silent and unresponsive when he was in danger, suddenly showed great power and killed the guardian dragon of the Temple of War.Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain the smell of burnt bird feathers in the air and the changes on Daodan.

For him, the result can't be considered bad, at least he didn't have any losses, and he still had a little bit of dragon's power bonus when he used the soul-shifting D method, and the power was even better than before.

Although he thought hard, he still had no impression of what happened after he passed out, and finally had to give up.But after this incident, he was convinced that the Temple of War God is not just a holy place where martial arts can be improved, and there must be other secrets.

So he boldly searched around the Temple of War, but unfortunately, he found nothing other than those weird creatures.

Du Yu returned angrily, and was teleported to the Secret Realm of Longevity to pay attention to the situation of his wife and children in retreat.

He stayed there with Yang Xiaoqin and Du Xi for more than two months, during which time he gave advice and corrections based on their progress in cultivation.

The retreat lasted until Du Xi got tired of staying and proposed to go to Wudang Mountain to play.

Du Yu brought their mother and son back to Yitian World, and made several strict demands on his son before letting him go to Wudang Mountain alone.

When a child grows up, he always has to make his own way. Compared with his martial arts, Yitian World is a more suitable 'low-level dungeon', so he and Yang Xiaoqin can rest assured.

After dealing with this matter, Du Yu did not directly send back to the main world, but took the opportunity to deal with the remaining problems in other small worlds.

He took the lead in coming to the world of Shendi. Although he hadn't shown up for a few years, due to his previous reputation, the Iron Hands were still loyal to him.

With Temasek as the center, it has long extended its sphere of influence to the surrounding archipelago, and established a country "Longhan" with a population of over 3000 million under the leadership of his and Cui Lan's sons. At the same time, Temasek Island was also changed to Wangzhou, taking Looking at the meaning of China.

We must know that the number of people Du Yu took away was less than half of the population of Yangzhou, and it has more than ten times the population in just two to 30 years.

Du Yu was very happy when he saw this, and after showing up, he gathered the top executives of the Iron Hands Group for a meeting.

Looking at the face of 'Yuan Qi' that hadn't changed for decades, everyone in the Tie Shou group was horrified. You must know that their junior sister Ge Yayun has already embraced three grandchildren, but their suzerain is still so young.

This guy was talking on the stage, but those people's thoughts had already flown elsewhere. When they returned home after the meeting, they all sternly warned the younger generation of the family to remain loyal to the Iron Hands, and never have any undue thoughts .

Du Yu didn't expect that his appearance this time would unite the imperial court, making them wholeheartedly serve Long Han and dare not have another heart.

Of course, he didn't have the idea of ​​stepping up to the stage and becoming the emperor himself. Now that his son has become the emperor, he is willing to silently support him behind.

But looking at Cui Lan's slightly aged face, he was even more urgent, hoping that the next small world that would be spawned would bring a solution.

Then he came to the secret base where Longlin was located. He hadn't seen a new look here for several years. With the help of the members of the Iron Hands, it has been expanded several times.

After Du Yu asked Wang Wanqing briefly, he learned about the development of Longlin in recent years. These talents who wandered in the earth world have reorganized and summarized the materials he brought back to form a knowledge system, and under the strong promotion of the Longhan court, These advanced knowledge are being popularized to the new generation.

In terms of business, there is not much to be concerned about. People like Longlin are basically starting a family in Wangzhou.

In fact, Wang Wanqing has both children after the export of this product, and his life is still very happy. The only complaint is that he is often absent.

Du Yu had no choice but to try his best to appease them, even though it seemed that their youth had passed away.Others follow him at a young age, so you can't give up cruelly.Only after experiencing these things did he understand why practitioners are not greedy for the world of mortals.

After staying in Shendi World for about three months, he re-established the development plan of the Iron Hands Group, and only then said goodbye to Cui Lan and Wang Wanqing.

Non-stop teleportation back to the Water Margin world to deal with many problems left by the Great Wei.

Du Yu held a family banquet in the palace to enjoy family happiness when he "went out of customs". In the world of Water Margin, he has many concubines, and his children are even lined up in rows. Can't even match the name.

Just like the world of Shendi, the women who accompanied him in the past have passed away, and all of them have become middle-aged wives. If it weren't for the extremely strict management of the Great Wei harem, I'm afraid...unimaginable.

But the matter has come to this point, he can't dismiss the harem, and the X he dated has to be beaten down with tears in his eyes.Fortunately, this guy's physical fitness is amazing after he has achieved great magic skills, and he has perfected the internal alchemy technique, so he can easily keep his vitality.

After meeting a group of veterans, he announced his abdication and formally passed the throne to the crown prince 'Shi Kun', and became the Supreme Emperor himself. At the same time, he moved his palace and concubines to the royal manor in Chengde.

According to his instructions, Shi Kun sent troops to those brothers who were adults and did not plan to be the princes of Xiaoyao, and let them go overseas to conquer land and build their own country, so as to easily resolve the most worrying problem of Wei.

Afterwards, Du Yu didn't care how he ran the country. He only set a few iron rules for him, such as treating the people well, ensuring the fairness of the imperial examinations, and maintaining the purity of the army. The rest depends on his own ability.

Of course, as long as Wei's royal army is still in his hands, he is not afraid of any troubles, and he believes that with veterans with high prestige like Yue Fei and Wang Zhi, and Wei's military group leading the battle, no one would dare to think otherwise. , not to mention that he also mobilized the elite of the Serenity Army to form a secret army as a hole card.

Du Yu felt that if everything went smoothly and developed step by step, the lifespan of the Great Wei Dynasty would be longer than that of the Ming and Qing dynasties in real history.

Feeling relaxed after unloading the emperor's heavy responsibility, he followed many concubines to the royal manor in Chengde.

It is said that the manor actually occupies an area equivalent to a small city. There are not only many palaces in it, but also a large number of artificial scenery. Living here is comfortable and comfortable.

It's just that it's not easy for Du Yu. Dozens of old beauties in the harem all want to go back to their youthful years with longing eyes.

Fortunately, Du Yu only had the wife of 'Big D' in the Hong Kong comprehensive world, and because he was older and focused on his son, he didn't ask him for more.

According to the usual practice, he first checked the accounts of recent years, and then asked about the company's development.

Different from the past, this time 'Big D' sister-in-law showed a trace of worry on her face, and described the situation encountered by several companies.

It was only then that Du Yu realized that because several companies were developing too fast, especially in terms of chips, although they did not defeat the companies in Amelia, they were also gaining a firm foothold in the Asian market.

And because of Min Shiheng's close relationship, the domestic market has been impenetrable, and those who agree with Ameria's products have become outliers.

Business competition cannot beat companies on Hong Kong Island, which makes Amelia and the corrupt country angry.

First, the government of the corrupt country wanted to relocate his company to Europe overtly and secretly, and then Ameria raised the big stick of sanctions to intimidate him.

There are also hidden worries within the company. Some people are dissatisfied and even want to sell their shares to business competitors in Europe and the United States.

It's just that Du Yu had clearly stipulated at the beginning of the separation of powers that the sale of the divided shares must be approved by him, and this group of people failed.

Because he devoted himself to practicing in the world of Ssangyong and did not appear in public for a long time, it was also widely interpreted by the outside world as using the word 'drag'.

Hearing this, Du Yu frowned. He didn't expect that it was his Hong Kong comprehensive world that had the problem.

However, he relies on the technologically advanced main world and the Wandering Earth world as a technological supplement pack, and he is not afraid of the eagles and dogs in the Hong Kong comprehensive world.

(End of this chapter)

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