The start of the full-time master saved Su Muqiu

Chapter 267 Wei Chen's Silver Weapon!

Chapter 267 Wei Chen's Silver Weapon!
"Jarvis, call Coach Wei Chen to my office!" Xu Ziyou ordered.

"Sir, this Saturday, Coach Wei Chen is on vacation and is not at the club." Jarvis respectfully said.

"Then call him back!"

"Okay, sir."

"Xu Ziyou, you bastard boss, the old man has worked hard for a week, and finally waited until the holidays to go home and relax, and you actually asked the old man to come back! You better have something to do, or I will go to work Report you to the bureau." Wei Chen cursed and pushed the door open and walked into the office.

"Don't be angry, it's not that I don't have overtime pay. I'm an upright boss. How about triple the overtime pay?" Xu Ziyou sat on a chair and looked at Wei Chen.

When Wei Chen heard that he was rich, his mood immediately calmed down a lot, but he was still resentful: "Why did you ask me to come back?"

"Help the team get some rare materials!" Xu Ziyou said.

"Damn, you're looking for a guild for rare materials. Why are you looking for me? Isn't the ability to break through the void pretty strong?" Wei Chen became angry again.

"The amount of materials I need is huge, and the ability to step through the void is strong, but it's not enough. They play too slowly. If you are a professional master, they will play very fast." Xu Ziyou praised.

Wei Chen blew his beard and stared: "Don't pat the horses, don't do it! I came to Void to be a trainer, not a coolie!"

"I'll design a silver weapon for you, how about it? I know you've been researching the silver editor recently." Xu Ziyou's voice was seductive, luring the lamb into the tiger's den.

Wei Chen swallowed subconsciously.

He didn't give up on retiring from Blue Rain, and even left Suokesar, who had been with him for several years, in Blue Rain. This was a regret in his heart.He wanted to make up for his regrets, so he created a Windward Array account and decided to start over. Playing online games for the past few days, he once again felt the original joy of playing Glory. Advanced equipment, dungeon records, and wild bosses were particularly attractive to him. .But what he wants most is to have a silver weapon of his own, and then use it to defeat that person.
He knew very well that he was completely ignorant of the silver editor, had no talent, and even started to study it now, and hit a wall everywhere, and now he didn't even print out a template.

"Are you serious?" Wei Chen asked tentatively.

"Really, it's more real than diamonds." Xu Ziyou nodded.

"I don't want it, old man!" Wei Chen turned his head like a tsundere child, but now he can't beat Xu Ziyou.

"Don't you want Silver Weapon?"

"Yes I do!"

"Then why did you refuse? Is it because you are too tired and don't want to be a coolie?" Xu Ziyou couldn't figure it out.

Wei Chen turned his head back, those eagle-like eyes reappeared, he looked at Xu Ziyou solemnly, "I want the silver weapon, but I don't want the silver weapon you gave me, I want my own silver weapon." Wu, the silver weapon I made myself."

Although Wei Chen has no lower limit, he has his own self-esteem. He doesn't want to rely on Xu Ziyou's charity. If he wants to defeat Yu Wenzhou, he must use his own character, the silver weapon he made himself.

"Hehe, I understand." Xu Ziyou smiled slightly, and couldn't help applauding, "I didn't expect Coach Wei Chen to be so ambitious. Designing silver weapons is a very complicated job."

"I know." Wei Chen lowered his head. He admired himself for being able to refuse Xu Ziyou's request to give him a silver weapon, but it was a pity that a high-quality silver weapon slipped away from his hands.

"I'll give you permission to go to Void Silver Equipment Design Department to check information and learn relevant knowledge."

"Huh?" Wei Chen looked up in surprise.

"But don't be too happy too early. You need to collect enough rare materials for Void before the end of the regular season, and I will give you permission. At the same time, you also have to sign a confidentiality agreement with Void. After all, silver weapon materials are very precious. !"

"Okay!" Wei Chen agreed without saying a word. This is his second goal after winning the championship. He failed to win the championship, but making silver weapons cannot fail! "Is there a list of materials?"

Xu Ziyou handed over the tablet, which contained material data information, a full dozen pages of material.

"Damn." Wei Chen swears subconsciously.

"Are you confident? In fact, there is still time to spare, but it's best as soon as possible." Xu Ziyou smiled, propped his head on the table with his hands, and looked at Wei Chen's expression.

"Try it, old man."

"Come on, Coach Wei Chen, I believe in you. From now on, you will have the highest management authority of the Breaking the Void guild."

"You bastard, really." Wei Chen smiled wryly, thinking that he, a native of Blue Rain, is now going to work for Void. The key point is that Xu Ziyou's offer is extremely generous, and he can't refuse it at all.

Wei Chen got up to leave, but was suddenly stopped by Xu Ziyou.

"Anything else?" Wei Chen turned around.

"Does Coach Wei Chen still want to play?" Xu Ziyou asked softly.

"What do you mean?" Wei Chen frowned.

"Are you really sorry? Although your condition has declined, your competitive ability is still there, and you are not convinced. You want revenge." Xu Ziyou's every word stuck in Wei Chen's heart.

"I've retired."

"But you can still come back, it's just that you have to wait for a year. I do the math, you can come back in the fourth season. At that time, your little apprentice will probably join the professional league, including Yu Wenzhou."

"I do not want!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Chen slammed the door and walked out.

Xu Ziyou looked at the closed wooden door and smiled slightly. Although Wei Chen denied it, he could still see Wei Chen's heartbeat, but it's not easy to force this kind of thing.

After all, it's normal to be embarrassed. After retiring, but coming back after a year, no player has ever done this kind of thing.

Team Void lacked AP output, but it didn't have to be Wei Chen.

Xu Ziyou returned to the training room and organized the league videos again. This was something Ye Qiu and Han Wenqing had to do every week. He is now learning how to do it. When the holidays are over, he needs to review the games for his teammates.

A week later, the third round of the regular season officially started. Void faced Team Ark. Team Ark was intercepted by Xu Ziyou and Hu Deng was promoted to a general. The strength of the team was completely inferior to Void.

Team Void scored another clean 10:0. The score was 10:0 for three consecutive rounds. Team Void was at the top of the standings, outshine the rest of the pack. Even Team Excellent Era was two points behind Team Void. point.

However, not many media praised the Void team too much. After all, Void's team performance was very average, and the only bright spot was the gorgeous Bai Ze.Void could win only because the opponent was too weak. The media including E-Sports Home felt that if Team Void encountered such strong teams as Excellent Era, Tyranny, Hundred Blossoms, and Royal Wind, they would definitely be beaten badly. flow.

(End of this chapter)

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