Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 356 “Magic”

Chapter 356 “Magic”

At this moment, there is another problem that Zero has to consider.

That is, who said that the same enemies will definitely be encountered at these two invasion points where enemies have not yet appeared?

What should we do if the enemy "changes his appearance"? The Zerg must be on record for this.

A clever woman cannot make a meal without rice. Based on the development foundation of the Zerg in the new universe, Sass really can no longer provide more psychic units for support.

There are indeed a number of psychic units in various bases in the new universe, and they are not even small in number, but they are the basis for the Zerg to obtain psychic energy in the new universe. They have been reduced to the limit by Sass, and they are not used anymore. They are equivalent to fishing from the lake, and there will never be the same output as now.

Therefore, it is never feasible.

For a moment, the insect swarm was even helpless. Zero had begun to think about the feasibility of deploying psychic units from other battlefields, but in the end he felt that it was not safe.

Is it possible to just allow the other party to invade and continue to engage in a more protracted war with the other party in the vast universe?

It is difficult for Zero to accept such a result. The Zerg has developed and been beaten passively, but overall it can be said to be smooth sailing. It has been like this for thousands of years. In this state, if it is possible, , Zero would rather turn all the resources of the galaxy into Zerg units to prevent the opponent from breaking through the defense line, than let the enemy develop and grow in the explored universe!

Of course, this is the worst case scenario.

The Zerg swarm's defense was organized in an orderly manner. Even if there were insufficient psychic units, Zero was coordinating as much as possible, trying to limit the possible outbreaks of these three battlefields within the acceptable range of the Zerg.

Under the premise of insufficient "hardware", this matter is very difficult. It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw, and Sasse has done his best.

In Zerg 4675, the "No. Invasion Point", which Dagos paid close attention to and was fully responsible for, was fully opened. The biological fleet belonging to the same system as before launched a charge without hesitation towards the Zerg Swarm outside the absolute protection. So far, The opponent successfully opened a second battlefield, and the Zerg's psychic units became stretched thin.

If it's just these two points, Zero Confidence can handle it. After all, Sass in the new universe is always doing its best to provide support to the main universe. As time goes by, sooner or later, the insect swarm will be able to rely on the huge psychic units accumulated to survive. Block them back near the passage.

By then, if there are no big changes, even if it has a completely impenetrable defense, the opponent will forever lose the opportunity to invade the Zerg.

However, there are already clues of a third invasion point, and no one knows whether a fourth or even more will appear, and in what form they will appear.

Zero must make the most of limited resources. Under these conditions, any psychic unit is extremely valuable. He must have the means to compete with the opponent before the third battlefield is opened!


Many times, when facing something unknown, what is needed to understand it may not be powerful scientific research methods, but some actions related to it but not completely affected by it.

Just like this time, when the Zero and Cerebrates were squeezing the Zerg's only psychic combat power as much as possible, something happened.

Perhaps the Zerg's long-term heavy investment in scientific research has played its due role. The batch of biological materials and living materials that Visser and a few brainworms snatched back from the front line brought Zero a surprise like giving timely help. !

In these organisms that are very similar to the Zerg but completely different, unknown energy sources have been detected. Although the quantity is very small, the quality is extremely high!

In Zero's more than four thousand years of understanding the energy of the universe, except for spiritual energy, he has never seen any visible higher energy of the same energy level!

It is not at all as formless and formless as the spiritual energy that the Zerg have initially mastered. Instead, it is colorful and extremely conspicuous!

The research time is not long, and there is no time for a deeper understanding, but preliminary experiments have already drawn some conclusions. Each of these colorful energies contained in almost every individual represents a different attribute!

Its characteristics are difficult to describe, but if it must be described, it would be representatives of some basic natural attributes such as water, fire, etc. Of course, the so-called water and fire are just descriptions of energy properties, which does not mean that they are really this substance.

They are just descriptions that Zero uses to describe these elements based on his own understanding.

But compared to the spiritual energy that the Zerg now possess from the new universe, Zero is still more willing to describe it vividly as - magic!

The magic here has no magic power. It is still essentially energy that follows certain rules, but the other party's method of applying it is obviously beyond the Zerg's application of spiritual energy!

Judging from the comparison of the "ability" characteristics used by both parties, there is no reason to believe that the Zerg's development of psychic energy is still at an extremely primitive level.


In addition, there is another point worth noting, that is, after their death, the energy begins to rapidly escape into the main universe. Except for spiritual energy that seems to be of higher quality, nothing can stop this process!

At first, Zero wondered if they could be used to arm the Zerg with another type of weapon. Since there was a psychic insect species, it would not be a bad thing to arm another "magic insect species".

However, the nature of this energy is completely different from what Zero expected. After it loses control, it can be directly stimulated by external stimuli, but it cannot be directly absorbed and utilized like spiritual energy, at least not now.

More importantly, the Zerg swarm has no stable source of supplement for this. In the first phase of research, the Zerg swarm did not find an organ or other special device that produces this energy from the enemy's body.

To put it simply, the few "magic units" the Zerg have collected so far can only be used as consumables, which can be said to be better than nothing.

But the significance of these discoveries lies not only in the use of this equally rare energy, but more importantly, it points out, at least partially, the direction to deal with this crisis!

Each of these "elements" has possible means of being perfectly restrained! These elements have this phenomenon with each other, but they feel that this kind of restraint does not require these elements to be completed, as long as they are methods of similar nature, they may have some effect.

The only troublesome thing is that the Zerg need to find such an existence first. Psionics is a very feasible experimental direction. This has been closely verified, but there is no result yet.

What is certain is that if a way can be found to restrain the opponent, at least at this level, the insect swarm will have a qualitative improvement in their ability to apply psychic energy!

In any case, compared with zero forced transfer of Zerg psychic units to resist the opponent's invasion, the prospects and feasibility of this method are extremely high.    …

Including Sk, five psionic brainworms are participating in this research, trying to transform their own psionic powers into the form of restraining "magic".

I have to say that this idea is correct!

Relying on the brainworm's naturally powerful thinking ability, Sk seemed to have found a trick. Not long after the experiment began, he quickly started his "psionic transformation show"!

Through imitation, it quickly simulated its own spiritual energy into a state of restraining a certain "element" of the opponent, and achieved quite remarkable results. Although it is still not as good as real element restraint, it can indeed be called It was a huge success!

The other brain worms did not show much difference compared with Sk, and they all mastered some "know-how" soon afterwards.

But now that the matter has been verified successfully, as the confirmed commander of the Zerg in the third battlefield, Sk also has to face another problem.

That is to say, ordinary Zerg psychic units will never have such strong adaptability as Cerebrates, nor will they be able to frequently transform their own psychic attributes. Therefore, the actual combat power they can exert will inevitably depend on the commander. The adaptability will fluctuate, which will form a unique art of war!

In the past, insect swarms often won through sheer numbers. Even if they couldn't, they could win through close cooperation between various insect species or even the specific methods of special insect species. They didn't care about the loss in numbers or what the enemy had. What kind of power, most of the time, they just rely on wave after wave of insect waves that are enough to make any enemy despair, breaking through the enemy's defense.

It is also for this reason that the art of warfare developed over thousands of years in many ancient civilizations is often simple and crude among the Zerg. It is not that the brainworms have not acquired relevant knowledge, they just think that if there are no special needs, they can use insect tide tactics. It is much more cost-effective than going all out to deduce and arrange. After all, in peacetime, most of the time the brainworms are responsible for heavy scientific research tasks, and they do not have much time to "waste" on these "unimportant" tasks. In fact, the instinct of the Hive Mind can solve everything.

But now, due to the acquisition of new universe resources, the number and growth mode of psychic units that can pose a threat to the enemy are limited to a limited level. Today's successful experiment has further enhanced the psychic units. It can be said that it is valuable. If the Zerg want to maximize their existing bargaining chips, they must pay attention to every psychic unit!

In this era, at least at this stage of the war, they are the well-deserved elite units of the Zerg, and they will also be the backbone of the battlefield in the future!

The improvement of the psionic application mode has greatly changed the efficiency of psionic units facing this type of "magical" enemies. Since the advancing front line does not have much meaning before the psionic units reach a certain scale, unless the opponent is cracked to achieve a channel The secret of absolute defense of the entrance.

Therefore, Zero dispersed its limited combat power over the three battlefields, and at the same time used the continuous supply of psychic materials from the new universe Sass to hatch more usable combat units for the insect swarm, thus achieving continuous Supported effects.

This distribution has greatly reduced the pressure currently faced by the Zerg, so much so that on the second battlefield, the Zerg swarm once suppressed the enemy to the point where they could not raise their heads!


Between the two battlefields, the other party obviously has some kind of communication capability, perhaps a biological network like the Zerg, or something else. The frequency and intensity of attacks by the two seem to have no rules, but after analysis by the Zerg scientific research team One thing has been confirmed, even if the effect is not great, there is indeed a distant coordination strategy between the two.

This supports Zero's previous assumptions about the enemy's premeditated invasion and plot against the Zerg.

Now it seems that what the Zerg has that deserves to be remembered by the other side is either the special existence of psychic energy, or the attraction of the Zerg itself to a race that focuses on the development of life.

The opponent's attack frequency is very high, and like the Zerg, they don't care about the casualties of their own ordinary units at all. But what makes Zero strange is that although the opponent has general tactical cooperation, they often make many meaningless actions.

Sometimes, they will launch a charge when it is absolutely impossible to break through the Zerg defense line, causing a large number of casualties to the Zerg, and at the same time they will also pay a huge price.

If we use the analogy of the Zerg itself, Zero will never launch a charge when the enemy has formed a complete defense circle. That is not wise. Judging from the intelligence shown by the opponent before, this should not be right.

Of course, almost at the same time, Zero thought of the possible purpose of the other party's doing this. If the Zerg made such a decision that was almost self-consuming under such circumstances, it would never be a casual attack. , doing so will definitely bring more convenience to the subsequent activities of the insect swarm!

In other words, the enemy's behavior, just like their stagnation when they first came out of the passage exit, must have some purpose to put themselves in a more advantageous position.

Judging from Zero, this purpose must be inextricably linked to the high-level energy "magic" they use.

Because after the insect swarm noticed these medium forms of energy, they have detected a rapid increase in the "magic concentration" within the scope of the site!

Of course, they are constantly escaping into the main universe, but it is especially serious in the huge area where the battlefield is located.

Zero is not sure what it is. Although such a concentration is countless times higher than that of an empty space zone, it is simply impossible to use it to trigger a so-called "magic riot" to cause heavy casualties to the Zerg and escape. It’s just a fool’s dream, it’s absolutely impossible!

The enemy's actions must have meaning. Not only Zero, but also the Zerg and various intelligent races under the Zerg are trying to establish a predictable model for this enemy to deduce the opponent's possible purpose.

In fact, Mira is the best at things like modeling and derivation. If it were it, it might have the answer at this time, but although Zero rules the two-digit intelligent group, even if all of them have more computing power. Taken together, it is impossible to compare to one thousandth of what Mira showed six hundred years ago!

But no matter what, this is the most feasible plan, and even many brainworms are participating in it.

But soon. Zero doesn't have much energy to let the brainworms do such things.

Because the third battlefield has been fully opened.

But what came out this time was no longer a biological fleet like the Zerg, but a life form that was different from that seen by all the Zerg in the real universe and the new universe!

(End of this chapter)

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