Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 292 The Disappearing “Curse”

Chapter 292 The Disappearing “Curse”

Zero doesn't know what measures the Federation will eventually take against the Zerg, but one obvious fact is that the Zerg swarm is indeed at a disadvantage today in front of the opponent.

The other party is rapidly collecting information about the Zerg, and Zero can even be said to know nothing about this civilization.In addition, the other party's military technology is obviously much higher than that of the Zerg. At least for that frigate, if the other party can ensure sufficient energy supply, the Zerg may really be unable to do anything to it.

If such a warship was a widely installed piece of equipment within this civilization, then he could already imagine what would happen if the endless swarms of insects hit such an "iron wall".

Even if the opponent does not attack, but just defends, it is enough to be called a tight line of defense.

In the final analysis, its own technological level is not developed enough. Just like Sksk was helpless when faced with the invasion of the predator civilization. If it cannot break through the opponent's defense, it will face such a dilemma.

Fortunately, the Zerg cannot be said to have no experience in the research of space weapons, but it is just far less profound than the other party.

As long as it can be confirmed that it is on the right path, Zero believes that sooner or later the insect swarm will be able to reach this level.

As for what measures the Federation would take against the Zerg after the failure of this operation, Zero remained concerned but did not care too much.

Whether it is laissez-faire or trying to obstruct it, the impact on the Zerg itself is not great.

If it's the former, then you don't need to worry about it at all. Even if it's the latter, Zero doesn't think it matters much.The current development momentum of the insect swarm has long been unstoppable. Even if it is blocked in one direction, it will not affect the crazy expansion of the insect swarm to continue to move forward in other directions.

Zero doesn't believe that the other party has the ability to block the entire area occupied by the Zerg. It is a huge area that even Zero himself is too lazy to count!

The deep universe is no longer an obstacle to the insect swarms, and the insect swarms in all directions are completely unstoppable.

Of course, Zero currently has no ability to prevent the other party's possible reaction, so he can only let it take its course.


Wells easily figured out the main way the swarm now navigates.A large number of special-looking Zerg units poured into the wormhole, heading to every corner of the universe in this way, and formed a dense "traffic network."

Today, they are obviously still using this method to expand. For the Federation, it is somewhat inefficient. At the same time, due to some events back then, they have long given up on this naturally existing space channel, including many civilizations in the explored universe. Even relatively primitive races will no longer use this method to travel through the universe.

But the Zerg obviously don't have so many scruples. This method is also the most convenient for today's Zerg. After all, they do not have the same space jumping technology as the Federation. They are not vassals of the three major civilizations and can enjoy the technological development of each other. dividends.

Moreover, there have been no accidents regarding the use of wormholes except for the Gore incident that year, so naturally they will not give up on their own initiative like the Federation.

The Federation cannot learn how the swarm expands. It relies on the Zerg explorers from the interstellar era. They are spreading around like wildfire in the wilderness in the autumn wind. Although he has not seen it with his own eyes, Wells can fully imagine it. When those explorers who represent the "seeds" of the Zerg expansion reappear in the universe, it means the rapid "fall" of one star field after another!
Everyone in the Federation knew this, but there was nothing they could do.

Not long ago, the Federal Council held a two-Universal Standard Time discussion on a resolution regarding the Zerg. When converted into a time unit familiar to the Zerg, it was 12.63 Oridays. However, the parliament was very controversial.

This is no wonder, and it is also the norm in the Federal Parliament.The previous question about Mira was able to be passed quickly because it related to a huge secret in the history of the Federation. Since the disappearance of Apocalypse, it has always occupied a very important position among the top leaders of the Federation. The investment here is relatively small and the benefits are high. It may be an extremely huge investment, and there is absolutely no reason for Congress to stop it.

But what do those self-righteous fools on the staff plan to do now?What does nip in the bud mean?What does it mean that will eventually threaten the survival of the Federation?Do they know how much kosai would cost the federation each cycle if they did that?Do they know that implementing such a decision will lead to a lower standard of living for federal citizens, especially the Shiro people?
Is it really necessary to pay a huge price but not get the due reward for a race that is beyond the endless star field and cannot be reached with eight poles?
As members of the parliament, we will not discuss the issue of work style for the time being. It would be too harsh to say that they do not have any long-term vision.

The key point of the dispute is that some members of Congress and the main forces in the military believe that the existence of this race and allowing its free development is indeed a serious threat to the future of the Federation. If possible, they need to prevent its expansion as much as possible. At least try to delay as much as possible the time when its jurisdiction borders the federation.

Of course, it would be great if we could find a way to eliminate the opponent in the process.

But the argument of the opposition is that it is too luxurious to cross the endless distant star field to "defend the enemy".Not to mention the losses in future wars, the cost of the federal main fleet's journey alone will not be a small figure.

And if you want to establish an industrial base in that area that no one has ever explored, not to mention the length of time it takes, if you want to establish a complete industrial system in an unfamiliar star field, it is tantamount to carrying out colonial activities there. .

Building an industrial production system from scratch is no easy task, and the cost is also not a small number.

This argument is especially dominated by representatives of the Ministry of Finance. They do not oppose it for the sake of opposition. After all, although the Federation is rich, it is often "poor".

Another part of the opposition uses time as an argument. They believe that due to the long distance between the two parties, by the time the insect swarm truly comes into contact with the explored universe, the Federation will no longer be the Federation it is today, and there will inevitably be a more complete one by then. Solution, there is no need to waste time and energy dealing with this matter now.

Although this argument of leaving the problem to a more developed future is not a large proportion, it is still prevalent in the parliament.

In the end, this discussion only came to one useful result, that is, after the arrival of support, the federal military immediately started to "capture" Mira again. At the same time, it tried to establish a small observation station in the area where the Zerg was located, in order to Determine the movement of the swarm and monitor the rate of expansion of the swarm.

Compared with going to war, this method is much more frugal. The federation does not need to pay too much, but accordingly, there is nothing they can do.


When Zero became aware of the opponent's actions, it was already 36 Orian years later, and it was not the insect swarm that actively discovered the opponent's existence, but received information from Mira.

Wherever the insect swarms pass, they will generally carry out crazy destructive development like locusts passing by, replenishing their own numbers as quickly as possible.This was not so obvious when the cerebrates were in charge of the swarm, but today, when the swarm is expanding freely, the instinct of the zerg under the control of the Hive Will has reached its limit.In this process, it is unknown how many star systems have been abandoned by the worm swarm, especially multi-star systems, where there are not many exploitable resources.

But for some reason, Mira was always able to deliver information to the insect swarm in a star field where the insect race had entered an era of full development. However, during subsequent searches, the insect swarm never found anything.

Of course, the Zerg are far from fully controlling the vacuum environment outside the star system. The opponent has a mechanical fleet there. This possibility also exists. Therefore, although Zero is curious, he is not obsessed with this.

Closer to home, the information Zero received was still delivered in the federal language of the year, and its content turned out to be a detailed description of the ancient history of the Federation!

At the end of this message, Mira actually reported her subsequent experiences to the Zerg, claiming that the federation had once again used the same tricks on her, but it did not succeed.

Zero didn't know what the meaning of Mira's transmission of this information was. For an existence like it, wouldn't this kind of operation be redundant?
But it has to be said that this information does fill the gap in the Zerg’s knowledge of the Hero Federation to some extent.

Now that it is impossible to obtain the individual of the other party's civilization, the information support from Mira is indeed valuable.

Unfortunately, neither side has much information about today's Federation. The only useful information is the partial technological capabilities displayed by the other side during the two invasions.

Although I don't understand the reason why Mira took the initiative to contact the Zerg and provide information, it is obvious that this existence that even Zero can do nothing about has got rid of the "entanglement" of the Federation, and is at least able to deal with the previous special attacks of the opponent to a certain extent.

Zero did not comment on this. Over the years, in this star field, the frequency of harassing attacks from the Federation has indeed increased, but for the Zerg, it is not even scratching the itch.

He was indeed helpless against these elusive enemy warships, but the damage caused by them was extremely limited. It was just the loss of some Zerg units, which really was nothing.

Of course, within the Zerg "scientific research institution" composed of many intelligent civilization elite individuals, a group of Zerg intelligent units including Todd and Sass are already trying to iteratively upgrade the Zerg's space weapons.

Research on space jumps has also been carried out in a targeted manner.There is no patent protection in the interstellar universe. The Zerg are trying to copy each other's scientific and technological achievements through existing phenomena and data, combined with their own research!

I have to say that even so, it is indeed very difficult. I have not had any clue for decades. On the contrary, the space cannon as a weapon has been upgraded, and I have some ideas about the space protection system.

But that's all. It's still a fool's errand to rely on this achievement to pursue and destroy the opponent.

Zero is not discouraged. Perhaps while the Zerg technology is advancing, the Federation is also developing rapidly. However, the other party has not caused any obvious obstacles to the Zerg group so far. Basically, there is no need to care. The location of the main body of the Federation is all for him. An unknown number, there is really no counterattack.

Secondly, in just a few decades, I am already very satisfied to be able to see tangible results.


The Vege Empire has been studying the "curse" it has encountered for a full 60 years. During this period, millions of imperial citizens have died because of it, including many imperial elites in their prime, as well as those in high positions. The dignitaries of the temple.

In the face of this sudden disaster, for the first time in history, the empire realized fairness other than death.

Of course, the long-term research finally yielded results, and all of this was due to the keenness of a captain in the Imperial Marine Corps.

Of course, he now has the rank of colonel, and was even personally commended by the emperor for his outstanding contribution to solving this disaster. After all, in a sense, the clues he accidentally discovered saved the entire civilization!
After careful and detailed exploration of the living planet, they discovered without any surprise the unknown structure that had troubled the Zerg for more than 200 years.

But unlike the Zerg, the Veegis used their knowledge and technical level to completely open up this seemingly natural structure.

Of course, this process took a lot of time and effort, but no matter what, they did easily accomplish what the Zerg could not do.

Its internal energy supply structure is already considered "outdated" equipment for Vege, which is famous for its energy technology, but the point is not that. Its real role lies in its functional structure, and they do not exist independently. After spending nearly 32 years in the empire re-simulating and building a complete system, the empire finally determined one thing, that is, it, or rather they, are the true source of the entire "curse" incident!

Because in that experiment, they lost hundreds of real scientific research talents - the moment the simulation assembly was completed!
The same symptoms, the same phenomenon, but only within the team participating in this study!
The empire has not figured out the specific mechanism of its occurrence, and it is still a mystery to this day, but the tradition of advocating science still makes them convinced that since the phenomenon already exists, it is the truth of the universe, but they have not grasped it.

Subsequently, after thoroughly studying these parts and trying to achieve the same effect with hardware replicas, the Empire completely physically destroyed all existing special components.

At this point, the "curse" incident has come to an end, and today's Vege Empire is just like the Zerg in the ignorant era. They can't explain the principle of this structure, but they have mastered its production and some application methods.

This thing has been in the hands of the Zerg for more than 700 years, and it does not show any abnormality to this day.


In Zerg 2304, in the explored universe, a meeting initiated by the Hero Federation quietly began. Although they were quite dissatisfied with Korva's constant small actions over the years, the three major civilizations, including Veggie, finally came together again Sit at the "negotiating table".

The theme of this meeting is Zerg!

(End of this chapter)

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