Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 237 The way to deal with energy life

Chapter 237 The way to deal with energy life

The application of the gravitational bomb made Visser see hope again. In the sub-dimensional channel, the change of gravity caused the state of the channel to change, so that the unknown substance inside was transformed into an energy crystal in the real universe through a special reaction. .

Because of this, Visser had some other ideas about this special energy life.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this energy creature is closely related to the sub-dimensional channel. It uses the opening of the channel as a coordinate to move here from an unknown place, and finally controls it in its own hands.

To say that it has nothing to do with the channel itself, Zero doesn't believe it.Combining all the previous information, he had reason to suspect that there was some kind of connection between this unique energy life form and the sub-dimensional space that the Zerg had not yet noticed, and this relationship might be the key to dealing with it.

After trying to attack it with ordinary energy restraint methods to no avail, Visser decisively set his target on gravitational attack.

It seeks the cooperation of Sass and Dagoth, and prepares to promote the Zerg application of gravity bombs, so as to once again launch an attack on this energy life that has always ignored Zerg attacks.

This is also the most feasible solution that it can think of at present. If this does not work, there may be no progress in this project for a long time in the future.

On the Velvet side, after the properties of the tunnel were initially determined, the research on it continued.

The first is the delayed closure of the channel exit caused by the gravity bomb, resulting in an enrichment of energy crystals.

This is also the matter that the top federal officials, including the Zerg lurkers, are most concerned about. No matter where they are concerned, it represents huge benefits!
Therefore, without even having to take the initiative to promote it, the two parties naturally and unanimously increased their support for related projects again.

Of course Zero can understand the urgency of the Velvet people, and he will not interfere with the energy production of the Velvet people. Putting his own existence on the table for that energy crystal is a penny wise and pound foolish.

As long as they can solve the problem of unknown energy life, the Zerg will theoretically have almost unlimited mineral vein coordinates, and there is no need to do something that is not worth the gain here with the Velvet people.

In 1300, the brainworm Luer returned from the passage and appeared in the Krichtel galaxy.

This represents the exit of the channel at the same position in the real universe, and it also corresponds to the only fixed coordinate inside the sub-dimensional channel.

So far, it has become possible for the Zerg to use the sub-dimensional channel as an unconventional material communication channel.

In the same year, under the influence of the Zerg, the Velvets restarted experiments on living organisms in the secondary dimension.

Zero took the initiative to promote this point, naturally because he wanted to find out why the Velvet people did not find the exits of each passage like the brainworm Luer after entering the passage.

This did not cause much resistance within the federation. Firstly, the power of the Zerg at the top of the federation was strong enough. Secondly, after the Zerg units appeared in the real universe from inside the channel, the federation had already made noises about restarting biological experiments.

The two sides hit it off immediately, and the first thing to start was the mammalian biological experiment.

Although Zero paid more attention to the reaction of intelligent life entering it, and knew that these mammals with low IQs would not achieve anything if they entered it, he did not stop them. This was the process as it should be.

Rigid Velvet people are like this sometimes, strictly following procedures, even though sometimes they know that doing so will most likely be meaningless.But this kind of thinking seems to be inherited from generation to generation, and it exists deeply in the heart of every Velvet.

The highest federal scientific research institute has provided a lot of support for this. Conditions that could not be provided hundreds of years ago are now being met as much as possible hundreds of years later.

Through the Zerg lurkers, Zero witnessed this experiment indirectly.

He knew very well that they would not get any results this time. Even the brainworm Luer had to go in and out several times before finally reaching a relatively certain conclusion.

In order for the Velvet people to proceed with the next experiment smoothly, Zero planned to help them this time if possible.

Ruhl, who has confirmed the exit coordinates of Critchtel and the SH-009 galaxy from inside the sub-dimensional channel, will lead a group of bugs through the creatures sent into it by the Velvets to determine the coordinates of the entrance on their side.

This time, it will send back these creatures that were not hoped by the Velvet people intact, so as to smoothly promote the next further research activities.

Today, in addition to regular expansion, the Zerg are mainly engaged in these two projects. One is the research on gravity bombs led by Visser, and the other is "grazing" the Velvet people.

The former is related to the Zerg's expulsion of mysterious energy creatures and their large acquisition of energy crystals, while the latter is related to the Zerg's use of sub-dimensional space in the future.

As for Ruhr, the role it can play in this has been very limited so far, and the insect swarm is not ready to directly bite the hard bone of the sub-dimensional channel.

Therefore, the main task it currently undertakes is to determine where the exits around Critchtel lead from inside the passage.


Since entering the cosmic era, time seems to have become something worthless. Every technological breakthrough takes more than ten years or even decades.

This has improved after the Velvets were secretly controlled by the Zerg, and the time required for every major research project has been shortened by an unknown amount.

But time is still flowing away bit by bit from the rotation of the planet. In 1304, the Zerg swarm led by Ruhr found and returned the mammals that the Velvettes had sent into the passage. .

They have been specially protected and treated by the Velvet people, so that they will not die after being separated from the natural environment for at least several decades, and even retain a certain ability to move.Obviously, the people of Velvet, who have always pursued rigor, have made adequate preparations even if they have no hope for this.

The next time the passage opens, with the help of Ruhr, they will fall from their original positions, thus bringing hope and light to the countless Velvet scientists who have worked hard for decades, and also to the Zerg. Later, Velvet people were further promoted to provide assistance in this area of ​​research.

If it wasn't for the fact that they haven't mastered the exit coordinates in other Velvet Federation territories, Zero even wanted Ruhr to send these experimental subjects to other star fields. Presumably, when the Velvet people find out, they must have wonderful expressions.

In 1307, the Zergization of the gravity bomb promoted by Visser was initially completed. A medium-sized spindle-shaped biological structure contained enough power to turn asteroids hundreds of kilometers in size into powder due to drastic changes in gravity. It was controlled by the Zerg space. species carried.

This is also the most powerful weapon ever obtained by the Zerg. Once it explodes in a vacuum, objects with macroscopic mass within thousands of kilometers around it will be severely affected, and its true range of influence is even wider.

In actual calculations, it is equivalent to a massive planet suddenly appearing in space, but concentrating its mass in a very small area. The huge force generated at this moment is enough to destroy the surrounding material. sexual influence.

Now, Viser will use it to try to launch an attack on the mysterious energy life entrenched in the exit star field of the second-dimensional passageway inside the Lyman galaxy!
At the edge of the galaxy, a huge biological laboratory is connected to the Zerg main base. In the Zerg space dock directly controlled by Visser, a space species carrying 6 biological gravity bombs slowly entered the interior of the galaxy.

Zero has also set his sights here. If nothing can be gained this time, he plans to guide the Velvet people to conduct research in this area. No matter what, the insect swarm must master the ability to expel this kind of creature!

This bug carrying a gravity bomb had no intention of controlling its own speed. After leaving the space dock, it kept increasing its speed and rushed directly towards the most sensitive location in the galaxy - the energy vein.

Doing so will indeed attract an attack from the opponent, but this time, it not only carries a gravity bomb, but its own energy shield will buy it a little time to allow the gravity bomb existing in its body to detonate.Of course, it does not need to be tested one by one. These six gravity bombs will all explode at the same time to maximize the impact on space.


As expected, when it crossed an invisible limit at extremely high speed, an attack from unknown life came as scheduled!

The energy shield around the body was weakening rapidly, but it was enough for Visser to detonate the gravity bomb in its body in this short period of time.


By paying close attention to the Zerg scientific research insect species here, Zero saw a familiar soft light.

If the Velvet people's observation system were here, they would find a more familiar scene on the display interface at this moment.

Violent spatial fluctuations are generated here, and the cosmic space is like a piece of pulled rag, which becomes "wrinkled" at a magnitude that cannot be observed by the naked eye, and then is slowly "flattened".

The next moment, there were extremely violent high-energy fluctuations. This phenomenon, which has always represented the energy crystal releasing energy at full power, reached its extreme at this moment!

That was the fluctuation coming from the "surface" or "inside" of the mysterious energy creature, which became extremely violent at this moment!
Zero didn't know whether the sub-dimensional passage happened to be opened at this moment, or whether the gravity weapons released by the Zerg caused changes in the sub-dimensional space. At this moment, the familiar soft light brought about nothing but the energy crystal. In addition, there is also terrifying lethality, and the one being attacked is the energy life emitting violent high-energy fluctuations at this moment!
Maybe this is not a subjective behavior, but it does cause harm to it.

Through the Zerg scientific research unit, Zero observed an extremely violent energy escape from its "body" for the first time, and it was not a simple energy "leak". In the special observation field of view, its entire "body" was emitting a dazzling light. The light!

On the surface of the star, on the surface of the planet, and also around the original sub-dimensional channel!

Zero One was a little confused about what happened, but one thing was certain. This time, the Zerg had indeed caused harm to this originally invisible and insubstantial existence!
Visser was a little excited. Although he didn't know the specific mechanism of this incident, his method obviously worked this time!

It pays close attention to this place and observes all subsequent movements.

From a zero perspective, this attack should have caused heavy damage to the mysterious creatures entrenched on the surface of the star and inside the galaxy, because that level of energy dissipation seemed to have no end.

The observations made by Visser and the Zerg scientific research unit actually had a certain delay. When they observed this phenomenon, the incident had actually happened for several hours, and this specific observation also did not last too long. time.

The scientific research insect species located inside the galaxy, when the violent high-energy fluctuations arrive there, are like moths thrown into the flames, unable to resist at all, even if their body armor has enough to resist the stellar wind. and cosmic radiation, it cannot withstand damage from direct attacks like energy weapons.

At the edge of the galaxy, this fluctuation weakened somewhat, but in fact, by the time Zero and Visser observed what was happening in the center of the galaxy, the subsequent effects had already arrived here.

Generally speaking, even the central star, the blue giant with a mass hundreds of times that of the central star of the Ori Galaxy, has very little influence on this remote area of ​​the galaxy. Even from here, the bright blue star appears The giant star is only about the size of a thumb, but its brightness is many times higher than other stars in the night sky.

But now, the side of the asteroid that originally existed here facing the galaxy is heated to a terrifying level in an instant, and the surfaces of some massive celestial bodies are melting!

High-quality energy is embodied here in various forms of energy such as heat, and the damage it brings is undoubtedly fatal.

Even with the help of peripheral celestial bodies as cover, the Zerg base and space dock here were still severely traumatized. More than [-]% of the bugs that had been wandering around for decades died.

This level of energy explosion can be compared with drastic changes at the stellar level. Even if it only lasts for a few seconds and then begins to weaken sharply, it is already terrifying enough.


The location of the Zerg base in this galaxy is about 6.2 light hours away from the edge of the blue giant star. Six hours ago, near the center of the two stars, the Zerg detonated six stars that were not theoretically powerful enough. A gravity bomb capable of causing drastic changes in space, but its effects were completely beyond expectations.

Although Zero was temporarily unable to observe the final result of the matter due to the massive losses of subsequent Zerg scientific research units at the same moment, but according to the information obtained previously, the mysterious life entrenched in the galaxy would at least end up with a serious injury.

Zero couldn't believe that despite the energy dissipation being so huge that it even affected the entire galaxy, it could still remain unmoved as before!
After the most violent energy storm passed, Zero finally got a full view of the inside of the galaxy by sending Zerg observers.

The huge and dazzling blue giant star reappeared within the horizon. As always, the mysterious life covering its surface was nowhere to be seen.

Due to insufficient information, Zero could not confirm what state this mysterious energy life was in now, whether it was dead or left. In short, after a large number of Zerg units re-entered the galaxy, Zero could not find any trace of it no matter how much they searched.

However, in the darkness near the original subdimensional passage, Visser harvested the largest amount of energy crystals since the Zerg discovered the energy vein!
There are thousands of them!
From the moment the iconic soft light lit up when the Zerg detonated the gravity bomb, Zero had roughly guessed that there would be situations like the Velvet people's last experiment, but he never expected that there would be so many!
This can really be called an unexpected surprise. However, the most important thing about this experiment with unexpected final results is that they actually killed, or at least expelled, this mysterious creature and reoccupied this galaxy with energy veins. !
Although it is unclear how six ordinary gravity bombs can trigger such a huge power, at that moment, the Zerg observers collected enough information about energy life, even if it was only for a moment, that level was crazy. The escaped high energy was also completely recorded by the Zerg, which is enough to show that it is not completely unreachable!
Visser gave a simple and crude but interesting summary of this.

Last time, at the experimental site of the Velvets, the appearance of the sub-dimensional channel and the gravitational explosion occurred simultaneously under precise control, but such a spectacular scene did not appear. Compared with the two, there are two main differences.

First, the original gravitational blast was at the same location as the entrance of the tunnel, but this time, although the target of the Zerg was indeed there, there was still a long distance between them.

The second difference is that it is simply the energy life itself. Such a special creature obviously did not exist in the last experiment.

From a process perspective, at the same time as the Zerg detonated the gravity bomb, the sub-dimensional channel happened to be opened. Zero did not believe such an extreme coincidence.

He prefers to think that there is some kind of necessary connection among them, which is very likely to be a causal relationship.

As for the second point, the huge energy fluctuations sweeping across the entire galaxy must have occurred from its "body".

Visser's original plan was just to use a gravity bomb to try to cause damage to it, but he did not expect that an accidental collision would lead to such shocking consequences, which can be said to be beyond imagination.

If this was just an ordinary experiment, just like what the Velvetites did last time, how could it possibly cause movement comparable to stellar activity?
It was easy to verify everything. Visser quickly integrated resources and put the same six gravity bombs in place. Everything was exactly the same as before, including their power, the location of the detonation, and even the speed of the Zerg units transporting them. Many differences.

What Zero wants to do is to verify whether everything that happened before is a coincidence!
There is no medium for sound transmission in the quiet starry sky, but at the moment of detonation, when the familiar light appears, silence is better than sound!
This is enough to show that the gravity bomb can cause the sub-dimensional channel to briefly open here, and then cause violent fluctuations in space. This is not a coincidence, but a necessity!
Coincidentally, these two things didn't happen at the same time, but there happened to be energy life here, so it suffered such serious damage that it didn't even know whether it was alive or dead!

What exactly is causing harm to it?At this moment, Zero thought that it should be the violent spatial changes caused by the gravity bomb in a short period of time.

If energy life does not have an entity, then its existence as a life in the universe must rely on certain information characteristics. This is the fundamental reason why all life is recognized as a living thing, even if its existence form is extremely special.

At this moment, Zero felt that he might have found the necessary conditions for it to maintain its own existence, or at least found a way to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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