Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 234 Energy Body

Chapter 234 Energy Body

In the vast universe, there are countless stars. The ants who looked up at the sky above the surface of the earth have now come to the galaxy outside the galaxy by chance.

Here, 600 million light-years away from the main body of the Zerg, it is the neighbor of what Zero calls the Lyman galaxy. The Zerg swarm has been developing here for 1224 years since it arrived here in 40.

During this period, the expansion to the surrounding star field was put on the agenda in 1236, and after the verification of the Zerg's super-light speed technology in 1248, it gave them more possibilities.

Today, within Lyman, the Zerg has expanded to occupy six star systems centered on the star system where the exit of the passageway is located, which can be regarded as a small achievement.

This was supposed to be another starting point for the expansion of the Zerg. Zero even planned to place the next brain worm born here to preside over the activities of the Zerg here.

However, the sky failed to fulfill people's wishes, and the peaceful development era was destroyed by a sudden blow.

In Zerg 1264, Zero witnessed with his own eyes that the blue giant star, whose diameter was about 13 times the size of the central star of the Auri galaxy, was a little bit occupied by darkness!
As if there was really some black substance covering it, it was just a spot at first, and soon it spread wantonly on the surface of the star, and finally plunged the entire star system into darkness.

That is, at the same moment, as the light that lost its source disappeared from the Zerg's field of vision, all the Zerg units in the galaxy died.

There is no difference from the previous encounter, as if the darkness comes along with death!
But what brought death before was light, but this time it turned into darkness.

Although this process lasted for a while, Zero did not let the Zerg units evacuate here, but tried his best to observe this phenomenon, or this kind of creature.

Within Lyman, the Zerg occupied seven star systems, but this was the only one under attack.

This further verified Zero's previous speculation that perhaps this mysterious creature came for the energy mine!
When the Zerg first arrived here, this vein channel should have been formed for the first time, because Zero did not observe any traces of mysterious creatures here, and there was one and only one energy crystal that existed with the appearance of the Zerg.

During this period, the channel has been opened twice, contributing six energy crystals to the Zerg, and also giving them the ability to travel faster than the speed of light.

But only 40 years later, there was an attack of mysterious creatures here, and combined with the previous situation when the Zerg units emerged from the energy veins inside the various galaxies, it is not difficult to infer a conclusion.

That is, whenever a new energy vein appears, this mysterious creature will learn its specific location through an unknown method, or at least get the specific location where it appears within a certain range, and then immediately move here. In the end, just like what Zero saw this time, it will occupy the entire star system and kill any creatures that may exist in it.

Zero did not observe the attacks on other galaxies occupied by Zerg within Lyman, but in the galaxies with energy veins, even the Zerg creatures on the edge of the galaxy were all wiped out, and none survived.

This may mean that the opponent's attack behavior is only limited to a single galaxy, and may even be a passive attack within a range, but it does not seem to be the case, because every time a Zerg unit appeared from the channel before, , it all actively launches attacks.

But this time, at the cost of the lives of hundreds of millions of various Zerg units, Zero finally got something from it.

When it completely "erased" the entire blue giant star from the universe, through the Zerg scientific research unit, Zero felt the familiar fluctuations.

That seems to be—an information wave similar to when the energy crystal is fully stimulated!
"Energy? Energy?" Zero thought about it.The uncountable death of the swarm did not cause him the slightest fluctuation, or it was Zero One who directed such an ending.

This method of obscuring stars or even entire galaxies should not be material. This point has almost been concluded before, and now it has some evidence.

So maybe it's an energy body? !
"An energy life that can eclipse the stars?"

Zero cannot be completely determined, but judging from the known conditions, it is very likely.From the few encounters, the possibility of it being a living creature has almost been confirmed. Coupled with the characteristics revealed this time, this possibility is not small.

It is worth noting that from the direct observation of the outside world, Zero did not find any energy characteristics of it. Only when it completely enveloped the entire blue giant star and made the entire star system lose its light, did he know Perceived familiar information.

That is the unique fluctuation when the energy of extremely high quality is released!

Zero did not want to lose his vision in Lyman. Under the threat of this mysterious creature, he decided to let the insect swarms in other galaxies completely focus on expansion and move towards more star systems in Lyman. To ensure that no matter what, there is enough energy to continue to observe and learn about the capabilities of this mysterious creature.

Although it doesn't seem to have shown any interest in attacking bugs in other galaxies, Zero still has to guard against it. The bug swarm doesn't even know the specific attack methods of the other party, and they are on the absolutely weak side. Facing the strong, Especially the strong hostile ones must not place their own survival on the wishes of the other party.

At the same time, this is also a unique opportunity. Since the Zerg discovered each other, it is the first time that they are so close to it!
Although it wiped out the insect swarm in the entire galaxy, this achievement could not scare the insect race.

Zero will not miss the opportunity of close observation and testing.

With the loss of energy veins, the swarms here no longer have the ability to start faster-than-light travel with energy crystals, but it only takes about a dozen years to travel between adjacent stars with nuclear fusion-driven conventional travel.

A group of hive fleets set off from the surrounding star systems and headed straight for the target.Although there are no bright stars to point the way here anymore, it is the place where the Zerg first appeared in Lyman, and its coordinates do not need stellar positioning at all, and Zero knows exactly where it is.


The observation of unknown creatures cannot be completed in a short period of time, it is destined to be a long process,

Regrettably, the Zerg lost all the sources of energy crystals in the Lyman galaxy. With the support of current technological conditions, it is equivalent to losing the ability to travel faster than the speed of light, and can only rely on conventional navigation to expand here.

Zero handed over the observation affairs here to Visser, and turned his gaze back to the Velvet Federation.

After so many years, the research on Zerg creatures has gradually ceased to be a new topic of conversation among the people. When technology enters life, everyone gets huge benefits.

In addition to the increase in lifespan, the study of the Zerg body structure has brought new bio-textile technology to civilization. A new private spaceship based on the Zerg outer armor has also begun mass production. The technology derived from the Zerg Gradually it began to mature and was widely used in all walks of life, providing convenience to Velvet people and ethnic minorities.

Of course, research on life-extending potions will never stop because it carries the hope of immortality.

However, Pope has been very distressed recently. As an academician, he is completely different from the previous small researcher in terms of knowledge and status. He can mobilize huge scientific research resources and apply for huge scientific research funding. , including personnel, equipment, materials, etc. can generally be satisfied, but this still does not change his distressed mood.

For no other reason, the research on life-prolonging medicine, which has been led by him for a long time, has stagnated.

On the one hand, he couldn't really replicate this substance in the federal laboratory, which meant that no matter what, the production of this medicine was inseparable from the Zerg, and they didn't really crack the secret of its life extension.

On the other hand, Pope finally discovered that even the Zerg units that produced this substance were slowly aging with the passage of time.

Although it is extremely slow, it is indeed happening. Time is like peeling off a cocoon, taking away the vitality from their bodies bit by bit.

In other words, although this substance can indeed help the Velvets prolong their lifespan, it absolutely cannot achieve true longevity, and its upper limit has already been determined.

This should be a matter of course. Immortality in the biological sense only existed in fantasy before the discovery of the Zerg, but now it is difficult for Pope to accept.

These two blows may be quickly forgotten by ordinary people, after all, he has already achieved so many useful results.

But for Popper, who has put all his energy and thoughts on it over the years, and wants to spend his whole life to produce results that can truly free individuals of the entire civilization from the power of time, only he knows the frustration and disappointment.

Zero has been paying attention to Pop for a long time. Although decades have passed, he is still relatively young among federal scientists after receiving the Zerg life-extending potion.

Pope's information is quite detailed in the federal database. After all, as the person in charge of a major scientific research project, he must go through the strictest review.

The reason why Zero pays attention to him is not because Pope is in charge of the life extension project of the Velvets. This matter is meaningless to the Zerg.

When Pope was studying in colleges and universities, he once published an article that didn't make any splashes in the mainstream scientific circles of the Federation at that time, but it was this article that made Zero notice the research genius of the Velvet.

The title of the article is "Research on the Correlation Between Dimensional Observation and Energy Mineral Veins". Although this article is not completely aimless, Pope has conducted detailed field investigations and consulted a large amount of data from the database, but to be honest, due to Due to the limitation of the knowledge level at that time, this article is indeed nothing to boast about in the field of scientific research, and it even has the meaning of grandstanding and opportunism.

However, as the leader of the race that actually allowed the Zerg unit to enter the mine channel, and the "dimension experiment" that the cerebrum Ruhr participated in the test not long ago, Zero's understanding of this channel is more intuitive than the Velvets much.

He found that in Pope's early article, some of the results were very similar to the results of the Zerg's direct observation. However, the Zerg obtained the conclusion through direct observation, but Pope, who was a student back then, used some semi-public information in some federal databases. The data plus some of my own conjectures miraculously match the facts in a small part!
Maybe this was just a coincidence, but from Pop's later experience, Zero felt that maybe it was not a coincidence. This was Pop's talent.

When the Zerg had never appeared in the federal territory and Pope was just a small researcher who studied under the disciple of Granger, the second scientist of the federation, his main research direction was actually energy veins!

The main demonstrator of the federation's accurate prediction of the opening time of the mine vein export is Pope!This is the most star core resume he sent out in order to enter the Federal Supreme Academy of Sciences!
At the same time, this is also an important reason why he was able to participate in the Zerg unit after it appeared in the Ninth Colonial Galaxy of the Federation, but he did not expect that he would be able to surpass a group of biologists in the end and come up with sensational results first.

In view of the importance of mineral vein channels and energy output to the Zerg, Zero intends to exert influence on the Federal Academy of Sciences through the high-level Velvettes, allowing these researchers to concentrate on participating in the research on energy mineral vein channels.

Naturally, Pope, the "misguided" genius, is among them.

In Zerg 1266, a big discussion on energy issues gradually attracted attention in the scientific community. The cause was that a retired captain of the Federation’s Third Fleet expressed his concerns about the Federation’s energy reserves in an interview, and listed a series of instances.

Then, the Federal Ministry of Defense responded quickly, claiming that the Federal Energy Reserve is sufficient to ensure the normal supply of demand.

This is just a trivial matter. Over the years, although the federal energy reserves are tight, they can basically maintain a balance.

However, due to intentional or unintentional promotion, this matter quickly rose to a certain height. Finally, under the influence of the policy, a series of research projects on the expansion of mine output began to be prepared for approval in the Federal Research Institute.

Zero did not blatantly display the Zerg's influence in the Velvet Federation, and secretly participated in the guidance of civilization, which was more in line with the Zerg's interests.

This time, of course, it was Sass's handwriting, not particularly delicate, but very effective, giving all parties a reason, and it is not unreasonable.

Pope, who hadn't made any major achievements for a long time, was also among the recruits for the new project, on the grounds that his previous research on energy ore veins could provide reference value for the new project.

In this regard, Pope did not have much objection.While studying life-extending potions before, he never relaxed his attention to the scientific community. He knew that the Federation had confirmed that drastic changes in gravity could cause abnormal changes in vein channels, and he had also carefully understood the relevant results.

Nowadays, there is no hope of breakthrough results in medicine in a short period of time, and he has also gained the honor and status he deserves in these years, so it is not a bad idea to follow the call to change direction and return to the place where the dream began. Good choice.

In addition to Pope, many top talents in celestial mechanics have also joined the team one after another. Although it is a bit strange, this time the Federation's support for scientific research is obviously unprecedented, even the last time the Zerg came out. .

Starting from the gravitational aspect is the research direction that the Velvet people have determined long ago, and there are already certain results to support this theory, but this time the support is unprecedented. Nearly one-third of the relevant scientific research personnel in the Federation have more or less involved.

What they don't know is that while secretly sharing the scientific research progress of the Velvets, the members of the cerebrates, including Daggs, are also solving problems for them with their high level of intelligence in places where they can't see. One by one theoretical problems, and through indirect transmission, participate in the whole series of topics.

There are many projects that are difficult for the Velvet people to accomplish. In the Zerg main base laboratory in the Ori system, Sass and Dagos will try their best to find answers based on Zerg biotechnology.

A little bit of time passed, Zerg 1269, the scientific research project of the Velvet Federation was pushed forward slowly but firmly under the secret promotion of the Zerg.

A series of marginal results were born in the research. The so-called gathering of sand forms a tower and the accumulation of water forms a river. Two completely different civilizations are concentrating their efforts to constrain gravity, the most common basic force in the universe, into a controllable entity.

And it was also in this year that with the opening of the mine vein channel, the brain worm Ruhr appeared in the Critchtel galaxy.

In 1264 of the Zerg, it entered the channel from the entrance of the SH-009 galaxy, but this time it returned to the original starting point!

Zero is sure, this is by no means a coincidence!
Sure enough, He got tangible evidence from Ruhr.

In the previous test, although Ruhr had the ability to control himself and the surrounding insect swarm, he was relatively passive throughout the whole process because he didn't know the environment he was in.

But this time is different, since it enters the channel, it tries to pay attention to all possible subtleties and key information.

Finally, after about 1.4 Oridays, the same phenomenon as before the last drop began to appear. It paid close attention and finally found a difference!
First of all, the gorgeous light that seemed to be everywhere in the "channel" began to gather, and then accompanied by the soft and dazzling light flashing, Ruhr "saw" the opening of the channel!

But not one!
In this seemingly boundless area, it is impossible to judge how many dazzling rays of light generated by the opening of the passage occurred at the same time at this moment. Some are far away and cannot be reached for a while, while some are close at hand!

Ruhr did not choose to stay any longer, so he appeared in Critchtel.

Zero listened to Ruhr's description quietly. From a sensory point of view, this so-called "high-dimensional" channel opened so many exits at the same time, which made him feel a little unusual, as if the entire universe was changed by it. It was riddled with holes.

And there is another point that I am more concerned about, that is, at the same time that the channel of the mineral veins in the Krichtel galaxy was opened, the coordinates of the energy veins in the SH-009 galaxy did not respond.

Through the high-level lurkers of the Velvet people, Zero also knew that there were no abnormal changes in the three veins located in the Velvet Federation territory.

However, during the five years since Ruhr entered it, no channel opening was observed inside the channel. Appeared at the same time!
This also means that although the Zerg have not discovered it yet, the opening of the vein channel has its own rules, and it is by no means random as previously guessed!
In addition, in the information given by Ruhr, it seems that there is also information about the birth of energy crystals - the gathered brilliant light!
In the process of opening the channel, there was no material change in the whole process, only these untouchable but obviously unusual phenomena occurred, so it is very likely that they brought the energy crystals that eventually fell out of the real universe.

Zero thoughtfully.

According to Ruhr's description, he probably understood the information contained in it. This is indeed a kind of ore vein, but it is indeed a passage. Its scope is unfathomably wide, and it was impossible to control it before, but intelligent brain worms entered it. In the future, it seems that I can control where I end up coming out from!
This discovery is very important, it means great convenience and benefit!

If the location corresponding to each exit can be accurately located, then the Zerg can turn it into an exclusive channel that is opened from time to time, and it may even appear in any star field in the universe!
(End of this chapter)

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