Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 231 Extragalactic Galaxy

Chapter 231 Extragalactic Galaxy
The Velvet's planetary defense system can be regarded as the biggest obstacle to the Zerg's activities on the surface of the planet led by Sass.

Brazen actions on a large scale cannot be done under the premise of concealing themselves, so to this day, the swarms are active in the deepest parts of the ground.

The planetary defense system of the federation's home star is mainly responsible for maintaining stability, information transfer and other functional roles internally. It has not played a role in the military for many years.

For so many years, no enemy has been able to reach here and launch an attack on the Federation's home planet. Therefore, although huge funds have been spent on maintenance and updates every year since its establishment, it has almost never been used.

Of course, its role is not to really fight against the outside world, just by being there, it can make many evil-minded forces disappear.

Just like now, even in the uninhabited land on the planet, its existence prevents the swarm from operating on the surface openly.

Therefore, Sass placed the first goal of the federal government since the Lurker came out, on the control of the planet's defense system.

In Zerg 1219, snowflakes began to fall in the northern hemisphere of planet Orui.This was once the origin of the Zerg race, but now there is almost no trace of the Zerg swarm.They withdrew from here, leaving only some Zerg bases hidden deep underground as an insignificant backup, entering the deepest dormancy.

The parent star of the Velvet Federation, the planetary defense headquarters.

This used to be the headquarters of the federal military's staff headquarters, but now it belongs to the planetary defense headquarters integrating military and police.Here, the defense forces that control the outer space and the surface of the entire planet are divided into six major regions, governing the 104 continental states of the Federation, with a permanent staff of 27 directly under the headquarters. Over a million Velvets serve this vast institution while maintaining an even larger number of reserve personnel.

In a state of emergency, this number can expand to more than ten times in a short period of time!
It can be said that they are the last line of defense of the Federation.In peaceful times, it mainly undertakes the task of maintaining the basic order of the Federation, combating separatist activities, and maintaining global peace.

Now, Sass has set his sights here.

Under the premise of not endangering its life, it is not a simple matter to change the cognition of an intelligent civilization individual from the bottom of thinking. The complexity of brain thinking is beyond imagination. The insect swarm has become extremely powerful, and it may be difficult to support such a huge calculation.

Even so, it is impossible for Zero to control the entire Velvet civilization individuals using this method. From the current point of view, it can only play a role in a small number of individuals.

Of course, the high-level and key personnel of the Federal Planetary Defense Headquarters are among this few individuals, and their value is enough for Sass to complete this matter.

This doesn't even require much planning, it just needs to sprinkle the "seeds" of the Zerg lurkers in the medium that can be reached nearby, and it can be completed by waiting.

If there are some low-value personnel among them, it will be enough to let the "seeds" wither by themselves at that time, it will not cause alertness, and it will not waste the computing power of the hive will.

With the rapid expansion of the swarm on the other side of the river system, the will of the swarm is becoming stronger every second. In the future, the swarm will definitely have the power to control the entire Velvet civilization.

Controlling the defense system of the Velvet's home planet is just the first step, the Zerg have already launched operations on every colonial planet.

Or ordinary travel, or daily diet, or in sleep, unknowingly, they have been infected by the Zerg.

To be gentle, this process will not be completed overnight. It is estimated that it can be completed in as little as a week or two, and as long as more than a month.

After taking the planet's defense system into their own hands, the insect swarm can be considered to have obtained preliminary "legal rights of passage" on the planet.

At the same time, there are also key positions such as high-level federal officials, members of parliament, and senior officials of the colonies who are infiltrating.

In addition to the scientific researchers, in the next few years, the swarm will gradually complete the Zergization of the consciousness of these Velvets, allowing the swarm to control the high-level discourse power in the Velvet civilization.


Pope, a new academician of the Federal Academy of Sciences, accidentally discovered a strange thing.

In the Academy of Sciences, a senior researcher who was about to retire died suddenly recently.

Although in a place like a scientific research institute, sudden death caused by overtime work and long periods of irregular rest is not uncommon, this death still left Popper with some doubts.

It's not about his death itself. Accidents will always come in various forms, which are unpredictable.What really made Pope a little strange was that the day before his death, he used his own authority to access many top federal technology materials.

Of course, although the authority requirements for these materials are relatively high, the level of confidentiality is not high. Among the scientific research circles, they are semi-public materials.

But the strangest thing is that with the level of knowledge shown by this dead researcher and the research direction of history, he should not have consulted these materials, and these things are not of much use to him.Although it seemed that he had just flipped through it hastily, and there was no trace of copying, it was still very strange, which made him alert immediately.

If we start from this matter, then the accidental death of this person seems a bit unusual.

Pope felt something was wrong, so during the investigation of the death, he informed the staff of the Public Security Department of the relevant information.

Soon afterwards, Pope was jointly interviewed by the Federal Ministry of Public Security and the Department of Planetary Defense, and a series of details were confirmed to him again, as if he was ready to go to war.

Sure enough, for the next two consecutive months, Pope felt that the atmosphere in the research institute was quite tense, and occasionally colleagues were even interviewed or even interrogated.

He speculated that this may be a case involving information leakage.

However, just two months later, everything returned to the original state, and the scientific research institute, which had always been undisturbed, regained its calm, but there was no report about that incident.

"Maybe it involves confidentiality?" Pope thought so, and stopped paying attention to this matter.As the youngest academician of the Federal Academy of Sciences in the past 300 years, his scientific research tasks are also very heavy.

Since the first launch of the life-extending potion without side effects, he has been devoting himself to analyzing the essence of the mysterious longevity substance obtained from the Zerg over the years, but there has been no breakthrough. A year ago, by chance, he discovered A kind of "illusory" existence hidden in this mysterious organization that can only be produced by Zerg but cannot be mass-produced industrially.

Popper believes that the reason why the combination of these elements can extend lifespan may not only be their own reasons, but also related to the step taken from the Zerg body!

Therefore, he proposed to transform the purely industrial production into a biological extraction process for Zerg.This Sass threw out the bugs used to confuse the Velvets, and it played its due role.

The various teams headed by Pope have produced more than a thousand achievements over the years, a considerable part of which has been applied in military industry, aerospace, transportation, and people's livelihood.

It has to be said that this is a great gift from zero to the Velvet people, but the price is a bit too expensive.

The collection of scientific research materials was of course Sass's handwriting, and the subsequent investigation was in vain, so it was naturally the lurkers who pressed it down.

Those who really master these cutting-edge scientific research knowledge are basically the top talents among the Velvet people. In order not to waste their potential, Sass made this "bad policy".

This method is not as convenient as directly extracting memory, but it does not take much work, and the information obtained in this form can also be consulted by all brain worms at the same time.

Since the entire database is too huge, this time Sass has only extracted some cutting-edge technologies and supporting information that may be useful to the Zerg. Even so, this is a considerable amount of knowledge, enough for the Cerebrates to digest for a while. .

Among them is the Velvet's technology of using energy crystals to activate the hypervelocity engine!
Of course, the most original version.The most cutting-edge technology will not be obtained by the Zerg so easily, but it is only a matter of time.

Since the change of conventional navigation caused by controlled nuclear fusion, the Zerg race has come into contact with similar science and technology for the first time in a real sense, and for the Velvet people, this has been lit up thousands of years ago.

In addition, there are energy applications, energy weapons and energy shields, the theory of gravitational sources, long-distance communication technology, etc. These are the advantages of the Velvet people, and they are also aspects that Zero is more concerned about.

Even if it is not the most cutting-edge result, it is of extremely high value to the Zerg, or it may have important reference significance.

As for the vast knowledge and technology reserves in the civilization database, sooner or later they will all be in the Zerg's possession, so there is no need to rush.

So far, many cerebrums with rich knowledge began to study the Velvet's engine technology with great concentration, and handed over the task of teaching Todd and maintaining the stability of the Velvet's star field to Visser.

Today's Visser is no longer the original Wu Xia Amon. He has been in charge of the development of the Zerg for many years, and the benefits to it are also huge.

The war with Mira back then made Viser quite frustrated, but he has become much more stable over the years.Zero handed over the main expansion area of ​​the entire Zerg to it. The colonization and expansion continued for hundreds of years, and the Zerg has accumulated more than 200 stars in more than a hundred galaxies.

The value of some galaxies is very low, especially the multi-star system. Apart from the stars, there is basically not much worth using. Visser uses it as a springboard to continue to expand further.

Over the years, during the continuous expansion, it is not that the Zerg have made other discoveries.

A total of two galaxies with life have been discovered, and they are both located in the TH-022 and PH-004 galaxies in the latest round of expansion. No matter which one is, the distance from Ori is more than 170 light-years.

Unfortunately, no signs of civilization were found.One of them is still in the age of ignorance, and it may be possible to evolve intelligent races in the future, while the other is more straightforward. Due to the harsh environment, there are only some unique microscopic organisms, forming a planet similar to that on the fourth planet of the Ori Galaxy. ecosystem.

All in all, not great value.

Zero has no interest in waiting for the birth of civilizations in these galaxies that are tentatively regarded as living planets. In the end, they were all destroyed in the development of the Zerg, leaving no room for them.

Except for the planet Ori, no other living beings exist in the area now completely ruled by the Zerg.

Over the years, Zero has focused his attention on the energy vein channels and the Velvet Federation, and has not paid much attention to the occupied areas.

It wasn't until the swarm once again discovered a brand new energy vein in the SH-009 galaxy, as well as more than [-] energy crystals "accumulated" inside the galaxy, that they attracted Zero's attention again.

This is the second energy ore vein discovered by the swarm in the universe so far, apart from arriving through the ore vein channel, and in the galaxy where it is located, no civilization like the octopus or Velvet was found. There are no such horrible creatures that obscure the stars, either.

It just appeared and disappeared for a moment, just like when the Zerg first saw this phenomenon in Crichtel.

Here, the swarm of insects only encountered a burst of energy, but it was enough for the brainworms to locate its location.

The Zerg still lacked sufficient understanding of this phenomenon, so they still used the old method. Visser sent a team of Zerg scientific research units to "wait and wait."

Then again, the Velvet people are more advanced than the Zerg in this area of ​​research. When looking through the Velvet civilization database, Zero noticed that they have been studying energy veins for a long time.

It just seems that the other party is hiding something about this, and the achievements in this area have not been kept in the database. Of course, maybe that researcher has insufficient authority, or maybe the Velvet people have knowledge of the technologies kept in the entire database. reserved.

Thinking about it, how can ordinary scientific researchers directly access the highest scientific research achievements of civilization, that is, the highest degree of confidentiality of the Federal Supreme Academy of Sciences, so that they have access to certain confidential channels.

But this is not a problem. Even if the technology previously obtained by the Zerg is not the most cutting-edge information in the Federation, if it is thoroughly studied and applied, it will be enough to make the Zerg a big step forward in all aspects.

What's more, things like permissions, as the infiltration continues, the Zerg will also have them in the near future.


Zerg In 1224, the fourth batch of Zerg scientific research units appeared from the passage. This time, their eyes were no longer boundless darkness, and they were not attacked at the same time.

Everything seems to be very peaceful, a blue giant star and a white dwarf star orbiting together, the interior of the galaxy is a large number of irregular celestial bodies, quiet and magnificent.

The Zerg unit then emerged in the invisible but co-orbiting gravitational center between two stars, an exceptionally bright blue giant on one side and a lifeless white dwarf on the other.

This is the second batch of bugs to survive through the mineral vein channel, but the strange thing is that they did not find excess energy crystals in this galaxy.

This means that energy veins should appear here for the first time.

Not being attacked, which is naturally the best.The swarm quickly began to establish a base in this strange galaxy, exploit resources, and at the same time... look at home.

It took a full six months and the Zerg scientific research unit, which had grown many times, to find a familiar star field in the night sky.

——There is the river star field where the main body of the Zerg race is located!

This time, without the attack of unknown creatures, the Zerg scientific research unit determined its location for the first time.

This is a completely unfamiliar star field. Although it also has a similar rod-spin structure, it is roughly estimated that it is more than 600 million light-years away from the main body of the Zerg!

In other words, at this moment, the Zerg origin galaxy observed by the Zerg scientific research unit is what it looked like 600 million years ago!
If it weren't for the many features in the galaxy, and 600 million years is not a particularly long time for a huge barred spiral galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars, even the star where Ori is located It takes less than one-tenth of the time for the center of the river system to run for a week, and I am afraid that it will take more time to discover this.

At the same time, Zero also found this star field from the location of the main body of the Zerg, which is another galaxy adjacent to the galaxy where the Zerg is located, and also has nearly [-] billion stars.

It is said to be adjacent, but it is also far away.

They come, the security.

The Zerg began to develop in this strange star field, further expanding the living range of the Zerg in the entire universe. Although they could not control the distance and position independently, it was still a means of traveling at super-light speed, so it was not a bad thing.

In order to distinguish it from two completely different huge galaxies, Zero gave it a new name.

Taking the location of the main body of the Zerg as the original galaxy, the newly discovered galaxy is called Lyman, which means-neighbor.

Before the emergence of the mineral vein channel, Zero did not expect that the first time the Zerg extended its tentacles into other galaxies would be in this way.

Although there is not much evidence that the insect swarms that appeared before were all wiped out by mysterious creatures, Zero reckons that maybe he has discovered some characteristics related to the operation of the vein channel.

That is, the longer you stay in it, the farther you will travel.

Of course, this information does not have many practical examples, and it does not have much practical value for the current Zerg race, but it is undoubtedly a further deepening of the understanding of this strange passage.

Turning a drop of water into a river, it is in this step-by-step testing and understanding that the final result can be obtained.

In order to further explore the operating mechanism of the mineral vein channel, Zero came up with a bold plan.

So far, the worms who have entered the mine channel alive have never felt that there are dead people. More than a dozen batches of Zerg scientific research units and hundreds of worms have all survived. Although it is not completely certain, this may mean that there is no danger inside the channel. .

Then maybe you can try sending brain worms into it to draw more direct conclusions!
Of course, there are still many risks to be taken, the most obvious of which is undoubtedly the mysterious enemy that may exist at the exit of the passage.

Therefore, brainworms such as Sars, Dagos, and Visser, who are crucial to the Zerg, cannot perform this task and can only be selected from the latecomers.

Although they won't really die, Zero still doesn't want to guess whether the newly born bugs still exist.

As for other non-important cerebrates, Zero is not so particular. So far, there are four cerebrates named by him personally, and the Zerg currently has a total of seven cerebrates. If there is no accident, there will be more in the future. More, some risks must always be borne by bugs, and it is reasonable to hand them over to them.

There is no rush to implement this plan, because the Velvet people should have some information about this that the Zerg have never known, and it may come in handy.

All in all, this is a feasible path that may lead to breakthrough progress, but it needs to take certain risks.The plan can only be launched after the Zerg successfully steal the data from the Velvet civilization and confirm that there are no other special results.

(End of this chapter)

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