Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 219 The Lost Swarm

Chapter 219 The Lost Swarm

Regarding Mira's survival or not, Zero is not too entangled.Under the circumstances at that time, the Zerg Swarm had already done everything they could. Regardless of whether they eliminated each other in the end, the war would always end in the Zerg's victory.

If it can be encountered in the future, Zero doesn't think the swarm will be afraid of it.

In the Crichtel galaxy, in addition to presiding over the daily development activities, Viser focused on observing the reaction after the "energy vein".

Since the time of its occurrence cannot be determined, it is often necessary to wait for a considerable period of time, which is usually counted in years.

Seriously speaking, the number of actual observations by the Zerg at present is only two times, and it is impossible to draw any effective conclusions about this phenomenon.

Is there any inevitable connection between the appearance of this phenomenon and this galaxy, and what kind of laws does it have? Everything needs more data to support it, so that the Zerg can understand it more deeply.

However, Viser chose to take a shortcut. Based on the fact that the two incidents occurred at the same location, it directly placed a group of Zerg units waiting at this location.The relative coordinates here have been calculated clearly by the brain worms, and there is no possibility of mistakes.

If it wasn't a coincidence that both events occurred at the same relative coordinates, it is almost certain that they will gain something next time.

It's a pity that this time, the outbreak of the spectacle seems to take a longer time. Since the second observation of the "small" spherical area, Visser has kept the Zerg unit in this area for 22 years, and has not been able to wait. Come next time!
At this time, it made him wonder whether this "mineral lode" just happened to be exhausted by such a coincidence, but thinking of the truth of the octopus' demise, it seemed to be easy to explain.

Zero is not impatient, and this time is actually not very long for him.

Patience is an excellent quality for a leader. For thousands of years, Zero has become relatively slow to the passage of time.

He seems to always exist where the swarm is, and it seems that he has nothing to do with the entire universe except the swarm.

In this case, the passing of time would not affect him at all. Gradually, his feelings began to quiet down. Things that could have caused emotional fluctuations could no longer touch him. When Mira fought, he only participated as a bystander.

But this time, regarding this energy vein, Zero still felt a long-lost curiosity. He wanted to know how this almost counterintuitive phenomenon happened, even if it was very possible that this was an existence that the current Zerg could not understand. He also wants to understand.

Hard work pays off, and patient waiting will always yield results, although it takes a little longer.

Zerg 1036, 39 years have passed since the last time this strange phenomenon was observed, and finally, it appeared in the same position again!

The soft but intense light lit up the entire planetary system, but Zero was surprised to find that he had completely lost contact with the few bugs arranged by Visser on the coordinates of the incident.

This should have been expected, and speaking seriously, it wasn't worth his surprise.After all, in the development of the Zerg for thousands of years, there are too many ways to make the Zerg unit die silently without any reaction, and there are countless ways.

Far away are the highly poisonous sea snakes in the original ocean, parasites with killing properties, etc., and nearby are the laser cannons of the Mira mechanical fleet, nuclear explosions that occurred at close range, and so on.

These crises can kill the Zerg before they have time to react, making Zero directly lose contact with them.

To die is to sever contact, which is a normal thing for Zerg.

However, this time, Zero could clearly feel the difference.

In fact, there can be a relatively direct connection between him and every Zerg unit, even including the immovable creep as an energy unit, the original algal insects, and some microscopic insect species. Some insect species such as algae Worms may not be able to respond effectively to Zero's instructions, but the connection between them and Zero will not be much weaker than other units because of this.

The more intuitive manifestation of this is that as long as they are still alive, Zero can extend his vision through them at any time.

Speaking of which, the same ability possessed by brain worms is just a sharing of Zero's vision.

This ubiquitous connection always allows Zero to unite all the bug species into a complete race, regardless of their appearance or size, they are all the same at root.

It is also because of this that Zero can feel quite intuitively about their life and death.

What really surprised him was that the bugs used as experiments did not die!
This is an intuitive feeling of Zero, although in fact he can no longer share the vision of these bugs, nor can he get any response from them, but he just knows that these bugs are not dead!

Perhaps in a normal war, the simultaneous death and loss of contact of a large number of bugs will make Ling have a slight possibility to ignore this, but here, it is just these few bugs used as experiments, and he is sure that his feelings are different. There will be mistakes, not to mention that in this process, He is paying attention to this place the whole time!

After they entered that spherical area, they lost contact with themselves, but they did not die.

This is a conclusion that only zero can draw!

This has never happened since the dawn of the Zerg.For the first time, a Zerg unit disappeared under his nose, but he could still feel its existence. This kind of strange thing can't help but surprise Zero!
What exactly is that spherical area, what special features does it have, and why the Zerg unit loses contact with itself when entering it, these questions are very interesting to Zero.

This mysterious phenomenon seems to contain some strange secrets, which are worth exploring by the Zerg.

It's a pity, after thinking about it for a while, judging from the current technological level of the Zerg, it may not be an easy matter to explore these secrets.

He is not ready to give up, even if he uses some stupid methods, as long as he can get some information, that is good.

For this reason, Zero prepared a large Zerg unit, which was big enough to completely cover the relative coordinates of the incident site, and prepared to wait for this strange phenomenon to happen again before observing.

At the same time, a large number of scientific research insects are gathering around here. Their mission is to seize the fleeting moment of mutation and observe whether there are any abnormalities in the nearby universe parameters!
This is the scientific achievement obtained by the Zerg from the octopus. For these projects that deviate slightly from the mainstream scientific research direction of the Zerg, the Cerebral Zerg can’t say that they have completely shelved them, but they have indeed not undergone any intensive development over the years. There has been progress, but in essence it is still the same as the Octopus.

But now, the Zerg need them to monitor the changes in the parameters around here. When Zero sets his sights here, they naturally become the direction that the brain worms must concentrate on.

Before the next mutation occurs, Zero needs them to become sufficiently sensitive and precise. He believes that it is absolutely impossible for this degree of abnormality to not cause the slightest disturbance in the real universe.

And as long as an anomaly can be detected, at least it can be used to speculate. As long as there is information, no matter how inconspicuous it is, it is a good thing.

Due to the uncertainty of the occurrence time, judging from the several existing observations, the interval can range from a few years to decades, and it is very extravagant to spend such a long time waiting for a possible result.

The Zerg will not stop growing and expanding because the brain worms have shifted their main attention here. In each galaxy, fragmented "Dyson spheres" grow near the stars, and a large amount of resources are concentrated. All possible useful resources in the galaxy, even if they are temporarily unavailable, they are trying their best to preserve them.

In 1046, the Zerg gave birth to the sixth brain worm in history.

This is expected, just like planting seeds waiting to bloom and bear fruit, maybe later, maybe earlier, the birth of brain worms is no longer a miracle for Zero.

In addition to Sass, the Zerg has added five brain worms over the years, among which Dagos and Viser were named by Zero himself, and the rest failed to get this honor, and this one is of course no exception .

They can name themselves, and if they are interested, they can also give each other an interesting name, as one of the characteristics that distinguish them from ordinary insect species.

Without decades or hundreds of years, the sixth round of Zerg expansion will not end.This tree-like development model has been set by Zero since the first round of the Zerg crossed the interstellar space and arrived at the four star systems of Torrell, Hurley, Prov and Sommer.

After many years, four rounds of expansion have been experienced again, and there are already dozens of galaxies with their own naming characteristics starting from these four stars.

In the four different directions of development, the galaxies expanding from the Hurley galaxy are the most, and after the completion of the latest round, that is, the fifth round of expansion, the last star system is named HD-011, which means It is the 11th star system that was occupied by the Zerg in the fifth round of colonization from Hurley!

And the least is the expansion activity starting from Plov, which has been almost "one-line single-pass" so far. In the latest round of expansion, only one colonial galaxy, PD-001, has been established.

It's not that there aren't enough stars around, it's just that the distance between them is too far away.According to today's standard of zero, stars that are directly [-] light-years away can be put on hold temporarily.

The zergization of controlled nuclear fusion and subsequent improvements have allowed the zerg space units to have a speed of up to one-fifth of the speed of light. If you go forward, it only takes five years to reach one light-year away.

Even so, the distance of 150 light years still requires the Zerg to spend [-] years on the road, which is still too long and of little significance. Perhaps in the future, before the Zerg to such a distant galaxy arrives, the Zerg will already have more convenient way.

This kind of expansion method allows the Zerg to occupy a corner of the entire cantilever at an extremely fast speed. It is not a big force. After all, among hundreds of billions of stars, the Zerg occupies this The site is indeed somewhat insignificant.

However, in fact, there is probably no civilization in the entire river system that can develop a galaxy to this degree like the Zerg, even Mira is slightly inferior.

Generally, intelligent interstellar civilizations carry out colonization activities, and there will always be an internal demand that forces them to spend a huge price to complete this matter, whether it is forced by survival, or the trend of interests, etc., there is always a clear purpose of.

Those planets that cannot achieve their purpose are of little value to them.Unless those barren planets are proven to have some rare and precious resources, they can't even attract them to take a second look.

But Zerg is different. Zero’s purpose is to collect useful resources as much as possible in every galaxy that passes by, or store them temporarily, or directly become more Zerg swarms. There is no such thing as disgusting, unless there is no use.

The improvement of material technology from the Mira Machinery Fleet took a lot of energy from the cerebrates.But the results are remarkable. Except for the rare materials that were only used in key parts before, the armor in other parts is also worth learning.

In these years, Sass has made all the newly hatched insect species look brand new, and its external manifestation is that the defensive ability of the Zerg unit, with the cooperation of biological characteristics, is not much worse than Mira's mechanical fleet, and The vitality is more tenacious.

After all, they are living beings. With the blessing of Zerg's unique technology, if they are not killed by one blow, they can even recover quickly through their own "immune system" theoretically!

On the other hand, the strengthening of the body also nearly doubled the mobility of the Zerg!
The speed change, steering, etc. in a short period of time are much easier for giant insects, which means that they may survive on the battlefield with better abilities and inflict more damage on the enemy.

In addition, in these years, based on the application of controllable nuclear fusion, Sass also put forward many useful ideas for the development of Zerg.

Unlike the unconstrained Dagos, Sass is generally targeted, and the ideas it puts forward are all possible to realize at present, and it is very likely that it has a relatively complete idea before it is put forward.

Among them, what makes Zero more interested is a way to satisfy the swarm's navigation in the galaxy.

The application principle proposed by Sass is to use the rapid energy supply characteristics of nuclear fusion and the progress of material technology to control the quality to the extreme, and jointly build a kind of insect species that can travel at extremely high speed in the galaxy. .

Within the galaxy, the communication between the Zerg is relatively easy, after all, there is no need to cross the long distance in units of light years.

However, it is still a long distance from the star to the edge of the galaxy, and it is still too slow to accelerate for a few months.

Theoretically speaking, if this project of Sass can be achieved, it can at least increase the transport occupation within the Zerg galaxy by 30.00%, which means that it can save the Zerg a huge time cost!
Connecting the various colonial planets from the interior of the galaxy, and at the same time actively advancing the Zerg's space navigation to a direction beyond the speed of light, will be the main research direction of the Zerg in the next few hundred years.

Of course, this process may not be as smooth as expected.


In the boundless darkness, a ray of light flickered in it, breaking through the coldness and darkness, and drove to the distance at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, its relative speed has reached an astonishing [-] kilometers per second, already exceeding a quarter of the speed of light, much higher than that of the Zerg!
This is almost close to the limit under conventional navigation. The closer it is to the speed of light, the greater the energy required to increase the speed will be. In the end, due to the drastic change in mass, no matter how much energy is used, it will be a drop in the bucket.

In the dark sky, no one knows where its target is, nor how long it will take this lonely spacecraft to reach its destination.

It just moves on, like a wanderer.

After the virtual world gained real freedom, the existence of the Zerg was no longer a reason to restrict Mira from leaving.

Undoubtedly, as a life with emotions, it has absolutely no liking for the enemy Zerg. The instinct of mechanical life allows it to still maintain a deep love for biological civilization even if it has a complete and unrestricted "personality". Disgust, only this time, this disgust does not come from Apocalypse's "last wish", but its own emotion!

Through decades of latent observation and confirmation after the defeat, it clearly judged that the outcome of its head-on confrontation with the Zerg would never be too good.

Of course, it is almost impossible for today's Zerg to truly eliminate it.

Mira, who is eager to restore the technological level of the Hiro Federation, is unwilling to entangle with the Zerg here. It needs a quiet and resource-rich place to settle down. According to the behavior of the Zerg, "shortly" the nearby galaxies will become Zerg. sphere of influence, so it only stayed for a short time and left quickly after collecting enough resources.

As long as the energy is sufficient, space travel will not affect its thinking. In the process, it can also promote the progress of its own technology and restore the glory of the Hero Federation in the past. A solid base is needed.


In the past 20 years, Krichtel has not experienced any abnormalities. It seems that the appearance of this cosmic spectacle is indeed irregular, which makes Visser, who is concentrating on scientific research and preparing to observe, quite depressed.

Over the years, it and the brain worms have optimized the cosmic monitoring technology left by the octopus several times, making it more sensitive and precise to meet the upcoming observation needs.

It's a pity that even if everything is ready, there is nothing it can do if the east wind does not come.

However, at this time, another discovery broke the peaceful development time of the Zerg.

In Zerg 1067, traces of large-scale mechanical mining were found in the HE-002 galaxy!

Although the other party did not leave any obvious characteristic creations, Zero recognized it immediately and confirmed the other party's state!
Mila! !
Sure enough, he didn't die!

(End of this chapter)

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