Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 167 Colonial Activities

Chapter 167 Colonial Activities
Zero has basically come to the conclusion that the other party is preparing to carry out colonial activities, so he can be regarded as relieved.

So during this period of time, he did not react to the other party's actions.

Alien colonization sounds like a very simple matter, but Zero knows in his heart the problems he will face when switching from the original home planet that can be said to be tailor-made for them to another completely different planet Absolutely massive.

He has no doubts about the other party's ability to solve these troubles. After all, he has already come here, and he has even completed the landing. He must have some understanding of the situation here, and it is not surprising to make preparations in advance.

But this does not mean that alien colonization can be easily completed in a short period of time, unless their technological level is so high that they can ignore the threats of different environments.

But judging from the current behavior of the other party, they should not have it. If they have such abilities, given the vastness of the universe, there is nowhere to go, so why bother to look for a living planet?

All that is left is time and patience to learn about the opponent's information little by little.

In the Zerg main base deep underground, Sass is still active. Any Zerg can stop its activities and go dormant due to the arrival of alien life, so as to ensure that it will not be detected as much as possible, but it cannot.

Sass shoulders the mission of the Zerg to grow, this is the root of the Zerg, and these octopus people have not shown a threat to the Zerg's survival. In this case, Zero will not give up the possibility of making the Zerg progress of.

If the intruders are ignored, the current situation has not changed much. Except that Zero cannot let the Zerg swarm act wantonly on the planet, those fundamental matters related to the Zerg are still going on.

Of course, this does not mean that Zero will swallow his anger towards these aliens. Anyone who has a thief in his home and swaggers around to search things will not feel happy, even if the other party does not hurt his life, even if the other party may It was a thief with a gun in his hand.

Under Zero's close attention, the octopus people are methodically preparing for their large-scale landing.

They extracted all kinds of effective antibodies through various creatures caught on the surface of the planet. Although some of them were still unresolved, time was running out, and they had to speed up the process.

As a result, the establishment of colonial outposts began to be put on the agenda.

The building modules have been backed up in the spaceship. Although they were damaged during the journey, as long as the resources are sufficient, this kind of thing can be produced with the equipment on the spaceship, so it is not a big problem.

The exploration of the suitability of the planet's environment is also progressing quite quickly. With the extreme speed of the aircraft on the surface of the planet, they have at least figured out the conditions of the waters within thousands of kilometers around the site of the outpost.

Since the threat from the external environment has not been completely eliminated, they still need to take protective measures during the process of establishing outposts, which will reduce a lot of efficiency, but there is no way. After all, what they lack most now is population. An individual is the most precious treasure of civilization, and it is extremely precious, and it must not die in this form.

Establishing settlements as soon as possible and turning the few "seeds" in the spacecraft into mature biological individuals is the key to the entire colonization plan.

The octopus launched the building modules to the ground through spaceships and aircrafts. The lost parts have been replenished on the spaceships with the only resources available. Later, the modular material and small material production lines will be transported to the surface one after another. In the preliminary exploration After the distribution of the mineral resources of the star ball, the colony will be expanded with local materials.

Everything has been planned. If it goes well, the reproduction and growth of the larvae can start after the establishment of the outpost base station is completed. After they have the initial ability to move, these "old guys" should also be able to Basic survival problems are completely solved.

Of course, due to the limitation of space, this process must be carried out successively from less to more, because before the environmental threat is eliminated, even the suitable environment required for the survival of larvae needs to consume a lot of energy for purification and transformation. OK.

For the octopus who is almost out of ammunition and food and desperate to put all their eggs in one basket, everything still seems a little tight.


During the continuous observation, Zero naturally understood what the other party was going to do,
Under His all-round surveillance, the other party's activities in the outside world, nothing can be hidden from Him.Of course, except for some characteristic technological structures.

Even so, as he observed more and more, he also had many doubts in his heart.

The other party's activities used to make him feel uncoordinated, and there were many strange things that made him pay attention.

"Why is there a little thunder and little rain?"

From Zero's point of view, the other party did not know how far they had traveled to come here, and they clearly appeared to be colonizing the planet, but looking at the efficiency and scale of their final work, Zero can only say...


It seems that it is too petty.

Being cautious is of course a good thing, and Zero has always believed that only being cautious enough can live for a long time, especially for a civilization.

But the scale and speed of the other party's expansion really made him a little confused.

Including the only few satellites in the sky, only one aircraft going back and forth at a time, another transport ship carrying a small amount of supplies from space to the ground, and so on.

Of course, if the distribution of the six satellites is reasonable, theoretically there is no problem in covering the whole world in real time, but the various reasons of the other party always make Zero feel timid.

It seems that they are not a colony team of interstellar civilization, but a group of thieves who broke into the house.

Many actions seem to be limited, and they can obviously do it faster and better. There are many roads in front of them, but they choose the slowest one.

To put it nicely, it can be said to be extremely cautious, but in other words, it can also be understood as showing timidity.

"What are they worried about?" Zero thought.

It stands to reason that if it can develop to the level of interstellar colonization, it should not be so searchy.

"Is it extreme inadaptability to the environment?"

Zero didn't think so. From the other party's previous efforts to collect creatures, he probably already knew what the other party was doing.

There is no reason for the other party to be limited by this. Even if they cannot adapt for a while, it is enough to take some protective measures and carry out large-scale and comprehensive colonial activities. Why bother to make small troubles until now?
This is not reasonable!

Zero can understand that at the beginning of the landing, he was as careful as possible. After all, the matter is of great importance, and there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

At the beginning, the opponent's extremely strict protection once made Zero feel a little helpless. Until the algae were captured by him, he never observed the true face of the opponent's civilized individual.

But then the other party's behavior became more and more strange, and there was always a feeling of restraint.Although Zero has been watching the changes quietly and doing nothing, this does not mean that he just watched quietly without thinking.

On the contrary, he has been thinking about how to catch the other party!
Not to mention anything else, just the other party's knowledge of interstellar navigation is enough to make him salivate!
Although this kind of technology on the pure hardware side may not be able to be used by the Zerg, but even if it is used as a reference, it is only based on what has been shown so far. If Sass is allowed to develop it himself, the Zerg can do it, and it will not take hundreds of years. You don't even need to think about it, and where to start is also a problem in terms of direction.

If you only rely on your own exploration, hundreds of years are only a conservative estimate.After all, the opponent's civilization must have many scientific researchers, while the Zerg has only Sass.

After realizing that the opponent does not pose a threat to the survival of the Zerg for the time being, Zero thought of this. The invasion of the opponent is not only an unprecedented crisis, but also an unprecedented opportunity!
It's just that their spaceships and satellites straddling the sky, as well as their extremely fast surface vehicles, have always made it impossible for Zero to start, with no opportunities at all, and the risks are extremely uncontrollable.

So he kept thinking about this question in his mind, and when the other party showed something unreasonable, he immediately and keenly noticed it.

Even so, Zero is still confused, and the extreme lack of information makes it difficult for him to directly get the correct answer. Even if he is aware of this, it is difficult to use it to do something.

So Zero had to be patient again, to obtain information bit by bit, to complete the puzzle in his mind, trying to draw conclusions and find a solution to the situation.

On the other hand, for Zero, the construction speed was obviously unreasonable, but for the Octopus, it was already doing its best.

There are indeed various resources on the spaceship that have been prepared before departure, but some of these resources were lost during the journey, and the amount of these resources was strictly limited in order to be able to carry more people. Not much left.

Although this is not fatal, they still have production capacity, but this situation still causes them considerable difficulties.

Coupled with the lack of manpower caused by the loss of personnel during spaceflight, the aging of individuals caused by ultra-long-term spaceflight activities, and the extensive damage to the seed bank, this has added too much trouble to this already reluctant colonization activity.

They have indeed arrived at their new home, where the scenery is beautiful and the environment is pleasant.However, these octopus people who have gradually lost their youth are completely unable to complete the set goals in a short period of time, and quickly start large-scale colonization activities here.

The current speed is already the best result that can be achieved with all efforts. In a few months, the first batch of new-generation civilized individuals will be born in the outpost.

Although it seems very hasty, even they themselves have not really adapted to the environment here, but there is no way, the growth of the new generation needs enough time, and the time left for their generation is running out.

The relatively long lifespan gives them enough time to study and work, but at the same time it also lengthens the growth rate of civilized individuals.

It takes at least ten years for an ordinary octopus individual to be barely out of the early childhood stage from birth, and initially possess the learning ability in a general sense, and until they can be used in the construction of the colony, this time is at least 25 years. We have to push back another 30 to [-] years.

And during this period, they need to be taken care of, and after their consciousness matures, they must also receive a good education, even if these remaining "seeds" are all the best among hundreds of millions of civilized individuals. Greatly increase their growth limit, but there is no doubt that it is absolutely impossible to let them know it from birth.

This is the huge time cost, resource consumption and human cost, and it is also the biggest contradiction that the octopus people are currently facing.

On the one hand, time waits for no one. They don't have much time to slowly complete the construction. The new generation needs to be born as soon as possible, and take over their work step by step before their generation dies, so as to continue the civilization.

But on the other hand, the remaining civilized individuals and extremely limited resources seem to be stretched, and the speed of development cannot be accelerated at all.

Even if the surviving people here are one-in-a-million civilized talents, whether it is wisdom or ability, they are the best choices, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. This is the objective condition. They do not have the ability to rub the production line with their hands. It can't be done, there aren't many miracles to be had.

This kind of speed, which is exhausting for them but abnormally slow for Zero, is a process they must go through.

In the ocean two months later, a building covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters with an average height of nearly 20 meters and a spherical structure with a regular polygonal upper and lower surfaces as a whole was completed in the water.

The other party showed a technology that Zero had never seen before, and "fixed" the building smoothly in the ocean.

Judging by the other party's various behaviors during this period, Zero thinks this should be a unique architectural art in the ocean. After all, the octopus-like appearance is not suitable for crawling on land. In terms of appearance, it should be more likely to be marine organisms.

Since there are no Zerg units in the newly built outpost of the other party, zero detection is also isolated. He does not know what the other party has done in this small space, but it is not difficult to guess, or Research, or breed, that's all.

It took such a lot of effort to make such a thing, it must have an important function, and it will not be used for entertainment.

However, without observing the interior of the outpost, Zero also made other discoveries.

After a few months, the other party's spaceship staying in the orbit once again released three satellites to decelerate and enter the near-level orbit, presenting a standard uniform distribution, just covering the entire planet.

Zero found that compared to the previous six satellites, the volume of these three satellites was more than one lap larger, and they looked too bloated.

At the same time, its orbit is also lower, almost above the minimum orbit.

Obviously, the functions of these two batches of satellites are most likely to be different. As for the specific functions, Zero does not know.

But looking at the other party's subsequent actions, he can also make a rough guess.

Because shortly thereafter, the aircraft reappeared from the newly established outpost base station, and it directly carried equipment that was obviously a product of technology, and headed for the nearest land with a very clear goal.

There, there was an island where lizardmen once lived, and it was a part of the island civilization.Now hundreds of years have passed, and it has basically become a ruin.

Those towering and majestic buildings in the past have long been extremely dilapidated, collapsed and destroyed.There is no trace of the ever-flowing roads of the past.

The big ship that was originally traveling across the world, the battleship loaded with the most advanced weapons on this planet, quietly sleeps in the seabed of the wharf ruins, allowing the sea water to erode and wash away.

Plants that have lost their balance are soaring in the former lizardmen's city. All kinds of animals live in it, vines are everywhere, birds are in groups, insects are singing, and snakes, insects, rats and ants are rampant.

The invasion of plants brought a different kind of vitality to the city that was originally raided by the Zerg, and also provided better living conditions for the entry of other creatures.

Now here, there is a scene of thousands of species competing for freedom, but there is no trace of the lizard man anymore.

Perhaps in another 100 years, even these remaining ruins may be lost in the long river of time, and latecomers can only find a glimmer of the glory of the lizardman civilization from the tiles buried underground.

It is only a hundred years, and the long civilization that has survived for thousands of years has only left this ruined wall, which makes people sigh inexplicably.

This is the power of time, silent, but shaking the world.Even the stars in the sky that seem to have existed forever since ancient times will one day be extinguished under the power of time and become cold and lonely.

However, the octopus people, who have not been able to observe the civilization activities on the surface of the planet for a long time, are more and more convinced that the civilization of the other party may have been lost, and finally made up their minds to carry out the initial exploration of this area.

In addition, they also have an important task-to mine resources on this planet and start the first step of self-sufficiency.

In addition to the cities and settlements left by the Lizardmen, there are also some mineral deposits that have been mined by them halfway on this island, all of which are buried shallowly, so they were discovered by the Octopus at the first time. Collect resources here to prepare for the subsequent expansion of the outpost base station.

From this, Zero probably knew the function of the latest satellite released by the other party.

This should be a satellite focused on resource exploration.

But, why only three?This can only barely cover it!

Regarding this point, he once again had doubts.

But this time, regarding this doubt, combined with various unreasonable things that happened in the past, He began to start his own speculation.

A very strange but very reasonable conjecture formed in his mind after careful consideration.

"Could it be..."

 I'm a bit busy, and it took me a while to revise the manuscript in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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