Chapter 160
Zero has recently become obsessed with observing the starry sky, and the vastness and tranquility made him a little intoxicated.

Such a beautiful scenery, but there are no Zergs roaming in it, it is tantamount to a hidden gem, it is really a pity.

Some nonsensical thoughts flashed through Zero's mind, and he couldn't help himself from wanting to laugh.

Of course, he didn't just look at it. Since he was able to observe the starry sky, he has been trying to record the stars in the sky, so that he can distinguish them in the future.

And it turned out... with little success.It is really difficult to do this among hundreds of millions of stars by sight alone, and there is no way to record the distance or specific information.

So he is actually emptying himself more. Only at this time can he clearly feel the subtle fluctuations in his mind.

Seth was coyly studying himself, which made him a little unaccustomed.The vast majority of the Zerg swarm were dormant, and Zero did not hatch any more Zerg individuals, only maintaining the current scale.

So although the algae are still multiplying in a large area, the rest of the species have not become extinct because of this. On the whole, the entire planet is still biologically flourishing.

Without intelligent creatures as competitors, the extinction of other species will not bring any benefits to the Zerg, so Zero is almost letting nature of this kind of thing now, if they can resist the constant invasion of algal insects in the continuous competition, Zero will not will deliberately attack them.

Pointless and cumbersome.

The research that needs to be done has basically been included in the Zerg gene pool. Even if there are some that have not been captured by the Zerg, there are still active bug swarms to explore and discover, so don't worry too much.

Zerg's current focus is no longer on the study of native organisms, although they can still provide some ideas sometimes.

Sass is trying to study the secret of his own longevity on a micro level, and if he finds something, he will then use it.

If it goes well, in the next few decades, Sass may overcome the biological barriers at the genetic level, thus bringing the transformation of the Zerg into the right order.

What Zero is thinking now is how to let the Zerg really go into space.The basic environment there is much harsher than anywhere on the planet, but it is just a basic skill to go into deep space, adapt to and resist this extremely harsh environment.

Relative vacuum, cosmic radiation, extremely low temperature, etc., are completely insurmountable by the current Zerg.

Everything still needs to be considered in the long term. Zero's plan is to improve bit by bit through the samples in the accumulated gene pool after Sass has the preliminary gene editing ability, that is, can simply and directional control the hatching traits of the Zerg.

There are some whimsical ideas, but everything must be based on the fact that the Zerg can survive normally in space.

This is completely different from ordinary civilizations. Zergs are not accustomed to using foreign objects, and they do not have the ability to produce functional materials such as radiation isolation. Even if there are, Zero hopes to directly biochemicalize this material and use it in the body of the Zergs. , instead of being used as "clothes".

So at present, no matter how fierce the Zerg is, it will not change the fragility of its body itself. When exposed to the cosmic environment, there will be ten deaths and no life.

Things have to be done step by step, so Zero is currently in a calm state of mind, and he is waiting for the moment when Sass makes a breakthrough.

However, in order to observe the starry sky more conveniently, Zero did nothing in the end.

From the lizardman civilization above the ocean, the Zerg has indeed obtained some primitive knowledge about astronomy. If you look at these theories from scratch, many of them can be falsified at a glance, but he will not take the initiative to do it now. In conclusion, the most common empirical errors are likely to be caused by differences in environment and cognition.

So he chose to verify them one by one.

After the Lizardman's basic research on optics was obtained by the Zerg, it was actively used in scientific research at the microscopic level.

However, when Zero turned his attention to space, a kind of insect species focused on ultra-long-distance observation also emerged as the times require.

Zero's will is the direction the Zerg are heading.Unlike all other civilizations, here in the Zerg, this is not a slogan, but will be practically implemented into actual actions.

No matter how difficult it is, or even impossible to complete, His will will be thoroughly carried out by the swarm.

Through this professionally assisted observation bug, Zero cast his sight on the true face of the surrounding celestial bodies for the first time.

He always has some obsession with naming. In view of the lizardman civilization discovered on this planet, He originally wanted to directly name this planet the Lizardman Star.

However, Sass believes that not every planet will have life, and this naming may cause confusion in the name.

Zero thought it made sense, so he humbly asked it for advice.

For this kind of thing, Zero has always been open-minded to accept advice, so in the end, in order to commemorate the first civilization that the Zerg encountered here, that is, the Lizardman Sudman Empire, he took the first civilization occupied by the Zerg. The planet, named after the pronunciation of the ancient language of the lizard people, can be regarded as fulfilling the original words-he will stand on the ruins of civilization and lament for it.

Not only that, before the Zerg encounter the next civilization, all planets or star fields that need to be named will be named according to this rule, which is Zero's last bit of mercy to the Lizardmen.

Ori, this is the name Zero finally gave, and in the old lizardman language, it means hometown.

So in the future, this planet will be called: Planet Auri.

As for the entire star system, it is directly and simply named the Ori Galaxy. The other planets in those star systems are not so particular, and are directly named after the distance from the star.

Under Sass's suggestion, in the future, unless the planets with special significance to the Zerg, such as Aurix, as the origin of the Zerg, can be named more formally, those worthless planets and even star fields are indeed not named. necessary.

Although this is contrary to some of Zero's obsession with naming, it is indeed more reasonable, and there is nothing wrong with Zero.

Now, with the help of the vision of scientific research insect species, he will conduct the first scientific observation of the satellite of Auristar.

Since the Zerg lacked knowledge about stellar spectra and other aspects, in order to determine the distance between this satellite and Ori, Zero could only use a relatively primitive method, that is, the parallax method.

This is a relatively simple but high-precision measurement method for close-range celestial bodies, and it can be easily completed with the characteristics of the Zerg, but with the characteristics of the Zerg, it is impossible to be as accurate as you want.

Now, for the size of Planet Ori, Zero has been able to roughly measure it using the Zerg bases all over the world.

The so-called parallax method is to observe the same star in the starry sky at two distant positions on the surface of the planet at the same time, and then use trigonometric functions to calculate the distance.

It's a pity that Zerg doesn't have a proper way to accurately determine the angle of view. It can only be roughly estimated from zero, so it can still only be measured roughly.

But Zero doesn't need to measure it very accurately, he just wants to roughly estimate the distance between the two celestial bodies, and prepare for the future development of the Zerg space.

As for the minutiae of precision, it's not too late to solve it after Sass is free, after all, this is not an imminent need.


When Zero was busy observing the starry sky and Sas was busy researching himself and trying to give the Zerg a longer life, in the ocean, in a cave deep underground on a small island, several Lizardmen who barely survived died one after another.

Although the Zerg have basically occupied the entire surface of the planet, it is obviously impossible for them to search every corner.

The lizardmen group is so huge, there are always some lucky ones who can escape the initial killing of the Zerg and survive.

It's just that when the Zerg later occupied the entire planet, most of them either died due to various accidents, or were found and killed by the Zerg.

However, there are still a very small number of beings who are lucky enough to hide in a sufficiently secret place and survive humblely, just like this group of dead lizardmen.

Zero didn't have the heart to hunt them down and kill them one by one, and there was no need for that.

At the beginning, after defeating the main body of its civilization in the war and ending the battle as quickly as possible, he basically ignored the lizardmen. focus on.

He didn't have much idea how many lizardmen died under the sharp claws of the Zerg, and Zero didn't even care much about the loss of the Zerg themselves, let alone them.

It is only a rough estimate, and the sum of several large-scale wars and subsequent sporadic exterminations is still tens of millions.If you add those primitive lizardmen whose appearance is almost the same as lizardmen but whose intelligence is not at the same level, hundreds of millions are no problem.

It can be said that after these several wars, the lizard people have completely withdrawn from the stage of history and basically ended their own civilization process.

But in fact, at that time, they still retained a trace of the last spark.

If the Zerg disappeared after the war, perhaps one day, this group of surviving lizardmen would still be able to rebuild civilization on the ruins, even if the process would be quite long and difficult.

But until today, this possibility has completely disappeared.

As batch after batch of lizardmen hiding in the dark corners that the Zerg hadn't noticed died, the last hope of the lizardmen civilization was also extinguished in this corner, and it was impossible to ignite again.


In the Zerg main base, Sass felt that his recent research was a little smooth. Of course, smoothness should be a good thing, but the recent research process is really smooth and a little abnormal.

It seemed as if it was suddenly aided by a god. Countless thoughts flashed in its mind, and the accumulation of the past surged into its mind like a spring. Countless inspirations collided in its mind, and new sparks were constantly being produced.

During this period of time, it is like an epiphany in a martial arts storybook, falling into a state of forgetting both things and me.

After an unknown amount of time, the hatchery closest to it suddenly moved, and a batch of chrysalis-like bugs hatched.

They directly swallowed the body tissue that Sass used to study himself and sloughed off, and then stopped moving.

But at this moment, at the microcosmic level that cannot be observed by the naked eye, drastic changes are taking place in the worm's body.

The tissue cells belonging to SARS that entered its body entered into a peculiar structure along with the tissue fluid to maintain its activity.

Various biological enzymes are quietly produced in it. Under the observation of Sass at the microscopic level, these biological enzymes enter the cells, and each silently opens the helical structure containing the underlying information of biological traits. , and replicated segment by segment, and finally completed the cutting and selection of genes in fact.

Seeing that things were feasible, Sass immediately classified various biological enzymes from many hatcheries and added them to each Zerg that was about to be hatched.

It is foreseeable that this will fundamentally and directly change the trait expression of Zerg!

This will be a large-scale experiment, and the results will have a profound impact on the future development of the Zerg!
But when this process started, Sass couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

Only seven years have passed since Zero gave it the problem of solving the lifespan of the Zerg.

For five years, everything went incredibly smoothly.In the past, it was extremely difficult to find the problem of thinking in a short period of time. In the process, it seemed to be a matter of course, and it was done easily.

It's as if as long as its thoughts reach there, there will naturally be countless thoughts and collisions in its mind, and finally "send" the possibility that is most likely to be realized to it!

This state of being so good that even Sass himself can't believe it. Although it claims to be super intelligent, it has never happened in all previous researches. Create the illusion that you can solve all problems in this state!

Sass' changes quickly attracted Zero's attention. With the help of the Hive Will, its research had no secrets about Zero, so he also clearly noticed what happened.

Although it is still unclear what kind of expression results these intercepted fragments represent, there is no doubt that this is already a huge leap forward, representing that the Zerg has the ability to rely on itself to make the simplest selection of biological traits !

Even if it is random and irregular, it will not affect the meaning it represents!
And Sass also returned to normal at this time. I don't know if it is an illusion, but Zero always feels that at this time, his eyes are shining with wisdom that represents knowledge.

Zero is a little curious about Sass completing this huge scientific research achievement in just a few years this time, which is too different from the speed shown in the past.

He did not expect that things would go so smoothly. Before that, he had already prepared for decades or even longer waits.

After all, Sass was alone, and no matter how talented he was, it was impossible for him to think very smoothly.

However, this time, he was a real surprise to Zero, and he couldn't help asking why. If Zero knew that Sass would never discount his orders, he would have doubted Sass' previous research. It's clumsy.

This is of course impossible, but the answer Sass gave later made Zero feel even more strange.

Because it seemed a little tangled, and finally gave Zero a simple answer in an equally incomprehensible tone.

"Blessed to the soul."

This may sound absurd, but it is the most definite answer that Sass can give, because it is true that during this period of time, it has realized too much knowledge and information like God's help, and all the crooked paths it took before In this process, I was corrected by many inspirations one by one, and then quickly took a big step towards the right path!

This is not blessing to the soul, so how to explain it?

Maybe Sass really accumulated a lot of money and integrated all the previous gains to bring about this result, or maybe there are other reasons that Zero doesn't know that caused this, and he has no way of knowing.

What the mysterious zero of the universe knows is only the fur of the fur. In the process of continuous exploration, nothing can be expected. Maybe one day, the truth that has been firmly believed will be overturned and it is unknown.

It is actually a means of progress to make wild guesses about unknown information based on one's own superficial cognition, but if one draws conclusions based on this and believes it to be true, it is really a kind of arrogance.

However, Zero does not believe in coincidences, but the lack of information prevents him from making an effective judgment. Fortunately, this matter is beneficial to the Zerg, and he does not care too much about it. He just keeps this matter in his heart and will check it later .

(End of this chapter)

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