Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 155 The Story of Deep Space

Chapter 155 The Story of Deep Space
If the time is moved forward 500 years and this star field is observed from the perspective of the entire galaxy, when Zero has not awakened and the Zerg has not yet been born, in another star system about 50 light-years away from here, Its fourth planet is a gas giant planet, and on its third satellite, the last survivors of a civilization that has tried its best to escape from the civilization that is about to destroy its parent star embarked on a journey to find a new home in the vast universe. journey.

Fortunately, they found planets that might be suitable for living in the nearby galaxies. Unfortunately, the spaceship they built with all their efforts could only carry a very small number of civilization individuals.

Therefore, all the lives that are destined to stay on the mother star will die in the subsequent disaster, and they will bear the hope of the survival of civilization, and go to the new place that may be suitable for survival at a distance of 50 light-years. home.

According to the latest report from the Supreme Academy of Sciences of Civilization, there is a high possibility that there is a large amount of liquid water on that rocky planet, which is the basis for their race to exist!

Because, they are civilizations from the ocean!

They called the galaxy they were in, the Critchtel galaxy, which means: the place of origin.

And the star system that is about to go is renamed: Heprius, which means-the place of hope.

Their parent star, the third satellite of the fourth planet in the Crystal system, is a planet completely covered by oceans. Although it is only a satellite of the gas giant planet, its maximum diameter has exceeded tens of thousands. km, even surpassing some rocky planets.

Its mass is large enough for it to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium without collapsing inwards, so it is unquestionably spherical.

At the same time, its magnetic field is moderate, it has an atmosphere sufficient to protect the entire planet, and its surface temperature is suitable, allowing liquid water to exist stably, laying the most basic living environment for the existence of life on it.

In ancient times, the environment here was indeed stable and suitable, and a large number of creatures were born and died in the boundless ocean.

The existence of giant planets prevents it from most of the disasters in the universe that may threaten the entire planet, so this place has become a paradise for life.

In the end, under natural selection, after a long period of biological evolution, a race with sufficiently obvious advantages defeated each opponent, and finally stood at the pinnacle of this "Mercury", and gradually gave birth to its own unique civilization.

However, success is also Xiao He, and failure is also Xiao He.

From the beginning of civilization, the environment of the entire planet has continued to deteriorate at an extremely slow rate.

As a satellite, the influence of the giant planet it depends on is much more pronounced than that of a distant star located hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

In the billions of years since the star system was born, the inner planets have basically tended to be stable, which is also one of the most basic conditions for life to exist on the No. [-] satellite.

However, on long time scales, there will always be some surprises.

This gas giant planet, which has withstood many fatal crises for the No. [-] satellite, captured a large number of various asteroids that broke into the interior of the galaxy from the edge of the galaxy in the process.

In the long and complicated evolution of these celestial bodies, they have exerted more and more influence on the environment on the No. [-] satellite, especially after a large-mass asteroid was captured again, because of its special orbit, it has continuously affected the environment including All moons of the giant planets, including Moon III.

Gradually, that peaceful environment like heaven no longer exists.

Under the increasingly complex tidal gravity, the ecological environment of the entire planet is irreversibly developing in a more severe direction. Under the drastic climate change, various disasters occur frequently, and the temperature of the entire planet's surface is increasing at a slow speed. Lowering, the ice layer is slowly expanding from the poles to the surrounding.

It was precisely in this environment that the initial fire of civilization began to burst out, and a kind of aquatic mollusk gradually stepped onto the world stage.

Due to their smarter brains and better adaptability to the gradually changing environment, they defeated opponents on the road of evolution, and finally completed the transition from beasts to intelligent races, standing on the top of creatures for the first time.

After that, they established a splendid civilization in the ocean, and various technologies developed rapidly.

If the influence from the outside world is just like this, perhaps when it becomes really affecting their survival, they already have the ability to actively change the environment.

However, I don’t know when, those asteroids captured by the giant planets were affected by the increasingly complicated operating environment outside, and finally one of them could not be restrained and slammed into this huge gaseous planet.

From the perspective of the universe, this impact is not even a small splash in the sea.Even for this gas giant planet itself, although the energy released in the process is huge, the final result is nothing more than the formation of a huge storm circle on its surface, which is not painful at all.

But for the life existing on the No. [-] satellite, this incident almost caused them a catastrophe.

The powerful light source, heat source and high-energy rays produced by the continuous impact of asteroids that are unevenly stressed and broken into many huge meteorites under the action of gravitational tides even brighten the entire star system at the moment of impact!
Fortunately, when the impact occurred, the No. [-] satellite, which is the closest to the planet, and the No. [-] satellite, where life exists, were roughly on the same straight line as the impact source. Therefore, most of the energy produced by the impact was Blocked by Moon [-], which is much closer to the giant planet.

But even if it was just the aftermath, the intense high-energy rays turned the atmosphere above the No. [-] satellite upside down in a very short period of time!
The imbalance of air pressure caused an extremely strong hurricane on the entire planet, sweeping the really monstrous waves and wreaking havoc on the entire surface of the planet!

On the side facing the giant planet, a large amount of seawater evaporated and escaped, and endless creatures were evaporated and died.The glaciers at the two poles are melting rapidly, and the environment of the entire planet is changing drastically!

As for the No. [-] satellite, which blocked most of the energy impact, due to the closer distance, the powerful high-energy rays directly melted its surface facing the giant planet. Raging above.

Under this kind of mighty power, the civilization that only exists on the surface of the earth is as fragile as a piece of white paper!
Fortunately, the existence of the No. [-] satellite blocked most of the impact power for them, leaving the last leeway for the life on this planet, and also left a trace of fire for civilization.

After a long time, the spark of civilization finally burst out again in this boundless ocean, filling the world with the brilliance of civilization again.

The sorrow and the blessing of the blessings, the blessings of the blessings.

The crisis caused by the impact of the asteroid on the giant planet, under the evolution of various coincidences, revitalized the system of the entire planet that had been continuously evolving towards evil.

After thousands of years of intense evolution, after the mass extinction, they ushered in another golden age of development.

During this period of thousands of years, they re-established the edifice of civilization and once again created a soul-stirring epic.

However, the past historical research and the continuous development of technology have gradually made him understand the truth of the last mass extinction.

The awe of the universe has made it vigorously develop into space, and thus finally formed a unique technological system.

However, the connection between good and bad can never be made clear.

The original No. [-] satellite withstood most of the energy emitted by the giant planet when it was hit, allowing the life on the planet to continue and multiply, and finally even reached the level of looking into space.

However, when they really turned their eyes to the universe, they discovered an extremely terrifying fact in horror!

Since it was quite close to the impact point at the beginning, the front of the No. 90.00 satellite withstood more than [-]% of the impact, and the huge energy even made its rotation axis and the entire orbit slightly deflected!
The entire galaxy is like a huge and precise instrument, everything is running according to the set trajectory, as if it has not changed forever.

But once there is a change in it, it will not only affect the moment and place, but the whole system will be affected by it.

Although from an individual point of view, such tiny influences and changes may take hundreds of thousands of years or even longer to be reflected, which is quite a long time.

But on a cosmic scale, that amount of time is just a fraction of a second away.

When they have gone through hardships all the way from the ignorance period and finally developed to the level of looking up at the stars, a desperate reality is placed in front of them.

After the most rigorous calculations, if there is no external force interference, affected by the long-term orbital deflection of the No. [-] satellite, the No. [-] satellite is also slowly changing its own running direction, which makes it close to the elliptical orbit between the giant planets. Points keep shortening!
This means that it will be more and more seriously affected by the gravity of the giant planet, which is serious enough to make life on the planet extinct!
Although it is not obvious now, as the distance continues to approach, even with the passage of time, the No. [-] satellite can still achieve a stable orbit around the giant planet after going through a long and complicated journey. , it will not break through the Roche limit between itself and the giant planet and collapse on its own, but the disaster caused in this long process is definitely the end of death for the creatures on its surface.

Because that is a powerful force enough to completely change the appearance of the entire planet, its atmosphere will be destroyed, and the seawater surging day and night will be completely frozen and frozen.

This is still the most optimistic estimate. As for the worst, there is really no need to continue to speculate. It is not impossible for the No. [-] satellite to collapse, to become a star ring around the giant planet, or even to continuously collide. They are all major events that cannot be ignored, and their impact will be reflected in every aspect of the entire galaxy.

With this level of heaven and earth power, even if they can escape from the No. [-] satellite, as long as they are still in the star system, they will definitely not escape bad luck.

Even in the most optimistic scenario, without the protection of the atmosphere, the cold and desolate universe will directly contact the surface of this planet, and the ubiquitous cosmic rays and microscopic particles will unscrupulously affect everything here, allowing it to regenerate. Returning to the state of dead silence, it becomes cold and desolate, no longer suitable for the existence of life.

And this process will only get faster and faster with the passage of time and changes. It may not be obvious now, but the degree of deterioration of the situation will rise sharply with the passage of time, and eventually it will be completely irreversible.

300 years!
This is the final conclusion they have drawn after careful and scientific research.

In a maximum of 300 years, the situation will completely deteriorate to an unmanageable level. If there is no response plan, the fire of civilization will be completely extinguished before then.

The No. [-] satellite, which is the closest to the giant planet, is like a creditor who has collected debts after tens of millions of years. It is bringing the No. [-] satellite to destruction at a slow speed, or it will be destroyed by it for a long time. Sheltered creatures lead to destruction!
If their civilization hadn't developed to the extent that they are looking at the starry sky today, or if the development speed was slower, they might perish quietly in confusion and fear. This is not a kind of luck.

But at this point in time, after realizing this, they have to struggle and resist, to survive, and at least to keep some kindling for civilization.

Even if it is unacceptable, in order to survive, they have to tilt the crooked technology tree in the direction of space and space again.

Within a hundred years, starting from the release of the aircraft, they gradually ignited the door to the deep space of the universe. A spaceship barely adequate for interstellar travel was built above the orbit.

This is a miracle unique to civilization, and it is their dazzling brilliance under the stars!

Or God is merciful. In their observation of the universe, they found a planet with a high probability of having a large area of ​​liquid water only fifty light-years away, and its position in the star system is extremely superior. There are three gas giant planets protecting the outside, and the distance between the inside and the star is quite suitable.

This environment is many times better than that of the No. [-] satellite!
Most importantly, its size and mass are estimated to be almost the same as the No. [-] satellite!

This means that the gravity on its surface will not be much different from that of the parent star, which is extremely important for those who cannot transform themselves to adapt to the mutant environment!

Although it is impossible to be sure that there is a suitable environment on it, and it is also impossible to determine the extent to which the local civilization that may exist on it has developed.

But after comprehensive consideration of various options, compared to looking for other planets in the Crystal galaxy that may have a lot of water, there is no doubt that going to this galaxy that is only fifty light-years away is a better choice.

There are many reasons for this. In the development of these years, they have explored as much as possible all the planets in the galaxy that may be suitable for transformation into a suitable environment, but unfortunately they did not get any good results.

There are still some who failed to complete the exploration due to various reasons such as the window period, but time is no longer on their side, and even if they search, there is not much hope.

Pinning the last hope of civilization on them is undoubtedly betting on an extremely unlikely probability.

It's also a gamble, why not choose the one with a higher probability of success?Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the result is bad, at least there will be hope before arriving there, which is better than dying slowly in despair day after day.

In this process, in order to deal with the turmoil from within the civilization and concentrate their efforts to accomplish this, they have consumed too much energy and resources.

Time is too tight, they are unable to change the trajectory of the planet, and they have no time to do more things. Building a spaceship capable of interstellar navigation is already the limit.

How to ensure the survival of civilization as much as possible is the simplest and greatest thinking since the birth of civilization.

Only one spaceship is destined to be unable to take away too many biological individuals. Other spaceships under construction docked at the space dock either cannot have long-distance voyage capabilities, or their construction progress has not caught up with the arrival of the final moment—the Changes have begun to appear, and their speed has exceeded previous estimates, and the situation is far less optimistic than initially expected.

The most important thing is that the construction materials produced by concentrated efforts can only reach the current level.

That's why I said that time is no longer on their side, and it's time to make a choice.

It is not a difficult decision whether to continue to search for the hope with extremely low possibility in the star system and waste the limited resources here, or to put all your hopes on the new home 50 light-years away. s Choice.

They also want to do both at the same time or one after the other, but unfortunately, even if they integrate the resources of the entire civilization, they can barely make up enough energy for the only spaceship to go to the target star system. There may be a little redundancy in it, but it is a backup stored in response to possible changes and crises during the long journey, and it must not be easily used.

As for the surviving individuals on the parent planet, it can only be said that they are resigned to their fate. If they can’t do it, they can’t do it. If the conditions don’t allow it, no matter how unwilling they are, they can’t change the objective fact of existence—they will no longer have hope of living up.

The spaceship carrying the fire of civilization gathered the most advanced technological crystallization of the entire civilization, carrying hundreds of elites among billions of individuals and millions of "seeds" that can revive the fire of civilization, and left the parent star , using the acceleration of the gravitational slingshot, passed the gas giant planet, and then passed the star in the center of the galaxy time and time again. After continuous acceleration, it plunged into the endless darkness and never came back.

 Thanks for the book friend [Heart of the Swarm] 100 starting coins for rewarding! !

  Book friend [20220820082028135] 100 starting point coins reward! !

  Book friend [Lao Tzu and his Lao Tzu] reward with 100 starting coins! !

  Astronomical illiteracy does not need to be studied carefully, it is not a popular science article.

(End of this chapter)

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