Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 147 Meeting in the depths of the ocean

Chapter 147 Meeting in the depths of the ocean

The sky is as blue as washing, and the sea is undulating.From time to time, seabirds flew over the fleet, and sometimes even boldly stayed on the deck, attracting the attention and discussion of some idle lizardmen.

Looking at it from a distance, due to the light and angle, it can't be seen clearly, until it gets closer from under the sea surface, Zero can see it clearly.

This is obviously an escort fleet of lizardmen. Among the twelve ships, only two are warships, and the rest should be transport ships.

The most obvious difference between them is the draft and firepower configuration, as well as the inadvertent difference in speed.

The two battleships, both the bow and the stern, were obviously loaded with cannons, of course, including the sides of the ship, the total number was no less than ten.

Although their drafts are also not shallow, compared to the other ten merchant ships, they are undoubtedly insignificant.

I don't know what materials are in it. These transport ships only have two or three simple artillery pieces, but the draft is extremely deep.

As a matter of course, their speed is slower than that of battleships.Through careful observation, it is not difficult to find that the two warships have been deliberately slowing down their own sailing speeds in order to protect these merchant ships within a certain range around them.

Zero didn't know where they came from, but it was obvious that such a large-scale sea fleet, even with armed escorts, would not be a simple transportation operation, presumably the goods on these merchant ships must be of great value.

But for the zero-sum Zerg, no matter what kind of priceless treasure it is, it is meaningless if it cannot be used for itself.Therefore, Zero also has no coveting heart for them.

What he wants to do at present is nothing more than to follow the other party to see where the main body of their civilization is. It is best to find a hidden place, first place the hatchery, and then slowly map it.

Obviously, although the Lizardmen group discovered this time has a relatively developed navigation industry, they don't seem to have really launched a large-scale navigation movement. At least they haven't discovered the continent where the Zerg race is now.

Maybe it's their lack of ocean voyage capability, or maybe their social development level doesn't meet the needs of long sea voyages to expand outward.

The reason for this is unknown to Ling Wuxin. In short, so far, he has not found any traces of them near the continent occupied by the Zerg, nor has he found any other records of landing exchanges or invasions in the history of the Lizardmen.

This means that they have not yet developed to the extent of dominating the world with sea power. If there is no black technology, there is a high probability that they will not be able to pose a threat to the Zerg.

The so-called innocence of a man is a crime of guilt, and their technological development to the present level is urgently needed by the Zerg.

Even if many of them are of no use to the Zerg, but enriching Sass' knowledge base and allowing the Zerg to have more development possibilities in the future is also something that Zero needs to lead the Zerg to do.

Just out of caution, Zero still hopes to get more information.Moreover, at present, they don't even know where the main body of the other party's civilization is. Even if Zero wants to start a war, he has no goal at all.

Sass is not here, and the swarm has no way to get information directly from the lizardman's mind, so following the fleet is the fastest and most direct way.

The swarm was divided into two, and while completing the global exploration, they also followed the lizardmen's fleet.

In the process, Zero witnesses a naval battle.

Said it was a naval battle, but it was actually a one-sided beating. The group of lizardman warships escorting the merchant ships found traces of pirates in the distance. late.

Relying on their speed advantage, the two warships easily caught up with them, sank them in the ocean, and then escorted the caravan away.

What they didn't know was that Zero watched the entire naval battle at close range through the foragers, and even a shell exploded beside several foragers, killing them on the spot.

Zero didn't expect that before he came into contact with the main body of the other party's civilization and initiated the war, the first to suffer damage was the Zerg itself!
But through this, for this firearm of the lizardman, Zero has basically understood the approximate data including its rate of fire, range, and power, and finally came to a conclusion.

"But so."

Compared to the shock when he first found out that the other party possessed this kind of weapon, Zero is now completely relieved.

It is true that this kind of weapon is not weak. If it explodes in a densely populated place, the Zerg units within a radius of several meters will inevitably be killed or disabled.

But with the range and rate of fire of this thing, when the swarm enters its range and runs at full speed, they probably only have time to fire five rounds of shells, unless the number of such weapons is large enough to achieve all-round carpet coverage Boom - bomb, otherwise it is impossible to prevent the swarm from approaching.

This still refers to land. If they are in the ocean, they will have even less effect on the Zerg.

Not to mention, today's Zerg is much stronger than before.

There are flying dragons in the sky, and there are diggers under the ground. Once a war breaks out, if the opponent can only do this, Zero believes that defeating them by the Zerg will not be much more difficult than defeating their brethren on the other side of the ocean. Even simpler.

At this moment, Zero basically determined the offensive strategy against the opponent's civilization.

However, although technology is such a thing, generally speaking, the whole leopard can be known at a glance.

Through the level of their weapons, Zero can already basically judge the level of civilization the opponent is in, and it is not beyond his cognitive range.

But we can't ignore the possibility of the other party's twisting the technology tree and becoming a partial science civilization.

Before they really understand the whole picture of the other party's civilization, the Zerg Swarm will still not be the first to launch an attack, even if in fact, they have already taken the lead in attacking the Zerg Race.

For other civilizations, Zero has no awareness of coexistence with them. Looking at their development to the present level, they must have a glorious past. The science and technology accumulated, inherited and developed over thousands of years are urgently needed by today's Zerg. Erase its civilization, take its achievements into your own hands, and use the crystallization of the other party's civilization as your own development nourishment. What a deal!

All you have to pay is some time and some resources needed to incubate the Zerg, what a waste!
If the Zerg were still a group of bloodthirsty beasts that evolved by mutation on the island, after absorbing the essence of the civilization of the previous Saadman Empire and starting to develop their own basic technology, they can be regarded as a unique one. Biological civilization!
They are still bloodthirsty and brutal, but they already have their own unique system, and gradually embarked on a road that can control their own direction, and the future is bright at a glance.

That is, while continuously developing its own biotechnology, it plunders the scientific and technological fruits of other civilizations, supplementing and perfecting itself with its technology.

If there is anything worth coveting about the lizard civilization, it is without a doubt this.

In addition to their own existence itself, which will inevitably become an obstacle to the development of the Zerg race in the future, the attainment of the entire civilization in technological development is also another important reason why Zero does not hesitate to launch wars.

It can be said that the Zerg is basically completely dependent on Sass to move forward, and its knowledge level actually determines the height that the Zerg can reach in the future.

With the help of the Zerg Field, it has basically learned and mastered the knowledge and technology acquired from the Saadman Empire in the Iron Age.

If you look closely, many of them are actually useless.Because of the characteristics of their civilization, all technological research is actually driven by providing convenience for the main body of their civilization, that is, the individual lizard people.

The development of agricultural tools, iron smelting technology, architectural art, structural foundation and even human history, etc., for the Zerg, can only be regarded as building a relatively complete technological system, and there is actually no need for development.

What is really useful to the Zerg is the cognition and practice of the nature of the world, such as the study of biological structure, mechanical principles, summary of the characteristics of various substances, and summary of astronomy and geography, etc.

These are relatively lacking in the Zerg. The essence of their research for thousands of years can become the knowledge base of the Zerg in a short period of time.

The lizard people we encountered today are obviously more advanced.

Zero has no doubt that as long as they are given time, it is only a matter of time before they can complete the exploration of the entire planet with the navigation skills shown by the other party.

Judging from the fact that the Saadman Empire still survived without being invaded by other civilizations before being attacked by the Zerg, even if there are other lizard people groups on this planet, their technological level is at most comparable to that of the Zerg this time. Encountered flat.

If there are no Zergs in this world, perhaps this lizard people group will lead the entire lizard people civilization forward as the absolute center of the world in the next few hundred years.

They may have a very glorious golden age. It is not impossible to use force to turn the continent where the Saadman Empire was located into their own colony, and use the islands and land along the way to build another empire on which the sun never sets.
Unfortunately, there will be no such if.

Zero covets their scientific and technological achievements, and will not let them develop wantonly on the planet that has been designated by the Zerg as their own territory, and their ability is not enough to resist the Zerg invasion.

If there is no black technology that transcends the times, their development will most likely stop here.


The discovery of another group of lizardmen is just an episode of the Zerg's global exploration.

Although Zero has basically confirmed that this is indeed a planet through various phenomena, he still retains an objective view of the world before actually verifying it himself.

Therefore, compared to the Lizardman group, which is far from being able to pose a threat to the Zerg, the significance of completing global exploration is greater for the Zerg.

Because it is a planet, it is the theoretical cornerstone of Zero's future development of the Zerg.If it is finally falsified by the Zerg, then Zero will overthrow and rebuild the basic laws of operation of the entire world.

The basic understanding of the world is an important foundation for the future development of the Zerg.Whether it is seeking from the outside world or seeking from oneself, it is inseparable from the most basic objective laws.

The so-called technology is nothing but an extension and application based on the knowledge of the world.

Today's Zergs are extremely lacking in this point. They lack the understanding of the nature of the world, why the wind blows, why the waves surge, why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, why water flows downhill, why the existence of life has its limit, etc. wait.

These most commonplace and seemingly normal things contain the most basic objective laws that constitute the world. They exist like the laws of the world and affect everything in the world all the time.

The Zerg is in this world, under these laws, recognizing them, understanding them, and using them is the only way for the Zerg to become powerful, and it can even be said that it is the only way for any race to become powerful.

And today's Zerg, the most lacking, is indeed these.

It may be possible to be powerful for a while with instinct and talent, but it is like a castle in the air, gorgeous and lacks basic support.Even if he finally builds a strategic position here, he will be a uniped giant after all.

What Zero is doing now is to lead the Zerg to understand the world they live in, and on this basis, use the particularity of the Zerg to finally walk out of a development path with Zerg characteristics.

Global exploration is just the beginning, far from the end of their understanding of the world.


On the vast sea, under the scale of a long distance, a slight difference will be a thousand miles away.Even if they are heading towards each other, there is a high probability that the two teams will miss each other.

It is simply not that there are only two teams of the Zerg. There are hundreds of exploration teams that set off at the same time from the east and west sides of the mainland. It's a lot more likely.

Zero always pays attention to the sea areas that both sides have experienced, as well as the flying dragons that may appear in the distant sky.

According to my own estimation, if this is indeed a planet, the exploration teams from the east and west directions of the Zerg should have already been heading towards each other. Even if they can't directly meet each other, there is always a high probability of passing through the sea area that the other party has already passed. event.

Moreover, the condescending and specially modified flying dragon has extremely far vision. As long as it is not extreme weather and there is no terrain that obstructs the line of sight in the endless sea, the advantage of this vision will be brought to the limit. As long as it is not The difference is too outrageous, and it is almost inevitable to find each other.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the distance traveled by the swarm was getting farther and farther. However, it was not the exploration team itself that was the first to discover that the swarm had converged, but the "star map" located at Zero.

Here, when the two sides keep approaching and even fail to find each other, the Zerg field, which is basically a plane, slowly completes the intersection on a three-dimensional surface. Looking at the extended surface shape, it is a roughly spherical shape!

Soon thereafter, the Zerg flying dragons walking towards each other also found their companions from the opposite bank. After nearly two years, under the full strength of the Zerg, they finally completed the feat of sailing around the world, and conducted a comprehensive survey of their overall environment. verify!
This is indeed a real planet!

The "seeds" they sprinkled along the way are also blooming on the ocean, and the swarm is becoming the most widely distributed creature on the entire planet!

Although it can't be said that there is no opponent, it should be a well-deserved big race.

Next, what they have to do, apart from developing themselves, is to dominate the entire planet!
Zero doesn't think he has any ambitions. Eliminating potential opponents and concentrating resources to develop himself are just the basic needs of the Zerg race. As for other races, that's not within his consideration.

All he knew was that the Zerg needed the opponent's technology now, and would need the land under their feet and possible resources in the future. It was reasonable to solve these opponents now.

What's more, it was the lizard man who made the first move.

(End of this chapter)

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