118 - Sea Snake
Outside the cave, heavy snow fell, and the world was vast.

Sommer's plan still played a role, after all, to convey information in such a horrifying way, no matter how you look at it, it should be no small matter.

The soldiers on duty didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, and the cloth strip was quickly delivered to the hands of the higher-ups.

They thought that the camp in the jungle had lost contact with Hurley City recently, so this information was likely to be true.

However, as a high-level executive, there are more things to consider.Although all the current signs indicate that the writing on the cloth that should be used by the hunter to wrap the wound has a high probability of being true, but they can't immediately conclude from it.

Although there is little certainty, no one can be sure that this will not be an enemy conspiracy.

Therefore, they must personally verify the authenticity of the news before they can make a judgment.

But no matter what, one thing is certain, that is, there must have been some changes in the jungle, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the fact that all four territories have recently severed contact with Hurley.

Coupled with this white cloth of unknown origin, even if the news on it is not true, the territory in the jungle is definitely in danger.

That's why the entire city of Hurley has recently been on alert because of this, and at the same time braved the severe cold to send an exploration team into the jungle.

What they didn't know was that the expedition team they sent was stopped by Sommer not long after they went deep into the jungle.

For so long, Sommer had been watching the movement in Hurley City. It was not until he saw that they had stepped up their vigilance that he finally determined that the news he sent should be taken seriously.

So, he has been waiting here for the reaction in the city, until now, he stopped this group of lizardmen who wanted to go deep into the jungle to search for information.

With Sommer's character, from the bottom of his heart, he is extremely distrustful of these compatriots.But at the same time, he also knew that these same people were the only force he could rely on for revenge.

So despite the reluctance in his heart, he stopped them, and explained everything that happened in the jungle in very brief terms, including the danger they would encounter if they continued to go deeper.

To be honest, for Sommer, over the years, he has almost never said so many words to any one of his race as today. For the hatred in his heart, he is willing to do these things, which is quite sincere.

However, his frankness did not win the trust of these fellows, but more vigilance.

Presumably, from their point of view, Sommer is actually quite suspicious!

They used the method of shooting arrows to inform the information, and then stopped them and said some untrue information coldly.His identity is unknown and his purpose is unclear, so how can he be trusted?
If it wasn't for Sommer's skill in the jungle, he would have been arrested by them directly.

The first communication between the two parties broke up badly. With Sommer's character, it was the utmost benevolence to be able to do so. After that, he did not stop the other party from moving forward.

At this moment, he had already decided to think of another way.

Although this would actually waste a lot of time, there was nothing he could do now.Without trust, no amount of communication will help.

Presumably, the lizardmen have existed on this continent for an unknown number of years, and they will have a basic understanding of the creatures that exist on the continent, even if they are familiar with them.

Under such circumstances, anyone who is suddenly developed and told that there are almost incomprehensible races like the Zerg in this world will not easily believe it.


Zero didn't notice these lizardmen entering the jungle for the first time.

In winter, although surviving is not a problem, it is difficult for the explorers to remain active in the outside world. In addition, the main force of the swarm has also shrunk. After completing the search for the lizard people's territory, most of them have retreated In the underground cave, so the monitoring of the outside world can be said to have entered a freezing point.

It's not that Zero completely gave up his vision of the outside world in winter. Although it is difficult for explorers to be active in the outside world, they can still hibernate in some hidden places and observe every move nearby, but the number is reduced compared to before. There are many, and it has changed from a mobile whistle to a fixed whistle.However, there are advantages and disadvantages. While the field of vision is reduced, it also greatly improves the concealment.

After all, if there are still mosquitoes flying in such a cold winter, a fool will know that there is a problem.

However, even though the external defenses of the Zerg had weakened a lot in winter, as the lizardmen continued to penetrate, they were finally discovered by Zero.

Several explorers hidden under the bark were the first to discover their traces, and along the way, without their knowledge, the explorers almost "watched" them go deeper and deeper.

In the cave deep in the jungle, a group of dormant warriors opened their eyes at the same time in an instant, staring straight ahead with irrational cold eyes, and rushed out of the cave one after another in the next instant, disappearing in the vast forest middle.

At the same time, on a big tree in the distance, the lizard boy jumped to the ground, turned and walked away, without looking at those of his kind again.

They are dead.

This was the only thought on Sommer's mind.Although he really wanted to use them to inform those meat eaters of the danger of this group of bugs, but it was absolutely impossible for him to get involved because of this.

The swarm brigade had already been dispatched, they went deep into the jungle, there was no possibility of surviving.

This time the attempt failed, and he had to think of another way.

"Perhaps, a corpse with bugs would be more convincing?" Sommer, who was heading out, was moved in his heart, and the pace of his feet could not help but stop.

Then he fell into deep thought.

First of all, it is certain that this idea is feasible.It is naturally difficult to gain trust if you have nothing to prove. If you can get bugs that are similar to Zerg corpses or even living bugs, it will naturally be more convincing.

But he also knows, not to mention the difficulty of catching a bug alive, but with the suspected ability to share vision shown by the bug swarm, catching a living bug is tantamount to installing a real-time locator on himself , It is useless to escape anywhere.

So getting back a corpse became the only feasible solution.

Still, it's not an easy thing to accomplish.

First of all, the Zerg seldom act alone, hundreds or thousands are the norm, trying to kill a bug in the hands of a swarm of this size and then escape, relying on his ability, is tantamount to nonsense.

Moreover, according to his observations, after each battle, the swarm would clean up the battlefield. Whether it was their own or the enemy's corpses, they would all become food for the huge and ugly worms to hatch their larvae.

Then, it is not feasible to design a trap to kill the bug and wait to take it away later.

Not to mention the usual traps such as thorn pits, hunting traps, etc. In fact, it is very difficult to kill this kind of bug. Even if it can be killed, it is not his turn to collect the corpse, because the bug swarm will inevitably take its corpse away.

Sommer began to think about the feasibility of his whim this time.Judging from the results, as long as one can achieve one's goal, it is undoubtedly feasible, and the only thing left is to get the corpse.

During this period of observation of the Zerg, he has already noticed that the other party is likely to have intelligence not weaker than himself, or even stronger.

Therefore, the general method is very likely to be seen through or even countered. If you want to achieve your goal, you must first leave yourself enough escape routes before trying.

He thought of a way, a very risky way that might not necessarily yield results.

But worth a try.

Since it is impossible to capture alive and the other party has a high probability of taking away the dead body of the same kind that was killed, what if you find a way to make it impossible for them to find or even find this dead body?In other words, it would take a lot of time or the lives of more bugs to get this corpse, would they give up on this?
Somer thinks it's possible.

However, as the saying goes, easier said than done, although he has a plan on how to do this, but success still depends on luck, and the risk is not small.

Although he is not very old, Sommer has already formed his own set of rules of conduct in the years of hard life. Now that he has made a decision, he should just do it. If he wants to succeed, how can he not take some risks?
The footsteps that had been paused turned around again, and once again headed towards the depths of the jungle.


Zero didn't devote much energy to the group of lizardmen who broke into the mountain jungle. Although the combat power of the swarm declined in winter, he sent out thousands of warriors this time, and the opponent only had a dozen people , or do mental calculations without intention, there is no possibility of missing.

Sass will naturally know everything afterwards.

Of course, at this point in time, it is still intensely doing research on the marineization of the Zerg hatchery, and has not yet reached a conclusion.

However, after the forager appeared and completed the ability test, and confirmed that he could meet Zero's needs, he had already transferred a large part of his energy to the ocean.

The Zerg camp near the seaside cliff has hatched the first batch of two hundred foragers. Their main task this time is to try to hunt a medium-sized ocean predator, a creature called a sea snake by Zero.

Although it is called a sea snake by Zero, in fact, it seems that it is more appropriate to call it a sea snake because of the size of this creature. Their thick body and length of more than five meters are completely outside the category of snakes.

The reason why Zero insists on calling it a sea snake is actually mainly due to its fangs.

For some reason, Zero always stubbornly believed that creatures like pythons should not be poisonous, and this "sea snake" was so poisonous that it once caused the sea warriors of the Zerg to suffer greatly.

At first, Zero didn't even realize it was a toxin.When the Zerg sea warriors swim through a certain area, they will suddenly die in pieces.

There was no abnormality, and even the sensitive nerves of the Zerg themselves to toxins were not able to detect it, so they died so abruptly.

This made Zero very concerned, until he dispatched a large number of sea warriors towards that area, alarming the other party from a distance, and then realized that he might have been attacked by their poison.

This is a marine predator that lives in shallow sea areas. It does not have the characteristics of living in groups, and generally acts alone.

In the past time, most of the creatures in the shallow sea seem to have developed some ability to deal with their unpredictable attack methods, or a certain resistance to this toxin, or a more sensitive sight, etc. Sometimes, although it is not difficult for them to hunt, it is not easy to say.

But the appearance of the Zerg seems to have changed this. The warriors in the sea have neither antibodies to this toxin, nor have the sensitive vision like some fishes. Defense, apart from the sheer number of sieges, can't even pose any threat to them, and even the speed is far behind them.

With the rough-made body structure of sea warriors, their movement speed is no different from that of a hobbled old lady in their eyes. Even in a large-scale siege, they can't catch up.

The only good news is that their production speed of this kind of toxin is not fast, and the reserves are not very large, and the amount they spit out each time is extremely limited.If not, Zero even thinks they have the ability to directly wipe out large groups of Zerg sea units.

During the time when the Zerg and the Lizardmen were fighting in the jungle, or when the Lizardmen were unilaterally massacred by the Zerg Warriors led by Zero, this sea snake was the main enemy of the Sea Warriors in the offshore area of ​​the mainland.

Their skin is very similar to the color of the bottom of the sea, and they can hide very well under the light of shallow seas, and their swimming speed in the ocean can be said to be very fast.

In the process of sea warriors exploring the ocean, they will always quietly release the toxins stored in their bodies from an unnoticed corner or cave, directly poisoning the Zerg to death in the ocean, and then with lightning speed Covering their ears, they directly swallowed a few or even a dozen sea warriors with an exaggeratedly wide mouth, and finally walked away. The Zerg units in the distance couldn't catch up.

But this kind of creature is also extremely sensitive to danger, and it looks very cunning. If there are a large number of Zerg nearby, even if it swims past it, it will not attack and expose itself. It is always like an assassin in the shadows. Click and go.

Zero also tried to let a large number of Zerg sea warriors complete a large-scale dragnet search, find them out and kill them directly, but they had already slipped away before the Zerg army approached.

Afterwards, all kinds of small-stock lures, outflanking and even waiting for rabbits, reliable and unreliable tricks were used, but none of them worked.

Their sensing distance does not seem to be close. Once they find a large number of Zergs approaching, they will immediately flee desperately. The depth of the sea water gives them a wider space to escape. In addition, their close combat ability far exceeds that of Zerg sea warriors. The escape was so easy that the Zerg didn't even catch it once in all this time.

Although in fact it didn't cause much damage, and it didn't have any impact on the zero-target lizardman plan, but it was really annoying. Every once in a while, a group of sea warriors would be attacked.

Although Zero didn't care about the casualties, he really echoed an old saying that flies lying on hands don't hurt people and disgust people.

Now, the Zerg already has a new type of arm in the sea—the forager. Compared with the previous sea warriors, their abilities have been greatly improved, especially the swimming speed in sea water. It is already no less than the sea snake, and even because of its smaller size, Zero thinks it should be faster.

And the two hundred hatched in this batch exist to hunt and kill them.Even in order not to startle them early, they will disperse their actions and start outflanking from an extremely far away place, which can be said to be fully prepared.

This time, taking advantage of the leisure time in winter, Zero is bound to win them.

As for how to deal with their strange toxins, Zero has already made a plan.

 This chapter is 4400, and the debt is expected to be repaid tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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