Juggernaut: Rise of the Zerg

Chapter 106 Ambush 【Please subscribe! ! 】

Chapter 106 Ambush 【Please subscribe! ! 】

After making this decision, Zero moved almost immediately—namely, handing over the task to Sass.

He informed Sass of his intentions, and then released his command over all the warriors in the jungle.

When the Lizardmen were first discovered, Zero temporarily took over the command of the Zerg in order to prevent Sass from directly killing them. Now that he has learned a lot, he informed Sass of his purpose and gave the command to the Zerg again. It, itself becomes a bystander.

In the days to come, Sass will be more and more responsible for the affairs of the Zerg. Although its intelligence is quite high and is still growing, it still lacks some experience. Zero is consciously training it to command Zerg's ability, and Sass himself has grown quite fast, and recently he even thinks that it may have surpassed himself in commanding the Zerg to fight.

After taking over the command of the warriors, Sass let the other warriors continue to explore, and he set out a hunting route for fifty lizardmen. In case of emergency, he also arranged in the direction where these lizardmen might escape. Killed fifty warriors.

After all, this time it wasn't about killing them, Zero's order was to capture them alive!
Sass' intention is very obvious, it is to ambush the lizardman's hunting team!
After observing during this period, the outing activities in the lizardman colony are not frequent. Most of the time, they are working on their own, and they basically don't leave the colony too far.

During this period of time, Zero didn't even see them sending people to communicate with the outside world, just living their little days leisurely.

Of course, maybe they have more secret means to communicate with the outside world, but at least so far, among the lizard people settlements, only hunting teams often go out.
And they are indeed the best choice for Sass to complete the task.

Fifty warriors, any one of them is seven or eighty centimeters high when supported, but compared to the lizard man, it can only be regarded as a dwarf.

The average height of lizard people is about two meters, and the tallest can be two meters five. In front of them, a warrior who is only seventy to eighty centimeters tall is no different from a dwarf.

However, in battle, the odds of winning are not judged by height.

Zero has carefully observed that the number of lizardman hunting teams that go out is different. There are as many as five or six people, as few as two, and there are even lone wolves who go out by themselves.

The best choice for Sass is this lone wolf, but whether he will go out to hunt recently, and even if he will, whether he will just pass by here is unpredictable.

However, it doesn't matter if it's not him, as long as someone comes, with hundreds of warriors one after the other, even with a hunting team of six, Sass has absolute confidence to capture at least one alive.

The warriors waited quietly, like cold machines.

They are dispersed, try not to leave any traces.

The lizardmen have already discovered unknown creatures appearing nearby, so even if their hunting team stumbled upon the traces left by the warriors this time, it wouldn't be surprising. At most, they would just increase their vigilance, and it would have no effect on the ending.

Zero guessing, in their cognition, the warriors are likely to be an unknown beast, they need to be vigilant, but they don't have to be too nervous.

After all, who would have thought that wild beasts would ambush them in the paths they used to hunt?
In fact, they do think so. This is the inertia of thinking, and the lack of information prevents them from making absolutely correct judgments.

When the explorer who was in charge of tracking discovered that it was a hunting team of three lizardmen, Sass had already set his sights on them.

Of course, it can also borrow the vision of the Zerg, and at the same time, it can accurately convey its commands to every front-line Zerg through brainwaves.

After all, it is second only to zero command authority, but it is powerless to the vision of the ant explorer.

However, unlike Zero, its vision and commands have a distance limit. After devouring a large number of animal brains, this distance can already extend to a range of [-] kilometers around its body. Once it exceeds this range, it can no longer While gaining the vision of the Zerg, the commands passed will also be greatly affected.

This is not exactly the same as Zero. At present, Zero's field of vision and commands are almost regardless of distance. Of course, this does not rule out the possibility that the current Zerg's exploration distance is not enough to interfere with Zero.

According to Zero's observation, among the three lizardmen, there was obviously an experienced hunting master who keenly noticed the traces left by the nearby warriors.

However, as Zero expected, they were not overly nervous, but raised their vigilance again and walked forward, but they didn't know that they had gradually penetrated into the encirclement of SARS.

After taking a few steps forward, the leading lizardman seemed to have finally sensed something was wrong, and his pace slowly slowed down, looking dignified.

"Did he find out?" Zero used the aerial vision of the ants to observe their every move, quite like watching a movie.

However, even if they found out, it would be of no avail. Sass had sent two waves of warriors, and at this point, they would not be able to escape anyway.

As for Sass, he was more patient than Zero imagined, it didn't attack rashly because of the lizardman's hesitation, but continued to keep quiet.

A few seconds later, behind the leading lizardman, came the voice of his companion asking.Zero's guess should be that he had doubts about his cautiousness after finding that there was no movement around him.

The leader didn't turn his head back, but also made a sound, which didn't make any sense, but he still watched it with gusto.

And at the same time, Sass suddenly ordered the warriors ambushing around to attack.

Almost as soon as the Zerg moved, the lizard people immediately noticed something strange, because in the jungle not far away, the sound of undisguised animals running was everywhere!
The three lizardmen immediately took up their weapons, and two of them drew their bows. As for the leading lizardman, he drew a knife from his back waist, and while scanning the surroundings with his eyes, he led his companions to start step back.

However, the speed of the warriors was very fast, within a few breaths, they were already in front of them.

Without any hesitation, the few Zerg warriors who arrived first jumped up and attacked the hunting members of the lizardmen.

Sass didn't hold back because of Zero's request to capture alive, because it knew that if it wanted to bring them back alive, with the ability of the warriors, it could only have a little room to operate after injuring them and making them completely incapable of fighting.

 Thanks to the book friend [20220814202531971] for the 100 rewards for the book and the character (zero) each! !

(End of this chapter)

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