Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 336 Existing in name only

"Good morning to all the viewers in front of the TV. It is now 10 o'clock in the morning on December 24th, Eastern Time. My current location is Manhattan, New York."

"Because today is Christmas Eve, major stores have just opened for business, but even so, the entrances of these stores are already full of people, and some have even formed a queue for a block, which is similar to last year's Christmas Eve. Compared to this year, the number of visitors has almost doubled.”

"Since today's temperature is 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and you can feel the biting cold outside, we want to know what is driving these people to take to the streets?"

"Are you here to buy holiday items for Christmas?"

"Or are you here to buy various utensils that you may use during the holidays?"

"Are you here to buy ingredients for the banquet?"

"Or are you just here to visit the mall? Feel the festival atmosphere?"

"And when we went to interview, we discovered that the team at the scene was very young."

"Even though some people are trembling with their arms folded, and some people are red-faced and talking loudly, at this moment, they are all resisting the cold with smiles, and the reason is..."

The elongated tail sound caused the camera to flip.

Several young girls wearing knitted hats and down jackets appeared in the camera.

When the host holding the microphone asked why they appeared on the streets of Manhattan on the morning of Christmas Eve, these young girls immediately replied——

"Oh! We are here to buy "Destiny Cube"!"

"Yes, yes! We watched Ethan Jones' new product launch last night. He was so handsome!"

"Oh - the reason for buying the game is very simple. We are all fans of Ethan Jones! The first video game we came into contact with was "Ms. Pac-Man". That game was so good!"

"After that, we also played "Starry Sky" and "Star Wars", which were very good, but "Snake" and "Pac-Man" attracted us more. Of course, there is another unpopular game that we also like very much, that is Minesweeper on Johnson’s home console.”

"What? You want me to review "Destiny Cube"? Oh, we haven't played this game yet, so it's hard to comment, but judging from the game display last night, "Destiny Cube" should be a very good one. Games, because I like puzzles and the feeling of storage..."

The words fell and the thanks came out.

The camera turned and the reporter holding the microphone started interviewing other people.

This time the lucky ones chosen were a group of young boys.

With their coats open, they first made a scissor hand gesture towards the camera, and then they answered the reporter's question, "There is no doubt that we are all here to buy "Destiny Cube"!"

"Yeah~ We have been loyal fans of Destiny games since "Snake"!"

"What's my favorite game? It's definitely Star Wars this year!"

"Wow! Luke's attack on the Empire was amazing!"

"Now I just want to play the third part as soon as possible!"

"I want Luke and Darth Vader to have a father-son fight!"

"Second favorite? That's "Starry Night"!"

"Because that was the first time I discovered that video games are so fun!"

"How do you evaluate "Destiny Cube"? Of course it is a genius idea!"

"Although we haven't played it yet, we believe that "Destiny Cube" will definitely be the best in history! Even if video games continue to develop in the future, it will not affect the historical status of "Destiny Cube"!"

"What? You want to know the reason? It's simple!"

"Because Ethan Jones changed the way video games work!"

"Let's play wherever we want!"

The high-pitched voice interprets the inner excitement of the young people.

The dancing and joyful expression is even more vivid.

After a brief thank you, the location reporter changed direction again.

This time, the person they selected was a middle-aged man in his forties.

When the reporter raised the microphone in front of him, he pointed to his nose in surprise, unable to believe that he could be on TV. After the reporter gave a positive reply, he smiled and said:

"Oh - just like them, I'm here to buy "Destiny Cube"."

"Because I have two kids, one 12 and one eight, and they need Christmas gifts."

"No, no, no, I have actually prepared Christmas gifts for them. Everyone has a set of the most popular Garfield comic books, but... who knows that Ethan Jones will suddenly have a new product?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean to say anything bad about Ethan Jones, because I am also a loyal player of the Destiny game. I have played "Snake", "Pac-Man", and "Star Wars" and have them at home. The Johnson home console manufactured by Ethan Jones, I say Ethan Jones’s sudden new product, is because compared to the games he developed, Garfield is simply not attractive at all.”

"After we watched last night's press conference together, they gave me longing looks. They asked me, Santa Claus will definitely bring them the Cube of Destiny, right?"

"I don't know if you have children, but I know that you won't refuse your children's desire, right? Especially when they look at you with their eyes wide open..."

"So, I told them that Santa Claus will definitely fulfill their wishes, and now, aren't I just doing what Santa Claus should do for him?"

The warm words made the reporters on the street laugh kindly.

Looking at the smiling faces on the screen and staring at the crowded crowd, Steve Ross grabbed the remote control on the table and turned off the TV.

Leaning back on the sofa, the light black shadow was stretched very long under the light.

It looks like falling apart, but more like lying flat.

I don't know how long it took, but when the phone next to the sofa rang, Steve Ross came to life, turned over and answered, "Say."

Too lazy to open his eyes, he slowly proved his identity.

"Boss, although we don't know how much Destiny Game has in stock this time. But all the central stores in the top ten cities in the United States have put up sold out signs."

A concise and clear report came from the other end of the phone.

This fact made Steve Ross freeze instantly.

But soon, the old man returned to normal.

"That proves we were absolutely right, doesn't it?"

Still not opening his eyes, he just raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "All of us know that Ethan Jones's games are not worried about selling, so today's result does not surprise us, right?"

Although he asked rhetorically, the guy on the other end of the phone didn't respond.

Following Steve Ross's silence, the huge living room suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

The guy on the other end of the phone didn't know what his boss was thinking, and Steve Ross...

After a long while, he leaned on the sofa and said, "Let's contact them."

"Invite them to Los Angeles and we will have a meeting after the year..."

Although Steve Ross didn't name anyone.

But the guy on the other end of the phone knew who the boss was talking about.

Because of this, he was also in a dilemma, "Boss, I'm afraid it's difficult to send out the invitation letter this time."

"Because of our alliance..."

"It no longer exists..."

Hearing the anxious words, Steve Ross opened his eyes suddenly.

Before he could ask, on the other end of the phone, his subordinate who had been with him for decades said, "Boss, when IBM said that they have reached a cooperation agreement with Microsoft..."

"Comodore and Rockwell have secretly contacted Microsoft."    "They want to purchase their spreadsheets."

"And this incident happened last year after their stock price plummeted..."

Last year, Ethan Jones went wild about Apple's benefits in order to seduce Wall Street.

Although Ethan Jones’ original intention was to attract all financial capital into the game and let them participate with joy, so that he could better play with them when the decision to release the Dutch auction was finally made.

But in the process, he also beat up all his peers.

No way, who asked IBM to cooperate with Microsoft?

When the giants in the computer field began to purchase Microsoft products, Apple, which could obtain the latest products, was far ahead. Previously, other personal computer manufacturers could promote their hardware through self-developed spreadsheets, but now , they can only passively accept it.

Because everyone knows that when Big Blue accepts Microsoft's standards, all self-research and promotion will be a waste of time. Big Blue can allow Microsoft's products to enter every corner of the federation, when federal officials are using them When using Microsoft's products, even if they can come up with better spreadsheets, they can only face death if they cannot interoperate with Microsoft.

This is not a technical issue.

This is a business issue.

Therefore, when they confirmed through various channels that the cooperation between IBM and Microsoft could not be overturned...

All PC companies on the market began voting with their feet.

The first to make the decision were Fred Terman's students.

HP contacted Microsoft, hoping that Microsoft could provide them with the same products as IBM.

Tandy communicated with Microsoft and wanted Microsoft to embed its own products into their computers and sell them pre-installed. For this reason, as the cheapest personal computer manufacturer at the moment, they can even increase the price to ensure that Microsoft's interests are not damaged.

The actions of Tandy and HP increased the pressure on Commodore and Rockwell. As the biggest victims of this incident, they certainly knew how their stock prices fell.

Because in the entire market, they are the only ones who have taken the lead in making bold claims to challenge Microsoft and Apple.

They gave the market enough expectations.

The market has also rewarded them, pushing up their stock prices.

Since they were the first to enjoy the dividends of success, it is inevitable that when the world discovers that their abilities cannot bear their arrogance, they will fall back or oversold.

The sliding kneeling of other colleagues was the straw that broke the camel's back.

If they continue to be stubborn and fail to follow up, then...

"They might be gone."

The subordinate on the other end of the phone said helplessly: "Rockwell may be okay, because their main business is not personal computers, but Komodo will definitely die miserably. As a trading company engaged in self-research, then It was a very stupid thing to do, but now, their self-research has failed, and this result is likely to cause them to fall all the way down to delisting."

"So, they decided not to wait for our products anymore."

"They ditched us and hooked up with Microsoft."

The cold truth made Steve Ross clenched his fists.

He wanted to roar, but no sound came out.

At the same time, the guy on the other end of the phone said: "According to our judgment, even if we extend an invitation to them, they probably won't come again, because after abandoning us, they can still get cheap prices from Neon." production raw materials.”

"And when they break away from the alliance, who are we going to call?"

"Ron Miller?"

"He is no longer one of ours."


"That guy Cornelis...will he come now?"

Although the guy on the other end of the phone was extremely sharp in his words.

He directly stripped off Steve Ross's underwear.

But at this moment, Steve Ross not only wasn't angry, but instead laughed with a self-deprecating look on his face.

As his subordinates said, when the personal computer industry is penetrated by Ethan Jones, the Avengers will cease to exist. Rockwell and Commodore will leave him, plus the already collapsed Disney and Philips, at this moment, the only ones that can stay with him are MGM.

And this guy...


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Amidst a burst of laughter, Steve Ross clicked on the receiver.

He covered his face with his hands, unable to hide his disappointment.

To be honest, even now, he doesn't know how he lost.

He couldn't understand that when everyone stood on the same starting line...

Why can Ethan Jones keep winning?

If video games are the art of content, they cannot match Ethan Jones in terms of creativity, so they lose. He admits this, but what about computers?

How can this kind of hardware-hungry thing still be sold with creativity?

He can't figure it out!

What makes him even more puzzling is that when everyone is optimistic about these industries, when everyone is fully committed, why can Ethan Jones win twice in a row?

They are not arrogant!

They are not arrogant!

But even if they take it seriously!

Did they still lose?

This is simply...


Steve Ross raised his hands and slammed them on the sofa.


A loud bang echoed through the living room.

The next second, his hands rebounded and fell weakly.


The dull sound showed helplessness.

The sudden weakness caused Steve Ross to lie sprawled on the sofa.

The eyes staring at the ceiling are so lifeless.

And just when his breath was about to expire, the landline phone next to him suddenly rang again.

After listening to it, Steve Ross's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Do it! Why not do it!"

"Is there anything I dare not do now?"

"Huh?" (End of chapter)

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