Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 296 The quiet but noisy second half of the year

Chapter 296 The quiet but noisy second half of the year
Perhaps it’s because too many things happened in the first half of [-], including Oracle’s raid, Hollywood’s confrontation, and the struggle for compact disc standards... This series of contradictions made everyone mentally exhausted, so the second half of the year officially arrived. After that, everyone who was a little tired calmed down a lot.

After discussing cooperation with Spielberg and Lucas, the carefree Ethan finally lived a day-long life with a cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and a newspaper.And while he was bathing in the sunshine and browsing various social news, the diverse world allowed him to see the diversity of human species.

First of all, on the third day after Spielberg and Lucas left, Universal Pictures' parent company MCA and IBM officially announced the establishment of a joint venture called Disco-Vision Associates.

They wanted to develop a video CD and CD player that was cheaper and easier to use.

Although American Music did not reveal its true intentions, everyone knew that this cooperation was a symbol of revenge. When Philips obtained the CD development data from American Music through deception and kicked them away, American Music What Music wants to do most is to stab Philips to death.

As for which combination of Philips and Sony, American Music and IBM is stronger?
No one knows this.

However, judging from the current situation, Philips and Sony, which have already produced initial results, are more advantageous in this war. They should be able to launch their own commercial products before MCA and IBM.

As for Ethan, this matter...

"This is an ally!"

He smiled and shook his head——

"A few months ago, everyone was sitting around having dinner together in a friendly manner. A few months later, when Spielberg decided to go it alone and favor us, this group of people stopped pretending."

"A businessman is a businessman..."

"What kind of affection is there?"

In Ethan's view, this behavior of American Music was not only a declaration of war against Philips, but also a strong protest against his decision to support Spielberg.

If he does not support Spielberg's independence, then Spielberg will have no choice but to turn around and embrace Universal.

This can make the world gain a lot.

But once he supports Spielberg, it will be very difficult for Universal to get Spielberg's projects in the future, which will cost Universal a lot of money.

Ever since, Annu's response appeared.

And this...


Ethan closed the newspaper in his hand and picked up the phone beside him.

While putting his feet up on his desk, he also ordered Ballmer on the other end of the phone: "Call David Geffen and ask him to use all his strength when negotiating with American Music."

"Now, it is American music that wants the right to host Michael Jackson's solo concerts."

"It's not that we want to sell, Okay?"

"Okay boss." Although Ballmer didn't know why the boss's attitude changed drastically, what did this kind of thing have to do with him?Now that the boss has made a decision, he will just do it, not to mention that in the past few years, Ethan has proven countless times that his choice is right.

After hanging up the phone and throwing the Los Angeles Times aside, Ethan picked up other newspapers and continued reading.

After the disgusting people secretly teased by American music, on September 23, another piece of news related to Ethan came into his eyes.Because the Three Mile Island accident attracted the attention of people across the United States, and the evacuation of nearly one million people had a huge impact on residents near the nuclear power plant, anti-nuclear organizations that have been born since the emergence of nuclear power held a rally in New York. .

They organized 20 people to conduct an anti-nuclear protest march.

There are even many celebrities mixed in among them.

People like Ralph Nader and Jane Fonda all participated, and many of them gave speeches.

The protest groups demand that the federal government immediately shut down the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant and stop its crazy promotion of the dangerous behavior of global nuclear energy proliferation, including but not limited to stopping the construction, contracting and funding of the Neon Nuclear Power Plant, and demand that the federal government start from 1980 At the beginning, all nuclear power plants in the United States were shut down one after another to ensure the denuclearization of America before the arrival of 1990.

In the eyes of nuclear energy supporters, this appeal is simply nonsense. In the eyes of neutral people, this one-size-fits-all idea is also a bit extreme, but in Ethan's view...

Special code!
How did he get involved in this mess?

That's right!

When Ethan held up the newspaper and browsed the contents with a zealous attitude, he suddenly discovered that his name was also in the news report with the special code?
This fact made him instantly confused!
But when he looked through it carefully, he was speechless and choked up.

His name was mentioned by almost everyone in their speeches, those who put the Game of Destiny and the NFL's emergency plan on a pedestal and relegated the local and federal government's unfavorable response to the dirt, trying to prove that, The development of nuclear power is not the need of the country but the pursuit of profits by capitalists.

When the formula that nuclear energy is a scam emerged, opposition to the construction of new nuclear power plants and calls for the dismantling of existing nuclear power plants became louder and intensified. And for Ethan...

He doesn't want to pay attention to such nonsense at all!

Now, if he is anti-nuclear, he is standing on the opposite side of social development.

Because the development of nuclear power can indeed bring convenience to people's lives.

If nothing else, in terms of the environment, it is indeed a clean energy source.

And if not anti-nuclear?

Got it!

This will put him on the opposite side of public opinion!

Then in this case...

Use the special code to slip away!

So, Ethan called Ballmer again, "I'm feeling a little unwell. I'm going to New Zealand to recuperate. The chairman will accompany me. I'll leave the company to you. Don't come to me if you have nothing to do."

The inexplicable arrangement left the big bald man confused, but while Ethan took Evelin and flew away overnight, many media took the initiative to contact Destiny Game. They wanted to interview Ethan Jones and ask him about this incident. He also expressed his views on the incident and said that anti-nuclear people from all walks of life have now regarded him as a staunch anti-nuclear warrior and want him to lead the people to defeat the evil nuclear energy forces.

When this question came up, Ballmer's eyes suddenly darkened.

Only then did he understand what kind of mess his boss had left for him.

And just when he was frowning and not knowing what to do, Ethan breathed a sigh of relief after arriving in New Zealand, which also made Evelin who escaped together very curious.

"Ethan, how do you know the media will come to interview you? Because according to your previous habit of refusing interviews, they shouldn't waste time on you this time."

This question made Ethan roll his eyes and said: "Because those uncrowned kings have suffered losses at my hands several times! Now as long as I do a public interview, they can put me on the fire! As long as I refuse to answer , they can publish an article saying that my views are different from what public opinion wants!”

"This is a good opportunity to take revenge on me!"

"How could they miss it!"


"CBS hates me now!"

"Their subsidiary just lost Michael Jackson!"

What the hell is the media?

Ethan knew it well.

Cutting off the beginning and the end, confusing right and wrong, maliciously provoking conflicts, attracting attention, and putting money first. This is what media people in the capital society do every day.

What, some people don’t believe it?

Just read the reports about guns hidden in hospitals.

Therefore, when Ethan discovered that these guys he had always criticized were likely to attack him based on his anti-nuclear issue, he ran away without thinking about anything, because until he truly controls a media, all confrontations will only succeed. In an instant, if you can't spray randomly, you can only run away.

As for what to say about continuing to take out the Bible?
Say I'm young, I haven't received higher education, and I don't understand?
Isn't that just being a target?

You know, a few months ago, he supported the immediate evacuation of the people near Three Mile Island!
However, although this sudden commotion gave Ethan some headaches, the entanglement related to it did not last long, because when October [-]st came, bigger problems directly suppressed the anti-nuclear voice.The Panama Canal incident that has been noisy for several years has finally come to an end. Starting from October [-], the BNM Canal will no longer exist in the world as an American territory.

This fact reminds the people of North America once again of the villain who decided to sell the country a few years ago!

"Get off the stage! Get off the stage! Get off the stage!" The shouts resounded throughout America in an instant!

However, before these people could finish shouting, on October [-], the Federal Reserve added fuel to the fire again.

The Federal Reserve Bank of America has decided to transform the Fed's interest rate target policy into a money supply target policy and increase the discount rate from 11.00% to a historic 12.00%. At the same time, in the future, when banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve Bank of America, they need to retain [-]%. Eight-thirds of the reserve.

What does this news mean for the general public who have not yet received higher education?
They simply don't understand.

But for Wall Street elites, these three decisions are simply life-threatening!

The first policy means that in the future, the Fed will pay more attention to the growth rate of money supply rather than short-term interest rates, which means that the Fed is determined to fight inflation.

This seems to be good news, but if you combine it with the last two...'The Fed does not pay attention to short-term interest rates,' that is the key to what the Fed wants to say.

Because the meaning of the latter two policies is very simple, the borrowing costs of commercial banks will increase, which will further increase the loan interest rates provided by banks to enterprises and individuals.

To put it more simply...

That is, business that is already difficult to do will become even more difficult to do in the future.

The already unaffordable interest will become even higher in the future.

The sudden appearance of the three-point plan provoked major financial newspapers and business newspapers to curse, saying that the Fed was going to send all manufacturing and agriculture to hell!

What's more, some industry associations directly organized a group to go to Washington, requesting to meet with Renzong to protest against the Fed's idiotic move, hoping that Renzong would urge the Fed to immediately cancel the outrageous decision!

It's a pity that Renzong has no time to deal with these matters at this moment.

Because he was discussing with Lawrence Rockefeller's brother David Rockefeller, the CEO of Chase Bank, whether to bring the cancer-stricken king of a country in the eastern Mediterranean to North America to receive the most advanced treatment.And when they made a formal decision on October [-]th...

On November [-], [-], Tehran exploded.

When American citizens were detained by Chi Guoguo abroad, it was like God came...

Then don't even think about helping Renzong ascend to the Great Hall again!
This series of 'accidents' made Ethan feel a little emotional when he returned to California. Before, he only learned from the teacher in class why Renzong failed to be re-elected. Now, the angry shouts in his ears made it clear to him why Ling Zong Neng ascended to the throne with an overwhelming victory.

In the current environment, all the American people want to do is vent!

Whoever can help them vent their emotions will be able to take the stage!

As for what his abilities are like?

Who cares?

This is also true. On November 1980, the Le Zong family was the first to express their intention to challenge Ren Zong for the nomination of the Lv Party's candidate for leadership in [-].

On November [-], the former governor of California also stood up and announced that he would participate in next year's election.

"I will end the double-digit inflation that Jimmy has created!"

"I will increase defense spending! Restore America's status in the world!"

"I will lower tax rates! Promote economic liberalization!"

"Right now, our country needs a new government, a government that can bring the American dream back to life! A government that can bring the American dream back to life! Make America great again!"

"So, here I am."

"Make America Great Again!"


"Jimmy's done."

While Ethan was watching the former California governor’s speech across the country, Archmage Barbara Babcock also called and said, “Everyone is now pessimistic about his re-election.”

"No one thought Jimmy would win re-election."

"The next leader must be from the Xiang Party."

The straightforward words did not arouse Ethan's surprise. This is not only because he has the memory of his previous life and knows that what the Archmage said is true, but also because he knows that for ordinary people, the ownership of the Grand Commander may be a need. A guessing game, but for those behind the scenes...

Who will win and who loses, unless something unexpected happens, you can already guess almost exactly.

But even so, Ethan was still a little curious.

"Barbara, I want to ask you a really idiotic question."

"You said."

"Now that everyone knows that Jimmy has no hope of re-election, will you still support him?"


"Why?" Ethan didn't understand. This problem was something he had been confused about in his previous life and had not been solved. "Since he has no advantage, why don't you find someone else to support him?"

"Oh - Ethan - you are right, this question of yours is such an idiot!" Barbara Babcock on the other end of the phone laughed and said: "This question is actually very simple, loyalty Not absolutely, that is absolutely disloyal, so even if we know that Jimmy has no hope of winning, we must do our best to help him, even if we all fall into hell together in the end."

“When a party has an incumbent leader who is seeking re-election, supporting him is a sign of loyalty to the party. If the party chooses another candidate, it may lead to the division of the party, which directly weakens the entire party in the general election. competitiveness.”

"In addition, there is another problem, that is, popularity and media attention. The current commander-in-chief is a familiar face to the people and the media, which can make him well discussed by the public, even if he is not Good buzz, and that’s something most new candidates don’t have.”

"When an unfamiliar face appears in front of the people, people will only try to vote for him if they know him first, and this is actually a very long process. Therefore, every time there is an election, no matter which side it is, then There will be some faces known to the public to participate in the election, or in other words, there are many guys who want to ascend to the throne. From the moment he has a dream, he will try to use various ways to show his face in front of the people and let everyone Know yourself."


“The former governor of California who just announced his candidacy?”

"He gained a lot of media attention through you."

"Especially the phrase Make America Great Again?"

"You seem to have said similar words before?"

"This is a big plus!"

"It's a pity that Jimmy can't shout."

"Moreover, even if he shouted, the current people would not believe it..."

Ethan understood.

At the same time, he also guessed the purpose of the Archmage’s call——



"Welcome home."

"Oh - thank you - Ethan -"

A hearty laugh sounded on the other end of the phone.

Now that everyone knows that good guy Jimmy has no hope of re-election, his remaining term will be the last time for his friends in Washington.

Generally speaking, as careers come to an end, everyone should go back to their respective homes and find their own mothers. However, many people are unwilling to give up hard-won opportunities and want to establish relationships in advance and find a new home.

Some may want to stay in Washington.

Some people don't want to return to their old jobs and want to find a temporary place to stay.

Some people want to taste the beauty of the revolving door.

And Barbara...

In the three years since she left, Destiny Games has grown from a young company in an emerging industry to a high-quality company in the Fortune [-], and this is the best place to return.

After chatting with Barbara, the cold wind of winter has finally arrived in the Bay Area. Different from last year’s busy schedule, since they did not launch any products during Christmas this year, after ensuring that all major stores have the goods, Yi Sen then gave everyone in the company an early holiday.

Destiny Game issued an announcement that it will officially close on December [-]th and officially return to work on January [-]th. It will be closed for three consecutive weeks. Any problems that occur during this period can only be postponed.

For special circumstances, please contact Steve Ballmer directly.

Yes, this guy is an all-around warrior.

After arranging everything, Ethan went on vacation with his family.

This year’s destination is Australia, which is as warm as spring.

 Note: ① Disco-Vision Associates does exist. In reality, MCA cooperated with IBM to challenge Philips. They also released their own DVD but failed. ②Ralph Nader, the father of the modern consumer movement and the most difficult lawyer in the history of the United States, author of "Unsafe at Any Speed", fought with General Motors for eight years, directly prompting the United States to promulgate the "National Transportation and Motor Vehicle Safety Act. ③The MAGA slogan was indeed first shouted by Ling Zong.

(End of this chapter)

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