Chapter 248 I swear!
Ethan admitted that when his sister said that the siege suffered by Vinton Cerf might be related to Rockwell, his heart suddenly clicked because there had been friction between them.

Although during the robbery transaction of MOS 6502 between Komodo and Rockwell, Ethan only turned over Komodo's table. He did not act arrogantly because he was concerned about Rockwell's identity as a military industrial entity, but This does not mean that Rockwell is safe and sound. With Goldman Sachs following suit, Rockwell's stock price fluctuated and fell in the market for a long time.

Any normal person with a little temper will keep this grudge in mind, not to mention that Rockwell is the largest defense contractor in America at the moment.After these capitalists have run the company to the top of the industry, once they lose their place in business competition, they will definitely try their best to get it back.Admitting defeat will make them lose their blood and make their competitors no longer afraid.

Especially those in the military industry.

Ethan originally thought that no matter how much Rockwell hated him, they would not be able to retaliate in a short time because the main businesses of the two parties did not overlap.But he didn't expect that these guys would actually take action against Vinton Cerf when the two parties were incompatible with each other in the fields they were involved in?

This revenge caught him unexpectedly, caught him off guard, and made him even more——

Very angry!
"So what's going on over there in Vinton?"

"Are those people going towards Wenton or towards us?"

As soon as he returned to Palo Alto, Ethan threw the keys to his villa to Spielberg and Lucas and asked them to help themselves, while he got into his sister's house.

Following his inquiry, Evelin, who was thinking about the problem with one hand on her chin, pointed at the whiteboard in front of her, and looking along, Ethan saw densely packed words.

If you look closely, you will see that the words connected with colored pens are a mind map.

In the center of the map is Vinton Cerf's name.

On the left is Oracle, on the right is Ethan.

Above, is DoD, below is Rockwell.

There is a red line between Vinton Cerf and Oracle that says 'Competition';
There is a blue line between Vinton Cerf and Ethan that says 'collaboration';
There are two lines of different colors between Vinton Cerf and the DoD, the red line says 'hostile' and the blue line says 'employment';
And between Vinton Cerf and Rockwell is a yellow line that says 'Unknown'.

In addition, there is a yellow line between Rockwell and DoD, also marked 'unknown', and a red line between Ethan and Rockwell, which means 'hostile'.

When Ethan sorted out these relationships, his eyes instantly narrowed, because judging from the mind map drawn by his sister, the current target was a premeditated attack, and even more so—

"So you think this is a coincidence?"

Ethan stared at the whiteboard and said: "After Rockwell was made to lose money by us, they conducted a detailed investigation on us and wanted to take revenge on us? Then they discovered the relationship between Vinton and you, and also discovered There is a high degree of overlap between Wenton and their business fields, so they decided to attack him?"

At this point, Ethan paused and closed his eyes to sort out the relationship.

After he opened his eyes again, he continued: "But while they were working on it, the product Oracle suddenly appeared, so they just took this opportunity to drive Vinton out of DoD?"

This is his derivation based on the mind map.

As for why not say that Rockwell may have contributed to the birth of Oracle?
First, Evelyn did not connect Rockwell with Oracle; second, the Oracle product was a plan before 6502, and before Larry Ellison and the CIA flirted with each other, Rockwell still I haven’t started tinkering with personal computers, let alone getting chips!If this can provide advance funding, then why didn't they just take away MOS [-] in [-] years?
Ethan's analysis also made Evelin nod, "Absolutely."

The next second, she added: "Because Vinton said that the ultimate goal of those people did not seem to be to kick him out of Washington, but to hope that he could stay there and continue doing research. But at the same time, Vinton also said, The criticism from these people will cause him to lose some of his right to make suggestions at work, for example..."

"Which company's products does DoD purchase?"

Evelin handed the document in her arms to Ethan.

After a brief reading, the exchange with a small number of words but full of content made Ethan understand everything.

Under Vinton Cerf's investigation, he found that officials in DoD were very ambiguous about his mistakes this time. Although other scientific research groups continued to criticize him, DoD was not prepared to hold him accountable because His long-distance data transmission technology is what the American army needs most right now.

According to anonymous evaluations by technical experts, almost everyone believes that the TCP/IP protocol used in heterogeneous network environments can become a network standard, especially when microcomputers develop crazily in the civilian field, they have the ability to believe , the next decade must be the decade of informatization.

In this case, whoever kicks out Vinton Cerf will be a criminal in history!
At the same time, the guys who can enter the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency are not ordinary people. When some experts and professors show up one after another and insist on shouting for the capital behind them, DoD officials do not want to offend them.

Ever since, a balance with mud has emerged.

DoD officials knew the background and needs of the troublemakers, and they also knew Vinton Cerf's skills and connections, so they had no intention of hiding it. They would give information to anyone who asked, and they worked hard to get the information out. War that has nothing to do with DoD is swept out of Washington.

Ever since, Vinton Cerf knew that many of his critics came from Rockwell. At the same time, he also understood that Rockwell's idea of ​​killing him came from Ethan Jones.

When Ethan invested in Apple and became close to Steve Wozniak, the son of a Lockheed missile expert, Rockwell was very worried that his hostile relationship with Ethan would make Lockheed Germany saw an opportunity and tried to find a way to take away part of the defense orders.

after all……

Their main businesses are highly overlapping, and the most intense competition is the manufacturing of combat aircraft.

more importantly……

Now everyone knows that Ethan Jones is a fucking lunatic!
When Ethan Jones was able to insanely shut down Morgan Stanley's business, who knows if he would have grudged Rockwell and was just waiting to give him a knife and let out a wave of blood!

Rockwell didn't dare to bet on Ethan's idea, so they decided-

Get started first!
To be honest, when Ethan read the latest fax sent by Vinton Cerf, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched. He never expected that Rockwell, the largest defense contractor in the United States, would Afraid of yourself?Who would believe this special code if told!
At the same time, the detailed information also made his head hurt. If the man behind the criticism of Vinton Cerf was Rockwell, then this matter would be even more difficult to solve!

"So what does Vinton have in mind?"

Ethan put down the information and asked, "Does this matter have a big impact on him?"

Evelin kicked one leg, turned the chair around, faced Ethan, and asked: "Oh Ethan, why did you ask Wenton? Don't you think this is strange?"

"What do you mean?" Ethan didn't understand.

"literal meaning."

Evelin knocked on the table and said: "Although judging from the current information, the whole incident was a premeditated accident. Rockwell wanted to take action against Wenton, and it just so happened that a man named Oracle appeared at this time. product, so they used Oracle to criticize Wenton, but..."

"There's something wrong with Rockwell's starting point, don't you think?"

"Vinton said that Rockwell was worried that his defense orders would be taken away by competitors, so he targeted him and wanted to get rid of his defense program project procurement advice as a senior researcher at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Right, but... I personally think this reason is outrageous."

Evelin stretched out her right hand and scratched lightly with her index finger.

"Isn't Rockwell's biggest concern right now not that their personal computer business cannot be launched? Although they stated that the core purpose of acquiring Allen Bradley was to consolidate their leading position in the defense contracting field, They haven’t given up on the personal computer business either!”

"When Rockwell repeatedly stated after the release of Excel that it would produce a personal computer product that would compete with Apple's second generation before 1980, and said that they were confident that they could do this because they owned the MOS 6502 patent, they were worried. Is it just the defense orders being robbed? Not the development of computers?”

"Do you think this kind of rhetoric is normal?"

"Anyway, I don't think it's normal."

Evelin stared at Ethan with burning eyes, and said: "If you can't understand what I said, then you can take another look at the fax sent by Wenton. Wenton wrote it himself. According to the evaluation of the expert group of the Advanced Research Agency , they unanimously believe that the TCP/IP protocol can become a network norm."

"I should have told you about this technology before. The core problem solved by the TCP/IP protocol is the heterogeneous problem. Once this problem is solved, companies that enter the computer field first will have a huge advantage. You can understand what I mean. ?"

'What? 'Ethan was confused and half-understood, and looked through the fax again.

Only when he saw the anonymous evaluation written by Wenton did he understand what his sister meant!
In other words, he remembered the history of the development of the Internet that his sister had told him before!
The concept of network has actually been around for a long time. In [-], technicians had already created ARPANET, but the network protocols at that time could only be used in a homogeneous environment.

To put it more simply, all computers connected to the network must use the same operating language and even have the same hardware, otherwise long-distance connectivity cannot be achieved.

In order to solve this problem, Vinton Cerf and his team began research on heterogeneity. In other words, the original purpose of developing the TCP/IP protocol was to enable machines with different hardware and different operating languages ​​to Run in the same network environment to realize the true interconnection of everything.

Once Vinton Cerf completes all these things, the three U.S. armed forces that realize information exchange will definitely purchase a large number of computers to bring their armies into the information age.

In order to facilitate operation, their demand for computers will not be the large computers that IBM is working on, but will definitely be more convenient microcomputers. When this fact appears...

Whichever company makes microcomputers first will have the opportunity to bid!

Whichever company is the largest will win the prize!

In this case, while Vinton Cerf and Apple maintained a close relationship...

Anyone with some brains will find that Apple is likely to be the default candidate!
Although Apple currently does not have a network interface, with Vinton Cerf here, everyone knows that this kind of optimization is simply easier for Apple than eating and drinking!
Not to mention, in the current microcomputer market, only Apple has become a tool!

These are facts that underachievers in the computer field don't want to see!

Even though everyone knows that Apple cannot monopolize the market.

But let Apple get the defense order first?
How can I fight this in the future?
Who doesn’t know that crazy man Ethan Jones can’t spit out meat?

Who doesn’t know that the Rockefeller family, the ancestors of monopolies, invested in Apple?
"Oh Evelyn - you mean, Rockwell wants to divest Vinton Cerf's procurement advice rights as its core purpose or is it to deal with us?" Ethan expressed his understanding.

As soon as these words came out, Evelin immediately smiled and nodded.

"At least, that's what I think."

“Protecting existing orders is only their superficial purpose.”

"Their deepest thoughts must have something to do with computers."

"Even if it weren't for the architecture of the TCP/IP protocol."

"Oh oh oh - this -" Ethan exclaimed.

He didn't know how to judge his sister's thoughts.

But Evelin’s train of thought also reminded him of another thing.

It’s not the current targeting of “Alien”, but what Milova and Atari did a few years ago in order to seize the market and launch home consoles first.

At that time, Milohua pulled out Nintendo and attracted his attention with the attractive market of notebooks;

Atari also ordered a batch of MOS 6502 and Apple II, concealing its research and development progress and desire for the market with a quantity that met the consumption needs of arcade machines.

After these guys deliberately built the plank road openly and secretly crossed Chencang for the sake of competition, now, Rockwell attacked Vinton Cerf?Did Warner also take action on "Alien"?



"Do you think Rockwell and Warner are joining forces?"

Ethan told what happened to the studio in Los Angeles.

When Evelin learned that Warner had even poached Universal in order to prevent the release of "Alien", she immediately leaned back in her seat while holding her chin in one hand.

There was a smile in the eyes looking at Ethan.

"I think the fundamental purpose of Warner wanting to prevent the release of "Alien" is to block the launch of our games and our home consoles. Because according to our public plan, the home consoles and movies will be launched together after the game competition is over. .”

"If "Alien" is blocked, our console sales will inevitably be affected." "Especially when we have already done publicity and have even negotiated cooperation."

"Yes." Ethan nodded and said, "I think so too."

"And in the process, Rockwell pops up again."

"And sent a smoke bomb to us, saying it was revenge."

"When they want to use reasonable reasons to attack us, if they have something to hide, what they want to cover up must be a very outrageous need, so——"

"Even if the means of attacking us seem reasonable, there must be something outrageous behind them."

Having said that, Ethan stopped.

The two of them turned their heads at the same time and looked at the whiteboard.

Although a lot has been written above, Oracle’s product looks dazzling no matter how you look at it.

"It happened by chance," Ethan murmured.

"IBM published the paper in [-], and Larry Ellison only developed it based on it in [-]."

"It's just seventy-nine years ago, which means it only took them a year and a half to complete a road that others had not completed for many years? Even if you think they are capable, this speed is too fast."

"Especially at--"

"The CIA has not yet provided R&D funding."

At this point, Ethan tilted his head.

At the same time, Evelin also looked at him.

"Someone gave them money." Evelin looked serious.

"Who is it?" A smile appeared on Ethan's face.

"Check." Evelin picked up the phone and wanted to call the old principal.

But Ethan pressed the back of her hand, shook his head and said, "Don't let Fred investigate this matter."

"Why?" Evelin didn't understand.

"It's not easy for Fred to do."

Ethan said: "What we want to check is the bank accounts of Larry Ellison's people, which is California's internal management system, so it is most appropriate for the former governor to come forward."

"There's an election next year and our former governor will definitely be there."

"To this end, I decided to give him a speech and invite him to be the host of the finals of the National Video Game Competition, so that he can impress the young people who have the votes."

"What he needs to pay is to reach into the state government of California and dig out the company registration information and all bank accounts of Larry Ellison and others."

"This is his private territory. He knows who is most effective and who will not leak secrets."

"And if it were Fred..."

"As soon as he calls, everyone will know."

Fred Terman is a BUG. He can indeed help Ethan solve the problem, but he makes too much noise.

Therefore, how to obtain information quietly is a science.

And when Ethan called Thomas to tell him his needs and gifts, around one o'clock that night, the two people who were not sleeping heard a brake sound.

Scanning down condescendingly, the campaign manager who had met Ethan before appeared again.

Before handing the thick stack of information to Ethan, the campaign manager asked a question:
"Ronald is willing to accept your invitation to serve as the host at future competitions."

"But at the same time, he wants to know one thing first. Will Destiny Games launch some violent games that may cause controversy before [-]?"

"No." Ethan understood what the other party meant and said with a smile: "The game "Starry Sky" is about the war between humans and aliens, and next year our game will be the sequel to "Star Wars". "

"It will not have anything to do with real-life violence."

"Okay, Mr. Jones, I think Ronald will be happy with that answer."

The campaign manager handed over a brown paper bag.

Unlocking it and pulling it out, the thumb-thick document was quickly read by the two of them.

Consistent with the existing information they obtained, Larry Ellison founded the company in the summer of [-]. There were three founders, so the shareholders were three of them.

Because there are no products and no sales, the company's public account at a local bank in California is very clean, with only fixed living expenses received from the CIA every month.

But this situation only lasted until the beginning of 20. In February [-], there was an external transfer of US$[-] in the company's account, which also caused them to change their equity.

This situation is normal for everyone. After all, if a start-up company wants to survive and has nothing in its own pocket, it needs to seek help from external funds.

But for Ethan, this was the flaw.

Because the source of the funds is called Sequoia Capital.

The guy who gave the angel investment was named Don Valentine!
'Special code! '

'This old Bidden! '

As soon as the name Don Valentine appeared, flames burst out of Ethan's eyes!
Because he will never forget it in his life!When he just wanted to make some money by copying some games and live a happy life by playing financial games, it was this old guy who robbed him together with Nolan Bushnell!
Ethan swore at that time that he would kill him no matter what!

But alas, this old guy has been hiding for the past few years.

This made him very sorry.

Ethan originally thought that in his own life, Don Valentine chose to retire and would no longer walk around the world, but this guy actually invested in Oracle? ? ?
Got it!

This is simply a matter of settling old and new grudges together!

And after he raised the corners of his mouth and looked down...

He frowned when a Texas restaurant invested another $1980 in the summer of 20.

"Do you know who owns this restaurant?"

Ethan held up the information and looked at the campaign manager.

“Why would a restaurant invest in a technology company?”

"I don't understand."

Ethan's question caused the campaign manager to glance at the bank's reconciliation book. Then, having already read the information, he smiled and said: "Mr. Jones, this restaurant is owned by Nolan Bushnell."

"..." Ethan was a little surprised.

Evelin also looked up in surprise.

The other party continued: "Not only that, this restaurant was purchased from Steve Ross. As far as we know, Steve Ross and Nolan Bushnell should have broken up amicably."

'What the fuck? ? ? '

Steve Ross and Nolan Bushnell's split amicable?
Nolan Bushnell and Don Valentine co-invest in Oracle again?

Oh Sxxt! ! ! ! !

These people are here to play Mission: Impossible with me, right? ! ! !
Ethan laughed angrily.

He walked into the kitchen and burned the documents he had read.

The campaign manager who witnessed all this left decisively, and after seeing him off, Ethan said directly to Evelin: "Call Barbara and tell her that I have a legal issue to ask her for advice."

"If possible, the sooner the better."

"We can charter a plane to bring her back."

"Okay." Evelin responded, turned around and made the call.

Ethan, on the other hand, held the window with both hands and looked at the stars.

Warner is trying to block him with industry rules?

Rockwell wants to snipe him with its leading product?


Then come!

There are no perfect rules in this world!There is no such thing as an invincible product!
As long as it’s a human thing!Then there must be a flaw!
"Don Valentine?"

"Steve Ross?"

"Nolan Bushnell?"


"Pray to God that I don't let me discover the loopholes in your layout!"


"I'll knock this card table right off!"

"I swear!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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