Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 197 MGM, here we come.

Chapter 197 MGM, here we come.

I got chills, they're multiplyin'
(I can't stop the excitement in my heart)

And I'm losin' control
(I'm about to lose control)

'Cause the power you're supplyin'
(Because of the power you give)
It's electrifyin'
(electric radiance)
When the dynamic music appeared, John Travolta, wearing a black suit and pink shirt and wearing bright leather shoes, jumped into the center of the basketball court. On the screen, he pretended to comb his hair with both hands, with an exaggerated expression. Volley caressed the nose of his plane.

With the appearance of the lyrics, he also made a 360-degree turn, lunged and raised his chest, put his hands on his waist, and made a gesture of a cowboy shooting from the waist, biubiubiu crazily discharged towards the surroundings.

Such a situation caused a burst of screams in the cinema.

Many girls were leaning against the sofa with their chests covered, their smiling faces full of suffocation.

The boy whistled and leaned forward, staring at the screen with wide eyes, as if looking forward to the arrival of the heroine, but more like trying to remember John Travolta's dance, and refused to let it go The slightest bit of it, in their opinion, learning these should be very useful for picking up girls.


None of the above is about Evelyn.

When John Travolta appeared for the first time and showed his side face to the audience in front of the screen with a cigarette in his mouth, Evelyn's facial features suddenly tightened.

"Oh Sxxt - this guy has a greasy smile!"

This is her evaluation at the time.

When the director perfectly displayed John Travolta's evil smile in a close-up manner, and wanted to give the audience a feeling of electric shock, Evelyn immediately shook her head and complained.

"Don't you think his jaw is weird?"

"Looks like an ass no matter what."

When John Travolta showed the world his strength as the king of dancers, he twisted his hips hard and kept discharging... Evelyn directly elbowed Ethan, "Don't look."


"He's so coquettish, don't learn from him."


"You are already more handsome than him, if you show off a little bit, others won't be able to live."


"Hehehe—" Ethan laughed out loud.

Although Ethan deserted during Evelyn's speech, which made the girl very unhappy, the girl would still accept it if he took the initiative... Uh, well, he was bragging.

When he offered to see a movie, Evelyn didn't even want to come.

If it wasn't for Ethan waving his hand, he said to the graduates of the engineering school, "I will pay for today's consumption", "Since everyone is interested in John Travolta, I will reserve the venue for everyone." Watching a movie', it is estimated that after the celebration is over, Evelyn will go home full of anger.

"Although John Travolta is a bit oily, this movie is very well made."

While Ethan was laughing out loud, Evelyn also commented: "It's unrealistic and exaggerated."

The movie "Grease" actually tells the story of high school students in America in the 50s. The hero and heroine played by John Travolta and Olivia John met during the summer vacation, and then fell in love, but because of the end of the summer vacation. Had to separate, which also made the heroine a little sad.

But because of an accident, the female protagonist transferred to the male protagonist's school, and the two met again.

When they fell in love during the summer vacation, the male lead gave the female lead a very gentlemanly feeling, but after she went to school with the male lead, she realized that the so-called gentleman was just a disguise, and the male lead was just a gangster, so the female lead went Want to forget him.After some twists and turns, the two got back together. The male protagonist became a good boy in order to cater to the girl, while the female protagonist became a bad girl in order to cooperate with the male protagonist.

The final outcome is that the lovers will eventually get married.

Ah no, this description is somewhat inappropriate.

Because if this matter is put in the Internet age, it will be respected, blessed and locked.

To be honest, the plot of this movie is terrible, like all the Hollywood campus youth movies, the high school students here can only drive cars, fight, date, skip classes, pick up girls and have sex, but maybe it’s because of the bad movies. , but the songs and dances in it are very touching, and the charming disco steps are still imitated even decades later.

The reason why Ethan suddenly proposed to watch "Grease" was not only because the movie had just been released, he had seen many reports about it in the past period of time, but also because John Travolta The actor impresses him.

"Pulp Fiction", "Face Changing", "Broken Arrow", those are his favorite movies.

Of course, Scientology teaches evil.

"Goodbye~ See you when I have a chance~"

"Okay, welcome to play with me."

"Yeah, I'm going to stay in school for two more years."

After watching the movie, Evelyn said goodbye to her familiar classmates.

Although during her master's career, she spent at least three-quarters of her time in the company and never went to school or took credits at all, but every time she appeared in school When you go out, there will always be 'acquaintances' coming to strike up a conversation, smelling the smell of success.

As long as he is a guy with a little brain, he will know that these people are here to be familiar.

But Evelyn didn't care.

In her opinion, anyone who can earn a master's degree in a serious way is not too bad. If things go smoothly in the future, they will definitely be able to make some achievements.

Be friendly with these guys, maybe it will come in handy someday?

After the farewell was over, I got in the car to go home, and leaned back on the back seat. Evelyn, who had been busy all day, was a little tired.

The girl looked at Ethan while yawning and said, "Tomorrow I'm going to Washington, you can charter a plane for me, and I'll go there when I wake up."

This remark aroused Ethan's curiosity, "What are you doing in Washington?"

"Go and see Wenton." Evelyn rolled her eyes and said, "I told you before, I wanted to choose him as a mentor, but he left."

"But these are not important, right? Now that you have graduated, let's go and see him. I wanted to make a phone call, but it's not convenient for him to hear the phone in his ear, so let's go."

This reason made Ethan nod his head, "Okay, I'll talk to Steve later."

"Oh, by the way, shall I accompany you?"

"No, I'll go back on the same day, and at most have a meal with him, and I won't stay there."

Things like charter flights are really common for them now.

After all, if you squeeze a plane with a bunch of people according to the flight schedule provided by the airline, you are not only wasting your life but also torturing yourself.

As for buying an airplane?
"How about we buy a Boeing? I think the 747 we flew in last time was fine."

"Okay!" This suggestion cheered up Evelyn, who was about to close her eyes and take a nap.

But after thinking for a while, she gave up again, "Forget it, let's not buy it yet."

"A 747 costs 500 million dollars!"

"Now the company has to spend money everywhere, so let's rent the plane first."

"After our home machine is on the market, we will see if we can buy it or not."

Although they never refuted Fortune magazine's [-] million statement that year, the two never took this kind of propaganda seriously, and they still have a lot of confidence in their hearts when they can see the real accounts.

[-] million cash a year is simply nonsense, because the arcade sales in the United States are obviously different from those overseas, and that kind of profit margin cannot be directly applied.

Of course, after excluding production costs, staff salaries, and company benefits, they can indeed earn tens of millions of dollars a year, but the money is not enough for them to easily support a Boeing. Money, the company needs to spend money on research and development, it needs to spend money on daily maintenance, and when the enemy is around and needs to keep money, it is an indisputable fact that the more you earn, the more you spend.

Oh, right--

And movies!

Thinking of this, Evelyn said again: "How did your movie go?"

"Can it make money like Grease?"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Ethan immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"I do not know either."

"I didn't care about it at all."

"Sunday tomorrow, Monday the day after tomorrow, I'll ask the day after tomorrow."

"I'll talk to you after I finish asking."

"..." This result made Evelyn curl her lips, grunt twice, and close her eyes.

Ethan is telling the truth, he really didn't care about "Alien", it's not how much he trusts the two melons Spielberg and Lucas, but he simply doesn't have time to care about it.

The last time I knew about "Alien" was the last time, when Gary Kurtz, president of Destiny Films, reported to him the preparation of the film and told him that the project had entered the casting stage.

After that, mid-term elections, new product launches, spinach contamination in Atlantic City, sister's graduation ceremony... These things made him have no time to care about Apple's development, let alone movies. It's something I don't understand at all.

And since Evelyn asked, he called Destiny Films on Monday, and then he found out... the president of his own film company is actually in California?

"No, why are you in Los Angeles?"

Ethan was startled.

"Shouldn't you be eyeing the project in London?"

He was puzzled.

And his doubts were quickly answered by the other party.

"Boss, the "Alien" project is on the right track, the casting has ended, the first batch of props have been produced, and Universal is trying to find a way to charter a plane to transport the stuff to London...London has Steven watching over there, me and George came back to talk to Fox about Star Wars 2..."

"Because he doesn't want to be a director this time..."

"As for the reason..."

"It's still Colombia's fault..."

Although Colombia's check fraud case and cover-up case have not had a result so far, and judging from the current situation, there may be no results in the future, but the impact of this matter is very bad.

At least that's how it was for George Lucas.

When the ass of the "Star Wars" project is somewhat dirty, and the reason for the dirtyness is still related to the culprit of the check fraud, how to keep this project has become a science.

Before the check fraud case appeared, he could safely and boldly make and shoot movies, because he was invincible at this time. When he brought unparalleled visual shock to the people of America, shooting the sequel himself could not only firmly Consolidating one's god position can also attract more audiences into the theater. After all, the gimmick of the original crew creating a sequel is full of sincerity.

But now, he has to cut off Star Wars.

Because no one knows when the investigation related to the check fraud case will fall on him, Lucas. In this case, it is inevitable to ensure that the money-making project will not be affected.

Therefore, it became a must for him to name the film and hire another director.

Because of this, after confirming that there was no problem with "Alien", he brought his producer Gary Kurtz back to California from London non-stop.

And the thing about "Alien"...

Spielberg, who felt the deepest guilt towards Ethan, was staring at him.

Of course, according to them, it will definitely be released next winter.

After waiting for Ethan to tell Evelyn about the twists and turns, Evelyn, who had already returned from Washington DC, sighed directly, "Do you think they are really reliable?"

Girl wants to know the answer.

"Ouch—don't scold me—don't scold me—how did I know it was going to be like this—"

Ethan also scratched his head speechlessly, complaining: "This check case is really disgusting!"

The dissatisfied complaint made Evelyn take a deep breath. She wanted to say something, but she gave up in the end. "Then now?" She pursed her lips and asked, "That's it?"

"Then what else can we do?" Ethan understood what his sister meant, and spread his hands helplessly, "Things are already like this, we can only let them continue to develop."

"And the only relationship we have in Hollywood other than them is Roy Disney."

"And that guy..."

"Forget it, forget it—"

Ethan waved his hand and turned the subject off.

He admitted that he was annoyed now!
He didn't understand, how could the case of counterfeiting checks pressed by Colombia suddenly appear?
Without this sudden incident, filming might have started long ago!

His relationship with Steven and George will not be what it is now!
You said that MGM wants to buy Columbia, so just buy it directly!

Why do you have to engage in a hostile takeover to destroy the other party's stock price and reduce your own acquisition costs?

Of course, this kind of money-saving thing is a good way for capitalists, but if you affect me so much, then this is a bad idea!
'Special mother's! '

Ethan cursed in his heart: "A group of people!" '

And when Ethan was full of anger at MGM's behavior that affected him, with the arrival of July [-]st, a matter that had been his concern finally appeared.

MGM held a new tour conference at its Los Angeles headquarters.

Those who were invited to come were either the helmsman of the North American theater chain, or the owners of major audio-visual product stores in America, or the partners of MGM all over the country, or the big bosses of Las Vegas.With their appearance, MGM's game producers also began to talk about their ideas on stage.

The first to introduce is their core product, Tom and Jerry.

"The gameplay of our game is similar to "Snake", but not the same."

"In a wide-area map, there are two game characters, Tom and Jerry, and according to the version of the game, players can harvest three different ways to play."

"Let's talk about Tom's gameplay first. When the player chooses to play Tom, his goal is to manipulate Tom to catch the AI ​​Jerry on the map. When this condition is met, he will win."

"The criterion for failure is that our countdown timer is cleared to zero. Each of our games has a time limit of [-] seconds. If the player has not achieved the goal when the time is zero, they will fail."

"Jerry's gameplay is the opposite of Tom's. The player who controls it has to avoid the AI ​​Tom's pursuit."

"Its failure condition is to be captured by Tom, and its victory condition is to persist for [-] seconds."

"The third way to play is two-player battle, and this way is simpler."

"That's one player playing Tom and one player playing Jerry."

"Tom catches Jerry, Jerry hides from Tom."

"Either catch it successfully, or hide successfully..."

When Ethan, who was guarding the Palo Alto base camp, held the receiver and listened to the narration of Roy Disney on the other end of the phone, what he saw with his own eyes made him close his eyes while sitting in the office.

Because he knows, the enemy is coming!
They used serious products and punched it!

 Note: ① "Grease" was a big hit in that era. He was the box office champion in 1978 and 3. Even now, after many years, their theme song on Youtube still has [-] million hits. ② In reality, the first draft of the script of "The Empire Strikes Back" was completed in March [-], and then the screenwriter of that draft passed away, and then Lucas hired a new screenwriter to perfect the script.At this time, Lucas wanted to shoot by himself, but after the president of Fox, who supported him, was invited by the chairman of Fox for an interview in June, Lucas immediately cut off the film and invited his teacher to come shoot.His teacher refused at first, but after the thunderstorm in Columbia in September and MGM quickly offered to buy it, his teacher decided to help him make this movie.In major media reports, it was said that Lucas had no time to film "The Empire Strikes Back" because of company affairs, and those friends who helped him get the complete copyright of "Star Wars" were busier than him. (The timeline in the article has been slightly modified)
(End of this chapter)

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