Chapter 192 Peeping
"I am very happy to participate in the new product launch conference of Destiny Games today. In fact, I have been full of attention to this emerging industry since [-]. At that time, I was the governor of California and witnessed the development of electronic products. How games ignited the world from California..."

"To be honest, I was very wary of video games at first, because they are like a black hole, attracting the attention of our young people, swallowing their time, making them ignore everything around them, especially last year's "Star Wars" When " was launched, countless young people peeped at the virtual world in front of the screen of the electronic arcade. They seemed to think that space exploration is just a game, but I want to say that this kind of thinking is wrong, space is not a playground, then Filled with endless opportunities and challenges, video games seem to be misleading young people in their own way..."

"But after communicating with Ethan Jones, the founder of Destiny Games today, I realized that I had misunderstood the industry. Ethan told me that the original inspiration for the Star Wars game came from Spielberg's "Three Kinds of Encounters", when he saw the friendly cooperation between aliens and us humans at the end of the script, he felt that this kind of ideal friendliness seemed a bit dangerous. When unknown creatures appeared in front of us, it might be better to stay on guard After he saw "Star Wars", he felt that the space confrontation described by Director Lucas matched the concept he wanted to tell, so he created a game for "Star Wars", hoping to play it. Players of the game must protect themselves as much as possible while remaining curious about the future..."

"I admit that after hearing these words, there were indeed some fluctuations in my heart, and when I saw their new game, I really felt that Ethan and his Destiny Game really wanted to serve the society. progress brings some genuine emotion...”

"They launched a shooting game this time, but it is different from all shooting games that have appeared before. The idea they convey to the outside world is to use guns to protect the lives of the public and save innocent people in danger, not like other games. , advocating violence..."

"They launched a racing game this time, but unlike all previous racing games, the way of avoiding roadblocks prevents violent driving..."

"They also launched a wealth game, which clearly depicts the richness of America. Of course, they also made a sequel to "Snake". The confrontation shown in the game made me feel it from the cold interface. There is a force called persistence..."

"I am very fortunate to be able to participate in the new product launch conference of Destiny Games today. It makes me feel that I am many years younger, and it also allows me to understand the lifestyle and inner world of young people today. I am very grateful to Ethan and Destiny Games for their contribution to society. Great contribution, because he not only brought us countless joys, but also told the integrity of human beings in his own way..."

That night, PBS broadcast the media speech of the former governor of California in San Jose.

As a broadcasting company established in [-], the PBS broadcasting network may not have as long a history as ABC, CBS, and NBC, but its non-commercial nature and the status of a public broadcasting company allow it to have coverage that the other three cannot match. and spread.

As the only broadcasting company in America that can transmit news to fifty states at the same time, this feature makes the media speeches of the former governor of California appear in every corner of America, and when the news of the new game of Destiny comes out Finally, after playing "Star Wars" for a year, the people who were tired of the game no matter how fun it was, were instantly excited!
And the strong lineup of the three new games plus the sequel of "Snake" makes those game-loving people launch off the sofa like a rocket into the sky. entertainment venues, want to taste the delicacy of Xinyou in the first time!
But unfortunately, no matter how they searched, they couldn't see the new machine.

This situation made them frown, and they asked loudly in displeasure——

"Boss! What about the new game of Destiny Games? Didn't you buy their machines?"

Asking like this made the management personnel in various places lean out from behind the bar.

Maybe it's because they have answered similar questions countless times today, so these people's faces are full of helplessness, "The new game is only released today, and it hasn't been shipped yet!"

It seemed that they wanted to keep the guests, and they explained: "But don't worry, our boss has already flown to California to buy the goods a few days ago, and we will have new games in two or three days at most."

"Before that, you can play their old games first. We have the three classic games "Star Wars", "Pac-Man", and "Snake" here..."

While speaking, those administrators also began to raise their hands to guide.

Following their guidance, the game corner with rows of arcade machines also appeared.

Whether it is the dark green "Snake", or the yellow whirlwind "Pac-Man", or the "Star Wars" with the Millennium Falcon, these classic machines all have traces of time.

No matter how good the maintenance is, the paint on the surface of the machine will fade;

Even if it is well-made, the rocker and buttons of the machine have been changed again and again;

Many machine accessories have even lost their original appearance.

This kind of dilapidated scene made the guys who came to inquire regretful. Some people walked away, wanting to try their luck at other merchants to find new machines, and some people touched their pockets to get closer to the machine and get another one. Some people cursed at the boss's inaction. With the sound of 'MFxxk', they walked out of the store and merged into the darkness.

Regardless of the choices made by those players, the merchants providing arcade services did not intend to stop and persuade them, but apologized while respecting their decisions, and after the guests left——


"I can't do this shit job anymore!"

"If the new machine doesn't come, I will be scolded to death!"


Those who didn't dare to curse the customers vented their dissatisfaction behind the bar.

This kind of situation has been staged in various places in America, and while the players are running around and the store keeps explaining, pairs of eyes hidden in the dark are also faithfully capturing these scenes.

Each number was recorded by them on a palm-sized notepad with a water pen.

When some shops closed and the time gradually approached the early morning, they stayed in the shops for a long time before they walked out of various entertainment venues and rushed towards the nearest public phone booth.

Close the glass door, took out a handful of coins, stuffed a few into the coin slot, and then began to press the metal numbers on the panel. After the bell rang, they leaned against the glass panel and waited for the answer. Appeared, these people immediately reported their families, and then...

A steady stream of information flows from the major cities of America to Los Angeles.

The person who answered the phone wrote the records quickly, and then tore off the paper with a bang after hanging up the phone. They didn't collect all the information until the phone in the office stopped ringing.

Maybe it was because of the complicated data, or maybe it was the low efficiency of staying up late at work. By the time they delivered a stack of bound documents to the supervisor, the sky outside had already turned pale.

After looking through it carefully, he encouraged the employees a few words, and the supervisor told his subordinates to go back to rest, while he, who had been guarding all night, went directly to the floor of the chairman's office, and squinted in the lounge to take a nap.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when the sound of steady footsteps came from far and near, he immediately got up and jumped out of the lounge, looking towards the direction of the sound, and immediately went to the Before that, he handed over the freshly released report.

"Boss, this is our latest research on the game of destiny."

"Yeah." Warner Communications Chairman Steve Ross took it without flipping through it, and said with a smile, "Have you been busy all night? Working overtime on the rest day is really hard work for you."

"For Warner, no hard work." The supervisor shook his head quickly.

"After this period of time is over, you have a month's paid vacation. You can find a place to take a vacation and relax. Being tense all the time is not only bad for your health, but also affects your work."

"Boss, thank you."

"You're welcome, let's go in and talk."


The supervisor stepped forward to open the door in three steps instead of two.

Steve Ross nodded to his eager subordinates, and then he got into the office, sat in his chair and read the latest reports of his subordinates.

As he read, the smile on Ben's gentle face gradually disappeared.

"Is this number real?"

"After the PBS news broadcast, a large number of people in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Antonio and other places actually went to the airports on the streets to inquire about new trips?"

"In New York, where the crowd is the most dense, nearly 6000 people went to entertainment venues that accommodate arcades within six hours after the news was broadcast, and 70.00% of them were asking about the new game of Destiny, and 50.00% Some people are so eager to play that they left the entertainment venue directly after getting a negative answer, and went to other stores to continue asking?"

"Even in Dallas, which has the worst data, more than 1000 people took to the streets to look for the news after it was broadcast, and among them, more than 40.00% regretted leaving?"

"What the fuck!"

"Are these people so desperate to play the Ethan Jones game?"

Steve Ross shook the file in his hands.

And this data made the supervisor who came to report nodded solemnly.

"Yes Boss, this data is calculated by ourselves."

"Even if there is a discrepancy, the discrepancy will not be too great."

"Because they are professionals."

The profession that the director of Warner said actually refers to the information collection teams under the names of major Hollywood giants. These personnel have only one job to go to work every day, and that is to collect relevant information in their own places according to the tasks assigned by their superiors. .

The place where they often hang out is the movie theater. Check to see if the people in the North American theaters have shown their own movies as agreed. Once the number of screenings is inconsistent with the contract, or if they find that the movie theater is suspected of concealing the box office, they will report it immediately. .

Not only that, but they also do some data collection work. For example, after the release of "Star Wars", the investigation team under the name of Fox will conduct questionnaire surveys in movie theaters across the country, and directly ask fans whether they like "Star Wars". "The Great War" movie, and asked them what characters and actors they like. After the audience answered the questionnaire, they will give positive feedback to those who participated in the questionnaire by giving small gifts.

Since the first-line feedback I made is basically true and reliable, these things have become bargaining chips for Hollywood studios, actors, and directors. When these people are all activated, the intelligence they collect is generally believable.

And it was because they were believable that Steve Ross was shocked!

Because the documents in his hand showed that last night, at least 5 people in the huge America were inquiring about the new products of the Destiny game in various streets and airports!
Although there must be people who are double-counted among them, because the documents have shown that more than half of the people will leave directly to continue searching after asking for no results.

But at the same time, there must be people who have not been counted!

Because not everyone has a TV at home!
Not everyone was able to catch the PBS news broadcast yesterday evening!

Not everyone can watch the boring TV speech of the former governor of California!

If all these factors are taken into account, then the impact of double counting in the file on the real data will be very, very small, or in other words——

The figure of 5 people may not reflect the influence of the Destiny game in America!
According to their film industry's common algorithm for the sequel of a hit movie, 5 people searched for it in the first time, which means that there are at least 50 core fans of this movie!

The number of movie viewers leveraged through word of mouth can reach 1000 million!

Although this data is actually not very impressive in the film industry, because based on the average ticket price, 1000 million moviegoers are actually equivalent to a box office of less than 2000 million.

But if this data is applied to the fate game...

1000 million potential customers willing to pay for a new Ethan Jones game?


"This special code will make their electronic arcade machines sell well!"

Steve Ross slammed the document onto the desk!

In his opinion, these data can leverage hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue no matter what!

"Look at their factory! I want to see how much they can produce!"

"Then stare at MGM, Disney and Paramount!"

"I want to know what these idiots are doing!"

"Why haven't they released a new game yet!"

Steve Ross' rant made Warner executives resign.

And when he summoned his subordinates and assigned the boss tasks, the heads of MGM, Disney, and Paramount had already gathered together and were having breakfast.

In fact, as early as a few months ago, when Destiny Games started contacting various street machine buyers in America, they already knew that Ethan Jones was going to make a move.

They are a little worried about this kind of thing, but they are more expectant, because they are new players in the field of video games. With little investment themselves, even if Ethan Jones' new game sells well, it will be good for them. It can't cause much impact.

Not only that, but the better the sales of Ethan Jones' new game, the more it can prove the huge potential of the video game industry, and the more it can prove that there is no problem with their intervention.

When this fact was put in front of them, even if they competed with Ethan Jones, at this moment, the pressure they received was far less exaggerated than that of Warner Communications.

So, when they learned that last night, many players ran to the streets looking for new games, the three who were drinking coffee suddenly laughed.

"Wow, Ethan Jones' Destiny game actually has 1000 million potential customers? Then the video game market may reach a billion." Disney CEO Dunn Tatum said.

"At this rate of development, the video game market will soon surpass our movie industry." Michael Eisner, president of Paramount, said with some emotion, "More importantly, the crazyness of game players is comparable to that of movies. loyal fans can actually draw an equal sign."

"Draw an equal sign? No! No! No!"

His words drew a rebuttal from MGM CEO Frank Rosenberg.

He shook his head and said: "I think gamers are more crazy than loyal movie fans, because movie fans are crazy, and they go to the theater to watch the story told by the director. If the movie made by the director doesn't meet their appetite, Then they will spurn them, but video games are different. Players are creating a world. When they can participate in the construction of the world, the madness brought by that sense of substitution is the real charm of video games. There will be so many people who want to taste the new Ethan Jones game, and they are looking forward to the arrival of a new world."

Such a high evaluation made the other two look at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

"Okay, Frank, you're right."

Disney CEO Don Tatum did not mean to refute.

The president of Paramount, Michael Eisner, held up the coffee and sent it to MGM CEO Frank Rosenberg, "When are you MGM going to release the game?"

"If I remember correctly, we made an agreement at the beginning, one season per person?"

"Summer is here, what about your products?"

"Could it be because Ethan Jones has released a new game, so you guys are afraid and decided to delay it later? If that's the case, then we at Paramount don't agree!"

"We didn't want to take the autumn schedule. Not only are there no statutory holidays during this period, but the children have to go to school. When I got this schedule, my boss scolded me severely. If you If MGM wants to occupy our space, my boss will definitely kill me."

"So, don't make it difficult for me to do well?"


Disney CEO Don Tatum pursed his lips upon hearing Michael Eisner's run on words.

He put down the coffee cup in his hand, picked up the coffee spoon and stirred it gently.

As Ethan Jones said, coalitions based on interests are not secure.

They wouldn't be sitting at the same table for breakfast if it weren't for the fact that they wanted to get into video games and Philips wanted to get them all up against Ethan Jones.

As early as when they discussed the details of the cooperation together, they had already done a game——

Philips felt that the Disney that took out Mickey was the most sincere, so he agreed with Disney to release games in winter, because at that time there was the most important Christmas of the year;

And summer, the second best time of the year, was handed over by Philips to MGM, which owns Tom and Jerry, expecting them to make a good start;

In this case, no matter which industry it is in, it can be regarded as the most garbage autumn schedule, and it can only be attributed to Paramount without higher-profile characters.

This kind of distribution makes Disney and MGM very happy, but it is very bad for Paramount.

But when the three companies agreed, they could only pinch their noses and agree to get the patent authorization.When Michael Eisner signed his contract, his face was stretched longer than a shoehorn, so... when MGM now has to deal with a frontal impact from Ethan Jones?He burst into laughter undisguised!

After all, no matter how great the market potential of an industry is, consumers' spending power cannot be instantly increased. In this case, the less others earn, the more beneficial they are.

Michael Eisner's attack brought anger to the MGM CEO's face.But he didn't mean to reply, because he knew that Michael Eisnert's code was a second generation!

When their MGM boss used some tricks to buy Columbia Pictures, if they dared to confront Michael Eisner, they would probably destroy their MGM acquisition in a rage Yes, and this kind of thing is unacceptable to MGM.

So, after staring at Michael Eisner twice, the CEO of MGM laughed directly and said, "Don't worry, it will definitely be listed on July [-]st."

"Okay, I'll watch." Michael Eisner raised his eyebrows unceremoniously.

The gesture made MGM's CEO take a deep breath, then nodded.

The appearance of swallowing his anger made Disney's Twain Tatum keep holding back his laughter, but just when he felt that today's trip was worthwhile, the CEO of MGM suddenly opened fire on him.

"Twain, there's nothing wrong with me. I hope you Disney won't make any mistakes."

The CEO of MGM smiled at Disney CEO Dunn Tatum, "I heard that your Disney's Roy Disney appeared at the new product launch conference of the Destiny game yesterday? Wow wow wow Oh wow... you Disney are trying to be spies, aren't you?"

"..." The sudden words made Disney's CEO Dunn Tatum pause.

At that moment, his smile froze on his face.

"Don't worry about it, we Disney is fine." He replied stiffly.

"I still have something to do, I'm leaving first." He threw down the spoon and got up to leave.

The CEO of MGM looked at his back in anger and felt comfortable physically and mentally. When he turned his eyes back to the dining table, he found that Paramount's president Michael Eisner was looking at him with his arms around him.

That rich face is full of fun.

"I have something to do, so I'm leaving too." The CEO of MGM also threw away the coffee in his hand.

The porcelain cup collided with the porcelain plate, making a crisp sound, and Eisner, who stayed in the dining room, slammed his mouth, "I have something to do too!" He imitated the tone of the two of them, and then pronounced through his nose——


"Two clowns!"

He also left the restaurant.

Although the alliance meeting of Disney, MGM and Paramount broke up unhappy, even so, they still watched the fate game with a good attitude.

They really want to know what kind of answer sheet the game of fate can hand over.

They want to know more about where the ceiling of the video game industry is.

However, the smiles on their faces didn't last long at all, because when they ordered people to watch the Milbida factory in the game of fate...they discovered that there was a special problem with this factory!
The crazy shipments in the first three days are understandable.

The crazy shipments in the first week can also be explained.

But a week after the new product launch event, when the game music was already playing in the farthest city in Boston, the factory of Destiny Games was still shipping special products, and there was something wrong with the special products!
"Boss! Something is wrong! Destiny games have been shipped for ten days in a row!"

"According to our calculations, their arcade shipments are at least [-] units!"

"It doesn't make sense at all!"

"It's not a question of whether they have the goods, because they have already notified those buyers in March that they will hold a new product launch conference this month. Three months will allow them to prepare enough goods. The real unreasonable thing is that they Why can so many machines be sold!"

"According to our people, one of their four games was not welcomed by buyers at all, that is to say, the remaining three games sold [-] units at one time!"

"Although there is no problem with this kind of thing happening to Ethan, the only thing that is really attractive is "Snake 2", right? Suppose it sells [-] units? Then the remaining two games are not It should have sold [-] units in a short period of time! There must be something wrong here!"

When MGM, Paramount, and Disney received reports from their subordinates one after another, the weird delivery rhythm immediately made them frown!This is especially true for Warner Communications. Steve Ross even felt that his ears were broken after hearing the report from his subordinates!

"Twenty thousand units in ten days?"

"What kind of international joke are you making?"

"The average daily shipment of 50 units means they have to ship more than [-] vehicles a day!"

"The guy on the front line may be mentally ill, and you are also mentally ill?"

"They say [-] units and you believe there are [-] units? Then I say I am Jesus, do you believe it?"

"will not!"

"You would rather believe that Ethan Jones sold [-] arcade machines in ten days than that I, Steve Ross, coded Jesus! MFxxk!"

"Check again! Check again!"

"Check it out for me! I want to see if Ethan Jones' code is fake!"

In Steve Rose's view, such a thing as [-] units in ten days is impossible.

Because Destiny Game only invited 150 buyers to participate in the new product launch conference, and no matter how awesome these people are, it is impossible for them to eat 4000 million goods in one go!
If Destiny games are really shipping all the time, there is only one possibility——

That is, Ethan Jones' goods can't be sold!
He is bluffing!

As for the sales of Destiny Games this time will be as dazzling as the sun?

When the sales of North American theaters were cut off by Disney, how could the retail stores on the continent of America break out such a terrifying point-of-time sales?

 Note: ①The former governor of California’s attitude towards video games is actually sitting on the fence in reality. I’m not blowing like I wrote. He supports him if it’s beneficial to him, but he doesn’t support it if it’s unfavorable to him.Arkansas is the same, when it's good for them, they openly play Northland Tetris with Game Boy there, and when it's bad for them, they come up with game ratings. ②The Hollywood survey written in this chapter exists in reality. In the past, that is, in the 70s and 80s, this survey was done by themselves. The sequels of many movies were even made according to the audience’s satisfaction and favorite characters. Yes, that includes Star Wars. When the third part of "Star Wars" was released in the [-]s, it was already making a movie to sell toys, so all the books I saw were for money.And this is what Gary Kurtz, the producer of "Star Wars", the president of the film company under the name of the protagonist I wrote in the article, broke the news himself.There is no art, only money.And now, Hollywood still uses on-site research to obtain the most accurate word-of-mouth, but they no longer do these things themselves, they are all outsourced.

(End of this chapter)

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