Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 190 The Wisdom of Thomas 30

Chapter 190 The Wisdom of Thomas 3.0
Ever since he was cheated by Warner Communications on the canal issue in September last year, Ethan has not paid attention to this contradictory incident that is closely related to America but has little to do with his personal interests.

Because he knew that even if there was a lot of resistance to this matter, Jimmy would still get it done.

Therefore, when Steve Ballmer said that the Senate had passed the canal treaty signed by Jimmy, he suddenly felt as if he was in a lifetime while leaning on the boss chair.

"No, has this matter been delayed until now?"

"How long have they been arguing? Almost a year?"

The sudden news made Ethan feel a little emotional, and the next second he discovered another problem.

"Wait a minute, 68:32? Doesn't that mean you almost failed?"

"So thrilling?"

Although Ethan in his previous life learned about America's political ecology with the mentality of watching for fun, it didn't mean that he didn't have a brain at all, and he still knew some simple common sense.

For example, there are different types of documents signed by the governor of Amerika, and each type has different validity agreements.Like a treaty, that is a formal, legally binding agreement signed by the ruler of Amerika with other countries or international organizations.According to the provisions of the American Constitution, the commander-in-chief has the right to conclude treaties with other countries or international organizations, but more than two-thirds of the senators must agree. This is to ensure democracy and balance.

There are a total of 67 senators in the Senate of America, which is composed of two states. In this case, if a treaty is to be passed, the number of votes in favor must be no less than 68, and this time Well, there are [-] cards... That's exactly one more.

Even if Ethan didn't pay attention to this matter all the time, judging from the distribution of votes, the supporters and opponents of the treaty may have done more than one in the Senate, and some people's dog brains have probably been knocked out. Many people may even bet on their political future.

"Yes, it was thrilling and almost failed."

Steve Ballmer nodded and said: "In order to finalize this treaty, the Senate has been debating after the New Year. Of course, the momentum of foreign public opinion is also relatively large, such as John Bull, Gallic Chicken, West Germany, etc. They have publicly stated that they want us to fulfill our commitments.”

"In order to preserve that fragile coalition, for the first time, the majority and minority leaders in the Senate joined forces to persuade their own members to accept the treaty."

"Although the treaty was finally passed, according to the current situation, Jimmy's chances of re-election are about zero. In order to finalize this treaty, he has dragged the entire donkey party into the water. If he continues to run in the next term, his election The number of votes is estimated to be terrible."

Ballmer's words made Ethan nod slightly. When communicating with Barbara who made a surprise visit last year, he had already smelled the internal division of the donkey party.Among other things, even Barbara, who was invited to DoJ by Jimmy, was very dissatisfied with his decision.

If it was a year ago, Ethan would definitely feel that these things have nothing to do with him, but after being raided by Warner Communications and educated by Uncle Thomas, he already knows that many times you can't stay out of things because of trouble This kind of thing has its own hands and feet. If you don't provoke it, it will give you an unexpected surprise at a certain time.

Therefore, it is inevitable to understand it, integrate into it and control it.


After listening to the report, Ethan gave Ballmer a thumbs up.

"Good job."

"Thank you." The bald man smiled shyly.

And just as he was about to leave, Ethan remembered another thing.

"If I remember correctly, this year is the quadrennial midterm elections?"

"Yes." Ballmer froze for a moment, and then said: "It has already started..."

Midterm elections are actually congressional elections.

The American Congress is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Senators have a term of six years, and one-third of them are re-elected every two years. Representatives have a term of two years and all of them will be re-elected.

Since congressional elections coincide with general elections every four years, and the non-coincident elections are held during the term of the general, the non-coinciding congressional elections are also called mid-term elections.

Because the mid-term elections can directly determine who can control both houses of Congress, the two parties will fight each other every election.The reason why Ethan asked this question was because he felt that the passage of the canal treaty might directly affect the red and blue branches of America, and this situation would even affect the election of the next general.At the same time, the mid-term elections also included the election of some local council members and local administrative officials, and the husband of Barbara's school girl...

But a former governor...

Ethan didn't say much, but raised his eyebrows suggestively at Ballmer.

The bald head with a strong understanding turned around and left.

The next day, the guy handed a thumb-thick document to Ethan with dark circles under his eyes.Looking through it, Ethan found that the state of Arkansas was involved in this year's mid-term elections.

This result made Ethan go straight into the office of his immediate boss after Ballmer left, sat down on the chair in front of the desk with a smile on his face, and shouted, "Sister——"

"Why?" Evelyn looked at Ethan in confusion.

"Ask you something."


"Have you been in touch with Barbara lately?"

"I contacted you, what's the matter?"

"Oh—nothing—I'm just curious as to where her plans are going."

Ethan pretended to be innocent and said, "Didn't you tell me before that she wanted to bring her school girl into Washington? Is this thing settled? Steve has reported to me about the previous canal incident in the past two days , he said that judging from the current trend of public opinion, the Donkey Party seems to be in danger."

If it were someone else, Ethan's nine twists and eighteen turns might make them dizzy.

But Evelyn directly heard his intention.

"It's done. It was officially finalized in December last year. At that time, you were negotiating with Wenlock, so I didn't tell you."

When this matter was mentioned, Evelyn tapped her index finger on the table with emotion, "Jimmy nominated her junior to be a member of LSC's board of directors, and she will take office this year. I heard from Barbara that it's a good place."

LSC is the American Legal Services Corporation. From the name, it is a private institution, but in fact it is a public institution directly funded by the American Congress.

The significance of its existence is to provide necessary and equal legal assistance to low-income people in America.

Since its establishment in 100, this company has provided nearly [-] million U.S. dollars in aid funds to more than [-] non-profit legal aid organizations in America. hands of board members.Serving here, you're making connections, because you're dealing with judiciaries in fifty states, and they're all waiting for you to pay.

"If I remember correctly, Barbara has done similar jobs before?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, it's in Columbia." Evelyn nodded, and at the same time she asked, "What? Do you want to donate there?" Then she waved her hand and said, "Oh, forget it, it's not there. Donations of personal funds are not accepted, all are grants.”

"No way! It's not that I have too much money and no place to spend it!" Ethan shook his head quickly.

"Then you want to see if I have maintained this relationship?" Evelyn guessed with her head tilted.

"It's even more impossible! I just wanted to ask on a whim." Ethan didn't want to tell the truth.

"Oh——" Evelyn stretched her voice, leaned back with her hands folded, and said with a playful smile: "Then from now on, don't ask me if Barbara has been dragged by my gang of donkeys." donated money."

"..." Ethan pursed his lips.

If the two were playing badminton, then Evelyn's words would definitely be a smash, capable of knocking out Ethan's head.After finding out that his sister had seen through everything, Ethan immediately threw up his hands and said, "Okay, Okay, you're right, I came here to understand this matter."

That's right!

After discovering that this is the year of the midterm elections, Ethan wonders if the two in the family are making a move.He doesn't need to ask Thomas, because this native American farmer has already made fun of things like voting, and Evelyn...

That is, like him, a little insensitive.

Ethan is not sensitive, that's because he watched too much fun in his previous life as a fun person, and his identity can't be changed at once, but Evelyn is different, right, she is purely interested in these things...


While Ethan was muttering to himself, Evelyn spoke.


This answer was somewhat beyond Ethan's expectations.

"I said I donated."

Evelyn shrugged and looked at Ethan with a smile.

"I'm just not very interested in these things, but I'm not stupid."

"Since my dad has said it all, it's not okay to concentrate on starting a company. Then how can I throw his words into the trash can?"

"This year is a big year for the mid-term elections. Those who yearn for Washington are working hard, and Barbara is the same. We have a governor's election in California this year. Our current governor is a member of the Donkey Party, and he will continue to run. But Barbara is not satisfied with our current governor's policy, because he is too open to appoint LGBT people as judges, so she has no intention of supporting him."

"But at the same time, she also called me, saying that her junior sister's husband will run for the governor of Arkansas this year, and hoped that I could give some financial help... She said that her junior sister is a real ordinary person, The husband's family is also not good, he lost his father when he was young, and his surname follows his stepfather..."

"Based on Barbara's story, I donated 20 US dollars to her junior's husband and became his biggest benefactor? If he can win, that's a good thing. If he can't win, I don't care. Anyway, 20 is a small amount of money to us, so let’s consider it for Barbara, after all, she has indeed helped us many times, in the future, I still hope that she can be our company’s legal counsel.”

Evelyn really doesn't like politics. In her opinion, studying those twists and turns a thousand times is not as exciting as a paper by her teacher Vinton Cerf.But not liking it doesn't mean refusing to participate. If there are caring people who need her help, then she will still help.

Not to mention, Barbara had fished them out of the huge pit before.

If Barbara hadn't been keenly aware of the strange behavior of Mi Luohua's prosecution, Ethan would not have dug out the trap buried by Atari and Mi Luohua.

In this case, they will definitely be forced to leave the game by Mi Luohua and Atari.

Then, after discovering that Mi Luohua has an invincible patent in the video game industry, they will withdraw from the video game industry sadly.Imagine being as chic as you are now?Dream it!
In Evelyn's view, Barbara may be a little more utilitarian now, but her original intention is still good, and she just wants to seek her own interests for the female group.

And since her nature hasn't changed, we're still friends, right?
"Donated? Then I'm relieved." Ethan's eyes turned into crescent moons with his sister's words.

Although Ethan couldn't figure out which year Barbara's junior's husband became the governor of Arkansas, it didn't matter. 20 may be 15 years' income for an ordinary family, but for them It's nothing more than the sale of a hundred electronic arcade machines.

Use this money to build a relationship with the future commander?

It's so worth it!

Of course, what's more worthwhile is that this money can also maintain the goodwill of the mage.

When a Fund Works Now and in the Future…

That's a win-win!
Now that Evelyn has become the big benefactor of the future governor of Arkansas, Ethan can eliminate the sudden question mark in his heart, and when he is about to leave, he returns to the office to continue drawing the chessboard of "Minesweeper" At that moment, Evelyn stopped him.

"You wait."

"What's wrong?" Ethan's ass just left the seat, and then stuck back.

"You have to think about it in the near future, if Barbara's husband becomes the governor of Arkansas, what kind of return should we ask for?"

Evelyn said: "I can think about this kind of thing, but I'm too lazy to think about it, so I leave it to you!"

"What do you mean?" Ethan didn't understand.

The doubts he showed made Evelyn frowned slightly, and asked, "Didn't you come to ask me today if I donated money to Barbara's supporters?"


"Then haven't you thought about what kind of return you should ask for after donating money?"

Ethan asked this question.

He blinked his eyes, and wanted to say that he hadn't thought about it, because he had never done such a thing in his previous life, but he knew that he couldn't say that now.

He believed that if he said so, then Evelyn would definitely give him a hard time.

And just as he was pondering how to express his ignorance tactfully, Evelyn had already guessed everything with that blank expression. The girl sighed and shook her head with a smile.

"never mind……"

"It's normal if you don't think about it."

"I didn't know anything about it before. My dad taught me all of this."

"When Barbara said that her junior sister's husband needed some financial support, I asked my dad how much to donate. My dad told me, donate as much as you want, but after donating, you must let those guys We do things, because only in this way, it is in line with the rules of the game in this circle."

"The relationship between politicians and funders has existed for many years. Now, this circle has formed its own set of gameplay, and everyone has their own responsibilities and obligations."

"My dad said that after the two parties reach a donation, the ideal state is that the funder puts forward an interest request, and the politician gives financial rewards. This approach is the most common and safest."

"For example, I donated 20 to the state of Arkansas, so after he is successfully elected, we must ask him for more than 200 million US dollars, or even 2000 million US dollars in business."

"If we only donate money and don't ask for it, then politicians will wonder why we donate money to him, whether we have other things for him to help, or they will think that we are not going to donate money Collect the value of the money together, and ask him for a huge return in the future that is beyond his ability, or we need to use his political future to get us..."

"No matter what it is, they cannot accept it."

"To put it bluntly, it's like we have their handle and see their bodies, but he doesn't know anything about us. This will make them very uneasy and fearful."

"So, my dad said that the smartest and most compliant way is to ask for rewards from the holders immediately after the donation and success. This is beating them and telling them that we are willing to keep working together.”

"When both parties understand each other and have some little secrets about each other, the relationship will become very stable, and then some other projects will start."

"So, since you want me to maintain the relationship with Barbara, you have to think about what you want to get out of this relationship. Since we are not familiar with each other, we can't be like my dad at first. , let the former governor of California help us get some intelligence, the initial contact should be gentle, and gentle contact... nothing is more suitable than making money together..."

When Evelyn said this, Ethan, who was sitting in front of her, was already stunned.

The girl blinked at him, tilted her head and smiled and said, "You know, I'm not very interested in elections. I originally wanted to wait for the results to come out and see the situation and not tell you."

"But since you asked about this matter today, I will leave this matter to you~"

(End of this chapter)

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