Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 185 Artist, power grabber

Chapter 185 Artist, power grabber

In the 21st century, pink may be the color most closely associated with gender, because most people assume 'her' gender to pink, but in fact, the original pink is the color used by boys, in the human color system During the Renaissance, which was not abundant, pink was blended with ocher powder and white lime, used to depict the baby Jesus and adorn his skin.

This situation did not change until the [-]th century. Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV, was very obsessed with pink, wearing them in public, decorating houses with them, and making them into porcelain.This behavior influenced countless painters, who began to use pink to show the delicacy of court women.

Even so, pink is only a neutral color. What is really associated with women is after WW2. The shortage of labor force brought about by the war has made more and more women go to work and enter formal occasions. They need a dress of their own, so pink, once known as delicate and elegant, has become the first choice of most people.

When Xianzong's wife took office, she chose a pink dress, and she accompanied her with this color of clothing during Xianzong's tenure. Hollywood, which caters to the trend, also binds pink to women. Marilyn Monroe's There are a lot of pink clothing in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes".

The most amazing thing is those merchants. In order to cater to women’s love for pink, American home appliance companies are crazy about launching pink kitchen appliances. Barbie dolls born in the same era wear pink skirts, and even Disney can’t avoid it. , in the "Sleeping Beauty" released in [-], Princess Aurora is shown in pink, and was even called the most beautiful princess by Walt Disney.

When the two facts of women's love and merchants' hype appear at the same time... binding becomes inevitable.Therefore, when Damio Dean received the job arrangement from his boss and began to produce "Ms. Pac-Man", a game that has a strong connection with women, he used pink, which is recognized by the public, as the main color of the game scene , and spread it to every corner of the game in an exaggerated form.

The title "Ms. Pac-Man" on the game interface is pink.

The PLAY function key below is also pink.

After entering the game, the entire maze is all pink.

Ethan's eyelids twitched at this kind of girlish look, and when the game officially started, the Ms. Pac-Man running on the screen finally made him heave a sigh of relief.

Because Damio Dean still uses the yellow that belongs to Pac-Man as the main tone to create Ms. Pac-Man, and the method of embellishing her gender is to add a red bow to her head and open her mouth. A little bit of bright red lipstick was applied.

This kind of change that made the character have distinctive characteristics made Ethan very satisfied, because after seeing the game interface, what he was most afraid of was that people like Damio Dean changed the skin of Ms. Pac-Man.

If Pac-Man is yellow, if Ms. Pac-Man is pink, then this is interracial!Besides, in the original version of Pac-Man they launched, there is a female ghost represented by pink. When there are already pink characters in the game, create another protagonist of the same color?
Not to mention whether this approach is in line with the common sense of creation, it is unscientific from the perspective of game play. When two characters of the same color appear on the same screen, players can easily misread them.

Since Damio Dean didn't make that kind of visual design mistake, Ethan continued to play with confidence, and following his operation, Ms. Pac-Man also ran around the arcade.


Ethan discovered a problem...

"The game you made is just a new skin? Why do I feel that it hasn't changed much compared to the original version? Except the interface has changed, the protagonist has changed, the design of the maze has changed, other... there are others Changes? If not...why haven't you done it for so long?"


After Ethan operated for a while, he found that the "Ms. Pac-Man" produced by Damio Dean has not changed much from the original "Pac-Man" they launched.

The four ghosts are still hunting in the same way as the previous game.

When the hardest ghost codes in the game can be directly copied...

A game that has not been finished for several months?
This fucker is fishing, right?

Ethan's puzzlement made other people in the conference room laugh.

"Boss, you continue to play first."

"Yes, you can finish the first level first."

"There's definitely a surprise in it, really!"

The words of the people around made Ethan, who didn't notice the difference, continue to play patiently, but after he cleared the first level and entered the second level, the maze that came into view made his eyelids twitch.

Because there are two gaps at both ends of the maze in the second level.There are no beans in this gap, which means that it will not be a normal passage, and Pac-Man cannot pass through it.

Since Pac-Man can't enter, it must be a sanctuary for ghosts, and the truth is...

is also like this.

When Ethan manipulated Ms. Pac-Man to eat nearly one-third of the beans on the map of the second level, a little white ghost suddenly appeared in the dark passage closest to him, and it was like a madman. It ran madly at the position where Ms. Pac-Man was. No matter where Ethan hid, it would chase after her head-on, and its moving speed was obviously faster than the normal Ms. Pac-Man, so it only took seven or eight seconds to catch up. In time, he caught up with Ms. Pac-Man who was running away.

And when it saw that it was about to catch Ms. Pac-Man, its body suddenly stopped, as if it had been hit by a sunflower acupoint, and then its body gradually dimmed and disappeared on the map.

Such a situation made Ethan, who thought he would die, heave a sigh of relief. At the same time, the spontaneous sense of urgency made him laugh and scold: "Flower Q! Is this your change? Added random events?"

'Random events? '

This phrase made everyone at the scene a little stunned.

But in the next second, Damio Dean explained with a smile: "Oh boss, yes-under our design, we added some crazy ghosts to the game "Ms. Pac-Man."

"The same first level as the previous one is for players to adapt to the operation."

"The second level is the real beginning. When Ms. Pac-Man eats one-third and two-thirds of the beans on the map, crazy ghosts will appear in the passages on both sides, eager to kill the eaters. Ms. Beanman... because in our setting, the beans in the maze are closely related to them..."

After receiving Ethan's arrangement, Damio Dean held a closed-door meeting to ask colleagues in the department for advice on the production of the sequel to "Pac-Man".

Under their brainstorming, one question after another was raised by them.

Some people say that since Pac-Man can gain divine power after eating the beans in the corner of the map, why can't the ghost who captures him use this power?

As ghosts living in the maze, they should have discovered the way to develop divine power. If not, how could they be resurrected in the maze?

Therefore, under their design, dark passages appeared on both sides of the map, and the ghosts that survived by absorbing the power of the beans on the map were connected to them. When Ms. Pac-Man ate a certain amount of beans, she felt the power loss. They will go crazy and try to fight Ms. Pac-Man, and all the players have to do is to survive ten seconds, because after ten seconds, these crazy ghosts will fall into the fate of death due to the decline of power, and disappear on the map middle.

In addition, some people also said that since Pac-Man can eat beans and eat ghosts after gaining divine power (collision with ghosts makes them die), then it should be able to eat everything.

Therefore, in their design, some score markers can be randomly placed on the map in the subsequent levels. When the player controls Ms. Pac-Man to eat those score markers, they can directly get the corresponding score instead of eating them with ordinary food. Beans are generally accumulated one by one.

Some people even said that since "Ms. Pac-Man" is a female-oriented game, some female-oriented techniques should be added, such as setting a special prop, such as dancing shoes.When Ms. Pac-Man eats it, her speed will increase, but if she is touched by a ghost, they will get the debuff that playing games is not as good as dancing, and they will spin in circles for about five seconds...

As they talked, the brain holes one after another opened Ethan's eyes.

Letting the ghost successfully capture Ms. Pac-Man, Ethan put down the game and turned to look at his subordinates. His young face was full of youthful vitality.

"Are you going to put all these ideas into Ms. Pac-Man?" he asked.

"We are going to add two to three, because according to our calculations, adding two to three functional algorithms should be the limit of the MOS 6502, because of the limitation of the chip's computing power, it cannot allow us to use all the inspirations. Made it..." said Damio Dean.

"So how much time do you need?"

"The Ms. Pac-Man project is actually a project that all of us participated in. After making Need for Speed, Windfall and Taken, all of us can concentrate on it. At most ...Three to five months? We should be able to make it."

"Okay, you go ahead and do it. Although this game is the sequel to "Pac-Man", it is also your child, so I decided that after the game is released, 5.00% of its sales revenue will become your bonus , this bonus will be with you for the rest of your life. Even if some of you leave Destiny in the future and this game is still on sale, I will transfer the money to your card. If there are still people playing this game after a hundred years, then your Children and grandchildren will still receive the benefits of existence.”

Ethan looked at them with a smile on his face.

The guys in front of him looked dull at first, then ecstatically.

Because everyone knows the value of the name Pac-Man!
It is clearer that 5.00% sales bonus is more sincere than profit sharing!

"thank you boss……"

Someone reacted.

"thank you boss!"

The follower suddenly appeared.

"thank you boss--"

The uniform voice made Ethan think he was visiting a strip club.

"Okay, Okay, Okay, go get busy, I'm going to see it go public by the end of this year."

Ethan pressed his hands down to signal them to calm down, and left the conference room with his hands behind his back.

People's imagination is actually infinite, and what limits imagination is never human beings themselves, but the confinement around human beings that cannot turn imagination into reality.

Before the birth of video games, scientists who invented computers never thought that computers could be used as a tool, but after the popularization of video games, no one who grew up with the era thought that video games could still play like this .

Video games have always belonged to the field of art, and in this circle, the first to eat crabs may be able to earn a lot of money, but the guys who followed behind to show fantasy are equally great, precisely because of their additions, The world will be colorful.

These people in the destiny game development department do these things.

And since they have good ideas, they deserve the money.


"What about Disney, Paramount, MGM and Philips United?"

"I'm pinching Activision's neck with my left hand, and EA's life gate with my right hand!"

"You guys are here to fight me!"

If Ethan was still angry this morning, then after watching the game made by the R&D department, his body and mind immediately felt much better.Even if those three companies can copy, so what?The most talented group of people in the whole circle are in his hands. When new products appear one after another, those who simply imitate will die to him!

Drilling into the office in a happy mood, he leaned back comfortably on the boss's chair. The soft feeling made him very happy, and when Ethan was preparing to formulate a new game release plan, Steve Ballmer The bald head suddenly appeared again.

"Boss, someone wants to visit you."

Looking at the smiling face, Ethan was speechless.

At this moment, he even felt that this bald man installed a probe in his office!
This guy will show up just after he is busy with one thing?Those who know know that he is doing it for work, but those who don't know will definitely think that he is making a fuss!
"Who?" Ethan asked helplessly.

"Roy Disney," Steve Ballmer said.

"What?" The name caught Ethan a little by surprise. After staring at Ballmer's bright, glowing head for a few moments, he asked, "Did he explain why he came?"

"He said you must not want to see him."


The naive aggressive method made Ethan purse his lips, shook his head and said, "Let him go."

"You heard me right, let him go."

"You bring my words to him intact."

Roy Disney was right, Ethan really didn't want to see him at the moment.

After Steven Spielberg told him about Disney's palace fight, even if Ethan thinks about it with the soles of his feet, he knows the purpose of Roy Disney's visit, which is nothing more than an ally.

But Ethan doesn't want to be an ally with this guy who once offered a bounty to him!
If Disney wants to buy "Snake", Okay, this is a normal business practice, and everyone can sit down and discuss it together, but when Disney is interested in "Snake" and doesn't want to negotiate business with him, the copyright owner, then ...Aren't you Ming Qiang?

You want to steal my things, and I give you a good face?
I am not sick!

Ethan's order also made Steve Ballmer turn around and leave.

If he had just arrived, he would have expressed surprise, but after what happened last time, now he has been able to make the mountain collapse before him without changing his face. When Rockefeller's people can be beaten out by the boss ...Roy Disney?Which onion are you?

Just when Ethan thought that this boring episode would end with his own words to get out, Steve Ballmer came back after a while.

Not only that, but he also brought a document.

"Let me bring it to you before Roy Disney goes."

"He said it's normal for you not to see him, but he will still show the sincerity that should be shown."

The ambiguous words made Ethan take the document, and opened it, good guy, the cover with Philips and Disney logos made him raise his eyebrows.

Quickly flipping back, the terms of the contract that came into view made Ethan raise his head suddenly.

"Are you sure it's Roy Disney?"

"I'm sure."

What the hell!

Ethan was shocked!

He really didn't expect that Gong Dou could fight like this!
Roy Disney's behavior is already a betrayal of the company's trade secrets!
How could he do this in order to bring down Walt Disney's son-in-law?

This is too special nonsense!

After staring at the big bald head for a few times to make sure that he was not lying, Ethan quickly read the documents in his hand. As he flipped through the pages, the details of the cooperation between Disney and Philips appeared in front of him.

In the next ten years, Disney will obtain a patent license for the production and production of electronic arcade machines from Philips subsidiary Mirov at a fixed price of US$[-] per year.But at the same time, Philips also requires Disney-made video games to log into their home consoles when they need them.

Although the term 'necessary' is very vague, the two parties have agreed on several situations of 'necessary' in the contract.For example, the sales of video games produced by Disney exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars, that is, the shipment of electronic arcade machines reached [-] units. The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times reported it, or it was featured in local papers more than twice.As long as these agreed conditions are met, Philips has the right to allow Disney to bring the game to its own console.

They also have an agreement on the share of the game after it is logged into the console. Philips will take 30.00% of the game points, and the remaining 70.00% will go to Disney. In this point, the cost of production, that is, the cost of the magnetic cassette, is borne by Disney itself.

Such favorable conditions made Ethan nod secretly.

He had already seen Philips' intention to kill him in this contract.

If Philips hadn't been determined to stab Ethan Jones to death, they wouldn't have been able to sign such a money-losing contract, and since the money-losing contract had been signed, then...

The two sides are endless.

"You take this document and burn it."

After reading it, Ethan wanted to deal with the file.

But after thinking about it, he still had to do it himself.

"Forget it, do you have a lighter?"

"Yes." The bald Ballmer immediately took out a lighter from his pocket and handed it over.

Such a situation made Ethan a little curious, "Do you smoke?"

"No." Ballmer shook his head decisively.

"Then why do you carry a lighter with you?" Ethan was puzzled.

"Because I think you may need it, boss." Ballmer replied very seriously.

"..." Ethan froze for a moment.

Then he waved Ballmer out, and then burned the document with a lighter.

Looking at the continuously rising flames, he felt a little emotional.

The habits of the previous life are still a bit useful?
Everyone in finance knows that a lighter is always better than a shredder.

Not only is it easy to carry, but it can also destroy some unwanted things forever.

The only thing that can restrain it is the big memory recovery technique.

With the disappearance of the documents, Ethan wiped away all traces of Roy Disney's past arrival. After returning to his seat, he began to wonder again. Disney is just a company with a market value of more than one billion. At the helm, do people from Walt Disney's family and Roy Disney's family have to fight so hard?Can even sell company secrets?

Ethan couldn't figure it out.

He wanted to figure it out.

After some entanglement, he chose to call Steven Spielberg with an itchy heart.

When he first connected, this guy thought that Ethan was here to urge "Alien", so he kept saying that he would meet Sidney Sinberg within a few days, and that there would be no problem with the start of "Alien".

After Ethan explained his purpose, the guy put away his impatient words and said, "You want to know why Roy Disney fought Ron Miller?"

"Simple, a country within a country! Who doesn't want this?"

"WTF?" The simple description made Ethan unable to react.

But when Steven Spielberg mentions Disneyland in Florida...

Ethan understood everything immediately.

'Fuck!How could I forget the throne of the Disney family? '

 Note: ① Some people may not believe it, the original version of "Ms. Pac-Man" was made by 6502.This game was not produced by Namco. It was originally a pirated version made by players. After making it, they thought it was good, so they sold it to the agent of "Pac-Man" in the United States at that time.At that time, the agents of "Pac-Man" were anxiously waiting for the sequel and wanted to make money, so after discovering "Ms. Pac-Man", they thought it was good and sold it as a genuine copy, and then it became popular.Since the game is made by players, the original version uses a 6502 chip. Don't ask why, it's cheap.In [-], the retail price of this chip was only a few dollars, and any hobbyist could do it.

(End of this chapter)

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