Chapter 179 Follow
[As a magazine founded in 48, in the past [-] years, we have witnessed the emergence of countless histories and the birth of countless myths. 】

[The 30s was the era of Walt Disney. He used his own animation to bring happiness to the world and dispel the haze of the Great Depression that enveloped people.At the same time, Walt Disney himself also gained a lot of wealth due to the listing of the company under his name. 】

[The 40s was the era of Boeing. During WW2, they became the largest military aircraft supplier in our country. The B-29 they developed not only witnessed the victory with their own eyes, but also made them a wealth myth in that decade. , Created countless millionaires. 】

[In the 50s, that was the golden age of our country. Wartime electronic technology was rapidly promoted after the war. Television, telephone, semiconductor, artificial satellite... These crazy technologies have directly changed our lives, and that The most famous company in the 701s was IBM. Their commercial computer IBM [-] and the world's first hard drive laid the foundation for the development of computers, and they instantly became the most famous company in the world. 】

[In the 60s, the social situation in our country may be a bit *chaotic, but the development of aerospace technology has made countless companies become stars, and the space revolution led by NASA has made it the most shining sun in the sky, and it is also the best in that era employer. 】

[When the time comes to the last ten years, our country has suffered from severe economic stagflation, and almost all industries have stagnated in development. Just when all of us thought that this kind of difficulty and confusion would lead to a deadlock in social development, a In [-], Professor Ralph Bell appeared with his Mirowa Odyssey. When he demonstrated the table tennis game he invented in front of the world, all of us thought that what we saw was the next Hua Walt Disney.Because Professor Ralph Bell provided us with a new way of entertainment, and we all know that the explosion of the entertainment industry and economic development always run counter to each other, the worse the economy, the better the entertainment. 】

[However, no one thought that this product of Mirov Odyssey did not shock the world like "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" back then. It was Nolan Bushnell, the founder of Atari, who really caused a sensation. The electronic arcade machines manufactured, the cheap and convenient entertainment methods have brought great happiness to people, and the highly sought-after scenes have also made Atari a well-deserved star. 】

[Just when we all thought that Nolan Bushnell and his Atari would be the myth of wealth in the 70s, they appeared like meteors and pierced the night sky as fast as meteors. In [-], they With a green snake swept across the entire America, but also brought us a new face - Ethan Jones. 】

[No one knows what is in Ethan Jones's head, but we all know that as the creator of "Snake Game", he broke the previous record in just half a year like a comet hitting the earth. Fire video game "Pong" sales record. 】

[Then, in the second year, he even brought us "Pac-Man". 】

[The fascinating whirlwind of puzzle solving spread to every corner of America like a virus. Almost instantly, the yellow figure became a hot topic among people. The best playmate around children appeared on it Before, no one thought that video games could do this!Before it appeared, no one expected that video games could be played like this! 】

[Although so far, we still don't know how many levels this game has, but the endless map that passes one level and there are new levels still makes us amazed! 】

[What amazes us even more is that this game has leveraged a market of more than [-] million in just half a year. When the sound of jingling coins rang on the continent of America... that crisp metal sound, It must be the wonderful movement of economic recovery. 】

[At that time, we thought that "Pac-Man" might be the limit of Ethan Jones, but no one thought that in the third year of his business, he brought us a more interesting game. 】

[Perhaps a long time ago, space-themed video games were already popular in colleges and universities, but the game "Star Wars" still made history and brought space fantasy into the world. 】

[Since the end of May last year, "Star Wars" electronic arcade machines have flooded every corner of America. We have been unable to count the specific number of times people have played, but according to rough calculations, this game has been created in the six months of last year. Guaranteed a wealth of [-] million yuan. 】

[Although Destiny Games is a private company that does not need to publish reports, according to our magazine's careful research, the shipment of "Star Wars" arcade machines has exceeded [-] units!Calculated at [-] U.S. dollars per game, Destiny Games' main business income last year was guaranteed to exceed [-] million! 】

[At the same time, they have also sold their games overseas. In the past few years, their "Snake" and "Pac-Man" have ignited the entire electronic game market. The total sales of the two games last year The volume should exceed [-] units. When the price of the arcade machine remains unchanged at [-] U.S. dollars, the overseas revenue of Destiny Games should exceed [-] million! 】

[And after simply adding up the North American income and overseas income of the Destiny game, we have already got an amazing fact-Ethan Jones!This one was born in 23!Currently only [-] years old young guy!Already in the hands of a Fortune [-] company! 】

[Because the year before last, in [-], the threshold for our top [-] was only [-] million, and Foxboro, which ranked last, became the goalkeeper of the list with an income of [-] million. 】

[But the most legendary is not here. According to our interviews with professionals, we were surprised to find that the profit margin of the video game industry can generally reach 30.00%, and all of them are transactions of money and goods. That is to say, In the whole of last year, Ethan Jones used his video games to steal nearly [-] million cash fortunes from the world market! 】

[You read that right, it is [-] million!cash! 】

[This result allows them to rank 156 on the list in [-]! 】

[In the world, there are only 150 companies that can make more money than the Destiny game, and those companies are either Procter & Gamble, DuPont, or Exxon Mobil...]

[Ethan Jones completed a hundred-year leap in just three years! 】

[Under his detonation, video games have become the most prosperous industry at the moment! 】

[If we were not sure who the 70s were before, but now, we can officially announce that the 70s were the era of Ethan Jones! 】

[He and his video games are the wealth myth of this era! 】

[Of course, earning hundreds of millions of cash a year may not be his real strength, because as far as we know, Apple, the current top player in the computer industry, is also his incubation project, and according to the latest news we have received , Wenlock, a well-known company in the limelight field, has already invested in Apple, and the pre-money valuation recognized by both parties is [-] million. 】

【Although we don’t know how much Apple shares Ethan Jones owns yet, we can estimate from his past publicity that his shares may not be less than 30.00%. higher. 】

[We are very curious about what new legends Ethan Jones will write for us in the new year, and we are even more curious about whether the Apple company he participated in will become a new vane. 】

[If Apple succeeds again, it is very likely that it will break the inertia of history and surpass all legends such as Walt Disney, William Boeing, Thomas Watson, etc., because before that, no one has been able to unearth two decades in a row. The pulse of wealth here. 】


"Fake news! Fake news! All special codes are fake news!"

"This "Fortune" magazine is simply talking nonsense. Where did I earn [-] million? Game development doesn’t cost money! Game production doesn’t cost money! Game sales and shipping don’t cost money! Staff salaries don’t cost money! I lose money every day and wipe my tears in bed! I wake up every day because of suffocation! Because I don’t know how to pay the salary for the week!”

"This is a rumor! This is a fabrication!"

"Sue them! Do sue them!"

When Ethan finished reading the article written by "Fortune" magazine, the thousands of words in the eloquence made his lips tighten, his body trembled, and then he raised his head suddenly and roared wildly.

The crazy behavior made Steve Ballmer, who came to announce the good news, bewildered. After staring at the boss with wide-eyed eyes for a while, he immediately bowed his head in agreement, and immediately got up to leave.

With the sound of bang, Ethan, who was still full of anger, got up quickly.

He leaned on the door and listened for a while, and after confirming that the footsteps had disappeared, he immediately opened the door, rushed out in one stride, then turned around, and twisted into Evelyn's office.

When the girl sitting behind the desk raised her head in doubt and looked at the boy rushing in like a fool, Ethan immediately took a picture of "Fortune" magazine in front of her, and said with dancing: "Look at it." ! We are on the list! We are on the list! The world's top [-]!"

He showed the girl himself on the cover, then turned to the homepage of the article, poked it with his finger, "They say I'm better than William Boeing and Thomas Watson!"

"Although this is a fact..."

"But they're still pretty discerning, aren't they?"

That's right!

When Ethan found out that "Fortune" magazine called him a legend of the 70s, he was already trying his best to control his facial muscles and try not to laugh out loud!

Although this kind of false fame is not as real as the green and shiny sword, but in one's life, isn't it just running around for fame and fortune, and the surge in income is just one of Ethan's dreams, and it's just to show the saint...

This "Fortune" magazine still has a discerning eye!

He hasn't fired yet, this guy is already licking it with fun!

This made him a little embarrassed for his accurate marksmanship!

As for the earlier indictment in front of Steve Ballmer?

That's what you have to do, right?

Their Destiny Game is not a listed company, and they don’t need to disclose financial reports to the public. They just need to connect with the tax department. In this case, their company’s net profit last year was prepared to be negative. [-] million? ? ?

Isn't this shit just spreading rumors!
You can brag about my power, but you can't brag about my income!

You can blow my influence and vision, but you can't take stock of my property!
Now that you've already licked people, then try harder to lick them in place?
And when Ethan raised his proud little head and showed his big nostrils, waiting for Evelyn to boast, the girl who quickly read the report curled her mouth.

"Business tycoon Ang?"


"Is this what you want to show me?"

"hold head high!"

"Well, you are excellent, you are awesome!"


"So, what about games? The whole world is waiting for you to create new myths."

"..." Ethan retracted his neck that was already sore.

When he found Evelyn looking sideways at him with her chin on her left hand, he snorted immediately.

"It's boring."

He picked up the magazine on the table, turned around and left.

The regretful look made the girl purse her lips, and when Ethan was about to go out, she added, "I'm waiting for your new game—today—"

"Got it — got it — I'm going to think about it now — "


Ethan closed the door.

"Pfft—" Looking at the closed door, Evelyn laughed out loud.

"Your head is almost up to the sky, and you still want me to praise you?"

"Hmph—I won't—"

Just when Ethan drooped his big tail and regretfully wanted to show off the evaluation of "Fortune" magazine to others, the east coast of America is now very lively.

As one of the most famous business journals in the world, "Fortune" has a very high status in the business field. As a magazine that judges the performance of other companies based on operating income, they have a very strong reputation in the industry. credibility.

Because anyone who has worked in finance knows that market value and profits are highly variable.The former is highly manipulable and does not match the real strength of the enterprise; the latter, the consolidated operation to squeeze out profits is the basis of accounting practice and is very deceptive.

In this case, it is more difficult to falsify, and the operating income with comprehensive attributes has become a relatively objective standard for judging whether a company is excellent.

And when the guys on Wall Street understand this key point, and understand that the so-called industry hotspots and current hot spots are just hype topics, which are specially used to fool people's money in their pockets, the fairly objective report of "Fortune" magazine has become their key point. Used as a supplementary trust channel.

When they discovered that with the advent of [-], the game of fate had appeared on the first edition of "Fortune" before the Fortune [-] list was announced, the amazing operating income and jaw-dropping profits The rate makes the guys who play the numbers game stare--

"Game of Destiny's operating income was [-] million last year? Is it so outrageous?"

"The selling price of an electronic arcade machine is two thousand dollars, right? That means they have shipped more than 15 units worldwide? Isn't that incredible number?"

"It is a fact that video games make money, but I always thought that the industry as a whole is very profitable, and individual merchants can't make money, because all electronic arcade machines on the market are sold at a fixed price, and the money spent by players flows into countless small and medium-sized merchants. pockets. In the case of a large number of people sharing more people, the profit margin of this industry is very limited, but now... Ethan Jones sold 15 electronic arcade machines a year? Destiny game revenue exceeded 30 million? Then How big is this market? [-] billion?”

"Wow... the profit margin of the video game industry far exceeds that of all industries... 30.00% profit? What's the difference between this special code and robbery?"

"One hundred million in cash? This is a reserve that countless companies can't come up with! This industry is the current big gold mine! Oh! Sxxt! No wonder there were rumors that Destiny Games does not accept any investment! This kind of gold-absorbing ability Who is willing to share the company? Isn’t that the head kicked by a donkey?”

With the launch of the latest issue of "Fortune" magazine, the game of fate and Ethan Jones suddenly became a hot topic among many investment companies on Wall Street.

Just when the vast majority of people think that this kind of strong focus on the game industry is the envy of their local dogs, because even if they have been struggling in the digital field of finance for 100 years, they probably don’t have the same skills as Ethan Jones. When the industry made a lot of money in a year, on the top floor of No. 85 Wall Street in Manhattan, two white old men in their 50s were getting together and looking down on all sentient beings.

"Did you read the latest issue of Fortune?"


"Anything to say?"

"Yes, but not much."

"Huh?" The answer made John Weinberg, who had a cropped head, tilt his head slightly, looked at his old friend with a smile on his face, and said, "Do you have any news?"

"Probably." The old friend's stare made John Whitehead laugh, and said: "Fortune [-]'s inclusion criteria is that a company must disclose its financial statements to the public. If the company itself is unwilling, then the Fortune [-] "magazine will respect their wishes and give up their inclusion."

"So, after seeing the latest issue of the magazine report, I asked someone to go to our data room to search for past materials, but I didn't find that Destiny Games had public financial reports. Only Ethan Jones criticized Warner Communications before. Therefore, according to Fortune's inclusion standards, it is impossible for their game of fate to appear in the magazine, let alone appear on the first edition of the magazine."

"You mean, someone deliberately released the news?" John Weinberg asked with a smile.

"Probably." John Whitehead nodded slightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Who do you think it is?" John Weinberg demanded.

"Who else?" John Whitehead shrugged. "An old friend."

(End of this chapter)

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