Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 150 Vanity Fair

Chapter 150 Vanity Fair~
"Next I will hand over my microphone to my good brother!"

"Without him! "Star Wars" would definitely not be able to detonate the market on the first day of release!"

"It is because of his and Steven's persistence and encouragement that I—George Lucas—can come to this point! I am very grateful to him for his selfless help in film promotion! His richness in games I was blown away by the imagination! Even more so than Steven's re-editing!"

"Speaking of which, I think everyone already knows who he is."

"Now, please join me in shouting his name and welcome him to play!"

"he is the one--"


The trembling voice and the drawn-out tail drew a uniform shout.

With a roar from George Lucas, Ethan Jones, who was wearing a floral shirt, white shorts and a pair of big sandals, stretched out his left hand and kept saying hello to the crowd behind him.

The appearance of a superstar won countless screams, and when the eardrum-piercing treble suddenly appeared, Ethan Jones, who was about to be overwhelmed by enthusiasm, hurried onto the stage.

First, they had a big hug with George Lucas, who was in a suit and leather shoes. The two brothers clasped their shoulders together and compared their thumbs to the crowd below, and then took the microphone in the opponent's hand.

And the first sentence he spoke, silenced the men and women present.

"MFxxk! George! Who the hell is your brother!"

Ethan raised his hand and gave George Lucas a nudge on the chest, saying: "When this guy called to invite me to today's banquet, he just told me to come over for fun. I actually asked a question , Is our banquet very formal, if so, then I will dress more formally, but he said no, it is just a simple party."

"When I heard the word party, I thought to myself, since it's a party, it's natural to wear as comfortable as possible, so I dressed like this, but when I just came to the entrance, I was greeted by very dedicated security guards. Stopped, they said—" Ethan cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice, "Sir, we don't need pizza service here."

The sulking words caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

Standing in the front row, Steven Spielberg, also in a suit and tie, shouted, "Oh Ethan—then how did you get in?"

"That's a good question." Ethan gave Xiao Si a thumbs up.

Then he picked up the sunglasses hanging from his collar and pushed them onto the bridge of his nose.

"That's how I came here at the time." Ethan said.

"I was like this after hearing the question." Ethan took off his sunglasses.

At the same time, he stretched his neck as long as that of a goose in Canada, trying to push his face forward.

This action made everyone in the audience laugh from ear to ear, and after stopping for a few seconds, Ethan, who retracted his neck, raised the microphone again, "I think you understand, right?" He patted his Face, "If it wasn't for my handsome face, you might not see me today."

"When I took off my sunglasses, all the security personnel at the door were shocked!"

"They chanted—'Wow! How can there be such a handsome man in this world? He's so much more handsome than Mark Hamill! Harrison Ford! He must be our hero today!' And they were talking to me Apologize, say sorry for not recognizing me, step aside and welcome me in..."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Everyone in the audience laughed together.

"Whoa, whoa-"

There was thunderous applause.

Looking at the men and women with happy smiles under the stage, Ethan also put away his stern face.

"Okay." He smiled and said, "Welcome everyone to the "Star Wars" celebration banquet."

"I have nothing to say about this movie."

"I will not praise the greatness of this movie anymore, because I have seen its shock before the movie was released, and now I just want to say-"

"[-] million is just a starting point!"

"There will be more harvests in the future!"

"It's [-] million! It's [-] million! It's [-] million! It's [-] million!"


"Because today's celebration banquet is the beginning of your witnessing history!"

Before the words fell, countless whistles sounded in the huge banquet hall.

Ethan hugged enthusiastically Xiao Lu, and then, a thank you sounded in his ear, "Oh Ethan, thank you, thank you for coming to my celebration banquet."

"You speak much better than Steven."


"I like that [-] million, [-] million, [-] million, [-] million!"

"That's really—"

"It's so cool—"

Thanks to Lucas's children's shoes, Ethan smiled.

He patted the opponent's vest twice, said a few modest words, and stepped down resolutely.

With his dodge, Lucas became the focus of the audience again, and after Ethan re-entered the crowd, the smiles and applause on his face made him feel that he had ascended to the clouds.

Yes, three days ago, after sending Arakawa away, the call Ethan received was from George Lucas, who invited Ethan to attend the "Star Wars" celebration banquet today.

"Star Wars" was released on May 5 more than two months ago. After 25 days of screening, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader teamed up to slaughter the entire North America. At the beginning of this month, also It was on August 73 that it officially won a box office of 8 million US dollars, successfully breaking the record of the fastest box office in global film history held by Steven Spielberg's "Jaws".

When the two irrelevant figures of 73 days and [-] million US dollars are equated, George Lucas is the most beautiful boy in Hollywood, and even in North America!
An average of 50 moviegoers per day is unrivaled!

It is precisely because "Star Wars" has swept across the entire America with a devastating force, trampled all the movies released in the same period, and created an unprecedented historical record, so when the new history appeared, Fox immediately Can't wait to contact all parties and want to hold a celebration banquet.

Although Fox is going to regret it at this time, because they don't own the follow-up copyright of "Star Wars", but it doesn't matter, right?If being the licking dog would keep the movie sequels in their hands, they'd be willing to get down on their knees and kiss George Lucas' new leather shoes.

And since the celebration banquet is going to be held, how could he miss Ethan Jones, a benefactor who has made great contributions in the field of publicity?So after finalizing the time for the celebration banquet, George Lucas personally sent him an invitation. The speech on the stage just now was also a script he wrote in advance. He personally thought it was very good and full of laughs, but... …

"Oh Ethan, if I were your teacher, I'd give your writing an F."

When the speeches of the organizer and the invited guests ended one after another, the orchestra in charge of the performance stepped onto the stage, and the celebration dinner officially started, the crowd that had gathered suddenly dispersed, and people who knew each other gathered together in twos and threes, chatting about themselves Liked content.

At this time, Evelyn, who was also invited, shook the champagne glass in her hand and smiled with admiration: "This is the testimonial you spent three days thinking about?"

"It's really's embarrassing..."

Ethan raised his glass with a smile, and drank the low-degree liquid in one gulp.

"Embarrassed? But they're still excited to hear it, aren't they?"

As soon as Ethan's glass was empty, a waitress in a vest immediately stepped forward with a tray.

Putting down the empty cup, holding up the new product, and nodding to the waitress, Ethan continued: "Actually, no matter what I say on it, they will applaud in cooperation, right?"

"Because I succeeded, simple as that."

The unpretentious and straightforward words made Evelyn purse her lips and laugh.

Turning her head to look at Ethan, the proud look made her shake her head again and again.

She admitted that there was nothing wrong with what Ethan said.

Or in other words, when they came to Los Angeles and stepped into the venue, they had already become the focus here. Before the banquet started, Xiao Lu and Xiao Si had already introduced many friends to them, including their common teacher, Francis Coppola, starring Star Wars, Harrison Ford and Kelly Fisher, Martin Scorsese, a film professor at New York University, and their mutual friend Clint Iss Turwood, Ron Howard, blah blah blah.

When Hollywood's most prolific directors of the 70s smiled and offered...

Do the remaining guys dare not laugh?
When Ethan hooked Xiao Si with his left hand and Xiao Lu with his right hand...

Someone said his jokes were boring?

Oh - how old are you?
"What you said is fine, but this is not home after all." Evelyn bumped into him and reminded: "I know you are very happy, and I like this feeling very much, but please restrain yourself."

"You can express your thoughts freely in front of me, but..."

"Don't talk nonsense here."

"Especially now that you're still drinking."

The girl exhorted cautiously.

The concerned voice made Ethan nod with a smile, "Okay, okay~ I know~"

"I'm just telling you happy things, how can I express it in front of others?"

"And, today is George's home game."

"Although this place has something to do with us, it doesn't have much to do with it."

Ethan's positioning for himself is very clear, he is here to play today.

After all, this is the "Star Wars" film celebration banquet, and the visitors are all Hollywood practitioners. Although games are also part of entertainment, and the same type as film and television, they are only similar in appearance. The real production core, That's still a big difference.

Under such circumstances, what Hollywood practitioners should praise the most is of course Xiao Lu and Xiao Si's stink... Bah!It's Xiangjiao, a little Yi like him...


Within a few minutes, Ethan admitted that he was wrong.

Although he and Evelyn didn't strike up a conversation with anyone, quite a few people came to say hello.

There are actors—

"Mr. Jones? Wow - it's really an honor to see you here..."

"Miss Johnson, you are more beautiful than the media reports..."

"I like your games very much, my favorite is Snake, of course, I'm not saying that Star Wars and Pac-Man are bad, mainly because the playtime of Snake is very short. In short, it allows me to have fun while recording the show..."

"Introduce yourself, my name is John Belushi."

"I'm a cast member on NBC's Saturday Night Live."

There is a director——

"Hi~Mr. Jones~Hi~Ms. Johnson, it's really a pleasure to meet you..."

"I'm Howard Ziev, an unknown Hollywood director."

"I love your games so much that I came over today to ask, can you guys get me an autograph? Oh...I brought a Star Wars poster...Thank you thank you..."

There are screenwriters——

"Mr. Jones, Ms. Johnson, hello..."

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Ronald Shusett, a Hollywood content creator."

"My friend and I recently wrote a sci-fi script. We named it STAR BEAST. The simple description is that an alien monster slipped into a human spaceship and entered the body of an astronaut. Then there was a fight in space..."

"Excuse me, Mr. Jones, you say you don't understand movies?"

"Oh—Mr. Jones, you are too modest. When you can use games to conquer the North American people again and again, then you are the creator who understands consumers best in the world."

"Do you think when you have time, I will visit you in your company with the script?"

When the first guy who came to strike up a conversation appeared, the point where Ethan and Evelyn were located became an invisible vortex, constantly attracting the attention of people around them.

But every individual wants to come up and say hello.

As long as you have a little brain, you will clearly state your name and occupation.

At first, Ethan really thought that these people who came up to strike up a conversation were his fans, but after receiving a few batches, he found that most of them were just trying to get acquainted.

They may be interested in video games, but they will definitely not be Stoudemire's fanatics.

What they longed for most was actually to be known by him, Ethan Jones.

Because it means that they may get a chance in the future.

Even if this opportunity...

very slim.

"Is this Vanity Fair?"

After seeing off a batch of new guests, Ethan laughed and complained, "Although we don't make film and television dramas, our friendship with Steven and George can kill everything in this place."


Evelyn felt that what Ethan said was right, but not comprehensive.

"And, they should all know that we have money, right?"

The girl smiled and said, "If it wasn't because the occasion didn't allow it, those screenwriters would have liked to show their inspiration directly in front of us. Look at their eyes when they speak!"

"How eager they are to find curiosity in us!"

"Because then they can keep selling!"

"Goose goose..." The girl's words made Ethan laugh out loud.

Although he already knew in his previous life that the entertainment industry in the world is generally dark, and the so-called Hollywood filter is just a misjudgment due to a gap in cognition, but he really waited for those glamorous guys to come over with a low eyebrow and a full face. When coaxing with an apologetic smile, that feeling is still very refreshing.

He Ethan Jones may not be playing in Hollywood...

But capitalists are welcome everywhere, right?

Hehe ~
After Ethan chatted with Evelyn for a while, a few more people joined in.

One of them claimed to be a partner of William Morris.

They contacted Ethan to introduce their advertising services.

Yes, although William Morris is a brokerage company, they also have commercial shooting and placement services. For example, last year's campaign commercials of Emperor Zong were filmed by them.

Another claimed to be the general manager of Golden Shield Security Company in Los Angeles.

They communicated with Ethan to introduce their bodyguards and security services.

Some even claimed to be the boss of a Los Angeles performing arts company.

They chatted with Ethan to find out about the existence of "Star Wars 2".

When Ethan and Evelyn sent away batch after batch of people, they were also a little tired.

Although the pursuit of the outside world made the two of them very happy, but they communicated too much, and that was tiring.

Ever since, Ethan thought about saying hello to George Lucas and sneaking away.

Back to the hotel to rest.

However, just as Ethan looked around, wanting to see where Xiao Lu and Xiao Si were going to play, another figure appeared in front of him. Unlike the people in front of him, this figure was older.

The silver hair makes it impossible to tell his exact age, and the forehead like a ridge allows one to see his daily hard work at a glance.

When he walked in front of Ethan, his wrinkled face when he smiled made him interpret the vicissitudes of life. After he spoke, his thick voice made people smell the smell of tobacco.

"Mr. Jones? Nice to meet you."

The guy who came out of nowhere greeted Ethan.

At the same time, he also introduced himself straight to the point——

"Mr. Jones, I'm Roy Disney, Roy Edward Disney."

"Walt Disney was my uncle."

When the word Disney entered Ethan's ears...

He narrowed his eyes in an instant!

Because he remembered one thing!
Before, before he fell out with Atari, classmate Xiao Qiao told him that Nolan Bushnell wanted to sell the company to MCA and Disney.

Afterwards, the contact with Xiaosi's classmate let him know that MCA did show a certain interest in "Snake", but what they wanted was actually Atari itself.

At the same time, they also exited when Ethan and Atari were officially fighting.

Because when Ethan beat Atari at that time, he beat Philips' Mirov together.

This is in the interest of the MCA.

Therefore, when Nolan Bushnell and Don Valentine are still clinging to "Snake" after the MCA exits, it means that the guy who really wants "Snake" is Disney.

And now...

This guy who had his own idea in 1975 showed up?


Ethan laughed, nodded at Roy Disney, and said, "Mr. Disney, your surname is famous all over the world. I am very happy to meet you."

After a simple greeting, he went straight to the topic, "Are you here now... for something?"

Although Ethan's words were not very polite, the guy in yellow short sleeves didn't care.

"It's true." Roy Disney nodded and admitted.

At the same time, he looked around and said, "It's not convenient to talk here, so let's change places?"

"Yes." Ethan agreed with a smile.

Then he turned to look at his sister.

"Together." Evelyn winked at Ethan.

Because the girl remembered everything too.

(End of this chapter)

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