Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 130 I Don't Play Anymore, I Dump Wang Bo!

Chapter 130 I Don't Play Anymore, I Dump Wang Bo!

The crisp collision sound caused the golden liquid to draw a graceful arc in the air.After a while of discussions among the owners of the North American theater chain, they finally reached an agreement with Ethan that was acceptable to both parties.

The bosses of the North American theater chain jointly ordered 30.00 "Star Wars" electronic arcade machines in exchange for the exclusive time of the game within eight weeks after the release of the "Star Wars" movie. At the same time, they also promised that they would give "Star Wars" The total amount of film scheduling for Star Wars is not less than 40.00%[-], and the amount of filming for prime time is not less than [-]%[-].

Since the number of electronic arcade machines they can digest is only [-], Ethan's game of destiny only needs to provide them with a corresponding number of arcade machines before the movie is released, and they will send the remaining [-] units a week after the movie is released. Pay the full amount within the day, but don't need the machine, but store it in the game of fate. After they find a market, the buyer they contact will come to pick up the goods.

To put it bluntly, these people just want to use the 400 million paid in advance to get the exclusive rights for four weeks, because when they sell the "Star Wars" arcade, the money paid to Ethan will be paid by other merchants Into their pockets, Ethan actually has no objection to this idea of ​​stealing and playing tricks. After all, anyone who sells the machine will sell it. At the same time, it is also required that each arcade machine be charged a storage fee of one hundred dollars per month, and the time will start from the moment the contract is signed.

That is to say, no matter how fast the owners of North American theaters sell, the cost of the two thousand extra arcade machines they ordered would be 440 million. This kind of agent in disguise, which is higher than the original manufacturer's price, is what Ethan is doing to them. Implemented price controls.After all, even Lao Huang knows that only by eating alone can he maximize his profits, and letting middlemen make the difference will only make his products rot in the warehouse.

With the conclusion of the agreement, the young people who had nothing to do all their lives also went back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

But just when Ethan was about to drive home, Lucas, the bearded man, stopped him.

At first, Ethan thought that this guy had something to do with him, but when he found out that Lucas just wanted to thank him, he immediately waved his hand, saying no.

"Oh George, you're too kind, I just did what a friend should do."

"And I really think that your movie is very good. Believe me, you must persevere, because in another month, you will see the dawn of success."

Lucas smiled wryly, "I hope so."

"Ethan, to tell you the truth, in fact, I have already booked a plane ticket. After today, I will go to Hawaii to stay for a while. Anyway, there is no premiere of the movie, and now we don't need media reports and interviews." , my work is over, and everything else will be left to God."

Different from the situation in the later generations where every blockbuster had to hold a premiere ceremony, Hollywood in this era is still very "thrifty". This is a movie that has been dissed by all walks of life, it is best not to hold any premiere ceremony.

The greatest significance of the premiere ceremony is to invite media reporters, film critics in the industry, and friends in the circle to watch the movie. After paying the corresponding favors and some bonuses, please ask them to make some positive comments about the movie. praise.But the movie "Star Wars" has already been sprayed by too many people. When there are only two people in Hollywood, or in North America, who will like this movie, it will be the premiere ceremony. Are you boring yourself?

In North America, people already know that the film is about to be released, and the North American theaters have agreed not to hold the premiere ceremony after the film is arranged, so as to leave the storm of public opinion at the end. That is what Fox wants to do most.

Staring at Lucas who had lost confidence, Ethan really didn't know how to comfort him at this moment.

After holding back for a while, he just patted the other person on the shoulder, wished you a good time, and then, with regret, boarded the road home.

Although on the way back, Ethan kept expressing his fearful words, but after returning to the company, he immediately gave up all this, because a tough battle was waiting for him.

The current time is April 23rd, and there are only 25 days until the early morning of May 30th, when "Star Wars" is officially released. If you want to make [-] electronic arcade machines during these hours, it is actually very difficult for the game of destiny. It is a very big challenge.

Although Ethan has made the factory run at full capacity since the day the game was packaged, in the past ten days, 62 front-line employees have produced 240 electronic arcade machines at a rate of two per person per day, but he wants to In the remaining month, the gap of 760 units will be filled...

No matter how you look at it, it is impossible.

Because this means that each worker needs to work an extra four hours a day without a break for 30 days, even though the US Labor Standards Act allows this to happen.But 30 consecutive days, [-] hours of work per day, can only be done when talking about dedication.

When this problem arose, Ethan immediately called the company's executive director, Julis Noble, production supervisor, Michael Blanco, and his sister to discuss countermeasures.

After he described the problems facing the company, Julis Noble spoke first and put forward her own idea, "How about we recruit immediately?"

"The production of electronic arcade machines is very simple, and now it takes a few days to recruit and train people to work."

"As long as we recruit enough, the production capacity will definitely be able to keep up."

However, as soon as her voice fell, Evelyn Johnson directly vetoed, "No."

"We can't recruit at this time."

"Because we can't guarantee that the workers we recruit now are all reliable."

"Warner and Philips are watching us, they can do anything."

"If they let people set fire to our warehouse, then even if we win the lawsuit in the end, it will not make up for the loss caused by the missed opportunity..."

That's right, this is where Ethan has the most headaches.

He wants to recruit, but dare not recruit.

At this juncture, what he is most afraid of is those big companies playing tricks on him.

As for outsourcing production?
There are many companies in North America that can take orders, but how many can you trust?

After Evelyn pointed out the problem, the office of Destiny Games fell into silence. Ethan, Eveli, and Julis were all thinking about ways to break the situation, and Michael Blanco...

He hesitated and wanted to say something.

After thinking twice, the gray-haired middle-aged man raised his hand like a primary school student.

"Ethan, I have an idea."

'? '

These words made Ethan, who was leaning on the sofa, raise his head, and said in surprise, "Oh Michael, do you have any ideas? Just say it, we are all our own people here..."

Before the words were finished, the two ladies present also cast their eyes on him. Under the stares of the three, the biggest man on the field showed a shy face, and said with some embarrassment:

"Ethan, I don't think there is any need to recruit people."

"If you need us to work overtime, then we can actually accept [-] hours a day because we have lived this kind of life before, a life of constant vigilance."

"When we're on the battlefield, we're [-]/[-], and now we're just making circuit boards, soldering them together, and putting them together..."

"This kind of work is very easy for us, and more than 20 of us work overtime for eight hours a day. In fact, we can make up for the missing production capacity in the factory, right?"

"After all, it's not like the rest of the people don't work."

'! '

When these words appeared, Ethan was there in a daze!
He stared at the gray-haired Michael for a while, then stood up with a smile, and hugged him with open arms, "Oh Michael...Thank you...Thank you very much..."

"Thank you for helping me at this time..."

"Don't worry, I won't lose you a penny of the wages that should be paid. Overtime will be calculated at three times, and your year-end bonus will also be doubled!"

"Ethan, you don't need to thank me..." Michael shook his head, "You accepted us and brought us a brand new environment. What I want to do most now is to maintain this new home forever. Go on, of course, I believe that their thoughts will be the same as mine..."

Since last Christmas, Michael Blanco told Ethan that some of his fellow veterans also wanted to come here to seek life, so far, thirteen of them have come one after another.

Although there is still a certain gap between the total number of this team and the originally recruited workers, in battle, these guys who have been on the battlefield and have bloody hands are not afraid of anyone.

The fastest guy even understood how to make an arcade machine in just one day. After a week of trying, that person's production speed was comparable to that of a master craftsman who had been working for several months.

If these people are willing to solve problems for Ethan and accept the endless repetitive work, then in Ethan's view, the so-called production capacity can't keep up, it will only be a joke.

And the fact...

is also like this.

When these veterans who were excluded by society and had no living space learned that the sons of their comrades wanted them to do a favor, the brightly lit factory in San Francisco at four o'clock in the morning was the best response.

On the first day, they played a hundred arcade machines with an average of six hours of rest!

On the second day, they even sold out 120 units!

On the third day, they frightened the other young people in the factory with their eyes bloodshot and working hard!
When the beat generation meets the abandoned generation, the former obviously cannot do the latter.

And on the fourth day...

As soon as Ethan got up from the bed, he received a call from Julis Noble, who was stationed in the company because of work. The other party asked him to turn on the TV, and then Ethan saw such a report——

"According to the latest news obtained by our reporter, the new work of Ethan Jones, the founder of the game of destiny, seems to be difficult to release, because the film related to it is controversial. George Lucas, who once filmed "American Style" The sci-fi movie has not been sought after by its peers. As far as we know, no matter whether it is the staff of Fox, the friend of George Lucas, or the boss of the North American cinema, after watching this movie, they all agree with it. They expressed their own pessimistic attitude. Although they did not comment on the game, how a movie that even industry insiders are not optimistic about can be produced on a video game is still worthy of our deep thinking..."

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Even if Fox has every precaution, it cannot block all news. After holding back for a few days, the unfavorable remarks about the "Star Wars" movie were still exposed by the media.

Although Ethan didn't know whether this news was discovered by the media itself, or collected by Warner and Philips, it didn't matter anymore, because when these media said that "Star Wars" was too lame to be made into a game, , they were actually on the opposite side of Ethan.

For this kind of remarks, Fox naturally responded in the first time. He said that what the media said was a false report. They have reached a screening agreement with the North American theaters and will release the film on May 25th. Not only that, but the theater chain also gave first-line blockbuster film scheduling treatment.

As soon as this piece of news appeared, another commentator on TV said——

"Fox's behavior is very abnormal, because we all know that when a movie is scheduled, it usually chooses Friday every week, because the next two days are public holidays, which can allow new movies to absorb enough box office. The first week of a movie is actually Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And this year, May 25th is Wednesday, when the public holiday has just ended and the new holiday has not yet arrived... How is this possible? Watching it can mean that North American theaters don't like this movie."

"And in this case, the wave of public opinion caused by Ethan Jones is undoubtedly a suspicion of madly advertising his own games and movies..."

Fox is right. Since Ethan pierced the lung tubes of Warner and Philips, it is impossible for them to make Ethan feel better. Although they provoked everything first, but now, under the US knife attack, those The paid media seemed to be blind, and attributed the birth of the wave of public opinion to Ethan, accusing him of occupying public resources and advertising some rubbish works.

Since everyone has already torn their skins, and Ethan has lashed out at two companies in front of the media, when these slanderous reports appeared, there was no media at the door of Ethan's house or outside the company. In Fox's words, the current media must have received money, but Warner and Philips' request is to let them not come to interview and not give him a chance to speak.

When this title similar to his previous life appeared, Ethan really laughed.

He never expected that at the age of 22, he would have the qualifications to add a yellow robe!
Regarding this gagging behavior, Ethan was also unambiguous, and directly recharged himself, dialed the editorial phone number of the "Los Angeles Times", and said to the editor who had worked with him:

"I have a news to send, you guys give me an impromptu interview."

"You will say that when you publish the newspaper tomorrow. Electronic arcades and movies are different from home consoles. It is art that exists on the side of the road. North American people can make decisions after tasting the quality of the game. I will be fair and honest. The game is displayed in front of everyone, I would like to ask, do Warner and Philips dare to take off their pants? Do they dare to release all the games of the home console and let the public first evaluate the game and then pay for it?"

"If you don't dare, then get out!"

"Then, as a reward, I can tell you that the North American theater circuit has signed a purchase contract with me for 600 electronic arcade machines. The electronic arcade machines will come out together with the movie. Please stop staring at me because I Your new game has earned [-] million!"

Such breaking news, the "Los Angeles Times" will naturally faithfully publish it.

no way……

Who made the media have no morals?

If there is a news in the world that can make their sales skyrocket, as long as the news has nothing to do with their boss, then they will definitely publish it without hesitation!

As for whether their behavior will lose the interests of some recharge funders?

Oh - stop kidding!
As long as there is traffic, there will be patrons!
And when the "Los Angeles Times" released the news that [-] electronic arcade machines had been sold and the rhetoric that they are welcome to review, the slander related to the "Star Wars" movie suddenly became much less.

Because both Warner and Philips knew that what Ethan said was true.

When the public can test the content of a project before entering the payment link of a project, no matter how the media smears it, it is all useless work.

However, that doesn't mean they'll stop.

When the time came to May [-]nd, the factory gate of the game of fate was blocked.

"We are the staff of the California Labor Department. We have received reports from relevant personnel that your factory has violated labor laws, including but not limited to working more than eight hours a day and forty hours a week. Workers were not given three 10-minute free meal breaks during the hour, and there was no normal division of routine work..."

A middle-aged man in uniform came to investigate with his ID.

That menacing appearance, one can see that there is something tricky.

When Ethan heard the news, he immediately jumped up from his office seat and drove straight to the factory, fearing that there would be a physical conflict between those uncles who defended him and the people from the labor bureau.

After all, he himself knew that these people were working with a sigh of relief.

But after they have really killed people, they are not afraid of any government employees after they have gained a new life.

Whoever dares to make trouble, they really dare to copy guys!
If someone closes the factory, they will definitely shoot if they have a concealed gun license!

But when Ethan came to the factory, he found that those guys from the California Labor Bureau were stunned by Michael, "Received a report? Oh! Can you tell me which idiot made the report?"

"All our payroll papers are here! Our bank slips are here!"

"Our working hours are indeed more than twelve hours! We do work seven days a week! But Ethan paid us a weekly salary at three times the overtime rate far exceeding the California law!"

"Our basic salary is three hundred dollars a week! After the normal ten arcade machines are completed, we can get an extra fifty dollars for each additional arcade machine!"

"We can earn an average of seven hundred dollars a week for doing a lot of work!"

"What idiot would report in this situation? Huh?"

That's right, Ethan said that the money was really money.

After Thomas’s teaching, he has already understood how American society works. He knows that industry is the most influential industry on this land. Although the wealth they create may not be as much as the financial industry, they are raised in a geometric way. The power of power must be greater than finance.

In this case, Ethan, who was already operating a profiteering business, would naturally not be polite.

Not to mention, sending money to these uncles and uncles is more useful than sending money to ordinary people.

Because they have faith in their hearts.

When Michael dumped the salary data in the face of the California Department of Labor, those government employees who could not find fault could only leave in dismay. This scene made Ethan give Michael a thumbs up, and the other party Well...there are two erected.

But unfortunately, it hasn't waited for them to be happy for a few days.

On May [-]th, the California Air Resources Board, the California Environmental Protection Agency, the San Jose Air Quality Management Bureau, and the San Jose Water Quality Control Commission jointly visited the factory to inspect the pollutant discharge of the factory. "This process takes three to five days. Please stop working."

How could Ethan accept such an unreasonable request?

directly refused.

And those four departments didn't play tricks, and directly took out the documents from the state government, demanding that Destiny Games stop working immediately. If they didn't cooperate, they would apply for compulsory measures.

Ethan was really annoyed by the harassment of this kind of dog skin plaster.While asking Michael to block those stupid beeps from the door, he called his sister again and told her that she needed Stanford's help.

When Evelyn learned that accidents happened in her factory every three days, and it became more and more troublesome, she felt troublesome and went to shake people. About two hours later, a Volkswagen came galloping.

The people in the car apologized to Ethan apologetically, and then asked the people from the Environmental Agency to...

"You guys are so special, get out of here!"

"Can you also check the factory of the destiny game?"

"Principal Terman's phone calls to the Governor!"

"He wants to know what the hell is going on!"

"What kind of expression do you guys have? Are you wronged? I don't even know that you have taken money from me?"

"Let me tell you! Don't say it's you! Even the bosses of Warner and Philips are here! You have to get out now! We welcome normal competition, but if you mess up..."

"Then you all quit!"

Yes, Evelyn went straight to Principal Fred Terman.

Because in this world, his words are more useful than any command.

Although the old man has retired now, as long as he is still alive, the American scientific community has to give him face!He may not be able to influence public opinion, but he can shut up big companies directly!
As for the reason?

Since the day his teacher founded Raytheon, and since he cooperated with Lockheed, what flows in his body is the noblest blood of America!

"Are you done?" Evelyn asked Ethan when she returned home that night.

"Yeah, it went well." Ethan nodded with a smile, "When you move out of Principal Terman, Warner and Philips will not dare to come to disgusting people again..."

As Ethan said, when Warner and Philips played Ethan's real hole cards unbelievingly, they disappeared completely like a mouse seeing a cat.

In the following time, Destiny Games gained an extremely relaxed production environment, and the managers of the North American theaters also came to pick up the goods according to the scheduled pick-up time.

The incomparably smooth work gave Ethan real relief, and when the time quietly came to May 25th...he took his sister out early in the morning.

Because he wants to see with his own eyes...

"Star Wars" on the altar!
(End of this chapter)

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