Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 127 Poking Your Lung Tube!

Chapter 127 Poking Your Lung Tube!
After hanging up the phone with Spielberg, Ethan also accepted the other party's proposal and dialed the Fox contact number in his hand, which was the project manager of "Star Wars".

That's the fat guy who questioned whether the movie would be released in the screening room before.

When he learned that Ethan came to ask for help, there was a surprised voice on the other end of the phone, "Oh Ethan! We always thought that silent response was your plan..."

Although the game "Star Wars" is the film's soft broadcast, when the contract was signed, no matter whether it was Ethan or Fox, there were no other sovereign clauses for the production and promotion of this game.Because Ethan didn't want to hand over his game to Fox for promotion, he thought it was his own project, and Fox and the others didn't want to intervene in the game's announcement.

The reason is also very simple.

Firstly, they feel that there is really no possibility of saving the movie "Star Wars", and they are the ones who are raving about it. Since they are weak, then don't point fingers.

Secondly, there is actually an unspoken rule in Hollywood, which is superstitious superstition, if one person can succeed in succession, then they will support each other mindlessly.

Although Ethan has only appeared in the first two years, the two big-selling games have already touched the standard of superstition, so when Ethan said that he made his own game, Fox really wouldn't even put a fart on it.

Therefore, no matter how loud the wind is outside, no matter how weird Ethan's behavior is, they can still sit on the Diaoyutai with their old gods. In their view, Ethan has already had a countermeasure.

But when they found out that it wasn't that Ethan was not in a hurry, but that he had never been exposed to Hollywood's offensive at all, they were surprised. Of course, the so-called surprise was only for a moment, and then it was as Spielberg said. Said the same, resumed professional.

"Ethan, we very much agree with your idea of ​​using games to respond to games."

"Because Mirov and Atari have already stirred up rumors. If you announce to the public at this time that your Destiny game has completed the design of new products and will launch them to the market in the near future, then I believe that North American The public's attention to you will definitely be much higher than normal announcements."

"Of course, I also admit that your response at this time is also very beneficial to us. When people learn that your new game is called "Star Wars" and the source of inspiration is Lucas' movie, then we Fox can also use this cooperation to negotiate with North American theaters and ask them to arrange more films for the "Star Wars" movie."

"However, these are ideal conditions. Before you officially respond, we want to know, how far has your game been made? We want to know the specific situation, because for us in Hollywood, all products are It’s special, special things must be done when announcing it.”

"Take Atari and Mirov's machines as an example. Why do they want to attack you in public opinion? This is because they know that no matter how good their machines are, they can't come up with one that can compete with "Pac-Man" Comparable games, so only if they step on you in public opinion, they will be able to gain people's real attention and real support for waving a dollar to buy."

Ethan raised his mouth when he heard the fat supervisor's words.

Although this guy's judgment on movies is not as keen as that of world famous directors, but in terms of Hollywood's publicity, his response still makes Ethan very satisfied.

Since Mi Luohua and Atari are determined to pull him into the water, then he will follow the wishes of the two families and go along with the flow to steal the heat they have already created?

Ethan loved the idea!
So, he answered the question that the fat supervisor wanted to know.

When the guys at Fox learned that the development progress of "Star Wars" was steadily advancing, and the last small feature was just short of the official conclusion, and the beta version of the game is now playable...

As far away as Los Angeles, he immediately showed surprises, and then drove all the way to Palo Alto in just five hours, wanting to test the quality of the game.

And after he witnessed the highly completed first version of the test game without the collision algorithm, the never-ending confrontational gameplay and the unstoppable sense of oppression made him directly pick up the joystick, In front of APPLE 2, play for a while!
And he is sitting...

It's three hours!

If Ethan hadn't called him to get up to eat when it was already meal time, then this guy might still sit in front of APPLE 2 for a few more hours, playing forever!
"Oh, Ethan—this game is really fun!"

"Although the gameplay of the game is simpler than that of "Pac-Man", it is to control the Millennium Falcon to hit the spaceship, and the course of the spaceship is also fixed, there are only two differences between speed and slowness, but it has a magical power that can make my nerves tense Keep playing!"

"Oh, right! Whenever the Millennium Falcon destroys a group of enemies, the spaceships from the Galactic Empire attack are also very interesting! Their shooting makes me feel that I am not fighting a machine! There seems to be a real person on the other side of the screen! He wants to kill me!"

Hearing such words, Ethan smiled.

After all, in this world, few people can refuse the praise of the same kind.

However, just as he asked if using the game to respond to the game's response could be directly put on the agenda, Fox's fat supervisor shook his head and directly denied——

"No, Ethan, I don't suggest you do this."

"Why?" Ethan didn't understand.

"Because there is a problem with your game." He smiled and said, "If I read correctly, your game adopts the design concept of "Space Wars"?"

'? '

Ethan frowned slightly, and said, "Do you think Star Wars adopts the design concept of "Space Wars"? Oh—these two games are completely different, okay?"

""Space Wars" is a two-player battle game. Two players control different spaceships to bombard each other in space. As long as one player defeats the other player, the game will end. "Star Wars" is a A defense game where players face never-ending enemies!"

"The gameplay of these two games is obviously different!"

"How can this be considered a reference?"

Ethan didn't understand.

In his opinion, Fox's fat director has a core error in describing the game "Star Wars"!

Because no matter from which point of view, the gameplay of "Space Wars" is of PVP nature, while "Star Wars" or "Space Invaders" is of PVE nature. When comparing the two games in essence, it is When there is a difference, if this can still be regarded as a reference, then Newton's coffin board will really not be able to cover it!

It doesn't make sense, right!
However, in the face of Ethan's doubts, the fat supervisor smiled and said: "Ethan, you are very angry, right? This is actually the situation after you use normal means to release the game."

"You're bound to face such doubts."

"We said before that we should use games to respond to games. There is actually no problem with this statement."

"But the real problem is that when you release the game publicly, your opponents will definitely grab your problem and attack like crazy."

'? '

Ethan still didn't understand.

The fat director of Fox was not in a hurry, and continued: "Ethan, please recall, your competitor, who is the founder of Atari who wants to step on you now?"

"Nolan Bushnell." Ethan answered quickly.

"Did he copy the game "Space Wars" before starting Atari?"

"Yes." Ethan nodded and said, "And he also encountered Waterloo on this project..."

Before Ethan could finish speaking, Fox's fat supervisor clapped his hands together and said, "This is the problem!"

"When your competitor has made a space game, your similar product is plagiarism in his eyes, or in the eyes of Warner behind him!"

"They will definitely attack you crazily, saying that you copied their ideas, or the ideas of predecessors!"

"Countless media will definitely declare that you have lost your source of inspiration now! You now only copy other people's works!"

"As for the result of this kind of thing?"

"It doesn't matter to them at all!"

"Because as long as it can discredit you, that's enough!"

"Don't think that they can't do this kind of thing. We at Fox have known them for so many years, and we have seen too many such tricks in publicity!"

"When killing the opponent is the only way to get the market—"

"Then they will stab you to death without hesitation!"

Fox's fat supervisor looked at Ethan seriously.

The murderous intent in the words made Ethan's heart tremble.

Although he wasn't sure if what this guy said was right or wrong, he personally felt that if he really responded, what the fat supervisor said might really come true.

After all, the endless bullying made him see the shamelessness of big companies.

As for what to say about damage to reputation and direct prosecution?
Do not make jokes--

No matter what the matter is, as long as it enters the stage of litigation, the party who filed the lawsuit has actually lost.

Because a lawsuit takes a long time, even if the lawsuit can be won, the best time to release the product has passed.

And people are forgetful.

A person's grievance will only make them sigh for a second, and then...

It's gone.

'Fuck!This group of hanging people is really a trap! '

Ethan cursed in his heart.

At the same time, he humbly asked for advice, "So your opinion is..."

"My personal suggestion give us Fox the job of promoting the game."

The fat supervisor smiled and said: "If you are willing to let us be responsible for the announcement of this game, then we can directly handle these issues for you. Of course, you don't have to worry about the cost..."

"We don't charge."

"We only have one request. If the game is successful and the movie sells well, then we hope that when George has the idea of ​​making a sequel, you can stand on Fox's side and say a few words for us, so that he can make a sequel." The distribution of the film continues to be left to us."

"I know you may think my proposal is a little weird, because I cursed the movie like crazy at the screening, but what I want to say is that I still didn't believe in the idea of ​​"Star Wars" until I saw the game. The movie can sell well, but after I play your game, I have doubts, I wonder if I really didn't understand that movie?"

"Because I can clearly feel that even if your game does not bear the name of "Star Wars", it can still sell well. When you can put the name of George's movie on a game that is sure to sell well, I think... you may not do those stupid things that everyone hates..."

This answer surprised Ethan.

Because he always thought that Fox was a group of crouching dragons and phoenixes.

If not, how could they step on the verge of bankruptcy again and again in the previous life?
The abyss and giant pit in the history of film "Cleopatra", that is what they shot.

They sold out all the company's land because of the loss of this movie.

Although "Star Wars" has become the national IP of North America, under their suffocating manipulation, George Lucas is the biggest winner.

"Titanic" did create a new box office record in film history, but Fox didn't get a single meal. They were almost dragged down by Cameron during the filming and they brought Paramount to share the benefits.

When these cheating incidents appeared one after another, people even wondered whether this company had a feng shui problem?

But now that Ethan hears the fat supervisor's request...

He felt that these people might be unlucky.

Because they also remedy when they find that things may not be what they expected.

As for Fox's door-to-door help, Ethan readily accepted it.

After all, when Atari and Mirova both use magic attacks, then using magic to fight magic is the best choice at the moment.

And when Fox's fat executives learned that the game "Star Wars" could be officially packaged on April [-]th at the most, they decided to rush out a publicity plan overnight.

When leaving, he also said, "Mr. Jones, please be sure to read the news from various media tomorrow morning. I believe...they will say something unfavorable to you."

"Although you did not give an interview, sometimes silence is the best response."

As the fat executive said, the next morning, Ethan Jones became the headlines of various media——

Some newspapers said that he didn't say a word in the interview because the company's strategy lagged behind others;
Some newspapers said that his behavior of pushing and running away was because the company could not launch corresponding competing products;

Some newspapers said that his resistance to interviews meant that he knew that the era of electronic arcade machines had come to an end;
Some newspapers said that he, Ethan Jones, was like a bright comet, appearing suddenly, bringing people a burst of beauty, and then falling in an instant, and will disappear silently.

At this moment, Ethan Jones even had an illusion.

He felt that he had become the father of all media.

If not...

Why are these guys crying for him like crazy?

To be honest, even though he was mentally prepared, Ethan was still a little upset when he saw the overwhelming diss.

However, that afternoon, he saw Fox's fat supervisor again.

The other party rushed over from Los Angeles all the way, and pushed the newly released announcement arrangement to Ethan.

Although the plan has more than 2000 words, Ethan's eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

After he finished reading it all, he said directly: "Is this really possible?"

"Of course!" The fat supervisor nodded with a smile, "Mr. Jones, after reading those reports, we also know that you are very angry."


"Don't suppress yourself..."

"When your competitors are publicly bullying you, the most important thing you should do is to spray if you want!"

"Okay!" Ethan liked this decision, "then implement it according to this!"

Ethan's quick answer made Fox's fat supervisor smile and nod.

Under their arrangement, on April [-], the first step in the counterattack appeared.

On this day, Fox Films, Lucasfilm and Destiny Games jointly held a press conference in Los Angeles. At the press conference, the three announced to the media that the new movie jointly created by Fox Films and Lucasfilm will be It will officially meet with the audience this summer.

"It's a sci-fi movie, made by George Lucas."

"He will present an epic fantasy story to the audience on the screen."

To be honest, such a simple description can't arouse the interest of the media at all.

After the invited reporters simply asked questions about the film itself, they all turned their guns and asked why Ethan Jones appeared at the press conference of a film.

Regarding such a question, the spokesperson of Fox said with a smile: "It's very simple, because we are very confident in the screen presentation of this sci-fi movie, so we invited Ethan Jones, the hottest game producer at the moment, to contribute to this movie. The movie made a game."

"And this game..."

"It will be released in North America on the same day as the movie!"

When this message appears...

The air at the scene seemed to be stagnant!
All the reporters looked at Ethan Jones in disbelief!

no way……

Who made Mi Luohua and Atari buy countless drafts to push him up in order to improve themselves?
When the recent entertainment focus has changed from various stars to Ethan Jones...

The guy who has been refusing to be interviewed by the media has already finished the game?
Oh! My! God!

This special code is shocking!

Almost at the same moment, the media who reacted frantically raised their hands!
Some people didn't even bother to abide by the rules of the press conference, shouting and asking——

"Mr. Jones! Is this why you have refused to be interviewed for the past few weeks? Because you signed a non-disclosure agreement with Fox to keep the content of their movies confidential?"

"Mr. Jones! Can you tell me about your new game?"

"Mr. Jones! We want to know, how do you think about the new products of Mirov and Atari? Do the two products of Apollo and the new generation have any influence on you?"

"Mr. Jones! I want to know what is your opinion on the development of the video game industry? Because now various media are saying that the era of electronic arcade machines is over, and the era of home consoles will come next. Moving from the streets to people's homes in the next few years! Also, I'd like to know how you feel about the criticism you've received from the outside world? There are a lot of media pundits saying that you're just using arcade machines as A tool to make money?"

Ethan, who was sitting in front of the press conference stage, laughed when one after another of inquiries sounded.

He turned his head politely first, and glanced at Fox executives and George Lucas.

After they nodded slightly, Ethan picked up the microphone and said:
"First of all, thank you for your concern and concern for me."

"Your pursuit made me feel the enthusiasm of the media world."

"Secondly, I would like to say that the reason for the refusal to be interviewed is because of busy work."

"Last week, the new game developed by our company was in the final packaging stage. I had to keep an eye on my work and I had no intention of accepting interviews from the media, so I refused all of them."

"As for the content of the new game... Like the previous "Pac-Man", we will hold a special new product launch conference later, so I won't introduce it here."

"Then, I can answer the questions you want to know here."

"About my thoughts on the future of the video game industry."

"For this question, I just want to say—"

Ethan cleared his throat, with a bright smile on his face, and said loudly:

"The electronic arcade machine is in its most vigorous growth period! Now it will not be eliminated by home consoles at all! As for Mirov and Atari... I think they are spouting shit and trying to replace the concept with stealth. Ways to trick people into buying their home consoles!"

"As far as I know, both of them set the price of home console at $199.99?"

"In my opinion, this price is to increase the threshold for game lovers to play!"

"They said that the electronic arcade is a product of cheating money?"

"Oh—then I would like to ask them, abandoning electronic arcade machines and selling home consoles, wouldn't it keep out a bunch of players who want to play games?"

"Because after a person buys a home console, they can't play games directly!"

"He needs a TV!"

"And a living room with a TV!"

"Perhaps in the eyes of capitalists such as Atari and Mirov, as long as they are gamers, there will be a living room and TV at home, but what I want to say is-please go out and watch these people!"

"The economic crisis is not over yet!"

"There are still many families struggling to get enough food and clothing!"

"Two hundred dollars. For Atari and Mirov, that may be just a machine, but for those people, it's more like two weeks' meal expenses!"

"Let them use the food money to buy a host?"


"Do the two companies, Mirov and Atari, still have face?"

Ethan raised his eyebrows, looked at the stunned reporters in the audience, and elongated his voice: "Or—"

"Do they feel that video games are not mass entertainment?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Ethan's face became wider, and even his tone was a little mocking, "I have never understood what they think."

"Isn't the true meaning of video games to bring more happiness to people in the world?"

"If they have to add countless prefixes to a public-oriented pleasure, then I wonder if they really think that people who can't spend two hundred dollars don't deserve to enjoy video games in their spare time. Do you want to relax?"

"If that's the case! I trouble you to publish my words intact!"

"I ask Atari to go back and ask Warner, their parent company! Ask if they don't want to serve those fans anymore? Does Warner feel from the bottom of his heart that those fans who pay a dollar to watch movies don't deserve this kind of experience? Mass entertainment?"

"I'll ask Mi Luohua to ask their parent company Philips again! Ask if they don't want to serve those fans anymore? After all, a box of music cassettes can't sell much!"

"Boom!" Speaking of this, Ethan slammed the table.

He raised his chin and said seriously: "I, Ethan Jones, put the words here!"

"Household consoles may be a good product, but electronic arcades will never go out of style!"

"When Professor Ralph Bell developed the home console, his biggest dream was to spread laughter all over the world! But why did he abandon Mirov and support me? It is because he knows that only the special code of the electronic arcade In order to serve more people!"

Ethan made a final decision.

Sitting in front of the press conference, he looked around and asked with a smile: "I'm done, is there any dissatisfaction among you? I don't know any of you want to break away from the public, but I, Ethan Jones, won't anyway, as long as someone If you are still playing arcade machines, then we will definitely continue to make games of destiny!"

"If even the simplest happiness has to be forcibly layered by Atari and Mirov..."

"Then this world is too dark, isn't it?"


Before Ethan could finish his words, there was a gasp in the scene!
All the reporters stared at Ethan dumbfounded. At this moment, they only felt dazzled, because they realized that they saw the light!

Ethan, on the other hand, kept having fun with a smile on his face.

The spontaneous joy made him very comfortable.

In fact, a few months ago, when Nolan Bushnell said he was cheating money with arcade machines, he already wanted to fight back!And now...

The wish finally came true!
Mirowa and Atari say home consoles are the future?

He Ethan admitted that home consoles are indeed the future!

But this does not mean that the arcade industry will die suddenly!
They can describe a better tomorrow to players, but they cannot say that the existence of arcade machines is not desirable!

When they're crazy about belittling arcade machines in order to promote their product, then you can't blame Ethan Jones for being cruel!
An industry that has grown from the masses wants to break away from the masses?
Are you looking for death?

If this group of people dare to complain that arcade machines are expensive, and dare to criticize him for using arcade machines to make money, then Ethan Jones dares to say that they are out of the crowd!
After all, whether it's video games, Hollywood movies, entertainment music, or consumer electronics, those specials rely on the support of the public to eat!
When these companies are branded out of touch with the masses...

They also make a jerk product!
Ethan believed that when such reports appeared, no matter if it was Atari or Mirov, whether it was Warner or Philips, it would definitely be as uncomfortable as being poked with a lung tube!
And the more uncomfortable they are, the happier Ethan is!

no way!
Who made them rivals!

Seeing your opponent being scolded is even happier than being praised yourself!
 Note: ①Hollywood superstitions should be recognized, and Vanity Fair even wrote an article specifically for this.Compare Hollywood to the biggest casino in the world, because no one here really knows why a movie works.The so-called successful summary is an afterthought, so when the experience cannot be summed up, whoever has more success is right. ②The economic crisis described in the article is actually a series of events in the 70s, the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the oil crisis, and inflation, which reduced the consumer confidence of the American people and led to a soaring unemployment rate. Although the official said that the duration was very short, 76 years It was completely resolved by the time, but the feedback from the people is still not good, and what is used in this article is the expression of folk sentiments.

  PS, I won’t be able to write at [-] noon tomorrow, so I’ll update it tonight, my time seems to be messed up after such a toss.

(End of this chapter)

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