Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 125 Pull step!

Chapter 125 Pull step!

The Consumer Electronics Show is actually the future CES, which was first born in 1967.

At the beginning of the exhibition, it aimed to promote the close integration of cutting-edge electronic technology and modern life, so only in the first exhibition, they released two amazing products, one is a palm-sized pocket radio, The other is a television set using integrated circuit technology, and later, there is the world's first home video recorder, and a projection recorder for tape equipment.

Perhaps because the products here are full of gimmicks, it has attracted the attention of countless media since its establishment, and it may be because the products here are closely related to people's lives, so in the past ten years, it has become more popular here. It has received more than one million tourists.

Due to the large traffic, many companies regard this as the best place for new product launches.

Reasonably speaking, electronic arcade machines are actually consumer electronics products, so according to normal circumstances, Destiny Games should have contacted them a long time ago, but so far, Ethan has ignored them, and the reason is very simple, that is Inappropriate timing.

Although this exhibition is held twice a year, regardless of whether it is spring, summer or autumn and winter, there is no one that can be held at the same time as Ethan's new product launch, so Ethan can only pass by regretfully The other party should also be aware of this situation, so they never sent an invitation before, but now...

What the hell is this sudden invitation?

Ethan shook the invitation letter in his hand, and looked at Julis Noble with a surprised expression, "If I remember correctly, our company shouldn't have announced a new game, right?"

After receiving the invitation letter, Julis did her homework and explained: "Boss, you may have forgotten that Atari previously publicly announced in the media that it will display its new machine at this year's exhibition, Milo Hua is a frequent visitor to this exhibition, and they have never been absent since the exhibition was held, so I guess, it may be that they strongly demand the organizer to invite you to participate in the exhibition."


Ethan understood.

"Is it pulling?" He frowned.

"Probably..." Julis Noble shrugged, "I'm not sure."

"Then say I don't have time." Ethan threw the invitation letter into the trash can, "If they want to entangle, then you can tell him directly that our Destiny Games is not interested in their exhibition."

"I wasn't interested before, I'm not interested now, and I won't be interested in the future."

That's right!

Even if the traffic of this exhibition is high, Ethan Jones will not go!

Ran all the way from San Francisco to Chicago, and then just to attend the new product launches of two competitors?Isn't this head kicked by a donkey?

Although Ethan doesn't know whether the organizer of an exhibition will be influenced by exhibitors, but judging from the unprecedented behavior of the organizer of CES to send an invitation letter to a company that has never been contacted, these people ponder Yes, there is a high probability that they want to step on him to the top!
and this--

There are no doors!

And just when Ethan thought that a strong refusal would stop everything.

After Julis Noble replied to EIA according to Ethan's request, within a few days, all kinds of news kept popping up like mushrooms after rain.

On the surface, they are all warm-up reports on the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show, but without saying a few words, many people will get involved with Ethan.

"American Weekly" said:

"As the most prosperous sunrise industry at present, the video game exhibition area will be the biggest attraction at this CES, because the two giants in the video game industry, Mirov and Atari, will officially participate in this exhibition. Announce your new product."

"However, it is regrettable that according to the latest news we have received, the Destiny game, which has shined in the video game industry in the past two years, has been confirmed to be absent from this exhibition."

Newsweek also reported on this fact:

"The latest news from EIA, they have sent invitations to Destiny Games, the producer and publisher of "Snake" and "Pac-Man", but the other party has clearly refused to participate in this event."

"This result makes us very regretful, because we thought that the fate game that has led the trend of the times in the past two years will be the same as before, secret research and development products, and then surprise everyone, but unexpectedly, they seem to have no new products .”

"However, this situation is also very normal. After all, in the past year, the North American shipments of "Pac-Man" have exceeded [-] units. At the same time, Destiny Games has also reached a cooperation with the game company Nintendo of this book, authorizing the other party to When "Snake" and "Pac-Man" are brought to Asia, when the game of fate can make money lying down, it is understandable that the product planning lags behind."

Perhaps because the exhibition has not yet been held, the preheating reports of all parties are very restrained.

They just secretly belittled the game of fate, secretly expressing that Ethan Jones has fallen behind his opponents in the industry, and did not step on him to the end with great fanfare.

After all, so far, no one knows what the machines of Atari and Mirov are like.

When the facts cannot be ascertained, they dare not speak too much.

Facing these reports, Ethan had no idea.

No way, who made this kind of thing too common in his previous life?

In the 21st century, when many Internet companies release products, they will hang their friends on the PPT and try to let users know their strength in this way.

And the friend merchants who are pulled and trampled generally do not respond.

Because they know that when a company starts to bully its opponents, they already feel that their products are not as good as their competitors. When a company’s top management feels that their brand does not have a strong reputation, they can only get it through gimmicks. While following...

As long as friends and merchants respond for one second longer, they will fall into the trap of the other party and provide traffic to the other party!

So Ethan didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of report at all, and just read it as a joke.

But unfortunately, his silence did not bring about a peaceful environment.When he stared at Evelyn and Woz, trying hard to witness the birth of the collision code in the game, on April [-]st, the future CES was officially held at McCormick Place in Chicago, with Mirov and Atari successively appeared on the stage, and their new products Apollo and the new generation finally appeared in front of the world.

Yes, Atari named their new product New Generation.

And after passers-by, the media, and practitioners in the video game industry tried it one after another, the praise related to it swept across the entire America like a hurricane.

Various TV media reported on the grand occasion of the exhibition site on the evening of April [-]st Eastern Time. Many visitors on the site expressed their amazement to the interviewed reporters after the trial play——

"Before today, I have never seen a machine like New Generation and Apollo! They are infinitely better than the previous Odyssey!"

"They are really easy to use! There are tons of games! I really can't wait to try them at home now!"

"You asked me which one I want to buy? Of course I want them all! Haha, just kidding, these two machines are very good, but their prices are also a bit expensive, so I will choose Apollo because it is similar to the new generation The price is the same, but there are twelve games."

If these reports are still reasonable, after all, the new machines of Mirov and Atari can indeed be called excellent, or perfect in this era.

Then the next day, the overwhelming paper media reports made people very angry.

Take the Chicago Tribune, for example, their front page headline reads:
[On April 1977, 4, Chicago witnessed a new era of video games! 】

The title seems normal, but the content, only the first two paragraphs are bragging about Atari's new generation of machines, saying what kind of response it caused at the show.

From the third paragraph, they openly criticized the game of fate there——

"For the past two years, Destiny Games, the famous company that has ignited the American game market, is about to usher in their Waterloo, because so far, they have never expressed their views on the new products of their competitor Atari, which will mean that They will miss out on a big change in the video game industry!"

"Judging from the current market environment, what the people of America need is a cheap and versatile game machine, not a gold-swallowing behemoth like an electronic arcade machine!"

"When Atari grasps the pulse of the times and meets the needs of the people, electronic arcades, an old product of the era, will definitely be swept into the garbage dump of history! At the same time, the slow pace of fate The game may face a cruel fate of being eliminated from the market!"

"The New Yorker" also expressed a similar view, and their perspective was written from the perspective of Mirov, and the first half of the article was all about the Apollo product.

But later on, they also openly called Ethan Jones by name——

"We wondered, what happened to the inventor who was considered by Steven Spielberg to be the most brilliant inventor in the game industry, who has brought us so much joy in the past two years?"

"Why hasn't Mi Luohua made a sound after he announced the new machine?"

"Is he overwhelmed by such a great product as Apollo?"

"Or does he also know that whether it is the "Snake" arcade or the "Pac-Man" arcade, those are some short-term businesses? The greatest significance of their existence is to use the public's thirst for knowledge to obtain a large number of quick money?"

When Ethan saw these reports...

His expression was like that of an old man on the subway looking at his phone, he almost shouted a silly beep!

In a country emphasizing capitalism, why start a company not to make money?

Could it be for charity?

Isn't this kind of statement funny?

Flipping through the overwhelming LaTai reports, Ethan's eyes were also lit with anger.

Although Ethan knew in his heart that these behaviors of Mirov and Atari were very normal. After all, when he received the help of Ralph Bell the year before, he also used public opinion offensive to disgust these two families, but he At least it was just stating the facts back then, right?
There is no such crazy diss, right?

And now?

It doesn't matter if it's Mi Luohua or Atari, that special person can't wait to buy a draft and trample him to the ground!

Even the best-mannered people will get angry when they read those unabashed provocative words!

"A group of hanging people!"

Ethan admitted that he was indeed a little angry at the moment.

But at the same time, he also knew that this might be the real purpose of Mirowa and Atari.

They just want to force themselves to speak up!Force yourself to speak in public!Because only Ethan Jones responds, the public can know that the media reports are not fictional!

The machines of their Atari and Mirov are really awesome!

Niubi, the guys who have ruled the North American game market in the past two years have broken their defenses!

And it is precisely because Ethan knows that they need such a gimmick that he will not respond.

He didn't want to be a stepping stone in the publicity of these two companies.

So, he threw all the reports into the shredder, and when there was a muffled hum, countless pieces fell into the transparent waste paper box like snowflakes.

At the same time, he also called the company's executive director, "Julis."

"Huh?" The girl appeared in a flash.

"Starting tomorrow, you don't need to buy me newspapers anymore." Ethan made a decision.

"Oh yes, Mr. Jones."

Julis Noble was taken aback for a moment, then nodded quickly.

However, just when Ethan thought that he could block the enemy's harassment and attack as long as he couldn't see it, the next morning, when he got up early and was about to drive to the company, a bunch of long guns and short cannons seemed to pop out of the ground In general, rushed in front of him.

The black camera locked onto his face like a crosshair;

The strip-shaped microphone was like a long pole, and it was thrown in front of Ethan unscrupulously.

Such a situation made Ethan frowned, but before he asked the reason, the reporters chirped like early birds seeing a bug——

"Mr. Jones! I'm a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle! I want to interview you. What do you think of Mirov's new host, Apollo?"

"Mr. Jones! I'm a reporter for the San Diego Union-Tribune! We'd like to know, what do you think of Atari's new product launch?"

"Mr. Jones! I'm a reporter for the Saramento Bee! We want to know..."

"Mr. Jones! I am..."

"Mr. Jones!"


The overwhelming words were like waves, Ethan frowned!

Looking at the dark crowd, Ethan immediately cursed in his heart!

Although these people came from different newspapers and belonged to different media, judging from the planned and consistent actions, they obviously received money!
And a group of paid media blocked him from interviewing at his door early in the morning?
'Oh! Sxxt! '

'Mirov and Atari are really disgusting! '

'If I don't speak, do they want to force me to speak? '

Ethan couldn't bear it anymore, at this moment he really wanted to punch those two guys a few times!
 Note: ① Let me explain here that although the organizer of the CSE written in the article is now called the Consumer Technology Association, they have never been established by consumers themselves. The earliest organization is called RMA, which is the Radio Manufacturers Association in the United States. , After TV became popular, many radio manufacturers started to make TV, so they changed their name to RTMA, which is the Radio and Television Manufacturers Association. At the time point in the text, it is called EIA, which is the Electronics Industry Association, and its members are some companies.They did have a situation of pulling each other out, but in reality, the one that was withdrawn from CSE by its competitors was called Apple. It was in [-] before Jobs returned, and the product was Apple Newton.

  PS, although I asked for leave, but I can’t write well, so...then let’s pretend that I didn’t ask for leave today

(End of this chapter)

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