Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 119 The real problem is plagiarism!

Chapter 119 The real problem is plagiarism!

"Yes Rudolph, I've seen the news..."

"Yes, you are right, Apollo is a great product, and Atari's new machine is also very good, but what I want to say is that these two products are not currently a threat to us..."

"Okay, I will work hard, please rest assured..."


"Yeah~ Chuck, Intel is doing well now~"

"Although Atari and Mirov didn't use our chips, at the same time they did help you realize your wish, didn't they? You should be happy that the central processing unit has a new application..."

"Oh~ thank you for your concern, their products can't affect me for the time being..."


When Ethan hung up the Nth phone call and leaned on the swivel chair in the study room at home, his face was already full of exhaustion.Although he knew that the original intention of these people calling was good, they just wanted to care about themselves, but what he needs to do most now is not to socialize well, but to solve the problem.

He admitted that the new products of Mirov and Atari brought him a certain sense of crisis, and at the same time, at the moment, Evelyn sitting opposite him also made him more stressed, because when the girl learned that Miro Huahe Atari had already abandoned the product of circuit board mainframes and strode towards the era of CPU mainframes. As soon as she got home, she asked Ethan what was on her mind——

"Ethan, please tell me frankly."

"Will the new products launched by Mirov and Atari have any impact on our company?"

The girl frowned slightly, her expression serious.

Ethan, who was looking at him, had a wry smile on his face.

"Oh—my dear sister—" He stretched out his voice and said, "Although their product is called a home console, what they make is a video game after all."

"Since the track is the same, there must be an impact."

The honest words made the girl nod slightly.

But at the same time, she also wanted to know what Ethan thought of the two products.

"Where do you think the specific impact will be?"

The girl asked: "Will the appearance of these two products change the pattern of the video game industry?"

After listening to the news about Atari and Mirov, Evelyn felt that the words of these two competitors were indeed reasonable.And the reasonable part is that the current electronic arcade machines have indeed brought a certain amount of economic pressure to the public.

At present, the population of America is only [-] million, and last year, the average daily sales of the electronic arcade machine "Pac-Man" alone exceeded [-] US dollars, and the total annual revenue exceeded [-] million dollars. [-] million, evenly apportioned to each person's head, that can be apportioned to two dollars.

What does this fact mean?
It means that when all the people in Mimi go to play "Pac-Man", one person can play it eight times!
Although this algorithm is problematic, because there are definitely not [-] million players in video games, and when the total number of players must decline, the per capita consumption will definitely be more.

If there are 4000 million gamers in North America, that number would be ten dollars.

If it were 2000 million gamers, that number would be twenty dollars.

And when a video game can eat at least ten or even twenty dollars for a player, it must be expensive for them, because the money is enough to buy a dozen pounds of beef in the market , dozens of pounds of fruit, and even watched twenty movies...

In this case, these players may continue to pay because of the quality of the game, but when there is one, or even multiple machines on the market that can play more games for less, they will certainly also Vote with your feet and actively embrace these more affordable things.

Not to mention……

These machines are not only loaded with explosive games from a few years ago, but also add a lot of new content.

When this comparison occurs...

Even if Evelyn is not in charge of business operations, she can still judge the excellence of the other party.

It was precisely because she could understand that the girl looked at Ethan with a serious expression.

She expressed her thoughts: "When these two machines appear, is it possible for players to abandon electronic arcade machines and turn to home consoles?"

The question made Ethan laugh.

He shook his head and said, "Oh Evelyn, your worries don't exist."

"As I said before, for video games that require creativity, content must be king."

"No matter how good the machine is, if the game is not fun, it must be useless."

That's right, from the beginning to the end, Ethan was not worried that his own users would be lost.

Because the memory of his previous life told him that gameplay is the foundation of the game industry.

Even if there are players who will pay for more games on the game consoles of Mirov and Atari, as long as he releases more fun games, the lost players will definitely come back!

When an industry relies on content to make a living, the so-called diehard fans are all content fans!

But even so, when faced with the new machines of Mirov and Atari, he still felt the pressure, because he knew that there was no monopoly in the industry that relied on content.

"I'm not afraid of their machines."

"No matter how good their machines are, I don't feel threatened."

Ethan said frankly: "What I am wary of are the game companies they acquire."

"Because there is a group of people who rely on inspiration to eat."

"When the newest machines come together with the latest inspiration..."

"What we are facing..."

"That could be big trouble."

Before, when Ethan learned that Mirov and Atari were frantically acquiring game companies in the industry, he didn't care, because at that time he felt that these two guys couldn't do anything.

Even if those creators are full of inspiration and can make popular games, but in front of his past life memories, all the welcomes are just chickens and dogs.

Because he will select the classics from many games just like Dalang Taosha. When he brings out a game that has been popular for decades, it is impossible for anyone who is serious about making games to beat him!
But now...

He has already discovered that his original thinking was too simple.

A popular game may be a classic that cannot be beaten, but when a popular game is registered in a machine with good performance in the form of geometric quantities...

This combination will surely reap a stable market of its own!
And when Mirov and Atari gained a firm foothold in the console industry...

They also have time, energy, and money to develop interesting games.

At that time, the fun will be really big.Because as long as it is profitable, Mirov and Atari will definitely keep running in the mainframe business.

At this moment, Ethan can even imagine that scene...

On a piece of land in North America, three companies act as hosts.

This special dog's brain is about to be knocked out!

As for what to say, he can take the first step and finish all the roads, leaving others with nowhere to go?
This is a bit nonsense.


"Compared with the gathering of creative personnel, I am more afraid of another thing, and that is plagiarism."

Ethan stared at Evelyn and said, "It's not copying our game."

"Copying our inspiration."

That's right!

This is what Ethan is most afraid of!

Not to mention that his brain is not Chat GPT-4, and he doesn't even know how many games there were in the game circle in his previous life. Even if he knew and copied them, it would be useless.

Because he can copy the classics from his previous life, others can copy him too!

You know, the game is the same as the article!
Mr. Shuren once said: "There are a lot of articles in the world to copy, see if you can copy."

And this sentence can be perfectly applied in the game circle!

In Ethan's previous life, many game companies did this!

Like "Street Fighter" and "King of Fighters"...

Isn't this a very similar competitor?

Another example is "Need for Speed" and "Gran Turismo"...

Who's to say the two aren't similar?
For example, "CS" and "CF", "Zelda" and "Original..."

Cough cough cough...

When all countries can reach a consensus, the copyright protection of games in law can only be extended to the appearance and content of the game, and will not protect the gameplay...

If you learn from this kind of thing, it will become the norm in the industry.

Ethan believes that he may be able to shock the world with one idea after another, but want to stop others from making games?That's talking nonsense.

Now no one learns from the gameplay of "Snake" and "Pac-Man". , Their instinctive reaction to "Snake" and "Pac-Man" is that they cannot copy.

Because they knew that if they copied it, Ethan, who had Stanford's endorsement, could sue them to death!

What if someone reacted?

What if someone finds out that instead of copying one-to-one, they just copy the gameplay?
For example, "Pac-Man" is a maze adventure game, so they can make another maze adventure game without Pac-Man and ghosts.

For example, the police caught a thief?
When this kind of awakening appears, even if Ethan has three heads and six arms, he can't stop him!

While waiting for Atari and Mi Luohua to react...

Own the machine!Have a research and development team!They have backers again!Nature will have the courage to learn from it!

By that time...

It would be extremely difficult to beat them to death.

"I made a mistake."

Ethan rested his chin on one hand and said, "To be honest... I expected that they would be able to make a home computer with a CPU, but I didn't expect them to be able to do this."

"I didn't even think that they bought the game company for the promotion of consoles."

Ethan admitted that he was careless and didn't flash.

And his words made Evelyn shake her head and said, "Oh Ethan, I don't mean to blame you."

"I just want to know whether the home consoles of Mirov and Atari pose a threat to us. If so, should we start the research and development of the console now?"

If it were a few years ago, Evelyn would take care of this kind of thing, but she would definitely not ask questions.

She will wait for Ethan to make a decision, and then deal with things according to Ethan's ideas.

Because she is not interested in business.

But now...

After enjoying the charm brought by money, she has really regarded the game of fate as her own company. After all, no matter who it is, she will not refuse the money that is at her fingertips.

As for his sister's question, Ethan, who had been thinking for a long time, said: "We are definitely going to make a home console, but definitely not now, because even if we develop it immediately, we will not be able to keep up with the progress of Mirov and Atari, and Hastily designed and can mess things up."

"More importantly, our company currently does not have enough game reserves."

"Although I believe that just putting the game "Pac-Man" on the home console will attract countless people to buy it, but when there are still "Pac-Man" arcade machines on the market, using "Pac-Man" People" is a promotional work for home consoles..."

"Then in the eyes of users, how much difference is there between us and liars?"

Ethan originally thought that he could kill Mirov and Atari, but he didn't expect that he would be swept up by these two uncles in turn now. One machine is equipped with nine games?A machine with twelve games?No matter how you look at it, it has the meaning of forcing him to death!

Even if Ethan has countless inspirations in his mind, it will take time to make them!So, when Ethan found out that he couldn't keep up with other people's performances, it became a helpless choice step by step.

However, R&D can be slow, but it does not mean that things can be delayed.

Ethan didn't want Mirov and Atari to gain a firm foothold in the console industry.

Because America is just so big, it can't accommodate three careerists.

"So, what we need to do most now are three things."

"The first thing to do is to develop a new arcade game. While stabilizing the market share, drive other game companies into the console industry, and then solve them all at once. We are already behind in the console industry. We must not Before ceding the arcade industry to others, we must at least ensure that we can have a dominant position in one field.”

"The second thing is to find a way to weaken the influence of Mirov and Atari in the game field. This matter seems simple, because we can prove their incompetence in creation through popular arcade games, But in fact it is very difficult, because people who want to buy a game console will definitely pay for it. What we can do is to influence those neutral people as much as possible to make them feel that it is worthwhile to spend money to play arcade machines, because arcade machines Games are fun, and it's not worth buying a console because their games aren't as fun as ours."

"The third thing is to find a way to listen to the information of Atari and Mirov. If they are borrowing our ideas, we must speed up the development of the mainframe. Because when these two companies occupy a certain It's not going to be easy to get it back, but if they don't learn from it, then we still have time..."

The well-organized arrangement made Evelyn nod repeatedly.Although such things as creativity are not something that can be found every day, since Ethan said she is so confident, she is relieved.

"I can be responsible for research and development, but intelligence..."

Evelyn said, "What are you going to do about this?"


The word made Ethan close his eyes and think for a while.

When he opened it again, he had already made a decision, "Mi Luohua has nothing to do, because Rudolph just told me that Mi Luohua has completely cut off contact with him."

"As for Atari..."

"Although Nolan Bushnell is cautiously guarding against me, I still want to try. I'll go to Steven to see if he can get some information about Atari's research and development from Warner..."

Although in the eyes of outsiders, asking Warner to ask about Atari's research and development news seems a bit nonsense, but Ethan thinks that there is no problem with this idea.

After all, in his previous life, the nickname of Lan Pian Hua was recognized worldwide, and the reason why they got such a nickname was all due to the power struggle that was more exciting than the Gongdou drama.

Therefore, in the case of their internal discord, please ask Spielberg to ask, if the guarantee is not complete, those high-level executives in Warner who are at odds with the leading video game project director can say a few words.

As for whether Spielberg doesn't know someone from Warner?Ethan is not worried about this, because during the chat before, Spielberg said that Warner had invited him to film "Superman".

But when Ethan drove overnight and arrived at Universal Studios in Los Angeles...

Before entering the studio building of Universal Pictures, he saw that in the early morning of this February, this guy Spielberg was hurriedly walking out with his pants up.

Well, that's right.

This guy is just tying up his pants and walking outside.

 There are two things to say:
  1. It's gone at night.

  2. It will be on the shelves tomorrow.

  Since the book was published on March 27, more than 40 words have been updated in two months and a few days. This should be my limit, and the consequence of the limit is that I have not saved a chapter. They are all written now.

  Therefore, things like explosive updates depend on the situation. When the plot is over, such as the previous lawsuit and the release of Pac-Man, I will find a way to finish it in one day, usually depending on whether I am busy or not.

  Then please support the original reading. As for other votes and rewards, it is voluntary. There is no group in this book. If you have anything to do, just leave a message in the book or the comment area. I will read it, but the reply may only be through the back of each chapter. The small frame was carried out, because my author account was banned.

  Finally, thank you for being able to see this, and thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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