Reborn America, this is my time

Chapter 106 Tokyo!Tokyo!

Chapter 106 Tokyo!Tokyo!
When Ethan told Hiroshi Yamauchi that he was moved by his sincerity and decided to accept his invitation to go to the notebook for some investigation, the 49-year-old third-generation head of Nintendo suddenly smiled like a flower, and bowed excitedly He saluted, but under Ethan's obstruction, he finally opened his arms as the Romans did, and gave Ethan a big hug to express his gratitude.

Since this is going abroad, Ethan still has two things to do before leaving.

The first thing is to apply for a passport.This thing is simple, whether Ethan finds someone by himself or Hiroshi Yamauchi helps him find someone, it is a matter of minutes.

The second thing is to ask for a translator.Although Yamauchi Hiroshi speaks good English and can communicate with Ethan normally, but after reading the book, you can't let Yamauchi Hiroshi be the translator, right?The head of Nintendo is willing to say that he is not willing to listen!Because in the case of a language barrier, no one knows whether the other party will talk nonsense!
And this thing...

It's not that easy in the US.

Don't ask, asking is cultural self-confidence.

Of course, if you spend money, you can still find it. After spending about four days, Evelyn found a professor at Brandeis University with a salary of 50 on a one-month overseas business trip. The teacher of the Japanese course is a middle-aged man in his [-]s, who used to be a business translator for Ford Motor Co., Ltd., and returned to the United States because of his marriage.

Although Ethan didn't know how good his Japanese was, but considering that Ford had hired him for five years, his ability shouldn't be a big problem.

After making all the preparations, Ethan and Evelyn flew back to Los Angeles from Boston on July 1976, 7, had a rest overnight, and the next day, they took Hiroshi Yamauchi's chartered plane to Tokyo.

As they set off, Mi Luohua, who heard the news, let out a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, after hearing about MOS 6502, Hiroshi Yamauchi will definitely do everything possible to get this kind of chip. His really worth learning from!"

The old man's words made the fat and thin people nod again and again.

After sighing, the old man urged: "Since Ethan has left North America, it proves that their company will not release new games for the time being. We must seize this precious time to reacquire other game companies in the market! At the same time Let the people in the R&D department speed up the research and development, and recruit directly if there are not enough people! And let the people in the procurement department go directly to Intel to pull chips!"

"Time is precious, Okay?"

"We've failed twice already, we can't fail again this time!"


"Of course!" The fat and thin duo answered quickly.

At the same time that Mi Luohua responded, Nolan Bushnell also heard the news of Ethan's departure from Warner. As for the authenticity of the news...

Everyone thinks it's true!

Because that's what Spielberg yelled when he answered the phone on set!At that moment, almost everyone heard it, and Spielberg asked Ethan to help get two signed photos of Akira Kurosawa!
Although Nolan Bushnell didn't know why Ethan ran his book, but he knew that this was an opportunity, so he recruited his subordinates and shouted: "Hurry up! Contact Intel to buy chips!"

"Fifty thousand first..."

"No! One hundred thousand pieces first!"

"One hundred thousand 8080!"

"Attention! Make sure to keep the price below [-]!"

"Also! Let Intel keep our business practices secret!"

The sudden two orders made Intel confused.

At this moment, Gordon Moore, the founder and CEO of Intel, couldn't figure it out anyway. Why did his company suddenly receive a purchase order for 20 8080s?

Although he has always been very confident in his own chip, he has to admit that the most beautiful chip on the market is 6502.However, after he saw the two buyers, Mi Luohua and Atari...

He knew it.

It is estimated that these two families were driven crazy by that Ethan Jones?
if it is like this……

"Then the money came is too surprising." Gordon Moore murmured.

The money delivered to your door is not earned for nothing.

Gordon Moore readily accepted the orders from Mirov and Atari.

Of course, since the client asked for secrecy...

Then he will naturally respect the request of the other party!
After all, 20 pieces of 8080 can bring them an operating income of 600 million!
But without publicity, that is impossible.

MOS chips are selling so well, if Intel doesn't speed up, won't it explode?

So, after thinking about it for a while, Gordon Moore said to his subordinates: "Release the news that Mirov has purchased hundreds of thousands of chips from us, and the estimated revenue is nearly [-] million."

That's right!

Atari asked them to keep it secret, but Mirov didn't!

Then in this case...

Mi Luohua, you should take the blame!
While Intel's production line was running crazily, after a twelve-hour flight, Ethan finally arrived in Tokyo on July 1976, 7, East Ninth District time.

In fact, when the plane was about to arrive in Tokyo, Ethan had already taken off his blindfold, and looked down at the largest city in the book through the window of the plane. The seaside of the bay began to spread inward, occupying almost all the land recognizable to the naked eye.

On the sea surface of Tokyo Bay, countless ships are shuttling back and forth. They are like worker ants running around, working hard for the needs of the group.

Because Evelyn was sleeping next to Ethan, Ethan's overlooking behavior directly woke her up, and when she opened her confused eyes and wondered what Ethan was doing, she followed the trend She also saw the world below her, her eyes widened immediately, and she asked in surprise, "Is this a city?"

"Yeah." Ethan nodded with emotion, "Tokyo."

"The most populous city in the world, there are probably..."

"Tokyo's population reached 1000 million a few years ago, and the entire Tokyo metropolitan area now has 500 million people."

When Ethan and Evelyn were talking, Hiroshi Yamauchi who heard the voice also turned his gaze to the outside world.

Looking down at the tiny land, his face was full of emotion, "Maybe it's because the population is too dense, we can do any business here."

When these words appeared, Ethan still had some impressions that the business was easy to do. After all, no one in the world had more experience than him in talking about the total amount.

But Evelyn had no idea about all this.

But when they boarded the Toyota commercial vehicle sent by Nintendo and followed Hiroshi Yamauchi deep into the urban area of ​​Tokyo, the traffic jams on the roads like capillaries, the crowds of figures on the overpasses, and the narrow direction of the main road houses that this book likes to use The design fully embodies the concept of crowd density.

While waiting for Hiroshi Yamauchi to order the driver to drive the car to Akihabara, the electric city in Tokyo, Ethan and Evelyn intuitively felt what the play atmosphere brought about by the dense crowd was like.

Although Akihabara in this era does not have the strong otaku culture of later generations, the neon flashing advertising lights are very conspicuous, and the Nintendo logo of the green snake devouring the apple can be seen everywhere.

Standing at the crossroads and looking around, no matter which direction, as long as you can see it, there are arcade machines like "Snake". Stop the largest group of consumers.

From time to time, they clenched the rocker tightly, their faces twitching to reap success;
Occasionally waving bad luck and angrily announcing their failure;
From time to time, coin toss again in an attempt to hit a higher score;

Sometimes he looked up to the sky and sighed, as if complaining that the game was too difficult.

When these scenes come up...

Every blink of an eye, you can see the picture of money falling!

With every breath you can hear money flowing!

Ethan admitted that although he has been a human being in two lives, he has seen too many amazing things.


The feeling of printing money in front of me is indeed not comparable to that in North America!

If it weren't for the exchange rate issue, Ethan even felt that this kind of densely populated country would be the real paradise for nourishing video games!
Because there are more people, the atmosphere will be easier to come up!
Once the atmosphere is up, people are easy to get on top!

"Is this the effect of selling 3000 million in half a year?" Looking at everything in front of her eyes, Evelyn murmured, "This is more exaggerated than the prevalence in our country..."

As she spoke, she also turned her head and glanced at Ethan.

At the same time, Ethan just happened to look at her.

In this stare at each other, both of them saw a fact in each other's eyes——

It's really not a loss to come here this time!
Compared with the cold dollar bills, the immediate market is more eager to own!

If possible, Ethan even wants to kill Yamauchi at this moment!

Substitute a der!
I'm Ethan Jones -

(End of this chapter)

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