Who taught you to cultivate immortals like this?

Chapter 199 Chapter 239 Chapter 240 Moon Herring Kiss Xu You

Chapter 199 Chapter 239 Chapter 240 Moon Herring Kiss Xu You
"In short, this matter is not too difficult after all. I believe it can be resolved quickly, and I will solve it as soon as possible without wasting too much time." Xu You said with a smile.

"I don't think so."


"The previous two times we seemed to be ordinary, but in the end it seemed that we encountered a bad situation."

Xu You fell into deep thought, as if there was such a situation.

"So, Senior Sister means that I will beat you?"

"A bit."


Xu You said no more, there was no way to chat.

At this time, Huang Fulan came out from the back room, already busy with the matter at hand.

She walked back to her seat and sat down, looking at Xu You, "Do you know the situation of the lower forces and monks very well?"

"Huh? It's not very clear, I know a rough idea. I guess a rough idea." Xu You replied.

Huang Fulan smiled, she also heard Xu You's answer to Xue Qianluo just now, which surprised her.

Although she knew that Xu You had always been humble and low-key, and seldom made publicity, but after all, Xu You was a disciple of Kunlun's Tianjiao and belonged to the top of the food chain in the world of cultivating immortals.

And he entered the world of cultivating immortals when he was young, and the life he was in contact with on weekdays was all the top-level configuration.

It is basically impossible for teenagers who grew up in such an environment to understand the appearance of low-level monks, and they can rarely empathize.

It's not that this kind of behavior is bad, people are the product of the environment, and growing up in such an environment, their cognition and three views will naturally be molded into a high-class look.

They don't understand, and they don't deliberately get close to the general environment of middle and low-level monks.

People who are born in two worlds, there is no relationship between right and wrong.

But Xu You's answer just now made Huang Fulan a little surprised. She didn't expect that the little guy could understand the problems of low-level monks so thoroughly.

Really, the more I stay with Xu You, the more I feel that this little guy is different from his peers, and he surprises people everywhere.

Like an inexhaustible treasure.

At this moment, Huang Fulan suddenly turned her head to look out of the window, her vision flickered as if she could see very far away.

When Xu You was a little curious and was about to ask what happened, his whole body froze as if struck by lightning, and then his heart started beating extremely fast.

It's like the throbbing feeling from the inside out when I met Bai Yueguang when I was young.

So as if sensing the call of fate, Xu You turned his head and looked out the window, a small two-story flying boat as white as jade galloped towards him at an astonishing speed.

Finally, it hovered at a position tens of feet away, maintaining the same speed as the Huangfulan flying boat.

Huang Fulan squinted her eyes and looked at the pure white flying boat. Being well-informed, she immediately recognized that the forging process of this flying boat was unique to Penglai.

This is a flying boat made in Penglai, and judging from its standard, it is the top Penglai boss would choose.

It's just that the flying boat covered up all the aura inside, and it was difficult for Huang Fulan to spy on who was inside.

In such a vast world, the probability of two spaceships encountering each other is extremely low. Obviously, this spaceship is aimed at them.

Huang Fulan thought that she hadn't had much contact with people from Penglai Xianmen recently, so there were only Xue Qianluo and Xu You.

Then, Huang Fulan turned to look at Xu You.

The latter was sitting there in a daze, staring straight at the flying boat, Xu You's eyes had never been seen by Huang Fulan.

There is an indescribable feeling.

"Looking for you?" Huang Fulan asked.

Xu You didn't hear Huang Fulan talking at all at this moment, or at this moment the world was silent in his ears, and only vision was left in his five senses.

Although he didn't know who was in the flying boat, he couldn't even recognize that it was Penglai's flying boat.

But Xu You had an extremely firm idea in his heart, Yue Qingyu was in the flying boat.

This thought is very strong, very strong, so strong that the heart is going to jump out of the chest.

Xu You's state obviously made Huang Fulan feel wrong, she turned her head and asked Xue Qianluo, "Do you know what's going on? Who is Xu You connected with in Penglai?"

Xue Qianluo also frowned and shook her head, not understanding why Xu You was in such a state.

At this time, a calm voice came from the white flying boat, "Xu You, long time no see, do you want to come over?"

When he heard this voice, Xu You's whole heart suddenly settled down, and his heart slowly calmed down, replaced by warm currents rushing from his heart to his limbs.

It was a very warm feeling. It was the dusk on the shore of the North Sea that dragged Xu You all of a sudden. At that time, the moon herring also spoke in such a voice like a mountain spring.

Very warm sister's voice, there is a sense of fate as if life is only the same as the first time I saw it.

Xu You has only experienced this kind of fate feeling in Yue Qingyu, which is strange to say, the two of them have only met once, but this sense of fate is tightly entwined.

Now Xu You gradually calmed down. He looked at Huangfulan and Xue Qianluo, and said with a smile, "There is a senior over there. I'll go and pay a visit. I'll be back soon."

As he said that, Xu You flew out directly, shot at the white flying boat, and soon sank into it.

At this moment, Huang Fulan squinted her eyes more and more at the flying boat, lost in thought, and soon there was some surprise on her face.

"Senior Huangfu, do you know the other party?" Xue Qianluo asked.

Huang Fulan thought for a while, and said, "It's Yue Qingyu from Penglai Xianmen. I met her several times in the early years, but I haven't seen her in the past ten years, so I almost didn't recognize her."

Xue Qianluo frowned slightly when she heard the name.

In fact, she doesn't know each person in the practice world, no matter if they are peers or seniors.

But the name Yueqingyu has been heard before. As the top boss of Penglai Xianmen who is in charge of luck, he is very popular in the world of immortal cultivation in Shenzhou.

It's just that although Yueqingyu is famous, there are very few people who have seen her true face, and she herself rarely walks outside.

In the past ten years, she has hardly left Penglai Xianmen, and she is the ultimate "old house girl". Therefore, although there are many stories about Yueqingyu circulating on Shenzhou, they are half-truths and half-truths, making it difficult to distinguish.

The reason why Yue Qingyu still has so many people's attention without showing her face is that apart from her top strength, it has more to do with her.

Those who are lucky enough to have seen the moon herring have a common cognition, that is, it is good-looking, with an indescribable unique temperament and good-looking.

Therefore, over the years, the reputation of Moon Herring has always existed in Shenzhou, and it has never declined.

Now, when Xue Qianluo learned that it was Yue Qingyu who came to find Xu You on her own initiative, she felt a little strange.

With Xu You's age and identity, he shouldn't have any connection with Yue Qingyu.

Of course, Xue Qianluo never involved Xu You and Yue Qingyu in the matter of men and women, this kind of absurdity, no matter how active the mind is, it is impossible to think in this way.

Huang Fulan also thinks this way, and she won't think wrongly for the time being, but she is more delicate than Xue Qianluo.

The strange state of Xu You at the moment when she saw Feizhou just now really made her feel a little bit guilty. This is obviously not right, it is not like an ordinary relationship between juniors and seniors at all.

It's very strange, Huang Fulan is also not sure what is the deep connection between Xu You and this moon herring.

"Senior Huangfu, how did Xu You know Senior Yue Qingyu, do you know?" Xue Qianluo asked.

"Xu You is your junior brother, according to you, you should know more." Huang Fulan asked back with a smile.

Xue Qianluo fell silent, that's really not true, she didn't know Xu You for a long time.

Naturally, Huang Fulan didn't ask any more questions, and just smiled, "I think it probably has something to do with Xu You's master, Mo Yuhuang. Yue Qingyu's master and Xu You's master, Li Changsheng, are inseparable.

And Mo Yuhuang and Yue Qingyu have known each other for many years, as far as I know, the relationship between the two is also very close.Therefore, it is not surprising that Xu You knew Yue Qingyu.Let's wait. "

Xue Qianluo nodded slightly after getting the answer, and continued to keep quiet.

On the other side, when Xu You entered the flying boat, his eyes were in a daze.

As if he had traveled through time and space, what he came to was not inside the flying boat, but in a bamboo forest.

Under the bamboo grove, there is a gazebo, under which there is a table, and Moon Herring is sitting behind the table.

Xu You's eyes immediately fell on Yue Qingyu.

Like last time, she was wearing a white long gown, which was loose, with a simple white jade belt wrapped around her waist, and the wide sleeves drooped slightly.

The figure is as elegant as the moon.

The face is small, somewhat translucent, with soft lines, the willow eyebrows are as light as mountains in the fog, and the clear eyes are full of peaceful colors.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, like the morning breeze in early spring.

The black hair was simply combed up, and two catfish whiskers hung down on both sides, shaking gently, reflecting the outstanding appearance.

She is like a fairy sister who is not stained with mortal dust, except that her breasts are slightly inferior to Huang Fulan and the others, so it can be said that there is nothing wrong with her.

Especially the peaceful temperament on this body, one can feel calm at a glance.

Xu You's heart also gradually calmed down, and the sense of fate in his heart became clearer.

Fate, marriage, destiny, many people don't believe in the combination of these three things, but there is such a possibility.

Some people only need to look at it for ten thousand years.One glance is enough, it is the one that is destined for each other.

Years later, the thread that Li Changsheng and Yue Qingyu's master held under the Peach Blossom Tree hit Xu You and Yue Qingyu, so they were destined to be entangled with each other.

become inseparable from each other.

If you said before, Xu You was actually a little panicked, thinking that he would never be bound like this in his life.

But with the passage of time, Xu You was actually not too afraid of such things. Isn't he just a few decades older, and everyone can live hundreds of years, not short of this time.

Xu You, who has figured this out, will naturally obey his heart, do whatever he wants, and follow the natural way of heaven.

Yue Qingyu also looked up at Xu You, her clear eyes were full of tranquility and far-reaching.

Time stood still at this moment, and both of them looked at each other for thousands of years.

I don't know how long it took, Yue Qingyu's gentle voice floated out first, pointing to the opposite side of the table and saying, "Sit."

Xu You suddenly came over, looked at Yue Qingyu, then took a deep breath, went to sit on the opposite side, and called softly, "I have seen Master Yue."

"You don't have to be polite with me." Yue Qingyu smiled softly.

Xu You looked at the other person's face, and unreasonable thoughts or longings came to his mind. The woman in front of him was like his long-lost lover.

"Is this bamboo forest an illusion?" Xu You asked out loud.

"It's not all." Yue Qingyu explained concisely, "It's half an illusion, plus a certain amount of space magic power, it's still very complicated, and it involves the forging process inside the door."

Her voice was as gentle as ever, like she was narrating poems, which could make people's mood involuntarily clear.

After asking this sentence, Xu You and Yue Qingyu fell silent again.

But the atmosphere between the two of them was not embarrassing at all, and there was a strange sense of comfort and harmony that they had known for many years.

Although this is only the second time the two meet.

"Where are you going?" After a while, Yue Qingyu continued to ask.

"To do a teacher mission." Xu You simply explained what he was going to do.

Yue Qingyu nodded slightly, then tilted her head slightly and looked at Xu You, "That flying boat is the flying boat of Jubao Pavilion, I have a little impression of the people in the boat.

But Huang Fulan from the Huangfu family? "

"It's her, how did my uncle know Senior Huangfu?" Xu You asked curiously.

"I met once or twice in the early years, so I can't say we know each other." Yue Qingyu paused after speaking, "Don't call me uncle."

"What's that called?"

"Just call me by my name."

"Ah?" Xu You suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "Isn't it appropriate, my master?"

"Your master is your master, you are you, we have different opinions." Yue Qingyu smiled lightly.

Therefore, Xu You could only bite the bullet and whisper, "Herring?"

"Here I am."

Now, Xu You only felt the embarrassment of his toes on the ground, which was really too embarrassing.Yue Qingyu is a monk of her previous generation, commensurate with Mo Yuhuang sisters.

Now it's not appropriate for me to directly call out a woman of my age.

So Xu You immediately changed his tune, "How about I call Sister Qingyu from now on, okay?"

"It's ok, just don't call my uncle." Yue Qingyu didn't think it was wrong, nodded and smiled.

Xu You breathed a sigh of relief, and he continued to ask, "Why did Sister Qingyu suddenly appear here?"

"I was going to Tianque City. I just sensed that you were here when I was passing by in the distance, so I stopped by to have a look." Yue Qingyu explained.

Xu You was stunned, and at the same time shocked by the fate of the two.

One of him and Yue Qingyu left, and the other went in. Jiushen County is so big that two flying boats are just a drop in the ocean.

Considering a series of factors such as time, the speed and height of the flying boat, the probability of meeting them in the vast sky is even lower than winning the lottery.

As a result, the two sides met so simply in the vast world, which can only be explained by two words of fate.

Xu You continued to ask, "My sister went to Tianque City, but because of the Penglai Fairy Association?"


Xu You didn't ask much about the Penglai Fairy Society, he just hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Why did Sister Qingyu want to meet me suddenly.

On the shore of the North Sea before, my master said that if we never see each other, maybe we can resist it. "

"Then did you resist?" Moon Herring asked back.

Xu You was stunned. If he couldn't answer this question, he must have been unable to resist. He didn't need to meet anyone, but just hearing the name, his heart began to be in turmoil.

"That's why it is so." Yue Qingyu smiled lightly, "I am in charge of Penglai luck, and I have dealt with heaven and luck a lot for many years.

The more I understand it, the more I know the irresistibility beneath it. The Peach Blossom Tree is a product of heaven and luck, and it is difficult for us monks to resist.

Furthermore, this matter was established jointly by senior Li Changsheng and my master, so the entanglement of cause and effect is even deeper.It cannot be done by humans.

Not seeing each other can be blocked for a while, but not for a long time.

In all things, the emphasis is on going with the flow, if you forcefully go against your heart and go against nature, the backlash after that may be extremely terrifying.

The harder the suppression, the harder the backlash. "

Xu You was startled, and asked in astonishment, "There is such a thing, my master just told me not to see each other in the future. She said that Sister Herring, you are very strong, and it is easy to resist this kind of thing."

Yue Qingyu smiled lightly, "Your master is optimistic in everything, but personally he is rather rebellious, and lacks understanding and awe of things like heaven and luck. He doesn't even know much about the Peach Blossom Tree.

Therefore, I don't know the dangers and dangers in it, and I think it's okay. "

Hearing this, Xu You smiled dumbly.

It can only be said that Yue Qingyu really knows her master very well.

Mo Yuhuang's temperament is like this, he is not afraid of the sky, he is unruly, and he only believes in the long sword in his hand.

Believe that man will conquer the sky, if you can't conquer the sky, there is no other reason, it is because you are too weak.

Mo Yuhuang has always been adhering to this concept, otherwise he would not have dragged himself to the Peach Blossom God Tree to forcibly cut off the marriage sign between himself and Yueqingyu.

At the beginning, he wouldn't say Kunlun's three-headed luck and auspicious trash on Yueyao platform, such domineering words that he didn't want for nothing.

As my own master, I am a master who is not stingy. I am not in awe of anything, and I am not afraid of anything.

In fact, from this point of view, there is an essential difference between Mo Yuhuang and Yueqingyu. The latter is mainly about luck, so it can be said that it has the opposite cognition from Mo Yuhuang.

It is believed that monks should follow the fate of heaven and let nature take its course.

Xu You was surprised that such two people with diametrically opposite ideas could become each other's best friends.

After serving Mo Yuhuang for so many years, Xu You also knows that although Mo Yuhuang has a very good network, he also knows many sisters and so on.

But the vast majority of sisters are basically plastic grade.

Yueqingyu is one of the very few good sisters who can make Mo Yuhuang deliver her sincerity.

"Since it's so dangerous, what should we do?" Xu You asked.

"Let it be. Follow your heart, see what you want, talk when you want, do whatever you want, and obey your heart.

Because no matter how you escape, it's just delaying time, and the power of marriage will always make it happen.

Just like now, when we meet directly in this vast world, why is it not a match in the dark of heaven and marriage? "Moon Herring replied conclusively.

The meaning of this sentence is very simple. Heavenly Dao can do whatever it wants with this marriage line. What they have to do is not to forcibly violate their original intentions.

Even if it is said that the two of them are now in a relationship and want to do Ai here, then it will be done.

Yue Qingyu, who has dealt with luck and the way of heaven all year round, faced this matter with such a mentality.

To be honest, that is Moon Herring, if it were any other powerful female monk facing such a situation, how could she allow her fate to be dragged away like this.

It is even possible to directly rise up and cut yourself.

Therefore, Xu You sometimes wonders why the moon herring is bound to him?Was it on purpose or by accident?

In the next second, Yue Qingyu answered Xu You's doubt with a sudden sentence.

"Actually, our names being engraved on the Peach Blossom Tree may not be a joke between senior Li Changsheng and my master."

"What does this mean?" Xu You froze for a moment.

Yue Qingyu got up slowly, she walked to a bamboo, and twirled a falling bamboo leaf.

Twirling the bamboo leaves with green fingers, looking at the grains on it with beautiful clear eyes, he said, "Ever since I knew about it, I have been investigating why my master and senior Li Changsheng built such a bamboo tree under the peach tree. A marriage line.

It's a pity that my master didn't leave a single word, and he and senior Li Changsheng almost disappeared without a trace many years ago.

There has been no whereabouts for so many years.Later, after many investigations by me, maybe there was something hidden when the two of them set up the marriage card. "

After learning of this, Xu You was a little stunned again, this was the first time he knew about it.

After returning from the coast of the North Sea, Xu You really didn't think about the deeper reasons, thinking that it was just the two old men who simply wanted to get married.

Now it seems that this is indeed not the case, and Xu You only knew that Yue Qingyu's master disappeared without a trace for no reason.

It turned out to be the same as Li Changsheng. If this is the case, there must be something hidden in it.

Xu You couldn't help but think of the kit left to him by Li Changsheng that he used up before he entered the four realms of alchemy. That was the first time he saw this cheap master.

Thinking back on all the details now, it is really weird, and I always feel that Li Changsheng seems to have a foresight.

Is there a deeper connection between these things?Do these two old men have important things to do?Xu You suddenly fell into deep thought.

After a while, he asked aloud, "Sister Herring, if there is any other reason, is it good or bad?"

Yue Qingyu looked back at Xu You, and asked with a smile, "It shouldn't be a bad thing, although my master passed away a long time ago, he still treats me very well.

I am now the only descendant of this lineage, so I don't think there will be any bad things waiting for me. "

Xu You nodded and said yes. From this point of view, it really shouldn't be a bad thing, because he is also the only descendant of the Nine Suns.

The masters of Li Changsheng and Yue Qingyu would not do unreliable things to break the lineage.

"So, I thought of letting nature take its course, and perhaps I would be able to know the real reason behind this incident in the future. If I violated it, it might push the matter to an unknown place."

Yue Qingyu finally added a sentence, which is also the core reason why she made this choice.Wondering what the meaning behind this is.

Xu You nodded approvingly, from this point it is true.

Only by staring into the abyss can one know what lies behind the abyss.

"But Sister Qingyu, I actually checked some things about the Peach Blossom God Tree before." Xu You coughed twice and said in a slightly lower voice.

"It's said that with the blessing of this heavenly marriage, the two don't need to meet too many times, and the two will be... um."

Xu You didn't say the last words. Simply put, the two will become a very loving Taoist couple, the kind that can't be stopped.

To describe it this way, it may take a long period of time for two ordinary Taoist couples to gradually become Taoist couples after a certain amount of meeting and communication.

And with the marriage blessing of the Peach Blossom God Tree, this process will be infinitely shortened, meeting and saying a word is worth the effort of others for several months.

Just like now, with the accumulation and communication between the two of them this time, Xu You's heart is inexplicably changing quietly at a strange speed.

It's as if he regards the confidant elder sister in front of him as his Taoist partner. Such a strange feeling, such a familiar feeling, is impossible without a year or so of close communication and understanding.

But now the two are only meeting for the second time, which is outrageous.

Yue Qingyu sat back to her original position again, Qing Ning looked at Xu You with her eyes, and didn't answer Xu You's words, just looked at him like that.

Xu You also looked back in the same way, so the surrounding became quiet again, only the breathing of the two of them remained.

I don't know how long it took, Yue Qingyu suddenly came to her senses, and said softly, "This feeling is really wonderful. Xu You, I need to confirm one thing now."

"What's the matter?" Xu You asked.

Yue Qingyu slowly stretched out her Qianqiansu hand, and finally pressed it against Xu You's chest where his heart was.

Feeling the temperature of Yueqingyu's palm, Xu You's heart suddenly beat strongly, and the beating was transmitted back to Yueqingyu's palm.

Then, Yue Qingyu propped her left hand on the table, and leaned directly towards Xu You.

Xu You stared in amazement at the moon herring that was coming directly towards him, the black hair slowly drooping, and the catfish whiskers on both sides dangling.

The small, beautiful and delicate face like a nine-day fairy approached slowly.

This is an appearance that can take one's breath away. It's not that Xu You has never seen beauties before, on the contrary, all of his beauties are top-notch beauties.

But at this moment, the moon herring has more subtle carvings, not like a mortal woman.

Xu You's breathing was indeed a little stagnant.

Soon, two thin lips pressed against Xu You's side face, a little icy.

Xu You's body froze immediately, as if Bai Yueguang, whom he had liked for ten years, took the initiative to kiss him.

After a while, the thin lips moved away from Xu You's side face, and before he knew it, Yue Herring's Qingning eyes became clouded under the shallow kiss.

The inside is dizzy with water mist, like amber covered with a layer of jade dew.

At this moment, Yueqingyu's thoughts gradually became numb and stagnant, her soul seemed to be pulled out, and then she moved her lips.

In the end, it landed directly on Xu You's lips.


Xu You's mind seemed to be exploded by thunder, and his personal world was shattered into pieces.

He widened his eyes, feeling the iciness, and his thoughts froze.

The second meeting with Yueqingyu, without warning, without reservation, Yueqingyu took the initiative to kiss herself.

The process of getting along with such a violent span of ordinary men and women, which has long been detached, is absolutely top-notch explosion in Europe.

What kind of person is the moon herring?
The top boss of the number one fairy sect in Shenzhou, who is in charge of luck, lives in seclusion and comprehends the way of heaven, and is untouched by the world. In the eyes of countless monks, he is a fairy on high.

Such a fairy should have lived alone all her life, how could she have any common love emotions?
Famous for his strength and good looks, this kind of moon herring is now actively kissing the little man he has only met twice.

A little monk with no cultivation in the four realms.

No one in Shenzhou would believe this matter, and would not even have such absurd dreams in their dreams.

But now, the absurdity has become reality.

Xu You and Yue Qingyu kissed together, the sky and the earth paled, time froze, and they kissed the sky.

The thoughts of the two also froze, and all their thoughts dissipated at this moment, leaving only the purest kiss.

In a trance, Xu You stopped being stiff, subconsciously stretched out his arms, and embraced the soft body of the fairy in front of him into his arms.
Outside the world, Huangfulan's flying boat was still floating in the air.

A few quarters of an hour had passed since Xu You's flying boat entered the Penglai Immortal Gate.

Huangfulan and Xue Qianluo were still sitting there facing each other, Huangfulan had already begun to feel something strange in her heart.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to meet an elder for such a long time?
Who exactly did Xu You meet in that flying boat?What are you talking about for so long.

Of course, Huang Fulan is still calm and composed, the concentration of a mature woman is still very strong, and she has not thought about it for the time being.

She took her gaze away from the white flying boat and landed on Xue Qianluo who was opposite.

From the time Xu You went to the flying boat just now, Xue Qianluo's eyes have been there and never left.

Although it was only an hour to know Xue Qianluo in detail, this hour was enough for Huangfulan to have a preliminary understanding of her.

Huang Fulan, who had read countless people, immediately saw that Xue Qianluo's attitude towards Xu You was abnormal.

Looking at Xu You's words alone, it is true that he has no special feelings for his senior sister, but Xue Qianluo is different.

Many times, the small details that she didn't notice have already betrayed her, and these details are obvious in the eyes of outsider Huang Fulan.

Xue Qianluo was afraid that she didn't even realize that she felt something wrong with Xu You.

This feeling can be simply understood as girlish affection.

After realizing this, Huang Fulan didn't say anything about "competing for hearts". She and Xue Qianluo are two completely different track fields.

If there was another aunt who was like this with Xu You in front of her, then maybe she, Huang Fulan, would not be able to hold back.

But Xue Qianluo would not.

For such a girl, Huang Fulan not only does not know, but agrees with the other party's taste and also has the urge to help Xue Qianluo.

Many people are happy to see such things as girlish feelings.

[The line between Xu You and Yue Qingyu is such an abnormal progress. It can be understood that Yue Lao is forcibly feeding food behind.So no exaggeration.

The Peach Blossom Tree was paved a long time ago, and this line is done. The progress is super fast, and there is no need to hide it.

Of course, the emotional aspect will be well and slowly revealed in the future, and it will not appear abrupt and vain.

In addition, this line involves a very important plot later, which can be regarded as the fateful combination of two people. 】

(End of this chapter)

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