What is a super villain?

Chapter 292 Eccentricity

Chapter 292 Eccentricity
"Didi! You bastard!"

The sharp whistle pierced his ears like needles. Li Yangchun was so frightened that he jumped to the side of the road. His feet were like wind, and he hurried to the side of the road.In just a moment, a speeding forklift rushed past, splashing dirty water onto his shoes.

Seeing the small forklift skillfully drilling around on the road at a speed of 120 miles, and finally disappearing from sight, Li Yangchun became furious and roared on the spot:

"Do you have a sense of public morality? Do you need to know how to be courteous to pedestrians when driving?"

The passers-by around him cast strange glances at him. Li Yangchun hurriedly lowered his head and lowered the brim of his hat to block those gazes.

He looked at his wet trousers and heels and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Damn it! My new leather shoes are stained with dirty sewage. This damn translation accent. Next time I see that forklift, I will definitely kick the driver's ass!"

The streets of Rose City are always colorful and busy, with many different kinds of people.

Most people take one look and continue on their way, going about their lives.

Li Yangchun took out a tissue and carefully wiped the heels clean, then threw away the trash, cursed and continued walking forward.

"Seeing the scene here, I wonder if your illusions about settler civilization have been shattered? Military officer Li Yangchun."

The color of the ink on the brooch near his neckline changed, as if at the same frequency as his thoughts, and a wave of thinking rang in his mind.

Li Yangchun stopped in front of the traffic light zebra crossing, gently moved the brooch twice with his fingers, as if saying to himself:
"Oh? It's pretty good. At least I feel pretty good and quite free, right?"

"Freedom? Haha."

The apostate Dajjal let out a somewhat intrusive laugh, which rang directly in his mind.

"Look at the people next to you. They are poor and trapped. They are destined to be exploited by the powerful giants from the day they were born. Laodun will not have any rest in his life, and will be squeezed out of every ounce of value, drained of every drop of blood, and sucked out of every inch. Marrow and flesh until it dies and becomes dust.”

“What do they have besides the freedom you talk about?”

Li Yangchun squeezed into a lively street, the neon lights gradually brightened, and the number of colorful signboards on the street shops gradually increased.

Homeless and homeless people are also increasingly seen everywhere.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked comfortably, chatting with Dagar in his mind.

"You're right, but what does it have to do with me?"

Li Yangchun walked past those dirty people, his eyes not even staying on them for even a second, "It's not me who oppresses them. Whoever oppresses them should go to whoever they are oppressing. I don't care about the life or death of these people."


Duggar's cold criticism.

Li Yangchun didn't take it seriously. He stopped in front of a street stall and randomly selected some snacks. After paying, he tasted and chewed carefully.

His thoughts fluctuated easily: "You are wrong, dear supervisor, I have never been a good person. They have nothing but freedom, and there is no conflict between them and my desire to pursue a free life. The two are not bound. Determined to be together.”

"Dagar, you are just a psionic can, you don't understand humans."

He casually looked around, and saw bosses spitting and yelling, workers walking numbly, thieves sneaking around, liars pretending to be sincere... In just a few dozen meters of walking, he had already sketched out a wide variety of living beings.

Li Yangchun stood still and continued, "What humans dream of has never been 'fairness', but comparison."

He threw a small handful of anonymous bank card chips into the distance as change, and the crowd screamed.

Some people react quickly and bend down to pick up the chip and put it in their arms; some people react slowly, but they also want the windfall falling from the sky and are unwilling to lag behind and squeeze into the crowd. If they can't pick it up, they go to other places arrogantly. Some people grabbed it from their hands, while those who didn't dare to grab it envied those who reacted faster; others stood aside and watched indifferently, sneering at the corner of their mouths, watching the farce with mockery.

"Did you see it?" Li Yangchun said indifferently, "When someone gets a benefit, those who don't get the benefit will be unfair and jealous. If you are bolder, you will snatch it from the person who got the benefit. If you are timid, you will be jealous. For a while, just complain."

He seemed to be talking about something commonplace, turning his perspective.

"And watching those people, they don't bother to grab such a small fortune. Just watching from the side is like watching a clown's circus. They get a sense of superiority from these people and feel that they are 'higher' .”

"Human beings need to manipulate the same kind, oppress the same kind, laugh at the same kind, and be praised by the same kind in order to gain self-identity. And 'Taixu' lacks exactly this."

Dagar didn't react much, and the waves of his thoughts spread like ripples, reaching his mind again and turning into sounds.

He refuted Li Yangchun's words: "What should we do as human beings who are manipulated, oppressed, and ridiculed? The emperor set the rules to make 'Taixu' equal, which is precisely to protect those who are regarded as 'comparison' objects.

It is you who are too extreme, Li Yangchun, the equality of the emperor is maintaining the order of the 'too empty', preventing those who occupy the majority of the 'contrast' from ending up in tragedy. "

"You're wrong again, psychic can."

Li Yangchun continued to retort with a smile, "On the contrary, if 'Taixu' is really allowed to have a referendum to decide whether the end is absolutely fair, I can guarantee that everyone, including those you say, will be reduced to 'comparison' objects Everyone will vote in support without hesitation.”

Dagar's thoughts suddenly stagnated, appearing a little confused.

So Li Yangchun continued: "'Taixu' has been absolutely equal for too long now. Everyone including me thinks that they will be a high-ranking circus bystander, and no one will think that they may be reduced to the bottom. Everyone feels that they have an important position and superior abilities, and they are surrounded by bugs and bastards. Why should they enjoy the same treatment as them?" "Just like Senior Yin, you are the general person in charge of the Academy, and you have seen countless things. With secret knowledge, it only takes one move to defeat me, the chief military attaché. But such a powerful and key figure must be in an absolutely 'equal' state with the street sweepers in Tianshiyuan. Do you think he really feels that way in his heart? Are you not dissatisfied at all?"

Li Yangchun spread his hands, turned around, left the street scene that had gradually become chaotic, and walked towards the distance.

"Besides, there has never been equality in 'Taixu'. The emperor is aloof and has set an example for everyone. Everyone can see how tempting the power beyond equality is.

Beneath the bright surface is an undercurrent, like a pressure spring.Once the emperor can no longer maintain the balance of 'Taixu', the suppressed desires will explode a thousand times until 'Taixu' is destroyed. "

The tumbling of the brooch became more and more intense, and Dagar's thoughts fluctuated more violently.

"You are just expressing your dissatisfaction with the emperor, Military Attaché Li Yangchun."

"That's right!"

Li Yangchun wiped the sauce from his mouth and admitted as a matter of course, "Below me, there are clear classes, and everyone above me is equal. Isn't this what we want?"

"'Taixu' claims that everyone is equal regardless of ability or status. But why should the emperor be so superior? The emperor sets the rules, so shouldn't he lead by example?"

Dagar did not respond, and an unbearable sting filled Li Yangchun's mind.

Like a monkey trapped by a curse, he suddenly covered his head with both hands and fell to the ground.

"Ah! Psychic cans...are you serious..."

"I said stop, sorry, sorry, I was wrong!"

After a few minutes, the pain suddenly stopped, allowing Li Yangchun to stand up with a gasp.

Passers-by didn't care about his abnormality at all, they just avoided him. It's normal to meet a cyberpsychopath on the streets of the lower city of Rose City, and sudden onset has long been commonplace.

"Huh...huh...you're serious!" Li Yangchun took a deep breath.

"The emperor cannot be blasphemed!" Dagar responded as coldly as ice.

Li Yangchun patted the dust on his body: "I didn't say anything wrong! Tian Shiyuan just decomposed ALO-486 completely, and there is no shortage of supplies at all. The visit to Azure Star, the trade exchange is just a cover, not everything To find a daughter for the emperor."

"Attaché Li Yangchun, this is my last warning, be careful in your words and deeds."

Dagar's thoughts became increasingly indifferent, exuding a dangerous tone.

"All of you were nurtured by the 'melting pot of life' in the sky city wall and brought up by 'Taixu'. Parents and families are just the dregs of settler civilization, blood connections solidify the class, in the absolute equality of 'Taixu' Virtual’, there is no such backward concept.”

"Come on!"

Li Yangchun couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth, and burst out laughing.

"His Royal Highness Xi Lang looks exactly the same as our respected 'Emperor Taiwei'. The genetic structure of every Taixu person born in the 'Furnace of Life' is carefully defined, and there is no such thing as an accident."

"If it wasn't for the emperor's instructions, could she easily become a saint? And escape from 'Taixu' so easily?" He looked a little sarcastic and couldn't help laughing, "Isn't this blatant partiality?"

Dagar was silent for a moment before a reply came slowly.

"The emperor must have deep intentions when doing things. As the chief military officer of Taiwei Palace, you should not question, but obey orders."

Li Yangchun spread his hands, sighed, and responded as if helpless:
"Yes... aren't I obeying orders? If it weren't for looking for Sister Long Lin, who would be wandering on the road while making jokes with you, a can of psychic energy?
Speaking of the emperor's partiality, it's really obvious that Sister Long Lin is His Highness Xi Lang's backup. After His Highness Xi Lang escaped, he could only be a maid, not a saint. "

Dagar reminded slightly seriously:

"Attack Li Yangchun, I know you feel aggrieved for the Emperor's maid Long Lin, but you are on the way to capture her now, so please keep your responsibilities in mind."

"Before you remind me, you should also make one thing clear: I, Li Yangchun, became the chief military attache not only by force, but also by my absolute loyalty to the emperor and 'Taixu'."

The playful and joking expressions on Li Yangchun's face were completely restrained, and he stood in front of a heavy steel gate.

He put his hands in his pockets, raised his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the shining signboard made of LED lights next to him.

[Nightwalker Welfare Institute·Yehuo Street Branch]
"Is this right here?" he asked in a low voice.

The brooch on the chest of the clothes rolled more violently, and a glowing cloud gradually appeared next to it, gradually transforming into the limbs of the 'apostate'.

"Yes, according to the positioning method given by the emperor, the maid Long Lin is hiding in this building."



(End of this chapter)

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