What is a super villain?

Chapter 253 You Are The Proof Of Our Existence

Chapter 253 You Are The Proof Of Our Existence
【Dear Creator, do you still remember us? 】

[Maybe I don't remember, you are eternal, and a million years of getting along is just a drop in the ocean to you.But we will always remember the time with you. 】

[When we take the first step into space, when we go to distant galaxies, when we discover the mysteries of science, when we face crisis... these exciting days, you will always be by our side. 】

【So we were devastated when you left. 】

In the recitation of Yunque No. [-], the air seemed to freeze, as if an old friend greeted them softly in a tone they were all too familiar with.

Both Fu Xi and Maggie were holding their breath at this moment, there was no noise in the huge room, the deep silence almost allowed them to hear each other's breathing, and everything was extraordinarily clear in this silence.

[But we did not give up, we believe that you will want us to move forward in the name of Celine, and hope that we will find you. 】

[At that time, the mysteries of the universe had been revealed before us, and all Celines believed that this was only a temporary separation... We continued to move forward, went to the end of the universe, explored more unknown mysteries, and discovered the terrible truth. 】

[Is the universe false?Are we really just a virtual existence?Are you really our God?What did we do wrong to disappoint you?Why are you abandoning us? 】

[...But Celine will never know the answer. 】

【The cage of falsehood is shrinking, the world has come to an end, and so have we. 】

【No matter what we do and how much research we do, we cannot get rid of this universe. 】

"The technology of the Celine clan has reached the point where it can get rid of the universe?"

Fu Xi asked in a low voice, and the voice echoed long and long in the spacious space.

"For most civilizations, this is an inevitable development."

Maggie explained to him again: "Only under the premise of not being destroyed by major disasters, the ultimate form of civilization development is 'ascension'."


Fu Xi seemed to hear a mysterious term.

Maggie explained in a patient manner: "It's dimension leaping, leaving this universe and sublimating into a higher life form... At least those races who have performed the ascension ceremony think so. But no civilization has ever succeeded, most of them They were all destroyed by the ascension ceremony held by themselves."

The Ring World of the Lost Star Field that Omega Three is in is a direct demonstration of the failure of the Ascension Ceremony.

Civilizations are destroyed, stars turn into black holes, and only one survivor survives in solitude.

Fu Xi squinted his eyes, and swept across Maggie with a meaningful look:
"Where did Miss Maggie get this information? Could it be the accumulation of the 'Emperor' organization?"

Maggie smiled, avoided the question, and did not give a direct answer.

At the same time as all these conversations, the recitation of Yunque No. [-] is still going on, getting better and better.

[So we gathered all our strength to build this gift.Before that, we thought a lot, yes, we are just a virtual existence created by you, and you are not our god, this is just a forged connection. 】

[But in this reality we live in, it is you who guide us, this is by no means false! 】

【We know that you choose the best for us even at the expense of turning back time, and it is you who make us laugh every time we overcome adversity. 】

【If you are not our god, then who else can be called 'God'? 】

[Although you abandoned us, we will not leave you, we hope to accompany you to the end. 】

【Forgive us for our presumptuous assertion, melting our treasures, memories, existence... our civilization, everything you gave us into one, and putting them into your treasure house.Hope this gift makes you happy and reminds us of our names at some time in the future. 】

【You are the proof of our existence. 】

Yunque No. [-]'s recitation finally reached its deepest climax.

It seems to be the real author of this letter, revealing a deep regret, a sense of relief, and a subtle expectation between the lines.

It asks the final, all-important question for the Selene.

【…Finally, we may not have heard it anymore, but we still hope you can answer us. 】

【Do you like our gift?Does what we do make sense? 】

[If you like it, that would be great. 】

Fu Xi seemed to be able to hear a slight smile at the end of the voice, and then the voice disappeared.

After all, it was only a ball robot that was in charge of reciting, not the Celine family who left the letter.

"The contents of the letter, I'm afraid the current Celine people are completely unclear. They just regard this incident as an oracle left by their ancestors, and they only want to fall into the 'eternal night' to seek salvation."

Maggie whispered with complicated eyes.

Fu Xi nodded in agreement:
"Compared to the time when this letter was written, the civilization of the Celine tribe may have passed a long time. Maybe...before the Celine tribe became the data body it is today."

He looked squarely at the 'Galaxy Star' in his hand again, and this small plane seemed to have a different meaning at this time.

Just like that, the room fell into silence again.

After a long time, Fu Xi smiled in relief, and said in a low voice:

"Thank you, although I am not your god...but this is a good gift, and I will use it well."

He was very sure that he was not the 'God of the Clouds', not that Dr. Wa.However, this gift fell into his hands, there must be a special fate.

Now that Dr. Wa has abandoned the Celine family, it is not impossible for him to take the other party's place.

"Reality is not false. The concept of reality and illusion depends on the judge's heart. The criterion for judging whether something has meaning is completely determined by the individual, which is outright idealism."

Maggie whispered behind him:

"From this point of view, the Celines did their best. They didn't pursue the illusory 'ascension', but prepared to enter the heat death with gifts, and waited for an unknown amount of time before the 'God of the Clouds' returned to pay attention to them."

Fu Xi smiled, glanced at the natural and ordinary decoration in this room again, and said casually:
"Using the entire universe as a playground, and finally asking others to use the entire civilization to please him, the Star God is really naive."

Maggie was taken aback when she heard the words, and soon showed a natural smile, nodding in agreement:

"Well, maybe all the star gods are like this, they are all children who can't grow up."



The oasis vision is still not closed, and many players clearly witnessed the heroic aftermath of the battle between 'Pedro' and Elder Quinn.

The battle process is full of abstractions and jumps. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces are displayed alternately, making the texture lines of many maps twisted into indescribable mosaics like twitching nerve fibers, making people think that there is a bug in the 'Oasis Vision'.

But now, the battle has come to an end.

Elder Quinn completely lost the ability to resist, and was firmly pinched by 'Pedro', unable to move.

Also because of this, 'Pedro' learned from Elder Quinn what might happen in the depths of the 'miniature galaxy'.

"The shock just now was the quality lock mastered by the Celine clan?"

This 'Pedro' frowned slightly, and his mustache danced unconsciously.

Elder Quinn was in his palm, and the color of his body was gradually fading. It was because the data structure of his body was being analyzed and then decomposed.

The authority to manipulate the 'Miniature Galaxy' is continuously falling into the hands of the man with the mustache in front of him.

The onlookers gathered more and more players, but 'Pedro' didn't pay attention to them, but shook his head slightly:

"The main body is not optimistic. I underestimated the power of that crazy woman Ye Qinghuan before. The strength of the 'reality penetration hole' is a bit weaker. It is impossible to deal with the host body whose entire body is constructed by the 'Star God's gift'."

The strength in his hand increased again, Elder Quinn snorted and frowned even tighter.

"But fortunately, my problem has been solved." This 'Pedro' muttered to himself, "Among the four major components, the 'Miniature Singularity' can be used as a prison. When I fully control the authority, I will You can throw that crazy woman in and lock her up temporarily."

"Tsk... I still underestimated the alliance between Rebirth Military and Ye's Bank. I didn't expect them to have the means to affect the quality lock."

The speed of color loss of Elder Quinn's body suddenly accelerated, almost as if he had turned into flying sand and stones, and was crushed by 'Pedro'.

Then re-condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a brand-new Elder Quinn just appeared beside 'Pedro'.

Undoubtedly, this is a clone recreated by 'Pedro' after analyzing Elder Quinn, using his own ability, just like the previous Allen.

The brand-new Elder Quinn nodded slightly to him, and immediately opened the passage between levels, going to the depths of the 'Miniature Galaxy'.

"The quality lock can't be lost. If Fu Xi opens the door of the quality lock, then he can't easily take away the secrets about the star god inside."

This 'Pedro' looked dignified, and planned every step for the camp:

"I have the 'miniature galaxy' authority, which can pull him into a whole new level and force him to hand over things alone...but before that, I have to help the main body solve the trouble first."

He shook his head, his expression fleeting, and a calm and confident smile appeared on his face.

"It's better for me to be the main body. The copied 'Elder Quinn' still has some value, so let him hold back the helper. I need to get the complete 'Star God's Power' from the main body first."

This 'Pedro' withdrew his deep gaze, looked up at the broken and chaotic map space, and stepped out with a smile.

In an instant, he disappeared into the 'oasis horizon' on the surface, and also went to the deeper inner layer.


(End of this chapter)

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