Fu Shifeng

Chapter 351 Transcendence into Sainthood

Chapter 351 Transcendence into Sainthood
Changqing stood on the Emperor's Altar, holding a sword and pointing to the sky. He was wearing a mysterious robe, and the sleeves were embroidered with twelve chapters - the sun and moon on the shoulder, and the leader's stars, symbolizing the emperor's power shining in all directions and the sky covering the sky. During the period of time, everyone should watch.

In fact, the Huangji Tianguang Formation is not a formation specifically used for fighting and killing, and it has no specific application when defending against enemies. It was originally an ancient ritual performed in the suburbs of the emperor to inform the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, spiritual beings, and the order of stabilizing the Qi. It was accompanied by rituals such as burning the table to the sky and sinking jade into the rivers and lakes.

The completion of the sacrificial ceremony symbolizes that the emperor is the supreme being in the world who unites the universe and the sun and the moon. He is not harmed by evil spirits and can only enshrine the spirits of mountains and rivers to worship the righteous god. But as the best in the world, he also shoulders the expectations of the world. If he fails to behave, it will lead to disaster and serve as a warning.

In fact, this is what Fu Shifeng tried to promote when it was first founded. At that time, they also placed their hope on the emperor on earth, hoping that they could take on the Taiyi Order and add dragon energy to them, so as to eliminate Taotie and eradicate the evil.

But looking at ancient times and modern times, there are almost no emperors who can truly achieve harmony between heaven and man and establish the ultimate goal. Moreover, most of them also disliked the various teachings that restricted the emperor in Confucian etiquette.

During this period, Changqing learned the secrets of Fu Shifeng's past from Master Wen, and learned that his ancestors had indeed deviated from their original intentions. In order to create a peaceful world based on Confucian etiquette, he did not hesitate to use Fu Shifeng's influence in the world. People inside and outside the world used their strength to participate in the battles in the court, and even usurped the destiny and promoted a great scholar of the world to the throne of emperor.

But then the situation took a turn for the worse, and chaos broke out between the government and the public, attracting heroes from all over the world to compete. Fu Shifeng was also on the verge of collapse due to his random actions, which caused the Taotie seal to loosen, eventually leading to a catastrophic disaster.

In order to re-seal Taotie, Fu Shifeng relied on Taiyi Order to make an oath with the upper world and summoned the immortals to come down to earth to jointly deal with Taotie.

Although Taotie was successfully sealed in the end, the losses were extremely serious and many of the Upper Realm Immortals were killed. Fu Shifeng therefore learned a lesson and chose to remain hidden from the world, trying not to get involved in court affairs and succession matters to avoid being affected again.

Therefore, for a long period of time, Fu Shifeng stopped making any big moves, and the method of sealing Taotie was gradually perfected. By moving the Taiyi Dragon Pond around the caves in Kyushu, the situation stabilized.

Master Wen was the one who chose to break this stable situation.

When Master Wen joined Fu Shifeng, even the Confucian leaders for several generations had no innate realm. Although they could not be said to be mediocre, they were still difficult to use within Fu Shifeng.

Fortunately, the arrival of Master Wen greatly reversed the situation and restored vitality to Fu Shifeng, who was gradually declining. He also proposed the idea of ​​eradicating the evil of gluttony, breaking old conventions, actively interfering in the replacement of the world, and even used Fu Shifeng to support his disciples to unify the nine states and establish a foundation.

Looking at Chang Qing standing with his sword in his hand, Master Wen felt quite relieved even though he was not as high-spirited as he was a hundred years ago.

Standing on the Emperor's Altar, with clear vision and hearing, the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, and spiritual beings are all in front of you, and you cannot avoid hesitation. Only with the heart of saving people from misery can you integrate the three talents into one body and mediate creation in the palm of your hand.

The reason why the Huangji Tianguang Formation requires the assistance of various experts is that this formation cannot be activated alone, and the creation of heaven and earth also requires the understanding of the world to make sense. Just like the emperor on earth needs ministers and generals to assist him, the North Star in the sky also needs stars to support it.

Looking up into the distance, the sky east of Tongguan is now filled with a red demonic atmosphere, and the clouds are moving restlessly, like boiling hot soup hanging upside down in the sky, churning and stirring, making people wonder what kind of monster is hidden in the clouds.

"Is that the evil god summoned by the rebels?" Afu was playing with the horse-head dagger in his hand, and there was no trace of laughter on his face.

"It hasn't appeared yet." Master Wen heard a crow at this time and murmured: "Here he comes."

After hearing the words, Afu raised his eyes and glanced around, and suddenly saw a dark cloud like the tide in the direction of the Qinling Mountains in the south. Looking at it carefully, he saw a large group of crows, extremely numerous and densely packed.

"The person coming here is not a good person." While Afu was on guard, she couldn't help but glance at Master Wen secretly. How could this person be so keenly aware of the approaching crisis when his physical strength was completely exhausted?

But there is no time to think too much at the moment. The three elders of Yinlong who were guarding near the Huangji Altar also noticed that clouds of crows were approaching from the south. They respectively sacrificed the Seven Treasure Canopy, the White Jade Gourd, and the Qingfeng Flying Sword, and the brilliant aura shone out.

The three elders of Yinlong have advanced cultivation. Although they were once defeated by Master Wen, they are still experts in the world. They are also proficient in martial arts and Taoism. They have been practicing together for many years and are best at fending off enemies together.

Needless to say, the three elders took action together. The seven-treasure canopy flew around the altar, with the priority of protecting Evergreen. The white jade gourd spurted out the two qi of water and fire, and the Qingfeng flying sword transformed into hundreds of thousands of sword shadows. The two combined to form the Kanli Sword Formation. , circling and roaring, crushing all the incoming crows.

Afu could see clearly from the side that those crows were not living creatures. The moment they were chopped into pieces by the sword array, they were immediately reduced to pieces of leaves, which were clearly transformed by magic.

This method of driving vegetation and transforming animals has a sense of wild mountain wilderness, which makes Afu feel a little familiar.

But before she could figure it out, there was a sudden shout from the Imperial Guards who were on guard at the rear. She could clearly see the passing of the evil wind, accompanied by the strange magic power that disturbed the soul. Some people with weaker foundations were unable to resist, and the essence in their bodies was actually absorbed. They were forced out and fell to the ground one after another.

"No!" Afuf shouted, and she immediately realized that someone was trying to assassinate Chang Qing.

The figure flashed to the other side, Afu raised his hand, and the mysterious Yin Gang Qi stood like a wall, blocking the Yin wind of the Sheyuan, and shouted sternly: "Jun Rouzhao, what are you doing?!"

Afu recognized at a glance that this method of disturbing the soul and seizing the essence could only be done by Rou Zhaojun among the ten Taisui.

When Cheng Sanwu, Rou Zhaojun and Chongguang Jun went to Xiaoxiang, there was no need to mention Cheng Sanwu's situation. Now Chongguang Jun was sent to Jinyang to investigate the military situation, while Rou Zhaojun had no news and his whereabouts were unknown.

Based on Afu's understanding of Ren Fengxing, Rou Zhaojun must have other plans, but it's just inconvenient to show up, but in any case, he shouldn't be trying to assassinate Chang Qing like he is now.

"Shang Zhangjun, with your temperament, there is no need to continue to work hard for the court."

Rou Zhaojun stepped out from the dark wind and casually pushed aside a few imperial guards who struggled to stop him.

Afu looked at the tall man in front of him, who was completely different from the charming women he had seen in the past, and immediately understood that he needed to seize someone else's body.

"I really don't like to work for others." Afu sneered: "But it's okay to have a relationship with the Evergreen Baby and help her get on the horse and give her a ride. I'm happy to do this, so don't waste your words to persuade her."

Lord Rou Zhao did not give any more advice. He opened his arms and the dark wind blew out. Countless dead souls could be vaguely seen among them. Waves of howls and screams forced their way into the sea of ​​consciousness, shocking the mind.

"Does playing with the souls of the dead in front of a dominatrix count as playing tricks on others?"

A Fu's green eyes flashed red, and the dead souls in the wind retreated one after another as if they had encountered natural enemies. Then they slashed out with a knife, tearing through the dark wind with a sharp edge like a crescent moon.

Rou Zhaojun casually grabbed the forbidden soldier beside him and threw it, blocking the sword light, exploding a cloud of ice crystal blood dust. Before he could fight back, Afu flashed behind him and swung down the sword, covering his whole body with intensive slashes. But seeing Rouzhaojun's skin suddenly covered with a layer of iron-grey color, it suddenly became hard and indestructible. Even Afu's slashes could only leave shallow scratches, hardly damaging the root.

"I didn't expect you to have such a trick." Afu stepped away and stood still, looking at Rou Zhaojun up and down, without concealing his disgust: "Absorbing people's essence and manipulating ghosts, those who don't know would think you are the same. He’s from a blood clan! Don’t mention any of my relatives from now on.”

Lord Rouzhao slowly raised his hand, and at this moment, he heard the master from behind shouting in a deep voice: "Be careful, he is a demon transformed from three corpses, and he can disturb the body and mind the most."

A Fu heard the words and was about to take action when Rou Zhaojun raised her hand and pointed directly at her. Suddenly she felt the three levels of her body commotion, as if she was about to go crazy. She quickly hugged Yuan Shouyi to prevent her foundation from being shaken.

The three elders of Yinlong noticed the movement on the other side of the Huangji Altar. While cursing secretly, they were about to use a bit of mana to repel Rou Zhaojun. At this time, they suddenly saw that the Kanli Sword Formation was out of control and was eaten by a group of crows. , the power suddenly decreases.

Shocked by the sudden change, the three elders alerted themselves, and then they saw a strange man wearing a deer crown and green clothes ascending into the sky and walking on the clouds. He raised his hand and swung, and a large piece of pale lightning struck the flying sword gourd. , the power was so powerful that the three elders were shocked and almost fainted.


Master Wen saw the strange man with the deer crown and recognized his origin at a glance, but at the same time he found that he was different from the past. Not only did he look like a woman, but he was also much stronger than what he had seen before in Hebei.

It is said that Shanchuanling is extremely limited by its geographical advantages. After being far away from the place of origin, its strength will inevitably be greatly reduced, but now it seems that the Wuluo Guardian has made a breakthrough. It does not seem like it has been severely injured or transformed into a beheaded situation.

At this time, Chang Qing on the Huangji Altar also frowned slightly. Of course he could recognize Wuluohu. Even though there was another body under the deer crown and green clothes, the wild and wild aura of the mountain was all too familiar.

But in addition to this, Changqing also sensed another strange smell, especially the kind of endless greed and cruelty that devoured everything, which was exactly the same as the Taotie Familia.

Seeing that the three elders of Yinlong were unable to resist, Changqing planned to sacrifice the divine general, but the three elders noticed something and stopped him: "Your Majesty, don't be anxious, I'm ready to deal with it!"

After saying this, the three elders each connected to the key points on their bodies, stirred up their foundations, and forced themselves to break through the limit of Yuan Gong regardless of the consequences. The mighty Qi came out through the body, and the Seven Treasure Canopy turned into a barrier to cover Wuluohu Fangyuan, and at the same time, the power of the sword array was blocked Multiplied, intending to chop her into pieces and refine it.

At this moment, the four people who were protecting the law for Chang Qing each encountered enemies. It seemed that the incoming offenders were blocked, but they were also temporarily restrained.

Master Wen's expression gradually turned cold, and he seemed to have guessed the next change.

"Escort! Escort!" Another group of Forbidden Army guards rushed over from a distance, holding a halberd and wearing heavy armor, heading towards the nearest Lord Rou Zhao, trying to kill him directly.

However, Mr. Rouzhao has a very profound protective power, and ordinary weapons cannot hurt him at all. On the contrary, a roll of evil wind drained the essence of more than ten imperial guards and fell to the ground.

However, because of this short-term obstacle, Afu was able to break away from the three corpses, and her body disappeared on the spot. Suddenly, there was a pure yin energy surrounding Rouzhaojun. It was not as deathly as strong as the dead wind, but as calm as jade. , causing Rou Zhaojun's protective magic to gradually dissipate, like steel rusting.

Rouzhaojun obviously did not expect such changes. Afu's cultivation level was much higher than what he had imagined. Not only was he unable to break through the obstacles in front of him to take over the Emperor of Daxia, but even if he had to compete with Afu, he might not have a clear chance of winning.

In this case, Rou Zhaojun did not hesitate, and immediately retreated according to the pre-arrangement, using his dexterity to crash into the Forbidden Army formation, and then threw the Forbidden Army guards one after another, as if to avoid Avna's attack that could hurt the soul. Slash.

Ah Fu really wanted to do this, but in the chaotic situation, Rou Zhaojun was hit on the shoulder for no reason, and blood immediately burst out, and his protective power was greatly weakened. During this period, Ah Fu could not even be seen appearing to take action, it was like a ghost. .

There were continuous beeping noises, and Rou Zhaojun suddenly became covered with bruises. Although his vital parts were still protected by some magic power, this embarrassing situation was unbearable for him. Three corpses of a beautiful woman, an old man in rich clothes, and a fat man immediately appeared. , the power of the three corpses disturbing the gods was emitted like a plague, forcing Afu to reappear and reveal his appearance.

"It's this trick again!"

While Afu was cursing secretly in her heart, she suddenly felt a sinister aura passing by her. Without enough time to stop her, she passed through the crowd and quickly approached the Emperor's Altar.

At this moment of chaos, several Forbidden Army guards were seen being thrown into the air. One of them came to the Huangji Altar and rushed towards him as if he was staggering, with a sharp blade appearing in his hand.

But before the imperial guard could step onto the Emperor's Altar, a figure stopped him, raising his hand to hold down the wrist holding the sharp blade. It was Master Wen.

"You came."

Hearing the master's calm words, there was no anger or hatred on his face, as if he had already expected everything. His plain words seemed to have magical power, and he immediately broke through the disguise and revealed his true colors.

However, Kong Yifang did not reveal his true appearance. The facial features on his face immediately began to twist, and the clothes on his body became mottled and mixed.

"You...haven't your skills been exhausted?"

Kong Fangfang was shocked. He didn't look like a cripple at all at this moment. The force coming from his hand was very steady, as heavy as a mountain. He couldn't break free and his body was also restrained.

"Yes." Master Wen did not hide anything and said frankly: "I made a little joke with God and borrowed my past skills again."

These words completely subverted common sense, and almost no one could understand it. Only Kong Yifang understood it almost instantly.

Unlike Buddhism and Taoism, which pursue transcendence from life and death, people in Confucianism always focus on the present world. Their pursuit of immortality is to establish virtues, meritorious services, and good reputations. They set an example for future generations and let their achievements be imprinted on the current of humanity. Among them, like Simon pointing the way, like a candle lighting up the long night.

Therefore, if a Confucian sect wants to achieve the innate realm, it is not just his own achievements. The foundation of his mental method is destined to leave his own traces in the world, so that future generations of students can gain enlightenment from the teachings and deeds of the sages. Be firm in your heart.

And this seemingly mysterious and erratic statement, in Master Wen's case, allowed the past cultivation skills to be reappeared.

In front of the Huangji Altar, Wen Bangzheng once again ascended to the realm of transcendence and sainthood!

(End of this chapter)

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