Fu Shifeng

Chapter 340 Wait and see what happens

Chapter 340 Wait and see what happens

Chi Yang raised his arm and slashed, and the sword light passed through like a frenzy, directly smashing the Sanskrit barrier protecting the mountain gate, and together with the Buddhist temple gate and the Heavenly King's Hall behind it, it was blasted into earth and stone rubble, flying all over the sky.

"Bald donkeys, the sun is beating down on your butts, why don't you get up?" Chiyang shouldered a dragon tooth sword and held a wild fruit in his hand. He took a bite and chewed it, then frowned and spat out: "It's so sour!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Buddha's power gathered in mid-air, and a vajra pestle appeared, falling towards the top of Chiyang's head. The momentum was extremely fast, and it seemed to have the power of drilling through mountains and breaking mountains.

Chiyang seemed to be carefree, but in fact he was already on guard. His red hair suddenly flew into the air, and the sound of the dragon's roar echoed around. He exerted enough energy to move mountains and rivers. Without any fancy tricks, he swung the dragon's tooth sword and vajra pestle in front of him. collision.

The two collided and exploded with a bang. Everything within a radius of more than ten feet was turned into powder, the ground sunk into a pit, and the first half of the Buddhist temple disappeared directly under the impact. The spreading aftermath flattened almost the entire second half of the Buddhist temple, including the Medicine Master's Hall, the Abbot Hall, and the pagoda forest at the back of the mountain.

In the midst of the flying earth, wood and bricks, there were many monks who had just come out of samadhi and were still unaware of the situation. They had no time to respond to the drastic change. Amidst the screams, they were beaten into tattered sacks full of blood by flying rocks.


Chiyang smashed the vajra with one blow, and immediately realized that after the death of the monks, they no longer turned into sandalwood Buddhas to praise their merits. Cheng Sanwu must have broken through the Buddha's land and came out of the Dharma Realm!

"You, who are you..." Among the dilapidated ruins, an old monk was covered in dust, his head was injured and dripping with blood. Golden light loomed on his body. He relied on his magical power to withstand most of the impact. It seemed that he was the one who had just used the magic to condense the golden rod.

Chiyang Li didn't bother to care. He jumped up, stepped down with one foot, and directly trampled the old monk into a pool of blood foam on the spot, and then flew away in the direction of Longdong Temple.

When Chi Yang arrived at Longdong Temple, he did not see Cheng Sanwu in the original courtyard, nor did he see the Holy Truth Tan Hua. Instead, the three Tianzhu monks from Wu Tu Chan died in extremely tragic ways, as if they had been tortured. It was as if they were being tortured, their skin was rotten and turned out, their intestines were leaking all over the floor, and there was not an inch of good flesh on their bodies. It would not be unusual to say that they had walked through the eighteenth level of hell.

"I'm here." After hearing Cheng Sanwu's message, Chiyang followed the message and came to a secret cave on the cliff behind the mountain.

Cheng Sanwu rubbed his fingers and walked out slowly. There were nearly a hundred mummies of monks sitting on both sides of the secret cave, all of them looking like they were sitting in the mudra.

"What are you doing?" Chi Yang asked.

"Take back the gluttonous evil blood." Cheng Sanwu shook his shoulders and complained: "This thing is really unpalatable."

"Isn't that your own power? Do you still hate it?" Chiyang was puzzled.

Cheng Sanwu joked: "Do you want to put the dirt you rubbed off when you took a shower into your mouth to taste it?"

Chiyang's face was full of disgust when he heard this, and then asked: "You have wasted a lot of time this time. If you calculate it carefully... it is exactly one hundred days."

Cheng Sanwu stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the scene of the green grass and trees at the foot of the mountain: "When a thought arises for thousands of kalpas, the battle in the Buddha's land is so mysterious. This can be regarded as retaliation. Who told me to use knot Where is that saint trapped in the world?"

"You don't seem like someone who talks about retribution." Chi Yang said.

Cheng Sanwu laughed loudly: "It just gives the situation more time to brew. Wouldn't it be boring if it was a one-sided victory?"

Chiyang was very disdainful of this: "In the final analysis, you just hope that Wen Bangzheng and his gang will cultivate a guy who can rival you. But I don't think Changqing can improve to this level in a short period of time."

"Don't be anxious, just wait and see what happens." Cheng Sanwu pressed the knife and smiled.


When Afu rushed back to Chang'an, she found that the black screen barrier had disappeared, but starting from the suburbs outside the city, she realized that the situation was very different from when she left before.

First of all, a large number of soldiers and horses are stationed around Chang'an. They have excellent armor and staff, magnificent horses, and powerful soldiers. It can be seen at a glance that they are a division capable of hundreds of battles. They must have been urgently transferred from border towns.

Secondly, grain is no longer transported from Tongguan in the east, but from the Qinling Valley south of Chang'an. After some inquiries, I learned that the Youzhou rebels had now captured Luoyang and quickly controlled the Dongdu area, blocking the canal artery. Money and grain from the Jianghuai River in Hebei Province could not be transported to Chang'an.

Fortunately, the land minister quickly adjusted and ordered the Jianghuai transshipment envoy to transport money and grain to Xiangzhou, then go upstream along the Han River and enter Guanzhong via Wuguan Road. Although the transportation capacity is far inferior to that of the canal with mature regulations in Caocang, at least it will not let the densely populated Guanzhong collapse due to lack of food.

Furthermore, there were many decrees issued by the new emperor after he ascended the throne, including the confiscation of many noble properties in Guanzhong.

"The new emperor is Changqing?!"

A Fu, who returned to Chang'an, did not go directly to the imperial city to report for the sake of safety. Instead, she went to Tianxiang Pavilion to find Jiang Zhen to understand the situation.

Since the place where the Ministry of Internal Affairs raises the owl is also in the back garden of the Taiji Palace, most of the people who are trapped in the owl are eaten up, so Afu goes to the Western Regions and has no information.

"Sister Fu, didn't you expect that? I was also shocked when I found out!" Jiang Zhen is based in Chang'an on weekdays and is responsible for collecting information for A Fu.

But Afu was just a little surprised, and then calmed down. She could almost immediately conclude that the current situation was the result of Cheng Sanwu's deliberate guidance. The body built with the fetal essence and blood of Great Xia Taizu had already discovered Changqing's true identity earlier than others.

"Prime Minister Lu is silent this time and is completely in power." Jiang Zhen shook his head and sighed, looking at Pingkangfang Sanqudi, which was much more depressed than usual: "There are rumors in Chang'an City now that Prime Minister Lu has deep thoughts Unruly, he secretly colluded with demons and murdered saints and many royal family members in order to support the new emperor so that he could fully control the affairs of the court."

Afu saw the clues at a glance: "This is someone deliberately spreading rumors."

"It may be a spy planted by the rebels in Chang'an. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has been investigating everywhere these days, and also sent people to Tianxiang Tower to ask." Jiangzhen sighed: "Sister Fu, can the court win this battle?"

"I'm not familiar with military affairs, so I can't tell." Afu didn't hesitate: "Let's do this. You and Wangshu will leave Chang'an and go to Huzhou to avoid the limelight."

Qin Wangshu was a little confused: "Sister Fu, do you want to stay in Chang'an alone?"

Afu sighed: "I still have one thing to do, and having you guys around is just a drag. As for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I can give them the final explanation."

When Ah Fu went to Yishanfang alone, she happened to bump into Ren Fengxing who was in a hurry.

"Shang Zhangjun, are you back?" Ren Fengxing held a jade box: "Looking at you, it seems that you haven't found Taotie?"

"I walked a few places, but there were no clues. The Western Region is vast, and it was impossible for me to search every corner, so I came back." Afu looked at Taiji Palace: "Now the situation in Chang'an has changed greatly. If Mr. Yan Feng has time, , can you tell me about it?"

"I'm about to enter the palace, let's talk while walking." Nowadays, Taiji Palace has long been abandoned, and the listening and discussion of government affairs is arranged in Daming Palace, and Yishanfang happens to be adjacent to it, making it most convenient to travel. Ren Fengxing and Afu were both members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so their access was naturally unimpeded.

"I didn't expect that so many things would happen in the short time I was away." Afu couldn't help but sigh after getting a general understanding.

"Shang Zhangjun, Taotie is no longer Cheng Sanwu now." Ren Fengxing reminded: "I hope you will not be limited by past personal relationships."

"Yan Fengjun is looking down on me." Afoyun said with a light smile: "I am a dominatrix, how can I be hindered by my personal affairs?"

The two of them went deep into the palace and learned that Changqing had just inspected the Longyou soldiers in the Forbidden Garden to the north of the palace and rewarded them with a large sum of money. After some reporting, they arrived at the Yanying Hall and saw Changqing chatting with Prime Minister Lu. After discussing matters with several Jiedushi envoys, Afu and the two of them were waiting outside the palace.

Afu's ears were sharp and she could hear the sound of arguments coming from the palace. It was obvious that everyone had different opinions on the specific deployment of troops and generals. After waiting for more than half an hour, several Jiedu envoys left.

"Why are Chief Ren here?" Lu Yan asked, standing at the door of the palace.

"I have something to offer to Your Majesty." Ren Fengxing held out the jade box.

"What is this?" A trace of vigilance flashed in Lu Yan's eyes.

"Baiqiao Nazhen Dan."

Just as Ren Fengxing was about to explain, he saw a young man wearing a yellow robe walking out, it was Chang Qing.

"Ouch! Isn't this Evergreen? After changing into royal clothes, she really looks like a gentleman." Afu was very bold and walked around him twice, marveling at him, acting like an old friend. The posturing made the young eunuch following him look horrified.

Changqing looked at Afu and suppressed her embarrassment, while Ren Fengxing said with a straight face: "Shang Zhangjun, please don't lose the courtesy of a king and a minister!"

Afu said to Changqing sarcastically: "Do I need to kneel three times and kowtow nine times?"

"No need!" Chang Qing waved his hand: "All etiquette in Yanying Hall should be kept simple and you can speak freely."

Everyone entered the palace and took their seats. The eunuchs were asked to step aside, and Fengxing opened the jade box, revealing a divine elixir filled with spiritual energy and scorching brilliance.

"This Baiqiao Nazhen elixir was refined by the Taoist Danding Taoist from Tuozong Holy Palace in the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Ren Fengxing's face looked slightly solemn: "The person who asked for this elixir before... was none other than Cheng Sanwu. "

When Cheng Sanwu was mentioned, the atmosphere in the hall became solemn. Afu's eyes wandered. Seeing that everyone was silent, he took the initiative to break the silence: "I proposed the Bai Qiao Na Zhen Dan to him. Taking it can make the body absorb Bai Qiao Na." The essence of heaven and earth breaks the barriers between internal and external, and breaks through the innate realm in one fell swoop... Now of course he has no need for it."

Ren Fengxing explained: "At that time, Cheng Sanwu was still my internal servant, Lord Zhaoyang, and he made a lot of contributions when suppressing the rebellion in Jianghuai. According to the usual practice, it is natural to reward him based on his merits. It's just that the magic pill is difficult to achieve, and it was just released yesterday."

"Are you planning to dedicate this elixir to His Majesty?" The three elders of Yinlong were also guarding and accompanying him in the palace.

"Taotie appeared without warning before. It can be seen that he can travel everywhere in the world, and there is almost no absolutely safe place." Ren Fengxing said: "I am worried that Taotie will use his old tricks again. If he tries to assassinate, His Majesty will be in danger."

Changqing looked at the Bai Qiao Na Zhen Dan in the jade box. After thinking for a long time, he nodded and said, "That's fine, then I... I will accept it."

"Wei Chen has one more thing to report." Ren Fengxing continued: "Although Luoyang City has unfortunately fallen under the control of the rebels, there are still some personnel from the Internal Affairs Ministry lurking in the city. I heard that the rebels are still debating whether to report to the rebels as soon as possible. Attack west.”

Lu Yan said bluntly: "The rebels initially came to support the Qing emperor, but after the shady barrier was broken, this slogan was no longer useful unless they had the courage to start a new one."

Everyone present knew very well that Lu Yan had been subjected to numerous overt or covert accusations recently. Since the emergence of the shady barrier, many people had taken the opportunity to attack him, but they had all been suppressed.

As for Chang Qing's accession to the throne, it was exaggerated to say that Lu Yan had been planning for a long time and secretly adopted the saint's heir for many years, which further confirmed that the rebels were shouldering righteousness.

Fortunately, Ren Fengxing led the Ministry of Internal Affairs to wildly arrest those who spread rumors in Chang'an City, and vigorously and resolutely showed their heads to the public, so that the situation was somewhat calmed down.

In fact, the most dangerous thing was the three Jiedu envoys who rushed back to Chang'an with their troops. They held heavy troops and completely overwhelmed the Chang'an court, which only had a weak Nanya Imperial Army. Without their strong support, Chang Qing's succession to the throne would have been decisive. It won't go so smoothly.

Fortunately, Lu Yan was very skillful. On the one hand, he checked and balanced the three military envoys, and on the other hand, he promised rewards. After Changqing succeeded to the throne, he immediately conferred the title of Duke of the three Jiedu envoys who came to King Qin. At the same time, he personally came out to inspect the troops and horses, and used the money and silk in the treasury to reward the soldiers, so as to win over people's hearts and boost morale as much as possible.

"The rebels moved south very quickly. They captured Luoyang in three months, but the states in Hebei may not have completely surrendered." Chang Qing said: "If the rebels are not eager to move westward, they will focus on stabilizing the situation in Hebei... What's more, The rebels may want to detach another group of troops to attack Hedong."

Lu Yanze said: "Hedong Road has mountains and rivers inside and outside, and the northern capital of Jinyang is fortified by Tangcheng and Jinchi. It is difficult for the rebels to conquer it in a short time."

Everyone knew that Lu Yannai started his career as a small official in Hedong Road and knew the environment there very well.

"The city of Luoyang will be destroyed without an attack. It can be seen that the rebels have already planted spies, some of whom are even in high positions." Chang Qing said: "I feel that the rebels are still in Youzhou. At present, they should strictly guard the pass to contain the main force of the rebels. In addition, Separate a force and rush to the east of Hedong. Occupying the favorable geographical location, we can command a commanding position, march into the prefectures and counties of Hebei, and threaten Youzhou, thus forcing the rebels to run for their lives."

"This matter has been discussed before." Lu Yan's face was serious: "Once the rebels attack Guanzhong, they will definitely need a lot of money and food to maintain a long-term foothold. What if they turn south and advance along the Jianghuai River along the canal? How to deal with it? Now that water transportation is interrupted, if we just stick to Tongguan, there will soon be a shortage of supplies in Guanzhong. "

Changqing has studied military strategist knowledge under Daguan Zhenren for many years. Although he has never personally led troops, he does not know anything about war.

Seeing that the discussion was in trouble, Ren Fengxing spoke up: "If we can cause chaos within the rebels, will it be able to alleviate the current situation?"

Lu Yan saw his intention at a glance: "Are you planning to send someone to assassinate Kang Yaluo?"

"This might not be a solution." Ren Fengxing said.

"Then who are you going to send?" Lu Yan seemed not very interested in this method.

Ren Fengxing looked at Afu, and she immediately understood and chuckled: "Forget it, I'm afraid I'm the only one who can do this now."

(End of this chapter)

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