Fu Shifeng

Chapter 323 National affairs are under control

Chapter 323 National affairs are under control

In front of the towering black curtain, I swept away the dust, and the smoke rolled up to a width of a hundred feet. There was no killing intention, but it was lingering on it, trying to seduce and move it. However, after rippling for several moments, I still got nothing. The black curtain remained the same.

Wearing a purple robe and a jade crown, Luo Gongyuan, who looks like a young man, is holding a fly whisk at an angle. He twists Taoist formulas with his hands and pulls him left and right. The smoke changes seven times and the mysterious light flows. However, he still has no achievements at all and has no choice but to restrain his magic power.

Turning around, Luo Gongyuan shook his head towards the officials and monks, sighed softly, and came to Lu Yan to bow and bow:

"I am incompetent. I have exhausted all my means. Please forgive me, Prime Minister Lu."

"Master Luo, thank you for your hard work." Lu Yan said, still looking at the black screen.

Seven days have passed since the black curtain enveloped the Tai Chi Palace. Such a large-scale vision could be seen by almost everyone in the city. It did cause a period of chaos in the first few days.

Thanks to the Lu Xiang in charge, Fu Guo and Guo counties posted notices to calm the people in various places, Jinwu guards and county government officials vigorously arrested the bandits, and ensured that various government offices maintained large and small government affairs, the huge Chang'an did not fall into uncontrollable chaos.

It can only be said that we are fortunate that Chang'an is not only prosperous, but also brings together talented people from all over the world. Even if almost all the public ministers and officials are trapped in the shady case, there are still a considerable number of waiting scholars who can serve as substitutes.

But the biggest problem now is that not only the saint is trapped in the shady situation, but all the princes, grandsons and nearby clans are also having a banquet in Taiji Palace at that time. Looking at the whole of Chang'an, there is not a single clan member who can be relied on, not even a county. Not even the king!

Today's saints come to power due to palace changes. Although they have many heirs, they are particularly afraid of a recurrence of the past. Therefore, although their heirs can be crowned kings, they cannot build a palace or have their own staff like in the past.

In addition, in order to control his heirs, the saint designated the surrounding areas of Xingqing Palace as the residences of the kings, sent scholars to teach classics, and sent eunuchs to serve in daily life and monitor their every word and deed.

In the past, when saints went to Lishan Tangquan Palace, they would bring many princes and grandsons with them. Now when they go to Taiji Palace, it is no exception.

In terms of authority, Lu Yan has been in charge of the court for many years, so naturally no one can compare with him. But the saint is now trapped in the dark, and his safety is unpredictable. If time drags on for a long time, people's minds may change.

What's more, everything must be done in a right and proper way. Without the guidance of a sage, many of Lu Yan's actions would no longer follow his example.

You must know that there are a large number of high-ranking families in Chang'an. Although many of them are trapped in the Taiji Palace, there are still many clan members who serve as officials in other places, which is bound to become a constraint.

In just the past few days, after the initial chaos in Chang'an City subsided, these high-ranking families began to communicate with each other, obviously discussing. If the saints and kings were trapped for a long time, the world might undergo great changes. For the future of their families, they must Find another way out.

These high-ranking families even sent people to test Lu Yan's words several times, but he responded with "rescuing the saint as the first priority".

But the current situation left everyone feeling at a loss as to what to do.

The black curtain that shrouds the Tai Chi Palace can neutralize all attacks. Whether it is swords, guns, swords, halberds, fists and palms, Taoist thunder and fire, or Buddhist mantras, none of them can break through the black curtain, and cannot even tear an inch of gap.

In order to break the shady curtain, Lu Yan called almost all the magicians inside and outside Chang'an, from the monks and Taoists in Xuandu Temple and Xingshan Temple in the city, to the embroidered messengers from the Internal Affairs Ministry, and the Zhongnan Mountain Sect Holy Palace. Those Taoist elders and even the dove stick priests who guarded the tombs of previous emperors were invited.

But no matter how hard they tried, the towering black curtain remained motionless.

Later, Ren Fengxing proposed that a tunnel could be dug leading to Tai Chi Palace, so everyone worked day and night to dig from all directions. It turned out that there was a dark curtain extending even five feet underground, making the entire Tai Chi Palace completely isolated from the outside world.

"Do you have any other ideas? Please express your opinions and don't hold back."

In an official office next to the black curtain, Lu Yan summoned the only dozen important ministers in Chang'an currently, as well as a group of monks and Taoists.

Everyone present looked at each other, an atmosphere of despair enveloped the hall, and no one could speak.

Lu Yan looked around with cold eyes, and finally set his sights on Ren Fengxing. The other party naturally noticed it and cupped his hands and said: "I think... there are many experts in the world, so Prime Minister Lu might as well issue an order and summon all the wise people to come. Break the shady curtain.”

As soon as this statement came out, an old minister present immediately retorted: "It's ridiculous. Once this matter is spread, it will definitely cause an uproar in the world! When thieves start swarming everywhere, how should we deal with it?"

Ren Fengxing said: "The shady curtain is so towering that it can be seen even outside Chang'an City. Even if all the gates in Chang'an are sealed, the news has already spread, and there is no way to cover it up!"

A young doctor from the Ministry of War said to Lu Yan: "Prime Minister Lu, given the current situation, do you want the governors of each town to return to the court?"

The old minister asked: "Going back to the court? Are you going back to the court with your troops and horses?"

The doctor of the Ministry of War frowned and said: "The governors of each town have heavy troops outside. If they know that the saints and kings are trapped and unable to get out, how can they know that they will not become disobedient?"

"If we order them to return to the court now, I'm afraid they will rebel on the spot!" The veteran said.

The doctor of the Ministry of War was also polite: "With all due respect, the Sixteenth Guards of Chang'an are no better than they were back then. Their swords and guns have been stored in the warehouse and their horses have been released to the Nanshan Mountains. Their military preparations are extremely depleted. You may not know these things, but the military governors of each town are surrounded by swords and guns." They all know this very well!"

"In this case, we should give them great comfort and let them concentrate on guarding the border town." The old minister said earnestly: "You children, you have never seen a fighting scene, and you regard the war as a chess game, and you always feel that you are sure of victory. Little do you know that in a war, there are thousands of variables, how can it be controlled by just one passion?"

"I am thinking about the country and the country of Daxia. Isn't it just child's play in your mouth?" The Minister of the Ministry of War also stood up. Now the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Ministry of War are trapped in the Taiji Palace, almost to the extent that no one can take charge of the situation.

The old minister raised his finger and shouted: "I see that all of you juniors have evil intentions. Are you just eager to seize power?"


"That's enough!" Lu Yan interrupted in time, causing the quarrel in the hall to stop immediately. No matter whether they were young or old, they were intimidated by Prime Minister Lu's majesty and did not dare to speak out.

"The prime minister personally drafted an order regarding the commander-in-chief of the border town. At the moment, the main purpose is to appease him, and he has stepped up the horse training of the sixteen guards and stationed them everywhere in Guanzhong to prevent unexpected events." Lu Yan tapped his fingers on the bookcase:

"But the shady story of Taiji Palace must be broken as soon as possible. I agree to call for righteous people from all over the world to come to Chang'an. Even those who have committed crimes and illegal acts in the past can be lenient and pardoned. If you know a certain expert, Regardless of whether he is in court or in the country, even if he is far away in the mountains and forests, we must invite him here, and the court will certainly not hesitate to reward him."

Hearing this, Ren Fengxing showed a thoughtful look, while Luo Gongyuan, the Immortal Master of Xuandu on the side, stood up and held his hands: "Prime Minister Lu, Xiaodao thinks that your son Changqing may be able to break the shady story."

Lu Yan tapped his fingers and remained silent. Luo Gongyuan quickly added: "When your son participated in the Taoist examination, it was Xiaodao who presided over the examination. He knew that he had considerable attainments in the magic formation. Later, Xiaodao also discussed friendship with Zhenren Daguan of Fu Zanggong. Their master and disciple wanted to come with something else. Wonderful method." Luo Gongyuan recommended Chang Qing not only to please Prime Minister Lu, but also sincerely felt that Chang Qing's master and apprentice were better at breaking barriers than him.

Lu Yan had no expression on his face and just said: "The truth will send someone to summon... There is another thing. I remember Master Ye Xian also accompanied the saint to the banquet. Will it be easier to break the shady barrier from within?"

Luo Gongyuan shook his head helplessly: "It's difficult to determine the trail."

"In that case, please continue to use your talents." Lu Yan did not criticize harshly and motioned for everyone to retreat.

After the others left, only Ren Fengxing was still in the hall. Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Lu Yan asked, "What's important, Chief Ren?"

"There is indeed something that I need to explain to Prime Minister Lu." Ren Fengxing knew very well that the situation could no longer be concealed, so he asked, "Has Prime Minister Lu heard of Fu Shifeng?"

There was no emotion on Lu Yan's face, and he said calmly: "No, what is that?"

"That is not an object, but a thousand-year inheritance, most of which are hidden masters." Ren Fengxing replied: "Fu Shifeng's long-cherished wish is to eradicate the evil of gluttony. In the past history, many major events have something to do with it. They are related.”

"The disaster caused by Taotie?" Lu Yan showed a thoughtful expression, as if he had suddenly realized: "Could it be that the black barrier covering Tai Chi Palace was caused by Taotie?"

"Exactly!" Ren Fengxing explained: "Taotie is not an ordinary monster, but a great evil that has brought disaster to Jiuzhou since ancient times. Fu Shifeng first gained scale at the turn of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and successfully sealed Taotie. Since then, he has been seeking to conquer it. Its method of complete eradication has made great progress in the past hundred years.”

"But now Taotie is causing trouble in the outside world. Could it be that Fu Shifeng has suffered a great disaster?" Lu Yan asked along.

Ren Fengxing nodded with some shame: "To be honest with Mr. Lu, one of the important tasks of our Ministry of Internal Affairs is to secretly investigate Fu Shifeng's movements and eradicate them. Not long ago, we had a battle with them at Hengshan Mountain in Nanyue. Who would have expected? Something happened along the way, causing Taotie to appear in the world."

"Let me guess, Fu Shifeng must be hiding from the world, secretly manipulating the current situation, and is feared by the saints?" Lu Yan asked.

Ren Fengxing breathed a sigh of relief. Lu Yan was more reasonable than he expected and did not regard Fu Shifeng as absurd.

"Indeed, but it's more than that." Ren Fengxing lowered his voice a little: "I would like to ask Prime Minister Lu not to spread the word about what I'm going to say next - at the beginning of the rise of Longxing, Taizu of this dynasty, Fu Shifeng had great help. , the person who presided over this matter at that time was Master Wen from Hongfan Academy."

"That Saint of the East China Sea?" Lu Yan raised his brows, pretending to be surprised, and then calmed down his expression: "Since it concerns the people of the world, it is not surprising that a wise man has chosen his true destiny, and supported the dragon to protect him."

"But Emperor Taizu once left a decree, and Fu Shifeng must be eradicated." Ren Fengxing clapped his hands gently, and the three elders of the Yinlong Division flashed into the hall and introduced: "These three are the ones who followed Taizu's decree." An old man from the clan who does things well."

Lu Yan stood up and asked, "Are you three from a clan? Do you know what titles you have received?"

One of the three elders replied: "Our ancestors followed the imperial edict of Taizu and made a blood oath to protect the country and the country of Daxia, and never coveted the sacred weapons. Therefore, we were not given the title of king and our names were withheld."

This is the first time Lu Yan has heard about the existence of this group of people. Looking back now, when the heroine Emperor Zhao slaughtered the clan, his own flesh and blood were not spared, and he was cruel and cruel, but there were still a few that were saved. I am afraid it was this Yinlongsi San. Always working in secret. During the subsequent palace changes, they must have taken corresponding actions.

"Have the three elders tried to break the shady barrier?" Lu Yan asked.

"I have already tried it." The third elder's face was equally heavy: "But with our ability, it is really difficult to break through. I just vaguely feel that this black screen barrier may be somewhat similar to the Cave Heaven Paradise."

"Cave Heaven Paradise?" Lu Yan pondered without saying a word.

Ren Fengxing reacted the fastest: "No one knows the most about Dongtian Paradise in the world today than Master Bai Yunzi of the Shangqing Dynasty. Why don't we invite him to Chang'an immediately?"

Lu Yan said: "I have sent people to Nanyue and Tiantai respectively, but I am afraid that Grandmaster Baiyunzi is traveling abroad and may not be able to get the news in time."

The third elder said: "Bai Yunzi is the number one person in the Taoist sect. He is already one of the immortals on land. He is expected to make a move. Taotie is causing such harm to the world. He should have sensed it. Maybe he will arrive in Chang'an in the near future."

Ren Fengxing still remembered that during the battle at Hengshan, Bai Yunzi showed up to stabilize the Nanyue mountains and rivers, and at the same time secretly restrained him. This showed that he and Fu Shifeng had been in contact for a long time. Thinking that such a person was also honored as a Taoist brother by a saint, Ren Fengxing couldn't help but think. , maybe Fu Shifeng has also been secretly protecting the country of Daxia?

"Prime Minister Lu, I feel that the Taotie disaster is now out of control. If we want to rescue the saint, we may have to join forces with Fu Shifeng." Ren Fengxing made up his mind.

Lu Yan twisted his beard and pretended to be thoughtful. He had already expected this result. Master Wen wants to join forces with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the other party may not agree due to his own power and position. However, Cheng Sanwu took action and instantly wiped out all the saint's officials. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, which relied on imperial power, had to rethink its situation.

"I don't know much about Fu Shifeng. I don't care if they are willing to join forces." Lu Yan said, "But the most important thing right now is that someone needs to come forward to calm the hearts of the people in the world."

Ren Fengxing and the three elders looked at each other and asked, "Isn't Prime Minister Lu worried that the country will fall apart without a king?"

"Even if there is an heir or a prince, the prime minister can temporarily support him as a guardian." Lu Yan said: "But there is almost no close family member at present, or can the three elders find a suitable candidate?"

The three elders were speechless. The situation now was too unique. In order to ensure authority, the saint used to bring all the princes, princes, grandsons, princes, and kings with him. As a result, they were all caught by Taotie. This time, not even a fish slipped through the net. No.

Ren Fengxing frowned and said: "If you take the risk to support the saint, how will the supported king deal with himself when the saint is rescued in the future? Don't worry, Prime Minister Lu. We all believe that you can turn the tide. If anyone inside and outside Chang'an disobeys and resists, we will wait for you. They will fight with all their strength."

Lu Yan slowly shook his head: "I'm not just talking about this, I'm worried that there won't be enough food in Tai Chi Palace."

Ren Fengxing was puzzled: "But the northwest of Taiji Palace is Taicang, and the shady barrier also seals it inside. The grain reserves must be extremely rich, and it can support even tens of thousands of people."

Lu Yan sighed softly: "I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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