Fu Shifeng

Chapter 284 The rising dragon emerges from the abyss

Chapter 284 The rising dragon emerges from the abyss

There was a loud bang, like a yellow bell oscillating, and countless sword lights fired wildly, followed by a series of trees breaking and overturning, raising large amounts of smoke and dust deep in the dense forest.

In the blink of an eye, there was another clang, and air waves shot out in all directions, creating a shallow pit on the spot. The surrounding vegetation turned into powder, causing both sides of the fierce battle to be shocked and retreated.

"Hahahaha - OK, OK! You really make me happy, you beast!"

They saw Cheng Sanwu holding the Hundred-Refined Divine Sword in his hand, his clothes were broken in many places, and the flaming wind was blowing and circling around him. He didn't appear to be in the slightest bit of embarrassment, but on the contrary, his fighting spirit was high.

What was in front of him was a strange giant beast with a rhinoceros appearance, its swollen shoulders were more than a foot away from the ground, its blue-black skin had no redundant mane, it was comparable to iron and stone, and was difficult to damage with a sword. There is a single horn on the top of the head, which is thicker and longer than an adult man's legs, and is slightly curved.

This giant beast is called the One-horned Cangsi in the Yunmeng Pavilion's roster. It is a strange species from the ancient times and was quite common in Yunmeng Daze during the pre-Qin Dynasty.

Because the horned Cangsi leather is tough, it is a good raw material for making armor. The horn on its head can also be used for medicine and elixirs, and the muscles and bones in the body have their own uses. Naturally, it has been hunted continuously for thousands of years.

Although the One-horned Cangsi is physically strong and invulnerable to any metal, it is still unable to compete with the endless harassment from the world and the hunting of individual masters.

In addition, Yunmeng Daze gradually dried up over the long years and shrank into today's Dongting Lake. There are fewer and fewer places suitable for them to live and breed, and the number of their populations is also declining.

In fact, in today's world, the one-horned Cangsi has become extinct. But the one in front of Cheng Sanwu is special. While sensing the spirit, the resentment of the ethnic group heading towards extinction is gathered together, and he takes revenge on the world.

When Mu Xiangling took Cheng Sanwu to find the one-horned Cangsi, it happened to break into a village and wreaked havoc. Houses were knocked down, crops were trampled, and villagers who had no time to escape were either penetrated by the horn, or Trampled to pulp.

Just relying on brute force to rampage, the village was razed to the ground in an instant, which shows its destructive power.

Cheng Sanwu didn't ask why this one-horned Cangsi suddenly appeared here, and he didn't bother to ask why no one came to destroy it in the past. From the moment he saw the one-horned Cang Si, he became extremely excited, so he took the initiative to confront him and started fighting fiercely.

It has been almost an hour since the two met to fight fiercely, and there is still no victory or defeat.

This one-horned Cang Si fought extremely hard and showed no sign of fatigue. Its power is so powerful that even the dragon Cheng Sanwu encountered in Huzhou cannot match it.

Moreover, the One-horned Cangsi is very good at collision. Once it chooses a direction, it will rush forward with all its strength. The force was so great that it was like a mountain peak moving along the ground. Even Cheng Sanwu couldn't stop it. He could only push it hard, knocking down trees one after another.

After laughing loudly, Cheng Sanwu saw the One-horned Cangsi's hooves digging into the ground. Cheng Sanwu didn't allow the opponent to gather momentum, and took the first shot. He swung the Hundred Refined Divine Sword and raised a dense blade light, and covered the head of the One-horned Cangsi.

Cang Si, who seemed clumsy, immediately stood up on all fours and shook his head. The thick horn glowed with a dull yellow light, and a deep energy condenser rippled out, directly scattering most of the sword light in front of him and killing the rest. There was no damage to the head or face at all.

"Oh? Do you still know magic?"

Cheng Sanwu was not surprised by this. He could also sense that this one-horned Cangsi was closely related to the earth, and its body was very thick. Not only could the flaming sword light it emitted not be able to cut through the solid leather armor, but it would also be melted. Dissipate or even conduct it into the ground, making your efforts in vain.

It is conceivable that not only the power of Gang Qigong, but also spells will be resolved by the One-horned Cangsi. All the killing power directed at it are almost useless. The best way to deal with this one-horned Cangsi is definitely to seal it.

However, everything is not absolute. Cheng Sanwu had previously slashed Cang Si's horn with his sword and forced it back. This shows that the ability to use the earth to resolve offensives has its limits.

Seeing the four legs standing still, Cheng Sanwu had some general guesses. He grinned ferociously and raised his Yuan Gong again. Wanqiao Zhenqi burst into flames, and his whole body was on fire.

"Come on! Show me how hard you are!"

Shouting loudly, a stream of flames rose through the forest, swirling continuously in the air, wildly absorbing the warmth between heaven and earth, and gradually grew into a huge fireball, like the sun.

"My God..."

Miles away, Zhang Fan was stunned when he saw the fireball taking shape in the sky. Even though he knew that Cheng Sanwu's martial arts was extremely advanced, he still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

After eliminating the Peach Blossom Spirit, Cheng Sanwu and his party left Wulingyuan and headed south to Langzhou, which is located to the west of Dongting Lake. The Yuan River meanders through it. There are large swamps, lakes, low hills and dense forests, and there are many evil nests.

This one-horned Cangsi is the big demon that haunts this place. It relies on its invulnerable body to run rampant everywhere.

And when it met Cheng Sanwu, the two broke into a fierce battle without hesitation, fighting all the way from the edge of the swamp to the distant dense forest. Fortunately, there were no densely populated residential areas nearby, otherwise the aftermath of the fierce battle alone would have been enough to crush several villages into ruins.

As the fireball in the distance gradually expanded, Qin Wangshu frowned slightly and asked Mu Xiangling, "Does Yang Wujiu's Yanfeng Sword Technique also have such power?"

"Him? No." Mu Xiangling chuckled and shook his head: "The Yanfeng Sword Technique pursues sharp moves and fast movements. How could it be like this? It would be better to say that Lord Zhaoyang has taken an unprecedented path, and Yang Wujiu has overcome difficulties. Comparable to that.”

Qin Wangshu was relieved for a moment when he saw a loud bang in the distance. The fireball carried the force of a meteorite and fell to the ground. It directly hit the one-horned Qingsi, causing a huge explosion. The huge air wave spread outward and could be felt miles away. to a strong impact.

Seeing this situation, Mu Xiangling finally understood why Xiaojun wanted to use Cheng Sanwu to eliminate these big monsters. Even those shapeshifting spirits in Yunmeng Pavilion who have practiced for hundreds of years may not be able to possess such violent killing power.

However, after the fireball fell to the ground, a strong vibration was heard again, as if an earth dragon turned over, and the roar of the one-horned canang was like a military horn, low and long, making the listeners' muscles and bones soften for a while even if they were far away. It's hard to imagine how Cheng Sanwu felt when faced with such power.

"It's so happy! It's so happy!"

Standing on the charred and cracked ground, Cheng Sanwu endured the impact of waves of roars. His whole body's bones could not help but tremble, and his ears pierced with severe pain. It was as if someone was hammering his temples with a steel awl. If it were an ordinary person, He was already bleeding from all his orifices, fainted and on the verge of death.

But Cheng Sanwu was physically strong, and he opened his arms to bear it with open arms, while laughing loudly, as if to ridicule the powerlessness of the one-horned Cangsi.

Despite this, except for the slight mottled scorch marks on the body of the one-horned Cangsi, the fireball just now failed to seriously damage it. Most of its power was still transferred to the ground, burning the moist dense forest with a radius of 100 feet. Hellish. In fact, Cheng Sanwu knew very well that the so-called big monsters in Xiaoxiang, including the one-horned Cangsi in front of him, might have been suppressed by Yunmeng Pavilion in the past, otherwise they would not have come up with corresponding measures so easily. Roster map.

It's just that these big monsters are too powerful and difficult to kill, so a sealing strategy is adopted to prevent them from causing harm.

The arrival of Cheng Sanwu gave Yunmeng Pavilion a glimpse of a turning point. They deliberately planned to lift the seal and let the big monster appear to cause trouble in the world, leading Cheng Sanwu to take action.

Although he understood it well, Cheng Sanwu didn't care about it. Instead, he enjoyed the hearty battle.

Abandon all scheming, for the sake of life and death, without reservation, push the physical and mental state to the extreme, return to the most primitive fighting.

Flame flow is useless and sword light is hard to damage. Facing the one-horned Qingsi, Cheng Sanwu tried several times but could not gain the upper hand. However, he did not feel depressed because of this, and his fighting spirit became even higher. Hundreds of true energy flowed through his body, and his heart beat wildly like a drum, as if he was trying to knock on the invisible door.

The roar stopped, and the one-horned Qingsi saw that Cheng Sanwu was unwavering and that the enemy was too strong to be defeated, so he gave up using clever tricks and dug his hoofs as thick as beams on the ground. The body of the big monster like a mountain trembled slightly. The power to move mountains continues to gather.

Cheng Sanwu returned the sword to its sheath, and slowly exhaled hot breath. He arched his shoulders and back, and spread his arms like wings. There were several cracking sounds, and the clothes on his upper body were ripped open, revealing his majestic body with knotted dragon tendons.

The two looked at each other, and there was no hatred in their hearts. Only the strong could not tolerate each other's arrogance, and only a showdown could stop them.

Stepping on the scorched earth, the two sides raised a wave of dust behind them, and then collided fiercely.

There was a dull sound, and the ground sank three feet. The ground that had been burned into a crystalline shape due to the fireball falling to the ground instantly shattered inch by inch, setting off circles of mud and earth waves visible to the naked eye.

The disordered air movement and raised dust made it impossible for others to observe the specific battle situation. If your cultivation is profound enough, you may be able to vaguely sense that two world-shaking giant forces are resisting each other.

The earth seemed unable to bear such a confrontation, and there was a hint of restlessness. Then there was a heart-wrenching sound, and a crack in the ground quickly extended outward from the center of the two wrestling parties.

Upon seeing this, Mu Xiangling and others hurriedly retreated further away. The power erupted by the two warring parties even tore the earth apart. How could people not be horrified by this?

In the center of the battlefield, Cheng Sanwu was holding Cang Si's chin with one hand and supporting the huge horn with the other. His legs were sunk into the sand, his body was bulging with dragon muscles, and his divine power was flowing endlessly.

The one-horned Cangsi also used all his strength, his eyes were red, his four hooves stood upright, and his roots were deep. He used the vast and thick earth energy for his use. The one-horned horn above his head exuded a stagnant force, which seemed to pull Cheng San away. Five turned into rocks.

Seeing that the fingers of his hands were covered with a layer of mud-gray color, and the extremities of his limbs were gradually numb, Cheng Sanwu shouted angrily in a deep voice. He used his divine power again and broke through the limit. He actually lifted the one-horned Cangsi directly!

At this time, the One-horned Cangsi is connecting with the air of the thick earth, and its body is as heavy as a mountain. Even if thousands of troops and horses pull and drag it together, it will be difficult to move even half an inch, let alone lift it.

But Cheng Sanwu did it. His unparalleled divine power was enough to stop rivers and overturn mountains. One-horned Cangsi looked at himself being lifted over his head by the opponent, and instinctively moved his hooves wildly.

The One-horned Cangsi is indeed powerful. The fierce martial arts such as the Yanfeng Sword Technique have no restraint on it, and most spells cannot shake its foundation. But all the abilities of the One-horned Cangsi are rooted in the earth. If its hooves leave the ground, it will be like a person who cannot swim falling into the water and can only struggle helplessly.

Logically speaking, this one-horned Cangsi is connected to the air of the thick earth and is almost completely integrated with the earth. It is impossible for anyone to lift it up. When Shen Ji subdued him, she also used Chu Di witch ballads to hypnotize him, instead of this tough tit-for-tat approach.

Such an unprecedented feat caused the one-horned Cangsi to lose its position in an instant, twisting its huge body in a panic and howling.

Cheng Sanwu was annoyed by the movement above his head, his feet sank slightly, and then he jumped up, throwing the entire one-horned Cangsi into the air!

The people watching the battle from a distance were shocked and horrified when they saw this divine power that was like throwing a mountain. Seeing the one-horned Cangsi flying to a height of more than ten feet, and then falling straight down, I couldn't help but have the idea of ​​retreating for fear of causing huge turmoil.

However, before the one-horned Cangsi fell to the ground, Cheng Sanwu jumped up again, punched the sky, and the flames roared like a dragon rising out of the abyss, hitting Cangsi's chin, sending it flying into the sky!

This punch was so powerful that it made a crackling sound in mid-air, and the sound of muffled thunder spread throughout the area.

As for the one-horned Cangsi who endured the power of Shenglong Fist, he was knocked unconscious in mid-air, his orifices burst into flames, and his lower jaw, which was stronger than fine steel, was shattered into pieces.

With its four legs off the ground, the One-horned Cangsi is no longer indestructible.

It flew dozens of feet into the sky and immediately fell to the ground again. Although he came into contact with the earth again, this time the One-horned Cangsi didn't even have the strength to stand up. His muscles and bones, which had been tempered for many times, were broken everywhere, and he could only try to use the power of the thick soil to heal himself.

But the approaching footsteps completely ended Dujiao Cangsi's hope.

Cheng Sanwu clenched his fists, and a force that had the power to move mountains and seas converged on his fists, causing the one-horned Cangsi to feel unprecedented fear and let out a low whine, begging for his life.

"The winner lives and the loser dies. This has been the rule since the beginning of the world. No one can violate it!"

Cheng Sanwu looked down at the One-Horned Cangsi from a high place, and then struck it down with a punch. The power was comparable to that of a falling meteor. It swept across all directions and raised a mushroom-shaped cloud above the wilderness, which was breathtaking.

Wen Fuzi, who was invisible, watched the whole battle in mid-air. It's not surprising that Cheng Sanwu discovered Dujiao Cangsi's weakness and targeted it. What really concerned Master Wen was Cheng Sanwu's ever-improving Yuan Gong cultivation.

Nowadays, Cheng Sanwu has gradually mastered the body of Jiuyuan Shenglong, and half of the Taotie evil power is constantly dissolving. Although he has not yet broken through the innate realm, his skills are so strong that few innate masters in the world can match him.

But for some reason, Master Wen felt a little uneasy in his heart when he saw Cheng Sanwu's figure revealed in the smoke.

It was not the fear of being hostile to him, but the fact that he found that Cheng Sanwu was likely to be like himself and fall into the situation of flying dragons in the sky. Although his own skills are constantly improving, Feilongzai Tianhou is so proud that he has regrets. The situation has taken a turn for the worse and the decline is irreversible.

In this case, once the two of them fight, even if the loser survives, he will probably fall into a situation that is beyond redemption!

(End of this chapter)

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