Fu Shifeng

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
Walking down the dharma altar with a group of high priests, Chang Qing was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

It is not easy to pray for rain. It is necessary to let the rain moisten the affected states and counties, but not blindly force mana to cause torrential rain. Otherwise, the dry and cracked land will not be able to hold the rain in a hurry, but will form floods and cause harm again.

Therefore, Li Hanguang carefully arranged this prayer for rain. There are 25 days before and after. Then throw a talisman into the water, so as to summon the spirits on duty in the gods and pools of various water palaces, and lead the water of the East China Sea to follow the wind.

After that, it is necessary to send out the clouds and rain. It is necessary to send Heyuan Xianguan, Shuifu Liecao, and other officials and officials, and escort the governors of the states and societies, so that the rain clouds will cover the affected states and counties, and they will fall according to the season. Confused.

In addition, lightning strikes are needed to kill the locusts.During this period, prisons were set up to take in all spirits and ghosts who were evil spirits and evil spirits.

The whole process is particularly cumbersome and difficult, because the background of the masters of the various societies in Hebei Province is different.

Just like when arranging troops and finding out that the soldiers and horses under his command are uneven, how to arrange the rain will naturally test the people who are on the altar.

Fortunately, Li Hanguang personally presided over the ceremony this time. As a direct disciple of the master of the Qing Dynasty, he was awarded the Lingwen Jinji, and his cultivation was profound and pure.They also brought the Vientiane Bell from the Balcony Palace to pray for blessings and avoid disasters in the summer, which is used to command all kinds of ghosts and gods.

The 64 hexagrams on the clock have the magical effect of revolving all things and shaking the eight poles. It is one of the most treasures of Taoism created by Grandmaster Bai Yunzi himself. It can greatly improve the power of Buddhist rituals and cover many counties.

Not to mention that in order to ensure the smooth operation of the ritual, Li Hanguang brought a large number of danyu along with him, through which the yin and yang energy of the world can be connected.The huge amount of consumption is like burning a large amount of charcoal to keep warm in the homes of nobles in winter, which makes Changqing feel frightened when he sees it.

But considering that so many danyu are used to pray for rain and disaster relief, and to relieve the people's difficulties, instead of feeding the rich and powerful to hunt for novelties, Changqing thinks it is very cost-effective.

After returning to Yuxu Lu, he took off his robes and hats, dried them on a wooden rack, dusted them lightly, and burned incense to infect them.Even if the ceremony is over, Changqing dare not neglect it.According to the discipline of Taoism, a Taoist protects and protects the dharma clothes like two eyes, brothers and feet. Only in this way can the power of all gods in the world be entrusted to him.

After all this work, it was already dark, Changqing opened the doors and windows, listened to the sound of rain outside, and let the moist cool wind blow in, greatly relaxing the body and mind.At least this year, the disaster-stricken counties and counties in Hebei Province will not lose their harvest. If the imperial court can properly reduce and exempt taxes, the people should be able to recuperate.

"Didn't Changqing go to eat?" At this moment Li Hanguang came from the corridor, his tall and tall figure was very conspicuous.

During this period of getting along, Changqing and the first apprentice of the master have become quite familiar, almost to the point of talking about everything.

If it were someone else, Changqing might still be suspicious of whether the other party was trying to please him because of his status as Lu Xiang's son, but Li Hanguang was completely different.

Although the Shangqing lineage is highly respected by the Daxia royal family, they are not regarded as relying on techniques to flatter like Luo Gongyuan and Ye Jingneng.

And unlike Taoist Daoist who expects to participate in government affairs, the Shangqing lineage rarely gets involved here, which can be said to be both clean and expensive.They have contacts with princes, nobles, and officials, while maintaining an appropriate distance.

In the more than a hundred years since the founding of Daxia, the lineage of Shangqing seems not to be disturbed by external disturbances, which shows its wisdom and style.

"No, I'm not hungry yet, thank you Master Li Lian for your concern." Changqing stood up to greet him.

"This rain prayer is over, and Changqing has contributed a lot." Li Hanguang sat down and praised.

Changqing shook his head and sighed: "If you talk about praying for rain to ward off disasters, how can I compare with you seniors?"

"But the goddess of pure light still didn't move." Li Hanguang took out the wooden box containing the locusts: "I have been paying attention to this for a while, and I did find some abnormalities."

"Also ask the alchemist for advice." Changqing said hastily.

"Have you ever heard of the char borer?"

Changqing thought for a while after hearing the words, nodded and said: "It is said that it is a kind of extremely small insect in the East China Sea, which can build a nest on the eyes of flies and mosquitoes and reproduce without disturbing the host."

"These locusts were sent by the scorder moth." The locust in Li Hanguang's hand had long since died, and when he twitched it lightly, the locust fell apart like a rotten ancient book.

Changqing was surprised when he saw this: "How did the refiner find out?"

"I didn't notice it at the beginning, but I just vaguely felt it was a bit weird." Li Hanguang's eyebrows were slightly raised, unable to hide his nobility: "Later, I heard you said that the person bitten by the locusts was killed by the poison of the corpse, so I realized that there is something strange hidden in it."

"There are such insects as scorcher borers in the world?" Changqing was knowledgeable and still found it inconceivable: "I thought it was a distinction between big and small in the Taoist scriptures, not the real thing."

Li Hanguang showed a weird smile and asked, "Has Changqing ever eaten fish sticks?"

"No." Changqing shook his head slightly: "This kind of raw blood is very turbid. In order to get rid of the fishy smell, it is often prepared with spicy things such as ginger, scallion and mustard sauce, which are not beneficial to cultivation."

"Very good." Li Hanguang then said: "But there are more disadvantages than that. Someone once liked this taste. After eating it for a long time, he had abdominal pain. It’s like raw fish.”

Hearing these words, Changqing frowned, she was just not hungry, now she has no appetite at all.

Li Hanguang saw the other party like this, smiled slightly, and continued: "Taoist internal cultivation, there is a saying that three corpses will be cut off and nine insects will be removed. Because people in the world eat five grains, meat and vegetables, it is inevitable that dross will accumulate in the internal organs, either for insects or for adults." Poisonous, invading the person.

"In addition to flying clouds to spread rain and transporting thunder to exterminate locusts these days, my other task is to curb the evil spirits. I originally wanted to punish those evil spirits who would take advantage of the disaster to cause trouble. I never thought that the evil spirits were almost all over the disaster-stricken counties, but It happens to be like mist, elusive."

"Could it be that the bodies of these locusts are all sent by scorder borers?" Changqing became more and more startled the more he heard.

Li Hanguang replied: "If not all of them, at least [-] to [-]% of them."

"This... How did you do it?" It was the first time Changqing had heard of such methods.

"I can't be sure." Li Hanguang twirled his beard and pondered: "In fact, such a large-scale scorching borer has never happened in this dynasty. But I have seen similar records in the letters of the seniors in the sect..."

According to Li Hanguang, in the last years of the Southern Dynasties, a major epidemic broke out near the capital Jiankang.It's just that the disease is very strange. The sick people don't have cold and fever, but the hands, feet and limbs move involuntarily. Some people who are seriously ill are so confused that they can't even recognize their family members and wives.

Afterwards, these patients went berserk and began to attack the neighbors on the left and right, and the number of patients increased rapidly, resulting in many deaths and injuries.

Seeing this, the government of the Southern Dynasty naturally sent officers and soldiers to suppress it, but within a few days, some soldiers in the army fell ill and went mad, causing several incidents of cannibalism and attacks on generals.As a result, morale was low, and no one dared to contact the demented patients again.

Some soldiers also claimed that they would dream of all kinds of upside-down and bizarre phenomena when they slept at night, and gradually there were rumors of ghosts haunting them.

In order to deal with this strange disease of unknown origin, the government of the Southern Dynasties naturally invited Buddhist and Taoist practitioners to take action, including the Shangqing lineage.At that time, Shangqing Taoist Temple was located in Maoshan, not far from Jiankang City, so a group of patients were taken in at the nearby country manor.

At that time, Wang Yuanzhi, the master of the Qing Dynasty, rescued the patients with his own hands, and the patients recovered one after another, but the cause of the epidemic is still unknown.Seeing the continuous spread of the disease, Grandmaster Wang and several colleagues discussed it carefully and found that the disease may be transmitted through water veins.

After arriving at this deduction, Master Wang and several colleagues went upstream and found a remote mountain village in the upper reaches. All the villagers were infected with diseases, sometimes going mad and sometimes sober. For hell on earth.

Wang Zongshi and others relied on the profound Taoism to go deep into the inner space, and finally found a hidden lair, which contained an altar for worshiping evil gods.

Just when Wang Zongshi and others were about to destroy the altar, those crazy villagers rushed over one after another, trying to put them to death.Fortunately, Wang Zongshi and others were not mediocre, so they stopped the crazy villagers with their swords and flying talismans, and then completely destroyed the altar lair in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, after the altar was destroyed, the villagers passed out one after another. When they woke up again, apart from being tired, there was no other abnormality, and they didn't have much clear memory of the experience when they went crazy.

And outside that remote mountain village, the plague seemed to disappear overnight, and the patients were no different.

"This matter has not been found in historical materials." After Changqing heard it, he felt strange at first.

Li Hanguang explained: "At that time, the Southern Dynasty was at the end of the year, the current situation was turbulent, and there were natural disasters for many years. Historians may not have been able to pay attention to everything. If Master Wang had not personally experienced this event and left notes in handwriting, I may not have been able to cure evil spirits this time. Connect the two."

"But..." Changqing thought about it carefully, and was still confused: "This time, what the scorcher moth is attached to is not a superhuman, but a locust. Could it be that locusts biting people is also a symptom of madness?"

"It's not easy to make a conclusion at the moment." Li Hanguang said: "Judging from the letter left by Grandmaster Wang, it should not be a serious problem for the scorcher attached to a living creature. Instead, it needs an altar and a god to use it. Only when the order is urged can people be confused and fall into madness."

Changqing suddenly thought of an important matter, and his face gradually became tense: "Then if bitten by locusts, will the scorcher transfer its body?"

Li Hanguang was taken aback when he heard the words, and thought for a while: "This...is not impossible."

Changqing then asked again: "Was the burnt moth that has been enslaved in the body been treated by the previous ritual?"

"I'm afraid it's not easy." After some deduction, Li Hanguang also understood that the situation was critical: "Are you worried that the mastermind behind the scenes will use this to make trouble?"

"It's better to believe in something than nothing." Chang Qing immediately stood up and said, "I'll go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to explain the situation and let them take precautions!"


Cheng Sanwu let out a long breath, then relaxed his body and fell forward, lying on Afu's smooth back, burying his face in her thick hair, enjoying the aftertaste of fragrance.

"You're so heavy, you're pressing me down." After laying on the ground for a while, Afu spoke up, turned around and pushed Cheng Sanwu away from her back.

The two, as always, enjoyed physical pleasure after the double cultivation.Cheng Sanwu hugged Afu in his arms, listening to the sound of rustling and raining outdoors, he felt very comfortable.

"Your cultivation base is not small." Afu turned her body slightly, put her cheek on Cheng Sanwu's chest and listened carefully: "The power of inner breath is transferred from Shaoyang to Yangming, and the Yanfeng knife technique must also have some effect. breakthrough."

Cheng Sanwu smiled and said, "With you personally cultivating and giving pointers, of course it will advance by leaps and bounds."

Afu said: "What you are doing now is far from enough. Only by cultivating the true energy of the three yangs can the two of us get a glimpse of the higher realm of "Liuhe Yuanzhang"."

The combination of yin and yang used to deal with the guardian ghosts and gods before is certainly powerful, but it still requires mutual restraint, and it can only burst out in an instant a move that surpasses one's own foundation.

In the future, if the two of them cultivate the true qi of three yang and three yin respectively, they will be able to intertwine and entangle each other without physical contact, and send out combined yin and yang moves at any time.The two join forces, the real energy is endless, able to promote all kinds of martial arts in the world, and exert incredible power.

But there was one thing that Afu never mentioned to Cheng Sanwu.The two of them practiced the "Liuhe Yuanzhang" together, and if both parties cultivated the true qi of the three yin and three yang, and one of them forcibly absorbed the other's primordial energy through the method of harvesting and tonic, so as to promote the harmony of yin and yang, they would be able to achieve great success in Liuhe. Thus, there is an opportunity to step into the innate realm in one fell swoop.

It's just that there is another terrifying potential hidden in Cheng Sanwu's body that cannot be ignored. If Afu takes the risk of taking it by force, he may be backlashed immediately.

Instead of falling into a life-and-death situation, it is better to show some beauty and let Cheng Sanwu take the initiative to donate Yuanyang to help him cultivate. Anyway, his physique is unbelievably strong, and he will not fail even if he cuts him once.

Cheng Sanwu was about to turn around and fight again, Afu also became interested, but suddenly blocked him with one hand.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Sanwu was about to knock on the door.

"There's movement." Afu looked outside, her expression slightly serious.

Cheng Sanwu held his breath and concentrated. It was late at night, and although it was not pouring rain outdoors, the dense sound of rainwater falling on the roof tiles and under the eaves in front of the door was not only sleep-provoking, but also enough to drown out many small sounds.

But at Cheng Sanwu's level, the perception of five sense organs is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he can even sense various subtle changes in the outside world with his breath.And Afu noticed the abnormality one step earlier than Cheng Sanwu, which shows that she is indeed more sensitive.

"Someone is walking." Through the rain curtain like a heavy bedding, Cheng Sanwu heard a burst of footsteps coming from the surrounding courtyard.

"There are a lot of people, at least ten or more." Afu immediately became alert, and the two of them got along close to each other. Cheng Sanwu could feel the tension of Afu's muscles and her potential strength. This feeling is especially wonderful in the bed. .

But right now is obviously not the time to have fun, they are now in the compound specially arranged by Xue Yongnian, governor of Weizhou, and all the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are placed here.

It rained heavily in the middle of the night. Except for a few people who were on duty at night, everyone else was resting separately. How could there be more than a dozen people walking around in a hurry?

Just as the two were guessing, a burst of arrows pierced through the wind and rain, tearing the door and window stickers in an instant, killing them!

(End of this chapter)

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