Fu Shifeng

Chapter 144

Chapter 144
"I don't know." Afu shook her head again. She who always regarded the world as playthings had faint fear on her face.

"That person has no fixed appearance. Back then, I fled into the tomb after being wounded and escaped, and hibernated and recuperated for decades. Later, I thought that the limelight had passed, and I reappeared in public, and indeed spent a period of time in peace.

"Unexpectedly, more than 100 years ago, I met that person again. I didn't expect him to still be alive in the world. At that time, his appearance was completely different, but his breath was very familiar. I recognized him, and he also recognized him. I."

"Have you ever fought against him?" Cheng Sanwu asked.

"Yes." Afu raised her hands to cover her face. The high-ranking vampire who had already experienced countless times of life and death, was seized by fear: "He is very strong, and I can't win even if I show the vampire. After a disastrous defeat, they could only hid in the ancient tomb and hibernated until decades ago."

"How is that person's strength compared to Ankuti?" Cheng Sanwu saw Afu showing such a helpless expression for the first time. In his impression, this woman could still smile calmly even in the face of great difficulties. , to deal with it with ease.

"It's not the same." Afu explained: "Angty's focus is on the profoundness of spells, and that man's martial arts moves are just like his appearance, never fixed and changeable. I am a fellow practitioner of "Liuheyuan" with you. "Chapter", it is intended to use this martial art that claims to be able to cover everything and control the world, to deal with the strange method of that person."

Cheng Sanwu suddenly remembered that when Afu demonstrated the use of Gang Qi in front of him, the methods she showed were various.This is not only the reason why Afu has a long lifespan and has been able to study martial arts for many years, but also has something to do with her thinking about how to deal with that powerful enemy.

"But I don't understand. How can you deal with that formidable enemy if you don't even know his background and appearance?" Cheng Sanwu raised a key question: "And why do you judge that this person will definitely come again?" Trouble with you?"

Afu raised her eyes to look at Cheng Sanwu, her face was a bit sad and beautiful: "If I say it's a woman's intuition, would you believe it?"

Cheng Sanwu saw the extremely beautiful person in front of him, and was stunned for a moment without responding.

"Are you really tempted?" Taotie looked at the two of them back and forth as if watching a good show, then turned around on the spot and changed into Afu's appearance: "Why don't I just use this look from now on?"

Cheng Sanwu frowned, deeply breathed, immediately closed his eyes and focused his attention, restrained his desires, and turned a blind eye to Taotie.Afu didn't know why, seeing Cheng Sanwu behave like this, she was worried that he didn't trust her.

That's right, since just now, Afu's helplessness and weakness have been shown on purpose.Compared with blindly seducing with color in the past, occasionally revealing a woman's weak side may be more masculine and make Cheng Sanwu actively follow him.

As a blood race, the long years have already made her forget what true feelings are. Sometimes even she feels that she is ridiculously hypocritical.

"Okay, I believe you." Cheng Sanwu opened his eyes and looked at Afu again. The sincerity in his eyes was almost burning, which made Afu feel a strange guilt in his heart.

"Actually... I don't have any clues." Afu calmed down and returned to her usual half-smile expression: "Have you heard of Fu Shifeng?"

"Ha! Hahahahaha—"

Hearing this, Taotie at the side immediately returned to his original state, laughing out loud that outsiders could not hear, Cheng Sanwu just frowned and shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, what is that?"

Afu gently squeezed her chin: "According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they are a group of people who disrespect the court's laws, form associations without permission, and conspire against others."

"This set of rhetoric seems to be applicable to anyone." Cheng Sanwu had a strange expression on his face.

Afu smiled faintly: "Of course this is the words of Eunuch Feng and the others, but the Central Plains is full of talents, and there are many ancient sects that have been passed down for many years, let alone those who have succeeded in cultivation and extraordinary people. They can't get along well with each other. We have known each other for hundreds of years, and watching the changes in the world of mortals may not take the Great Xia court seriously."

"If it's just a group of guys who stay in the deep mountains, old forests and Qingxiu, and never interfere in the secular world, is it worth worrying for Eunuch Feng and the others?" Cheng Sanwu looked puzzled.

"I also asked Eunuch Feng, and I learned a few words." Afu said: "The last emperor of the previous dynasty extorted violently, and the second emperor died. However, in the process of competing for the throne, Fu Shifeng once secretly assisted the Taizu of this dynasty to remove obstacles for the establishment of Great Xia."

Cheng Sanwu was slightly annoyed: "What you said is like treating the Taizu of this dynasty as an incompetent person who can only rely on the help of others. And if you want to say that, then those famous heroes who followed the Emperor Taizu to conquer the world, Don't they all count as Fu Shifeng's people?"

"Of course not." Afu covered her mouth with a chuckle, glanced at Cheng Sanwu, and said in surprise, "You're actually angry? Can't stand others slandering the great ancestor of this dynasty? I didn't see it."

Cheng Sanwu raised his hand and slapped his chest: "What kind of a hero is the Taizu of this dynasty? Does he need to rely on a bunch of people who dare not show his face to start a business? No matter who he is, it's all nonsense!"

"Yes, yes, the great ancestor of the Xia Dynasty is a great talent, and the martial arts and martial arts are the best in ancient and modern times. Is this the head office?" Afu comforted Cheng Sanwu with a smile. Having personally experienced the founding of the Great Xia, naturally it is impossible to say that he has any respect for the great ancestor of the Great Xia.

After laughing for a while, Afu continued: "My understanding of Fu Shifeng is limited to what Eunuch Feng and the others mentioned to me. According to them, when Fu Shifeng assisted Taizu back then, it wasn't all done in secret. There was a famous person in the early years of the dynasty who was probably also a member of Fu Shifeng."

"Who?" Cheng Sanwu narrowed his eyes

"The sage of the East China Sea heard about Master." Afu smiled mysteriously: "It is said that when the Great Xia was settled at the beginning of the year, the people's hearts were not at ease, especially the famous nobles in Hebei and Shandong were unwilling to become officials, so Master Wen personally came forward and led Hebei and Shandong scholars into the court. .Later, Tule mobilized his troops and approached Chang'an, and it was Master Wen who assisted Taizu in defeating Tule's army."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." Taotie sighed repeatedly at the side: "This Ministry of Internal Affairs is really capable, and unexpectedly discovered that Master Wen is related to Fu Shifeng."

Cheng Sanwu said: "Almost everyone knows what you said, why do you think Master Wen is a member of Fu Shifeng? Isn't the name Donghai Saint famous enough?"

"It is said that there is a treasure in the palace treasury that is related to Fu Shifeng." Afu replied, "It was not until the beginning of the sage's succession that we found out that one of the reasons for letting the Ministry of Internal Affairs take power and forming Shi Taisui was to investigate Ming Fushifeng, find out all the members, and wipe them out completely."

"What is ungrateful? This is ungrateful!" Tao Tie commented with a smile: "I heard that Master has helped so much, and these guys don't want to repay you, but they still want to destroy Fu Shifeng. Shameless! Shifeng can't stand it anymore."

"I don't understand." Cheng Sanwu asked directly: "Since Fu Shifeng was said to have assisted Taizu in establishing his foundation, why did the Ministry of Internal Affairs want to exterminate them?"

Afu showed a natural smile: "The reason is the same as yours. Daxia Taizu is so talented and powerful, and it is his destiny. How can he need the approval and secret assistance of a group of hidden masters? Today's saints have experienced heroine chaos. We must try our best to maintain orthodoxy, and the reputation of Taizu cannot be tarnished.

"Secondly, Fu Shifeng is out of the court, and his appearance is secretive, and his intentions are unknown. This is even more suspicious. They were able to help the Taizu establish a foundation. How do you know that they will not choose a new king in the future? There is no need to mention other families with different surnames. Even if it is a certain prince and grandson, the saint will feel restless."

Cheng Sanwu pondered for a while: "So you suspect that the formidable enemy you fought against in the past is a member of Fu Shifeng?"

"The identity is unknown, the appearance is changeable, and the change is secretly promoted, and it has existed in the world for a long time. These items are too appropriate... You must know that the Daoist immortals indirectly promoted the change of the Southern Dynasty, and they specifically stared at us. , If you say there are no ghosts in it, you won't believe it!" Afu smiled fiercely.

"It's a little far-fetched, but it makes some sense." Taotie nodded seriously, and then thought about it: "I don't know which one of Fu Shifeng was the one who dealt with the dominatrix back then? The appearance can change, at least not Those three old acquaintances."

"It's still not right." Cheng Sanwu pondered: "A group of guys who don't know how long they have lived are thinking about changing the dynasty all day long, but they are not emperors, so what is the purpose of doing things all day long? Are you free?"

"I need to ask Eunuch Feng, he should know." Afu said, "By the way, when I went to the Western Regions, it was because the Ministry of Internal Affairs found out that Fu Shifeng might have had contacts with An Quti. In [-], when the saint was not yet enthroned, he presented himself to recommend himself. This was a big taboo, and because Angutti was a Zoroastrian priest, this caused the saint to destroy the temple against the Zoroastrian prohibition."

Cheng Sanwu was stunned: "Ah? This has something to do with Anquti? Then I killed him at the beginning, didn't I let you cut off the clue?"

"It's a pity, but you don't have to pay too much attention to it." Afu crossed her legs and changed her position: "Ankyanti deserved to die for making such a big mess. Eunuch Feng didn't expect me to Can bring people back.”

"No wonder you took the initiative to deal with this Jingguang celestial girl." Cheng Sanwu said: "Do you think it might be Fu Shifeng's handwriting behind this?"

Afu tapped her cheek with her fingers: "The Buddhist scriptures banned by the imperial court, and the Buddha's name of the chaotic lady, this is so unusual, it feels like someone deliberately did it. I hoped to order the closure of the states and trap the Jingguang Tiannv in a certain place." In fact, they intend to capture her alive, and force her to find out where she obtained the "Da Yun Jing" and who she was instructed to do."

"What if she wasn't ordered by Fu Shifeng?" Cheng Sanwu asked.

"Kill it if you have to, and keep her for the New Year?" Afu replied.

"No wonder Changqing doesn't like you." Cheng Sanwu sighed.

"You take care of that little baby too much." Afu's red lips pouted slightly: "You don't have the habit of Longyang, do you?"

"What addiction?" Cheng Sanwu really didn't understand this time.

"It's just that men love each other..." Before Afu finished speaking, she saw Cheng Sanwu's eyes rolling and her body swaying as if she was sick. Obviously she was extremely resistant to this, and she couldn't help laughing: "I was wrong. That little baby has never been taken care of by a real father since he was a child. He regards you as an elder who is both father and brother."

Cheng Sanwu shook his body with goose bumps: "Stop talking about such idle things, and quickly think about how to deal with that Jingguang celestial girl. Also, you'd better tell Mr. Qiang Yu, don't let him rush to shoot arrows .”


Kong Yifang opened the door, revealing a dark round face with thick eyebrows and big eyes. It looked like he often worked outdoors. The long beard under his chin had turned into a circle of fine velvet around his lips. He was dozens of younger than before. At the age of [-], his face and facial features have also changed greatly.

"You...you are completely different from before!"

Mu Yuan flew around Kong's side several times: "And the stature seems to be a few inches taller, and the skeleton of the body has changed. How did this happen? Where in the world is there such a method of disguise?"

Kong Yifang coughed a few times, and said in the voice of a young man: "Can't you let me keep some secrets? Otherwise, how will we do business in the future? Or can we meet in person? I'm quite interested in your method of manipulating many puppets .”

"Forget it, I'm sick, and I can't speak when I see strangers." Mu Yuan flatly objected.

Kong Yifang put his hands on his hips and said: "Although everyone in Fu Shifeng is like-minded and dedicated to dealing with Taotie, there is no need to confess all the secrets. This way, we will leave room for each other so that Fu Shifeng will not fall apart. This is an unwritten old rule. It’s better not to break it easily.”

Mu Yuan disdainfully said: "You speak lightly. Except for dealing with Taotie, since when did our group really unite? Aren't we still busy with our own business on weekdays? It's better to say that we didn't fight each other. Rare!"

Hearing this, a subtle expression flashed across Kong Yifang's face, and then he asked nonchalantly: "I've actually thought about this too. At the beginning, everyone almost disagreed on whether to transform Taotie into a human. If you can't argue, if you are not careful, you will part ways. If this happens, what are your plans?"

Mu Yuan was silent for a long time without any movement, almost giving people the illusion that this is an ordinary wood carving.

But Kong Yifang was very patient and didn't rush, until Mu Yuan made a dull voice: "I don't know, but it's best not to. After all, Taotie is not dead yet."

"I remember that you were opposed to the gluttonous transformation of people back then." Kong Yifang asked, "You don't seem to care much now?"

Mu Yuan complained: "When I first heard Master Wen's idea, I thought it was nonsense, a hundred times more nonsense than playing the piano with a cow, at least a cow can understand human nature. But after I really did it, I naturally have nothing to say Said. But in the current situation, it is still far from completely eradicating Taotie, I really don't know what arrangements Master Wen will have for Cheng Sanwu."

(End of this chapter)

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