If you are asked to make a graduation film, you will win the Golden Bear Award?

Chapter 172 Director Lu Chen!The world is crazy about it!

Chapter 172 Director Lu Chen!The world is crazy about it!
Lu Chen, who was on the plane at this time, must have no idea how crazy the airport is at this time, and he is kindly fulfilling the requests of passengers on the plane to take pictures and sign.

Passengers on the plane.

All feel very lucky.

To be able to sit on the same plane as Director Lu Chen.

Director Lu Chen is now well-known not only in China, but also all over the world.

It's this year.

hottest director.

And the most successful director.

Every movie he directed was a success.

It's hot!

Even the stewardess and the captain came over to take a photo with Director Lu Chen.

"Director Lu, when will "Changjin Lake" be released this year?" Many people wanted to know about it.

At the beginning, director Lu Chen filmed "Changjin Lake".

The commotion.

Cause a sensation in a city.

And the picture taken.

shall not flow out.

If you want to experience the magnificence of the shooting scene that night, you can only watch it in the movie.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

To see how grand the war scene is.

"The movie hasn't been produced yet, so the release date cannot be determined." Lu Chen didn't expect everyone to have such expectations for "Changjin Lake".

The film has not entered the announcement stage at all.

But it's already well known.

can have this effect.

It was also because Lu Chen received too much attention.

Directed "Inception" broke $10 billion.

"Changjin Lake" is another big production directed by Lu Chen after "Inception".

has already received great attention.

Lu Chen hopes that everyone will pay more attention to "Soldier Assault".

Soldier Assault has been online for three days.

The ratings have already broken ten.

Climbed to the No. [-] position in the ratings of Yangma TV this year.

More than "Genghis Khan" with the highest ratings on Yangma TV in 04, "Liu Laogen 03" on Yangma TV in 2, and "The Granary of the World" in 02.

However, it is not as high as the peak ratings of "Deep Rain" launched by Yangma 8 in 01.

It is also because "Soldier Assault" has just been launched for three days, and it has not really started to exert its strength.

Lu Chen was still a little dissatisfied with the result.

The main reason is that "Changjin Lake" stole too much limelight from "Soldier Assault".

"Changjin Lake" is too popular.

Plus the first few episodes of "Soldier Assault" are just foreshadowing.

Haven't gotten to the exciting part yet.

The small climax of "Soldier Assault" is "Xu Sanduo" building roads in the fifth class of Red.

It was later discovered by the helicopter of the regiment.

Send reporters to interview.

Draw a classic sketch for 'Xu Sanduo'.

And then into the Seventh Steel Company.

Completed 333 abdominal circles, breaking the record of the seventh company. Since then, "Soldier Assault" has entered the climax, which can make people forget to sleep and eat.

And "Soldier Assault" can be launched for three days.

The ratings broke ten.

It was also due to Lu Chen's strong reputation.

Just this result.

Lu Chen is not very satisfied, the results can be better.

It is also "Changjin Lake" that has attracted too much attention.

Nowadays, "Changjin Lake" is getting the most attention in the film and television industry.

The second is "Soldier Assault".

Behind it is "The Promise" by Chen Kaige.

Looking at the trend of "The Promise", it is doomed not to break [-] million.

Although it is Chen Kaige's career as a director, it is the first film to exceed [-] million yuan in the mainland film market, creating a new record in its own history.

But for "The Promise" with an investment of [-] million yuan.

Definitely a failure.

"The Promise" was also rated by the mainland media as the worst movie in the history of mainland movies.

In another way, it broke the historical record of the mainland film industry.

this matter.

It also made Chen Kaige extremely depressed.

I didn't expect that after preparing for so long, I couldn't even break [-] million.

Take a look at the junior director Lu Chen.

All the films he directed have broken the US$10 billion mark in the world, and the gap is almost invisible, leaving him far behind.

Director Chen Kaige's failure.

Director Feng Xiaogang is also under a lot of pressure.

Think the mainland film market.

After being warmed up by Director Lu Chen.

As long as it is a movie that is a collaboration between a well-known director and a top movie star.

Go to theaters.

Breaking [-] million is easy.

Feng Xiaogang's goal of directing "The Banquet" is the same as that of director Chen Kaige, it is also to break the record of more than 5 million in the mainland of director Lu Chen's "Let the Bullets Fly".

"The Promise" with an investment of [-] million yuan.

Encountered Waterloo directly in the cinema.

Make all directors aware.

It's not that the mainland film market is booming.

It's the fact that the movie directed by director Lu Chen is so popular that it has nothing to do with other people.

The mainland film market is definitely not a place where you can pick up money casually.

If you want to get good grades, you have to come up with a good work like "Let the Bullets Fly".

"The Promise" directed by Chen Kaige can be regarded as a big slap in the face for other big directors in advance.

Let the mainland leaders understand.

Today's film industry is not an era of picking up money.

To achieve a high box office, one must have the ability of Director Lu Chen.

Before "The Promise" was released.

The big directors in China already look down on movies that exceed [-] million yuan, and they are all making movies with an investment of more than [-] million yuan.

Although these big directors do not have a masterpiece with a single film exceeding [-] million yuan, it does not prevent them from looking down on the box office exceeding [-] million yuan, and they have even greater goals.

I think at least [-] million to start.

The release of "The Promise" made these great directors instantly sober.

It turns out that it is very difficult for a movie to break through [-] million.

It's just that for director Lu Chen, it's very simple.

"Dear passengers and friends, the plane is about to arrive at Beiping International Airport. Passengers and friends, please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts. The current temperature in Beiping..." The voice of the purser came from the plane.

The stewardess also asked the passengers around Lu Chen to return to their seats.

a flight attendant.

He specially brought Lu Chen back to his original seat.

Leaning forward, he touched Lu Chen's face, pulled the seat belt, and helped to fasten it, "Mr. Lu, if you need anything, please let me know at any time."

Those shy eyes would melt Lu Chen into his eyes.

The eyes are even more reluctant.

They all wanted to sit in Lu Chen's arms and land together.

"Miss, you dropped the tissue." Lu Chen picked up the tissue that fell from the stewardess' waist.

"No, it's your tissue." The stewardess smiled back and went back to her seat.

This made Lu Chen stunned. He opened it and said the contact information. This was a naked seduction.


"Director Lu! One billion! Director Lu! One billion!"

When Lu Chen got off the plane, he walked into the airport.

The scene boiled instantly.

Everyone shouted in unison.

As if prepared in advance.

But in fact, there is no preparation in advance.

When someone yells.

One after another they followed suit.

Shouting and shouting, there is a rhythm.

All faces are full of pride.

It feels like what the People's Daily wrote.

Director Lu Chen's success in the world film industry.

It's just a small microcosm of the success of Huaguo's revival.

It was also the beginning of Huaguo's real emergence in the international arena.

It represents that Huaguo will occupy the most important position in the future world structure.

Any industry in the world.

There must be a place for the Chinese in the future.

since the economy opened up.

Start to embrace the world and increase your income.

The eyes of the Chinese have also improved, and they set their sights on the whole world.

But now the world is still the stage of Europeans and Americans.

There is a great need for Chinese to achieve impressive results in the world, and to give a shot of force to those who come out to make a living, so that everyone feels that they can be as successful as Director Lu in other industries.

College students, since entering the new century, pay more attention to the world, browse all the world's websites, and see foreign websites discussing Director Lu Chen, and feel proud.

This is also the reason why People's Daily and other officials highly praised Lu Chen
To create a successful case in the world.

Inspire the people.

Now that the economy is taking off, it is necessary to have a benchmark of great success in the world, to show everyone that those who come out to work work hard, and the students study harder.

Only in this way.

The country's economy can reach a new level.

Lu Chen was very pleased to see so many people liking and adoring him, and waved his hands to greet everyone.

"Director Lu! 10 billion!"

The fans shouted louder.

10 million dollars!

Top [-] movie box office in the world!

This is in the world, it is the existence of bursting grades.

At this time, the reporters gathered around, carrying long guns and short cannons, and kept taking pictures.

Facing Lu Chen.

It's like facing a hero returning from victory.

"In order to resume the traffic at Peking International Airport as soon as possible, I will not be here to accept interviews with you. I will find a time to hold a special press conference." Lu Chen changed his tone, "Of course everyone has waited for so long, I will give you a short answer. A few issues of concern."

The reporters listened.

They all scrambled to ask questions one by one.

Still waiting for Lu Chen's answer.

Take it back and write an article immediately.

Well published in the next day's newspaper.

"Everyone be quiet." Lu Chen calmed down the reporters, and answered a few questions that everyone was concerned about at once, "The first one must be about "Inception". Now the movie has earned a box office of 10 billion dollars worldwide. I am grateful for the support of fans around the world, and the hard work of the film's creative team."

"Director Lu, it is rumored that your new movie "Changjin Lake" has been filmed and is in post-production. Is this true?"

"Director Lu, you promised everyone that "Changjin Lake" will be released in theaters this year. Is it true?"

"Director Lu, do you think the release of "Changjin Lake" in the future can break the myth created by "Inception"?"

Immediately there were more reporters asking, one by one, they wanted to surround Lu Chen and ask questions all day and all night.

"Everyone's questions, I won't answer them one by one, I will give a unified answer." Lu Chen answered the question of "Changjin Lake", ""Changjin Lake" has indeed been completed and is currently in post-production. Counting, "Changjin Lake" will definitely meet with you this year."

fans out there.

Hearing Director Lu Chen's words.

Everyone is excited.

There is also a "Changjin Lake" to watch this year.

"Director Lu, do you have any plans for your next global movie?"

"Director Lu, "Inception" is very successful now. I believe that many Hollywood film companies will cooperate with you. I don't know if the next global movie is on the agenda." Jinhu" problem.

The main thing is to know what the movie "Changjin Lake" is about.

It's about beating the 17-nation coalition.

Of course, the United States is in it, and it must be the number one villain.

"I'm currently negotiating with relevant personnel. The next movie to be released globally will be on the agenda soon." Lu Chen saw the reporters scrambling to ask again, "We are currently negotiating, and the project has not yet been officially approved, so I can't answer anything about this movie."

The reporters can think about it and ask for some useful news.

The subject of the new movie?

And which company in Hollywood is the cooperation with?
The reporters who asked questions were also impressed.

Director Lu Chen deserves to be the most prolific director.

"Changjin Lake" is still in post-production, and a new movie is already being prepared.

"Nothing is confirmed about this movie, so I really didn't answer your questions." Lu Chen said that you don't need to ask any more questions, and the answers have already been answered, "One more thing, currently directed by me, starring Wang Baoqiang and others. The drama "Soldier Assault" is currently being screened on Yangma, and I hope everyone will support it."

One must mention.

Otherwise, the attention of "Soldier Assault" will be completely stolen by "Changjin Lake".

"Director Lu..." Seeing that Director Lu Chen was leaving, the reporters wanted to chase after him one by one, and they wanted to ask about Director Lu Chen. This was a topic of its own, which could increase the sales of newspapers and magazines.

Lu Chen didn't answer any questions, and left the airport under the escort of the airport security personnel.

When I got off the plane just now.

has been notified.

Can't stay too long.

To avoid accidents.

When you have time, hold another press conference.


Beiping, Maoer Hutong

Lu Chen came back from the airport and rested at home for a few hours.

So I came to attend the gathering of directors in the Northwest Circle.

This was also specially held for Lu Chen.

Yang Mi was wearing a blue dress, and she walked in holding Lu Chen's hand.

I am very happy inside.

Unexpectedly, Director Lu could bring himself to such an important party.

It seems that Director Lu still loves himself the most.

The four little Huadans are the only ones who have had a relationship with Director Lu, which proves that Director Lu likes her the most.

 Guys!Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  Thank you guys for your support along the way!

(End of this chapter)

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