apocalypse night

Chapter 530 Sita

Chapter 530 Sita (Part [-])
Center of the Lost City.

Inside the huge steel house, a series of high-end intelligent computer equipment is lined up side by side.Many people dressed in pure white suit-style overalls, with nameplates engraved with Theta Biological Heavy Industry Company on their chests, are busy inspecting the surveillance images fed back from various areas.

The images of forests, wilderness, crowded steel streets, narrow alleys, etc. in the huge island are constantly refreshed.

The entire giant island can be seen in this giant monitoring room without any privacy.

At this time, a middle-aged blond man in a white suit sat on the command chair in the center.

The man's face was sharp and angular, his blue eyes were piercing, and he exuded a beast-like dangerous aura, giving people a very suffocating sense of oppression.

"Lord Martak, the relay line No. 74 has been repaired, and the personnel in charge of the area over there have sent atonement for their actions to the laboratory."

A man wearing a white suit and a white tie, with cryptic eyes, reported respectfully.

At this time, all the busy staff next to them trembled involuntarily, as if they heard something terrible.

At this time, Matak stood up with his hands on the armrests and said very seriously.

"Barkley, tell me, what is the purpose of our Sita Bio Heavy Industry Company spending so much money and material resources to build this huge experimental base here?"

Buckley said solemnly.

"Everything is for the foundation of the supreme eternal life plan."

"Yes, everything is for the immortality plan. We are so honored to be a part of this great plan. I will never allow any mistakes to occur during the research and development period because of your stupidity."

Martak warned coldly.

"Lord Martak, I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again."

"The best thing is to go through the formalities for that guy to die in the line of duty."

"no problem."

Buckley responded respectfully.

You must know that Theta Bio-Heavy Industries is one of the top ten capital companies of Blue League.

Referred to as Shibenyi, its industries span biopharmaceuticals, weapons, industrial heavy industry and many other industries.

The forces are intertwined, serving the Blue League and not being controlled by the Blue League. At the same time, it has a strong influence on the Senate of the Blue League.

Over the years, the leaders of the Blue League have changed, and there are active figures behind them.

At this moment, a staff member received the uploaded video data. He opened it and looked at it, then quickly stood up and reported the report.

"Report! An abnormal intruder was found in the number S2391 forest area."

After Buckley heard it, he walked straight to the monitoring station and said calmly.

"Replay the image and video again."


The operator proceeds immediately.

On the display screen, five figures can be seen walking past.

"Rewind frame by frame!"

Barkley ordered ably.


The staff acted immediately.

Soon the video started to go backwards, Barkley looked at the backwards video, and then spoke.


At this moment, the picture freezes, and the profiles of Shen Qiu and Chen Ye can be clearly seen at this moment. As for Qi Dong and the others, they can't see clearly because of the angle.

"Perform data matching."

Barkley gave instructions skillfully.

The operator immediately matched the database, and within ten seconds, data popped up one after another.

"Shen Qiu, male, non-staff member of Hongmeng KPI."

"Chen Ye, male, non-staff member of Hongmeng KPI."

After seeing the exact results, Barkley went straight to Martak and reported respectfully. "Five members of the Hongmeng broke into the island, and two of them were identified as members of the Hongmeng KPI."

"Let the military department send a team to catch them, remember to live, just enough to replenish the test body."

Martak gave the order coldly.

"Understood, I'll arrange it now."

Buckley lowered his head and responded respectfully.
Outside the Forgotten City.

Shen Qiu and the others finally arrived at the edge of the city, and were greeted by a smell of steel rust mixed with the salty sea breeze.

Five people walked along the narrow street.

There are steel box-like houses on both sides, and the density is extremely high. Even if there is an alley between the houses, it is very narrow, and it can barely accommodate one person to walk around normally.

And you can also see many box-shaped houses with the same houses stacked on top, and a steel ladder is installed on the side for climbing up and down.

Shen Qiu and the others saw that the doors of some houses were not closed at this time. They looked at each other and walked into the houses to explore in a tacit understanding.

The house is filled with various old items, covered with dust and moss.

These items should be furniture and the like, Shen Qiu and others spread out to check to see if they could find any valuable things and information.

"Boss, the shapes here are so strange, why are they used?"

Chen Ye looked at a strange iron-cased electric appliance in the shape of a round wine barrel and said.

Shen Qiu glanced at it, then looked at the uneven rock table and said.

"I don't know."

Yun Xiaoxi said happily at this time.

"Chen Qiu, look what I found."

Shen Qiu turned her head to look over, and saw Yun Xiaoxi holding a string of gray pearl necklaces in her hands, the whole necklace was still faintly shining.

"Don't hold it in your hands, throw it away, the color is not right."

When Yun Xiaoxi heard Shen Qiu's words, she threw them away.

At this time, Bei Kailun came over, holding a metal book in his hand and said.

"Can anyone understand?"


Chen Ye and the others shook like rattles.

"I'll try it with a bracelet."

Shen Qiu then raised his bracelet to scan the metal book in Bei Kailun's hand, and a prompt popped up from Xiao Qi.

"Not included, no data matching, cannot be translated."

Seeing the result, Shen Qiu shook his head.

Upon seeing this, Bei Kelun threw the metal book aside.

A few hours later, Shen Qiu and others walked on the street. They inspected a lot of houses in iron boxes. Basically, the things displayed inside were pretty much the same.
The houses in this strange city are densely distributed upwards.Therefore, although the streets are intricate, the overall trend is to extend upwards.

At this time, the surrounding area was very quiet, and the entire abandoned city was extremely desolate.

"Shen Qiu, I don't know why, but I feel so depressed. I didn't feel this way when I explored other destroyed worlds before."

Yun Xiaoxi surrounded the surroundings and whispered.

Shen Qiu's expression changed slightly, and he opened his mouth to explain.

"Because these buildings are too dense, and the internal space is very narrow. To put it bluntly, they are worse than pigeon cages. You can imagine what it would be like if the indigenous people here lived here before they were destroyed."

According to Shen Qiu's prompt, Qi Dong made up his mind and said with an unnatural expression.

"It feels so crowded and depressing, like a prison."

"It's a prison, and it's worse than a prison. After all, there is at least a term left in prison, and there is a vast ocean nearby. There is only this island, and you may have to die here for the rest of your life."

Shen Qiu said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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