Chapter 249 Qian Shu’s Crisis

At the same time, Kitagawa Yu, who had just finished washing and came out of the bathroom, wearing a T-shirt and big pants, wiping his hair with a towel, suddenly received a system reminder that Qian Shu was in danger.

"Ah? Qian Shu is in danger? Isn't she in the room?"

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. After letting go of his senses, he realized that Qian Shu was not in the room at this time.

"Did you go to Licoris World?"

"But there shouldn't be anything in that world that can threaten the current Qian Shu, right?"

"Is this the final 'Sky Tree Showdown' in the anime?"

Many thoughts flashed through Kitagawa Yu's head in an instant, and at the same time, he launched the teleportation at the fastest speed and entered the world of Licoris.

This is his first time in the world of Licoris.

As a result, he had just appeared next to Qian Shu, and before he could clearly see the dark surroundings, two lights lit up in the darkness.

Accompanied by two loud gunshots, two bullets were fired at him from the darkness.


"Be careful--"

Qian Shu subconsciously exclaimed.

But what was faster than her exclamation was the shimmering magic pendant around Kitagawa Yu's neck, and the tinkling sound of bullets that bounced off the shield.

Kitagawa Yuu, on the other hand, quickly hugged Qian Shu, who was about to fall, with quick eyes and quick hands.

If Kitagawa Yu hadn't suddenly appeared and blocked the bullets just now, these two shots would probably have hit Qianzhu.

Even if it wasn't vital, Qian Shu would be injured.



Qian Shu immediately relaxed when he saw the person coming, and a delighted smile appeared on his face.

Kitagawa Yu frowned and said with a reproachful look on his face: "Why did you start the fight without telling us in advance? Didn't you say last time that if you meet the villain Majima again, you will call us together?"

"Huh? Villain Majima?"

Majima, who was hiding in the darkness, felt inexplicably unhappy when he heard this. He raised his hand and fired two more shots with his extraordinary hearing.

But even if the angle was changed this time, facing the 360-degree magic shield with no blind spots, it was still in vain.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see the light of the magic shield, and could only hear the sound of bullets being bounced off the iron plate, which made him very confused.

"I, I didn't think I could deal with that guy~" Qian Shu stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

Because he was being held by Kitagawa Yu, his hands subconsciously hugged Kitagawa Yu's neck. Looking at the face that was close at hand and full of concern, he could still maintain a steady heartbeat despite such a fierce battle. He beat faster and faster consciously.

Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but wrinkled.

Qian Shu learned Demon Slayer's breathing method. Although it didn't take long, his combat effectiveness did improve a lot.

However, the breathing method was obviously not enough to help her reach the bullet's attack.

"Where is your necklace?" Kitagawa Yu asked.

Qian Shu also has a magic necklace like him, which is enough to reach bullets and even RPG attacks. If Qian Shu wears that magic necklace and relies on his improved fighting ability, he can easily defeat Zhen Shu even in this dark environment. Island.

"Uh, I lent that to Takina."

Qian Shu stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and explained quickly: "Takina and other Licolis are going to another sky tree to deal with dozens of heavily armed gangsters. She doesn't have the ability to dodge bullets like me. Very dangerous."

Kitagawa Yu flicked her head angrily and sneered: "You're still dodging the bullet. Why didn't you dodge it just now?"

"Oh, I'm wrong. Besides, Yuu, shouldn't you care about whether I'm injured?" Qian Shu, who knew he was in the wrong, could only act coquettishly and change the subject.

Kitagawa Yu rolled his eyes angrily when he heard this, and said: "Looking at you so energetic, it doesn't look like you are injured. Even if you lend out the necklace, don't you still have Eevee and Electric Momonga? Really? If that doesn’t work, you can summon the fire-breathing dragon!”

"Please, that will cause a sensation~" Qian Shu said.

She didn't want to be targeted by the authorities after she was done, asking where Charizard and Electric Flying Squirrel came from.


On the other side, Majima, who was hiding in the darkness, felt inexplicably irritated as he listened to the two people's silly conversation. Finally, he couldn't help but yell. At the same time, the magazine he had just replaced was directly inserted between his hands. Empty within seconds.

But under the magic shield, it still failed to pose any threat to Kitagawa Yu and Qian Shu.

"What the hell is going on?! Could it be that DA has developed some black technology and equipment?!"

Seeing the sparks caused by the deflected bullets, Majima was really dumbfounded.

He couldn't think of magic, so he could only think of black technology. After all, the technological level of this world was more advanced than that of the main world.

Majima couldn't help but think about whether to make a strategic retreat.

Although Kitagawa Yu's wet hair, loose T-shirt and big pants look ordinary.

But his sudden appearance here is a very strange thing in itself.

Majima relied on the experience and intuition he had honed over many years of wandering between life and death, and he keenly sensed something was wrong.

If he continues to stay here, he will probably die!

But just when he was about to turn around and escape, the rolling curtain that had fallen down outside the observation deck was suddenly broken from the outside. With the light coming in again, a girl wearing a dark blue uniform and long black hair held a The gun jumped in.

The girl who was about to shoot couldn't help but froze when she saw the postures of Qian Shu and Kitagawa Yu.

"Ah! Takina?"

"what's the situation?!"

Three big question marks appeared on Takina's head.

If Kitagawa Yuu didn't have any firearms or other weapons in his hand, she would have almost pulled the trigger on Kitagawa Yuu just now.

As for whether Qian Shu would be hugged by Kitagawa Yuu, she was not worried about that.

After all, her shooting performance is second only to Qian Shu in the history of Lycoris, and she is a master who can use a heavy machine gun to create human body outlines.

On the other side, the villain Majima subconsciously raised his hand and pulled the trigger on Takina with the pistol he had just changed the magazine.

Although Takina sensed something was wrong and tried her best to roll to the side to hide, she could not dodge the shot due to her previous daze. However, at this moment, Qian Shu took the magic necklace around Takina's neck and activated it. A layer of transparent light shield that could not be seen by ordinary people opened instantly, and the incoming bullets flew out easily.

"Damn it! Your DA's technology is really powerful!" Majima said this and turned around to run away.

And while escaping, he paid attention to using terrain cover, giving Takina no chance to shoot him.

"Damn! Don't try to escape!"

Takina immediately stood up and wanted to chase him.

Majima is not only a very dangerous terrorist, but also wants to kill Qian Shu. How could she let Qian Dao leave?

But compared to people with extraordinary abilities like Senshu and Majima, although she is powerful, she is still only in the category of ordinary people.

Not to mention killing Majima, it is difficult to catch up with Majima.

"Leave him to me. By the way, can you lend me your gun?" A figure suddenly appeared next to Takina, and a gentle voice sounded at the same time, which stunned Takina who was just about to sell. .


If an ordinary person said this, Takina would definitely think that person was sick.

How could she hand over her only weapon to a stranger at this time?

But Takina didn't know what was going on. She looked at Kitagawa Yu's handsome face and gentle smile, and then looked at Qianzhu, who had just been put down by Kitagawa Yu and was standing aside with the little rabbit obediently. After a moment of hesitation, The gun was handed over by some strange coincidence.

"Be careful." Takina said subconsciously.

"Yeah," Kitagawa Yu grinned, and then in Takina's astonished eyes, golden lightning flashed around her body.

The next second, Kitagawa Yu's whole body seemed to turn into a golden light, dragging a long tail of light, instantly spanning a distance of tens of meters, and stopped in front of Majima at the exit of the escape passage.


Majima was startled, and his pupils contracted violently.

Especially when he saw the muzzle of the gun pointed at him, he immediately dodged to one side.

However it was still too late.


A playful sneer appeared on Kitagawa Yu's face, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The next second, there was a huge gunshot, and Majima didn't even have a chance to make a marquee. His whole body flew out under the impact of the bullet, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

There was a single hole as thick as a finger in the middle of his eyebrow, and scarlet blood spurted out from the dissatisfaction.

He probably never thought that he would be killed like this. Majima's face had an expression of panic and astonishment, completely devoid of his usual coldness and madness.

On the other side, Takina was awakened by the sound of gunshots, came to her senses, and turned to look at Qian Shu with a questioning look on her face.

"he is?"

"Hehe, he is the god I mentioned~"

"Huh?" Takina couldn't help but froze when she heard this.

Kitagawa Yuu seems to be a high school student of about the same age as them, right?

Qian Shu seemed to see what his good friend was thinking, and said with a smile: "Well, he is in high school."

"Uh, do gods also have to go to school?"

"Isn't it interesting to go to school?"

Takina, who was adopted by DA since she was a child and was trained as a killer without ever going to school, couldn't help but have a big question mark on her head again.

"Well, from a certain perspective, going to school is really interesting~" Kitagawa Yuu, who was walking back, happened to hear Takina's doubts and couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for the gun."

"Eh? Oh, you're welcome." Takina borrowed the gun and said, "I should thank you for saving Qian Shu."

Takina even bowed politely as she spoke, which made Kitagawa Yuu, who had been sizing her up, couldn't help but smile.

I have to say that Takina is not only beautiful, but also has a very cute personality.

Originally trained as a killer since she was a child, she only had to complete tasks in her life. She had some flaws in her personality. It wasn't until she met Qian Shu, and under Qian Shu's guidance, that she found a new meaning to life, and she became more cheerful.

Just because of the lack of common sense in life, there are always a lot of jokes, which gives people an extra cute feeling.

"If you really want to thank me, then make me a 'Takina's Special Chocolate Shaved Ice'~ That's what it's called, right?"


Takina's fair little face turned red instantly, with an embarrassed expression on her face, and she glared at Qian Shu fiercely.

Ever since she accidentally drizzled chocolate sauce on a bowl of shaved ice, it formed an indescribable shape. The so-called 'Takina's special chocolate shaved ice' has become an internet celebrity product in their cafe, attracting countless customers. Came here specifically to check in.

At the same time, it also became a dark history that made her want to strangle Qian Shu.

"Hey, you can't blame me. It turns out that 'Takina's Special Chocolate Shaved Ice' is really popular. You see, even Kamisa wants to eat the 'Takina's Special Chocolate Shaved Ice' you made~"


Takina glared at her fiercely again.

However, she was really grateful to Kitagawa Yu for arriving in time to save Qian Shu, and she had some other small thoughts in her mind, so she agreed with a blushing face.

"But the battle on the other side is not over yet. We have to wait until we return." Takina said.

"That's it," Kitagawa Yuu thought for a moment and said, "Then wait for me~"

After saying that, Kitagawa Yu disappeared instantly, which made Takina stunned for a moment.

"He has returned to the God Realm?"

"Well, that's right." Qian Shu pressed her cheek with her fingers, not knowing how to explain it.

Fortunately, at this moment, Kitagawa Yuu had returned and also brought back Irena's Gardevoir.

"Ah? Gardevoir?" Qian Shu looked at Gardevoir in surprise, and then immediately understood what Kitagawa Yu wanted to do.

"Gardevoir, can you sense what's going on in that tower?"

"Yes." Gardevoir nodded obediently like a little lady.

"Use your mental power to knock out everyone inside except the girl wearing this uniform."

"Ok, I see."

Gardevoir's eyes lit up with a mysterious light, and invisible spiritual power quickly surged towards the sky tree of another newly built city in the distance.

Although Kitagawa Yu is not her master, she is connected to Irena and knows the relationship between Kitagawa Yu and Irena, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong with listening to Kitagawa Yu.

Soon, the terrorists who were engaging in fierce exchanges of fire with other Licolis using the terrain were all targeted by Gardevoir, and then knocked unconscious by a mental shock.

The originally intense gunfire quickly subsided after a few seconds.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"I don't know, the enemies suddenly fell down for no reason."

"Could it be a trap?"

"Go and see and you'll know."

"You guys cover, I'll go first."

With the help of surveillance cameras and micro-drones flying outside the building, these Licoris quickly learned about the terrorist's fainting.

At first they thought it was a trap, but when they rushed over cautiously, they realized that it was true. Not one of the terrorists was missed, and they all fainted inexplicably.

"Okay, done, let's go~"

(End of this chapter)

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