Chapter 237 Sudden Headbutt

She didn't know whether it was because she hadn't spoken for a long time, or because she was too scared to see the sudden appearance of Kitagawa Yu. Mei opened her mouth, not knowing what she was saying.

However, the fruit in his hand fell to the ground, and his little face looked like he was about to cry, but he was so happy to see Yu Kitagawa, and suddenly felt like scaring a child to tears.

"Sorry, I scared you. You don't have to be afraid. I won't hurt you."

Seeing Mei's tears welling up in her eyes, Kitagawa Yu quickly showed a gentle smile and said softly.

Of course, he did not relax his vigilance, but was ready to take action at any time.

Although compared to other immortals who can change their gender at will, Mei is just a defective product that can only grow bigger and smaller. However, after more than 1000 years of natural growth, the energy in her body is almost one-fifth of that of ordinary immortals. .

One blow can knock even the prepared Thrush Pill to the point where he cannot get up for a long time. He has not practiced the secret technique of defense, and his defense power is not as good as Thrush Pill. If he is careless and is hit with his energy, his body may be damaged. Puncture.

But what surprised him was that he seemed to have an extraordinarily high affinity for girls. The tree man next to him still looked wary and did not relax, but Mei quickly put it away after seeing his gentle smile. Tears, big eyes, although still a little timid, but more of them are still curious.

"My name is Northern Chess Saint, and I came to the island this time to defeat the Celestial Immortal." Kitagawa Yu continued, "I know that you have been avoiding the Celestial Immortal's arrest, and you have had a hard time avoiding it. How about you follow me from now on? I'll protect you, even if the gods come, they won't be able to hurt you anymore."

Although Mei was not very good at speaking, she understood what Kitagawa Yu meant.Her body can freely change between eighty-nine years old and eighteen or nineteen years old, and her real age is over a thousand years old, so there is no problem in understanding her.

It's just that for so many years, the tree man has been taking care of her and giving her ideas, so although she felt particularly kind to Kitagawa Yu and wanted to agree, she still subconsciously turned to look at the tree man next to her.

The tree man looked at Kitagawa Yu again, lowered his guard slightly, and said: "Outsider, I know that you can break through Yingzhou, the outermost part of this island, and your strength should be very good, but believe me, the strength of an immortal It’s beyond your imagination. It’s much stronger than the Kitchen God and Door God in the forest. You’d better leave this island as soon as possible!”

As an old tree man who has lived for hundreds of years, he really understands the power of the Celestial Immortal. In the past few hundred years, there have been other powerful people who have landed on the island and broken into this place. However, under the Celestial Immortal's attack, they were all easily wiped out. No one is a match for the gods.

Therefore, in his opinion, all immortals are unrivaled.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, two figures ran quickly from the direction of the bonfire in the distance, and then stopped behind Kitagawa Yu, one on the left and one on the right, as if they were guarding him.

"God, Lord Tianxian?!"

The tree man was startled. After seeing the face of the visitor clearly, his pupils could not help but shrink and he exclaimed.

On the other side, Mei was not much better. She was frightened when she saw Zhu Jin. She subconsciously approached Kitagawa Yu who made her feel safe, and used Kitagawa Yu's body to hide herself.

But Zhu Jin had obviously discovered her a long time ago.

"Mei? I didn't expect you to be hiding here." Zhu Jin raised his eyebrows, looked at Mei up and down, and then stopped talking.

After Mei heard Zhu Jin call her name, her little body couldn't help but tremble again, and her eyes were full of fear.

But at this moment, a warm hand fell on her dirty hair and rubbed it gently. At the same time, a gentle voice sounded in her ears, which quickly dispersed like a warm sun. The coldness and fear in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, she has been subdued by me and will not hurt you anymore~"


The tree man on the side couldn't help but exclaimed again, and Mei also raised her head in shock, her eyes widening.

"Master Tianxian was actually conquered by you?! This, how is this possible?!"

Kitagawa Yu smiled slightly and said calmly: "Nothing is impossible. Immortals are not really invincible. Otherwise, they would have stayed on this island for thousands of years."

The tree man was immediately speechless.

The most important thing is that the fact is right in front of him. Zhu Jin could have fled or made a sneak attack just now, but he did not do so. Instead, he stood honestly behind Kitagawa Yu. This was obviously true surrender.

"Well, sir, I'll leave Master Mei to you. It just so happens that my life is about to come to an end." The tree man came back to his senses and said slowly.

As one of Lian's first experimental subjects, tree people only live longer, and they cannot be immortal like immortals as long as they have energy.

As the last living tree man in the village, he would have turned into a tree and died soon.

Mei also came back to her senses at this time, looked at the tree man with a sad expression, and then grabbed Kitagawa Yu's hand and began to pray babblingly.

Although Kitagawa Yu couldn't understand what she was talking about, he could understand what she meant, so he turned to Zhu Jin and asked: "Is there any way you can remove his tree transformation?"

Zhu Jin shook his head when he heard this and explained: "The path of tree transformation is wrong. We didn't continue the research after discovering this, so there is no way to cancel the tree transformation."

On the other side, the tree man also spoke to comfort Mei: "Master Mei, please don't be sad for me. My wife and my children have been waiting for me for many years. It's time for me to reunite with them."

Everyone could hear what the tree man said was sincere. After all, he was just an ordinary human being. He was suddenly transformed into a tree man overnight, and then witnessed his wife and two children gradually becoming trees. Transformed and died, and out of more than 1000 people in the village, he was the only one left.

But because of the super self-healing ability he gained after the transformation, he couldn't commit suicide even if he wanted to. He could only wait for death day after day, year after year.

Now that he can finally die, this is indeed a relief for him.

Tears welled up in Mei's eyes again, but she couldn't say anything. She could only hug the tree man hard, and then silently watched it disappear into the night alone, arriving at the junction of Abbot and Penglai. , kneeling beside his wife and children in the tree-man cemetery.

Yes, these villagers have always regarded Lian and Tianxian as real immortals. Even if they were transformed into monsters and died, they did not dare to resist or even resent them.

"Okay, let's go back!"

Everyone returned to the village, and then followed Mei to the courtyard where she and the tree people usually lived.

Compared with other dilapidated houses, the three houses in this courtyard are obviously better preserved. One of them even dug a 3×3 meter bathing pool and filled it with water. This made Kitagawa Yuto I can’t help but marvel at the neon people’s craze for bathing.

Not to mention this guy Bang.

After seeing this bathtub, my eyes immediately lit up.

Although Kitagawa Yuu is fighting today and she is just a cheering crowd, but including the time she spent on the boat to the island and the preparation time, she has not taken a shower for four or five days. Now that After seeing the bathtub, how could I bear it?

"Master, let's take a bath together?" Kang rolled his eyes, smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Kitagawa Yu's arm, saying softly.

Kitagawa Yu, who was already ready to open a harem in this world, naturally had no reason to refuse such delicacies delivered to his door.

But just as he was about to say yes, a series of pretty faces flashed before his eyes, and this time there were actually a few more than last time.

"Hoshino Aimiya Sono Kaoru?"

"Also. Is this little one Matou Sakura?" "I'll go! What's going on?!"

Kitagawa Yu shook his head and forcibly dispersed the faces. As a result, the next second, the face of a certain stupid god girl appeared in front of him, and then hit him hard with a headbutt.


The startled Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but cursed, and almost drew his sword.

As a result, the expected feeling of impact did not appear. Apparently this was just his hallucination.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Kitagawa Yu's sudden and unusual behavior, Gang couldn't help but asked with concern.

She really doesn't want anything to happen to Kitagawa Yu. After all, once something happens to Kitagawa Yu, with her strength, even if she has practiced Qi training, she will not be Zhu Jin's opponent at all, let alone other immortals and stronger ones. Lotus.

Thrush Maru died, and without Kitagawa Yu, it would be impossible for her to leave the island alive.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something."

Kitagawa Yu made a perfunctory remark and changed the subject: "You can take Mei with you to wash it. I'll wash it later."

After saying that, Kitagawa Yu first touched Mei's head to let her stay here with peace of mind, and then quickly left the bathroom and went to the next room.

Seeing this, although Gang was a little confused, he didn't ask any more questions and pulled Mei to help Mei take off her clothes.

Kitagawa Yu sat down cross-legged, took a deep breath, frowned and checked his memory.

Unfortunately, although he noticed something was wrong, he didn't know why it happened, and he didn't know why these figures suddenly appeared.

However, after some attempts, he still figured out some rules, that is, every time he wanted to have some X-rated scenes with these two beauties, Gang or Zaki, these figures would suddenly appear and glare at him. .

At the same time, with the appearance of these figures, he would also feel inexplicably guilty, which made him even more confused.

"What's going on? Although these are the paper figurine wives I liked in my previous life, but now I have traveled through time!"

"The most important thing is, if this illusion keeps happening, how can I maintain a harem in this world?"

Kitagawa Yu murmured in his heart.

At the same time, in the distant main world shrine, a certain stupid god girl also heard Kitagawa Yu's muttering through the red line on her fingertips, and she couldn't help but clenched her fists angrily.

"Perverted! Perverted! Perverted!"

"This big pervert has this kind of thing in his head!"

"How could I get associated with this kind of guy! I'm so angry!"

"There are already so many girls waiting for him, and he is still thinking about such things. Even if he has temporary amnesia, it is unforgivable!"


The clear tinkling of bells.

It's a pity that Kitagawa Yu couldn't hear her complaints.

After being unable to think of a solution for the time being, Kitagawa Yu had no choice but to practice Qi training. As for the technique of immortality, he needed to implant the cells of the parasitic flower into his body, allowing his own human cells to interact with the parasitic flower under the influence of Qi. Flower cells fuse.

Kitagawa Yu was still a little hesitant about whether to do this.

The night passed quickly.

I don't know if it was because the life energy in his body was already very huge. It only took one night for Kitagawa Yu to master the Qi training technique and condensed a ball of Qi the size of a fist in his Dantian.

Although the amount of Qi in this ball is not even comparable to that of Mei, it is much more than Gang. When operated according to the operation route of Qi training, it is enough to increase various attributes of his body by about 20%.

As for resilience, it has more than doubled.

And the life span that he is most concerned about has not been improved as much as expected. The upper limit of life span has only been raised to 180 years old.

However, as long as his energy is not consumed in large quantities, his body and appearance will remain youthful until he reaches his end, which is quite good.

"Master, don't be discouraged. With your talent, I think it won't be long before you become more angry than me." Zhu Jin took the initiative to comfort him, but Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but look at her more.

"Stop talking about this, take me to find other immortals."

"Good master, the one closest to here should be Osmanthus fragrans. He is the weakest among us, and the direction of his research is"

Because they have their own research tasks, apart from routine inspections, other immortals will basically stay in their own territory and will not run around, which makes it much easier for Kitagawa Yu to find them.

In order to avoid arousing the alertness of these immortals, he did not level up any more monsters along the way. Instead, he used Zhu Jin's breath to drive away the Kitchen God, Door God and poisonous insects, and found Osmanthus fragrans as quickly as possible.

Then it's easy.

In order to show his force, Kitagawa Yu did not make a sneak attack, but appeared in front of Osmanthus fragrans with Zhu Jin and the others.

"Zhu Jin? Have you found Mei? What's going on with these two humans?"

Osmanthus didn't react at first. It wasn't until Kitagawa Yu took two steps forward and put his right hand on the handle of the knife that he finally realized something was wrong, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Zhu Jin, are you—"

"Yes, I am loyal to my master."

"Are you crazy?! You actually recognize a human as your master?! Lian will kill you."

Zhu Jin shook her head lightly after hearing this and did not waste any more words. Anyway, she believed that after Osmanthus saw Kitagawa Yu's terrifying force, she would know why she chose to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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