Chapter 213 Robbery!Don't move!

"My name is Kitagawa Yu——"

While Kitagawa Yu said his name, he stepped forward to help Xiaoxia untie the rope from her body. At the same time, she couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on her face.

Of course, this smile is not because of Xiaoxia's nymphomaniac.

That would just give him a headache.

What he was happy about was that just when Xiaoxia said she wanted to give him the PokéDuck together with the Poké Ball, he had already received the system message.

【Wish come true】

[Power of Wish +9]

This must be one of the easiest wishes he has ever fulfilled.

Although he only gained 9 points of wish power, which was pitifully small compared with previous gains, he might have opened the teleportation coordinates of the Pokémon world, and he would definitely make a lot of money!
"Then let's say goodbye."

Kitagawa Yu, whose wish came true and got the duck, does not intend to stay here and have too much contact with Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia, who had just untied the rope and regained her freedom, and was thinking about where to go to clean up the soot on her body, became anxious when she heard this.

"Hey? Are you leaving now? Won't you stay and have a meal together? I also want to thank you for helping me. By the way, don't look at me like this. In fact, I am very So beautiful!”


She said she was beautiful, and Xiaoxia in front of her could indeed do such a narcissistic operation.

"No, my girlfriends are still waiting for me~" Kitagawa You smiled and said deliberately.

Xiaoxia was stunned again when she heard this, and then she noticed Irena and the others not far behind Kitagawa Yu, and then her whole body turned to stone in an instant.

Although she is indeed very confident in her appearance, even a little narcissistic, and always claims that she is the most beautiful girl, but compared with Qian Shu, Irena, and Artoria who is now wearing a JK, there is such a gap. .It’s hundreds of times bigger than the gap between her and her three sisters.

As for Kitagawa Yu having three girlfriends, she didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, Xiaomao had seven or eight girlfriends.

"Then will we meet again? Are you, are you also Pokémon trainers?"

"Of course, if we are destined, we may meet again~" Kitagawa Yu smiled and waved, and quickly left here with Irena and the others.

Although they now have a very powerful Pokmon, there are six of them, so they can't just use one Pokémon, right?

So now he has to get one or two initial Pokémon for everyone, and then he can start the journey of conquering and challenging.

"In addition to the initial Pokémon, it is best to have a Pokémon illustrated book for each person. This can be used as identification when necessary."

"So we need to go to the Pokémon Center in this city first, and then Irena will need to take action."

The Pokémon Center is just like the Pokémon Gym. It is basically a landmark building in a city. It can be said that almost everyone knows about it. Kitagawa Yu asked random passers-by and found out the location of the Pokémon Center. A group of people arrived here quickly.

"Hello, Miss Joy, are there any Pokémon illustrated books for sale here?"

"Yes, how many do you want?"


As Kitagawa Yu knows, although the Pokémon illustrated book was produced by Dr. Oak, it is not unique to Zhenxin Town.

In fact, this thing is basically sold in Pokémon centers in every city, and it is also one of the main sources of funds used by Dr. Oak for research.

It's just that the price is a bit expensive.

Yes, it is really a bit expensive. For something the size of a mobile phone, it actually costs 20 yen. Children from ordinary families may not be willing to buy it.

After all, the main function of the illustrated book is to introduce various Pokémon, and this knowledge can be obtained in a paper book worth [-] yen.

The only difference is that there is no real-time update function and ID card function of the Pokémon illustrated book.

It's just that Kitagawa Yu is embarrassed. Six Pokémon illustrations cost a full 6 million yen!
If it were placed in the main world, that would be fine, but in this world, his money obviously couldn't be used.

"Onii-chan, I don't want the Pokémon illustrated book." Sakura, who was held in his arms, suddenly said, obviously seeing the change in Kitagawa Yu's eyes, she sensiblely wanted to reduce his burden.

Hearing this, Kitagawa Yu couldn't help but smiled bitterly and touched her little head.

Actually, he originally wanted Irena to use hypnotic magic to control Joey and get 6 Pokémon illustrations for nothing.

But now that Pokémon illustrated books are so expensive, if he pays 6 for nothing, Joey will probably cry when he finds out, right?

He can modify Joey's memory and even the sales records on the computer.

But there was no way to correct the shortfall in money. After checking with Dr. Omu later, it was found that the amount was wrong. Joey, the person in charge, would not only have to make up for the 120 million, but might also be punished.

How could he bear to cheat Joey like this!

"Sorry, we didn't know this Pokémon illustrated book was so expensive, so we didn't bring that much money." Kitagawa Yu explained calmly with a bit of embarrassment.

When Joey heard this, he was neither angry nor looked down upon them. Instead, he showed a gentle smile and comforted softly: "It's okay, let alone you. Even I think this Pokémon illustrated book is too expensive. We have a year here." I can't even sell a few of them. But the price is set by its manufacturer, which says it contains the latest sensing equipment and so on. I don't really understand it, but if you want information about Pokémon, we There is also a paper version of the Pokémon Encyclopedia here, which costs only 1000 yen and contains detailed information on more than 100 common Pokémon in the Kanto region."

Looking at Joey who was explaining to them carefully, Kitagawa Yu couldn't do anything to her now.

Since he couldn't come up with 1000 yen, he could only make an excuse and leave with Irena and the others, planning to change places and get enough money before coming back.

"But where can I get money?"

After thinking for a while, Kitagawa Yu planned to go to the shopping street to see if there was any unlucky guy suitable for robbery.

But just then, from behind the shrubs in the flower bed on the roadside, a few familiar voices suddenly reached his ears, causing him to stop subconsciously.


"It hurts, okay!"

"Stop talking nonsense and put this wig on quickly. Eh? Where is my wig?"

"Idiot, you must have been burned by the Vulpix's flame vortex just now, nya!"

"Ahhhh - this is the wig I just bought for five thousand yen! I only wore it once and then it was burned! Those damn brats -"

"Calm down, calm down Musashi. The most important thing for us now is to go to the Pokémon Center for treatment. My gas bomb was burned a bit seriously."

"I know, I know, but I just can't swallow this breath. Those nasty little brats, I will make them pay the price next time!"

"Shut up! Hurry up! Meow!"


Then there was another rustling sound, and it seemed that someone was changing clothes and putting on makeup.

As for Kitagawa Yu, when he heard the familiar words 'Meow' and 'Musashi', he suddenly realized who the three guys hiding behind the bushes were.

"Tsk, Team Rocket? Such a coincidence?" A strange look flashed in Kitagawa Yu's eyes.

After thinking about it carefully, it is not incomprehensible that the Rockets would appear here at this time.

Previously, they were swept up into the sky by the Vulpix's flame vortex and flew an unknown distance. Although Vulpix's attack had no killing intent, they did not die, but the flames also caused some damage to them.

Especially with Pokémon.

If Vulpix's fire damage is 10 to Musashi and Kojiro, then it is at least [-] to [-] to their Pokémon Arbor and Gas Bomb.

After they successfully escaped, they naturally wanted to treat their seriously injured Pokémon as soon as possible.

When it comes to Pokémon treatment, it is obvious that although the Pokémon Center may not be comparable to those high-end private clinics, it is definitely affordable and affordable.

This pair of two poor guys, Musashi and Kojiro, is definitely the most suitable choice.

It's just that the two of them are wanted criminals. If they walked into the Pokémon Center openly, they would be caught, so they could only put on makeup before going in.

As a result, Kitagawa Yu happened to bump into him and recognized him.

"Although these two guys are poor, if they advance their salary a few months in advance, they should be able to come up with 120 million yen, right?"

Kitagawa Yu touched his chin and thought for a while, with an 'evil' smile on his face unconsciously.

If he remembered correctly, the level of these two guys within the Rockets is not very low. At least they are much better than those sidemen who don't even have names, and they can advance their salaries.

Later in the plot, they even advanced one year's salary at a time, and their boss Sakaki also approved it.

This is not convenient for them.


Kitagawa Yu rolled his eyes, gently pulled Irena over, and whispered a few words in her ear.

A moment later, on the grass behind the bushes, Kojiro and the others, who were washing the soot from their faces with water and preparing to change their clothes, were suddenly startled by two voices behind them.

"Don't move!"


The two of them subconsciously turned around, but before they could see what was going on, they were struck by a chain lightning shot from Irena's fingertips, causing them to crackle and jump, and finally erupted into black smoke again. fell to the ground.

"This familiar feeling——"

"——Could it be that kid chasing Pikachu?"

"Kill them all? This is too much!"

The two meowed and howled, but soon their eyes, which could barely move, discovered that the people who suddenly attacked them without moral integrity were not the Master Zhi and Pi Shen they thought they were.

"You, who are you?"

Kojiro asked subconsciously.

Kitagawa Yu smiled slightly, and the idea finally came. Then he and Irena looked at each other, and deliberately made a arrogant expression according to the words they had prepared before and said the lines that originally belonged to them.

"Since you asked sincerely!"

"Then we will tell you with great mercy!"

"To prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"To maintain world peace!"

"Implement love and true justice!"

"The cute and charming messenger of justice!"

"Kitagawa Yu——"


"We are travelers traveling through all the worlds."

"White hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for us~!"

To be honest, although this line is a bit embarrassing, the shameful part is mainly borne by Irena, so Kitagawa Yu actually feels better.

The most important thing is that it is so interesting to see the dumbfounded expressions of the two people opposite.

"This is our line!"

"Damn it! You actually stole our lines!"


Kojiro and Meowth are actually fine, mainly Musashi. Seeing Irena, who is younger and cuter and prettier than herself, saying that she is 'cute and charming', she is really off guard.

"Abo Snake! Go kill them for me!"

As soon as the furious Musashi regained some mobility, he reached out and grabbed the Poké Ball on the ground, preparing to summon the Arbor Snake.

However, Irena was faster. She used a hypnotic magic to directly control the three of them.

It is worth mentioning that what she uses is not the spiritual magic of the Witch Journey world, but the hypnotic magic of the Xingyue world.

The witch in the world of Witch Journey does not need to hide herself. At the same time, the magician itself is a privileged class and rarely uses mind control to control ordinary people, so she is not actually very proficient in this aspect.

But the world of Xingyue is different. In order to maintain the mystery, magicians there often use spiritual magic such as hypnosis. The level of development in this area is higher than that of the Witch's Journey world.

Fortunately, Irena has extraordinary talents. It only took a short time to master the hypnotic magic of the moon world. With her own strong mental power, even the legendary Pokémon in this world who are good at hypnosis may not be able to compete with her. Can't beat her.

Next, under the control of Irena, Kojiro quickly picked up the phone and dialed the number of their boss Sakaki.

"Hey, boss, I'm Kojiro. We're having some trouble here and want to advance our salary. We don't have much, so just advance it for a year~"


Sakaki on the other side almost choked on the cigar in his mouth after hearing this.

But after a few more seconds of silence, he agreed to Kojiro's request. After all, he knew Kojiro's family background.

In fact, the reason why he valued Kojiro and the others so much, even if the two people failed again and again, they were not killed, was because he valued Kojiro's family background.

But he didn't know that as soon as he agreed, Kojiro would cry.

Ten minutes later, Irena controlled Kojiro and withdrew all of the salary they had just received for the next year.

(End of this chapter)

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