Chapter 469 Double Happiness

It is a big event for the two Sheng brothers to get married at the same time, and there will definitely be many relatives and friends who come to congratulate them.

Over at my hometown, Mr. and Mrs. Sheng Lianjie arrived on the morning of the 14th with brothers Sheng Xizheng, Sheng Xiyong, Sheng Xiwen, and Sheng Xiwu.

Brothers Zhang Shouzhi, Zhang Shoushan and Zhang Shouguo arrived at noon on the 14th with their wives.

Sheng Xiping's eldest brother Sheng Xiyun and Sheng Xiping's old friend Hou Yashuang also came with their sons.

Even Mr. Peng, who I had worked with before, came all the way.

Originally, Sheng Xiping had no intention of informing his business friends when his younger brother got married.

But I don’t know what happened, but many people knew the news and came from far away to congratulate me.

Those who come are guests, and since they are here, they must be well entertained.

Chen Ruiqing's family, Wang Jiachuan and his wife, Su Mingchang and Su Jingsheng's father and son also arrived in advance. It was a lively gathering of old friends.

On the 14th, the Sheng family did nothing else. They just received the guests who wanted to congratulate them, which made the three Sheng Xiping brothers dizzy.

At seven o'clock in the morning on June 15th, the motorcade to pick up the bride was already lined up in front of Sheng's house.

When other people get married, it would be nice to have a bicycle team to welcome the bride, but the Sheng family has only a fleet of cars to welcome the bride.

Sheng Xiping's car was always at home, and it happened to be the first car. Chen Ruiqing, Wang Jiachuan, Su Mingchang, and several leaders from the units all drove over.

In addition to the several vehicles from the Songjianghe Forestry Bureau, a wedding convoy of more than ten vehicles was formed.

There were four cars at the beginning, followed by a row of jeeps. A big red flower was hung on the front of each car, and red ribbons were tied to the rearview mirrors on both sides.

This formation, let alone Songjiang River, is probably difficult to find even in the county.

"Boss, are you being too showy? My God, I'm dizzy just looking at the car."

While everyone was busy decorating the cars for receiving the bride, Zhang Shuzhen quietly pulled Sheng Xiping aside and asked in a low voice.

"Mom, I'm not going to show off, you have to see what the second and third children's parents-in-law do?

If we look too tacky, will the faces of the second and third children look good? "Sheng Xiping sighed and comforted his mother with a warm voice.

"The Wu family didn't make any noise about it. Otherwise, even the province would be alarmed, and I don't know what the situation would be like."

The Wu family and the Feng family are not ordinary families.

Needless to say, the Wu family, on the other side of the Feng family, later learned that Feng Shuyan’s grandfather’s family had deep roots in Bingcheng and even Heilongjiang Province.

Regarding the wedding, both the Wu family and the Feng family were considerate of the Sheng family and respected the rules, so they chose to hold the wedding here.

After the wedding here is over, they go back to hold the wedding ceremony.

Otherwise, the wedding would have to be held in the capital and Bingcheng. What else could the Sheng family say?

It was precisely because of this that Sheng Xiping said that the wedding could not be held at the forest farm and had to be moved to Songjiang River.

After all, this is a town, and the Forestry Bureau Hotel has all the conditions, and it can be regarded as a favor for the woman.

When Zhang Shuzhen heard this, she could only sigh, "Yes, our family's conditions are too high to be able to marry the Wu family and the Feng family.

Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything and just do whatever you want. When you look back, you'll have to keep an account of the expenses. You can't let me pay this money out. "

Sheng Xiping smiled and did not answer his mother's words.

Just then Chen Ruiqing called him, and Sheng Xiping hurried over to discuss matters with Chen Ruiqing, Zhao Guangning and others.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the people greeting the bride from the Sheng family got in the car and set off to the Forestry Bureau Hotel to pick up the bride.

According to the old rules, the route to pick up the wife and come back cannot be repeated, and there is no turning back.

Therefore, the convoy to pick up the bride started from Sheng’s home and headed east, then north, and then west, then went around to the Forestry Bureau Hotel to pick up the bride.

After picking up my wife, I then circled back from the south. It was basically equivalent to circling the Songjiang River Forestry Bureau.

This large carriage was all covered with red flowers and red silk, and it was this time in the morning. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance whose family was getting married and picking up their daughter-in-law.

"Oh my god, whose family is getting married here? Using a car and a jeep to pick up the bride? The son of the town secretary's family isn't getting married in this style, is it?"

When passers-by saw it, they gathered together in twos and threes, pointed at the convoy, and expressed surprise.

"You are thinking too much. Not to mention the son of the town secretary. Let me tell you, even if the son of the county secretary gets married, he may not dare to start such a fight." Someone next to him answered.

"Fuck, whose family is this? Why did we, Songjianghe, have a talented person before?"

"I don't know, I've never heard anyone say that before. It's really awesome." Passers-by praised him one after another.

Naturally, everyone in the motorcade welcoming the bride couldn't hear this. The motorcade flew all the way to the Pine Forest Hotel and stopped in the hotel courtyard.

In front of the VIP building on the north side, two long strings of firecrackers were set off early. As soon as the motorcade entered the yard, firecrackers were lit there.

Amidst the roar of firecrackers, Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang, wearing crisp suits, each holding a bouquet of plastic red roses, got out of the two cars in front.

Everyone who was picking up the bride also got out of the car one after another.

Four people, Sheng Xinhua, Sheng Xinyu, Sheng Xinyue and Sheng Xinqi, are the boys and girls who press the car today.

Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei each held six kilograms and six taels of mother-in-law meat in their hands. Sheng Lianjie's daughter-in-law Zhao Yuefen and Zhang Shouzhi's daughter-in-law Zhu Chunhong were carrying cornucopias wrapped in red cloth.

The cornucopia is actually a red enamel basin, which contains green onions, vermicelli, Mingzi, one red and one white axis tied with red rope, and a handful of coins.

The bride was getting married from a hotel, so naturally she didn't want to cause too much trouble. The young men from the Wu family and the Feng family only stopped in front of the VIP building in a symbolic way and asked for red envelopes with smiles.

Sheng Xiwen and Sheng Xiwu who were accompanying them quickly took out the red envelopes they had prepared in advance.

When those boys got the red envelope, they laughed and got out of the way and asked Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang to go upstairs.

Wu Yuhua and Feng Shuyan were both in the room upstairs, just east and west.

Sheng Xian led people to the east, and Sheng Xikang led people to the west. After entering the house, holding roses in his hands, he knelt on the ground and shouted to the bride sitting on the bed.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm here to pick you up. Come with me."

The bride was pretty and bright, with a smile like a flower. When she saw her sweetheart kneeling down on one knee holding a bouquet, she immediately reached out to take the flowers and picked her up.

The groom took off his shoes and sat side by side with the bride on the bed. A little girl came out from the bride's side and put red flowers on the chests of the bride and groom.

When picking up a bride in a hotel, many procedures are simplified. The bride and groom wear a red belt, eat pasta, and then put on their wedding shoes.

The bride's brother carried the bride out on his back, downstairs to the courtyard, and the groom helped her to the back seat of the wedding car.

The mother's family puts mirrors, combs, cosmetics and other things in the cornucopia, and then hands it to the bride in the car. The bride has to carry the cornucopia to her husband's house.

The other people seeing off the bride, each carrying their dowry, also got into the car.

Of course, the dowry is what it means, and the big head is not here at all.

The four boys and girls who press the car sit in the same car with the bride and groom, and the others sit in the car behind them.

Fortunately, there were many cars coming to welcome the bride, about ten cars, connecting the bride and groom, and the people seeing off the bride were able to sit away.

Everyone got on the car, the car in front honked its horn, and the cars behind them honked their horns in turn.

After that, the leading car took the lead to drive out of the hotel yard, followed by the others, and then circled back to Shengjia at the east end of Yiyi.

The Sheng family also set off a long string of firecrackers early.

Relatives of the Sheng family, Liu Changde's family, Zheng Xianyong, Chen family, Wang family and other close relatives and friends are all waiting in the courtyard.

I saw a convoy coming from a distance. Some people ran back to report the news, and some people prepared some firecrackers.

Zhang Shuzhen, surrounded by everyone, was already waiting at the door.

As soon as the convoy arriving for the wedding arrived, firecrackers were lit and the couple got off the car. Zhang Shuzhen stepped forward quickly and took the cornucopia from Feng Shuyan's hand first.

Feng Shuyan took out a red flower from the basin, put it in Zhang Shuzhen's hair, and then called her "Mom" affectionately.

Zhang Shuzhen was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth. She quickly agreed, then took out the red envelope and stuffed it into her daughter-in-law's hand.

Sheng Xi'an helped Feng Shuyan into the house, while Zhang Shuzhen came to the second car. As before, she received the cornucopia, wore flowers, and gave red envelopes, and then the newlyweds entered the yard.

A group of young people held grains and sequins in their hands and sprinkled them on the newlyweds, sending their most sincere blessings.

Sheng Xiping had warned these people in advance that no one was allowed to mess around today. The bride was not a local and it would scare the bride if she made too much noise.

There are no messy wedding customs here in the Northeast. At most, they just beat the groom a few times.

Now that Sheng Xiping has spoken, all these young people have behaved themselves, but as for civility, no one dares to make random remarks.

Sheng Xian and his wife entered the east room, and Sheng Xikang and his wife entered the west room.

On the Kang in the east and west rooms, all the quilts were spread out, and three red bricks wrapped in red paper were placed in front of the Kang.

Not only were axes placed under the quilt, peanuts, chestnuts, dates, coins and other things were also scattered.

The newlyweds sit on the kang, and Liu Xin from the Liu Yujiang family and Liu Xiang from the Liu Yuhe family serve as kang boys.

Normally, this job should be done by the younger generation of the family, but Sheng Xinhua and Sheng Xinyu have already become the boys who push the cart, so they can no longer be allowed to roll on the kang.

There are no younger children here, so Liu Xin and Liu Xiang can only roll on the kang.

The two boys climbed onto the kang and rolled back and forth on it, mumbling something to each other, making everyone in the room laugh.

A series of wedding procedures such as sitting at the wedding ceremony and eating cakes for the children and grandchildren were going on smoothly. Sheng Xitai took the camera and ran back and forth between the east and west rooms, taking pictures of the newlyweds, relatives and friends, and was very busy.

At around ten o'clock, Zhao Guangning came into the room to urge the newlyweds, relatives and friends to hurry up and get to the Songlin Hotel so as not to delay the wedding ceremony.

Walking three to four hundred meters west from Sheng's house, then turning north, you will find the Songlin Hotel. Except for the family members and the bride and groom, the rest of the people simply walked there.

At the Songlin Hotel, most of the people from the forestry farm, the director, secretary, director, and division chief of the Songjianghe Forestry Bureau, other cadres of the Forestry Bureau, and Sheng Xiping's business friends were all here.

Even the county secretary brought several people and drove over from the county to attend the wedding.

Sheng Xiping has been busy receiving guests since he came here after eight o'clock. Zhou Mingyuan and Chen Ruiqing are also helping here.

The bride and groom got out of the car and went to the upstairs room to rest and touch up their makeup. The bride's relatives and friends settled in front of the ceremony table and took their seats. The guests are settled here, and after everything is ready, the newcomers are invited down.

At 10:58, the wedding ceremony officially began. Zhao Xiangyang, chairman of the forest farm union, was invited to preside over the wedding.

"Hello to all the relatives and friends present, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the weddings of Comrades Sheng Xian and Feng Shuyan, and Comrades Sheng Xikang and Wu Yuhua."

Zhao Xiangyang's voice was loud, and as soon as he opened his mouth, the whole place fell silent.

"Now, let us welcome the two newlyweds with the warmest applause." The scene burst into thunderous applause.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, Sheng Xian held Feng Shuyan's arm, and Sheng Xikang held Wu Yuhua's arm. The two newlyweds slowly walked towards the podium in front of them amid waves of applause and the attention of everyone.

If you get married in the summer, the bride will definitely wear a skirt.

Wu Yuhua's outfit was specially designed and made by Wu Yucheng in Hong Kong City. The style is similar to later wedding dresses, but the color is red.

There is no way. In today's Chinese people's concept, you should wear red when getting married. They cannot accept white wedding dresses.

Compared to Wu Yuhua, who wore a Western-style wedding dress, Feng Shuyan wore a Chinese-style dragon and phoenix gown. The Feng family specially hired a master from Jiangnan to make it, and the cost was not low.

Although the two brides were dressed differently, one in Chinese and the other in Western style, they both wore gold necklaces, gold earrings, gold bracelets, and golden jewelry, which were even more eye-catching against the bright red clothes.

The two of them are already beautiful, and with exquisite makeup, they look even more picturesque and gorgeous.

Both grooms wore well-tailored navy blue suits with white shirts and dark red ties. They were upright and smiling.

The Sheng family are all good-looking, and dressed like this, he looks like a handsome young man.

Everyone in the audience was very happy when they saw the two perfectly matched couples on the stage, and they applauded again.

When the applause died down, Zhao Xiangyang spoke again, first congratulating the newlyweds, then inviting the officiant and witnesses to come on stage, read out the marriage certificate, and send wedding blessings.

Then, representatives of the two brides' natal families and representatives of relatives and friends of the Sheng family took the stage to deliver speeches respectively.

When a daughter gets married, her biological father and mother cannot send her off, so the ones coming from the Wu family are Wu Bingyi and his wife, Wu Yuqing and his wife, Wu Yucheng, Wu Yuhua's uncle and aunt, and others.

The same goes for the Feng family. Feng Shuyan's uncles, aunts, cousins, cousins, etc. came to see her off.

Feng Jingxing, Wu Bingyi, and Sheng Lianqiu, all representing the Feng family, Wu family, and Sheng family respectively, took the stage to speak.

Thank you to the relatives and friends present, send blessings to the couple, and put forward expectations and requirements for the couple.

Finally, the two newlyweds thanked their relatives and friends, thanked the guests and friends present, exchanged wedding gifts, and drank a glass of wine, and the ceremony was considered complete.

Long firecrackers were hung outside the hotel. The moment the host called out the ceremony, firecrackers sounded outside and applause erupted in the room again.

"In order to thank all relatives and friends, the Sheng family has prepared a sumptuous banquet to entertain everyone.

Next, I invite all my relatives and friends to take their seats. The banquet will begin immediately. I wish you all happiness, prosperity, and prosperity. "

Zhao Xiangyang sent his final blessings, and then the waiters and helpers in the restaurant began to pack and serve the dishes.

During the entire wedding process, Sheng Xitai kept taking photos with his camera.

This means that there is no video recorder at home. If there is one, someone must be arranged to record it.

After the wedding ceremony was over, while the food was being served, many relatives and friends came up to take photos with the bride and groom. The Sheng family also took the opportunity to take a few group photos.

There were so many guests that the hall couldn't be filled.

Zhao Guangning and Sheng Xiping had already discussed it and arranged for the leaders of their parents' families, the Forestry Bureau and other units to go to several private rooms, while the rest of the guests were in the hall. This was the arrangement.

Where have Sheng Liancheng and his wife seen such a scene? The old couple couldn't get involved at all, so they all pointed at Sheng Xiping and Zhao Guangning.

After everyone finished taking pictures, Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei accompanied her two sisters-in-law upstairs, took off their formal clothes, changed into a slightly simpler toasting outfit, then arranged their hair and put on makeup again.

After the banquet started, the bride and groom, under the guidance of Zhao Guangning and Sheng Xiping, first went to each box to toast, and then went to the hall to toast.

By the time the round of toasts came down, the banquet was almost halfway through.

The two grooms were dragged to chat and drink, and the two brides were placed at a special table, accompanied by Sheng Yunfang, Sheng Yunfei and several other girls.

Although hosting a banquet in a hotel is more expensive, it is much less troublesome than hosting a banquet at home.

At the very least, there is no need to borrow tables, chairs, tableware, etc., there is no need to prepare banquet materials several days in advance, and there is no need for so many people to help.

Everyone can sit down, eat, drink, talk and exchange feelings.

The banquet was very sumptuous, including chicken, fish, and elbows. Cold cuts and hot dishes were mixed with meat and vegetables. There were two bottles of white wine and two bottles of red wine on each table. If there is not enough, take them.

The guests were quite satisfied with their food and drink, and everyone was chatting and laughing very lively.

Many of the guests who came today were here for Sheng Xiping, so he was the busiest, toasting from box to box and chatting with the leaders.

"Brother Ruiqing, Secretary Guan, County Magistrate Chang, oh, I'm really busy today and I didn't entertain you well. Please forgive me.

Leaders, I would like to toast you all and thank you for coming to my brother's wedding. "

Sheng Xiping came to the room where Guan Enxue and others were staying. He first filled everyone's glasses with wine, then raised his glasses and toasted them.

"Comrade Xiao Sheng is young and promising. He has a big business and a wide network of contacts. I saw a lot of acquaintances today. They are awesome." Guan Enxue said to Sheng Xiping with a smile.

Sheng Xiping's investment in building a factory here has been negotiated.

Guan Enxue was originally thinking of Chen Ruiqing's face and the cooperation between the two parties, so he brought people over to join in the fun.

But when I got here, I saw that among the guests were leaders from other counties and cities, as well as some factories and mines, not to mention several forestry bureau directors.

Only then did Guan Enxue realize that co-author Sheng Xiping's connections and strength should not be underestimated. Now, the county paid more attention to Sheng Xiping's wood processing factory.

"Secretary Guan has received the award. I have been doing business in the past few years and have not saved anything else. I have made a lot of friends.

As the saying goes, many friends lead to many paths. In the future, I also ask for your guidance from all leaders. "

Sheng Xiping clinked the wine glass with everyone, and then drank all the wine in the glass in one gulp.

There were so many visitors that Sheng Xiping didn't have time to stay long. He toasted two glasses of wine, said a few words, and then hurried to other boxes.

Fortunately, with Chen Ruiqing and others accompanying them, everyone chatted, laughed, ate and drank without getting bored.

By the time Sheng Xiping came back after toasting with wine, his parents' guests had almost finished eating.

After everyone chatted for a while, Sheng Xiping sent his parents to the room upstairs to rest.

As soon as the guests from my mother's family left, the guests outside also got up and left one after another.

Sheng Liancheng and his son had to come out to see them off. In the end, they just stood at the door of the restaurant and chatted with anyone who came out.

"Xiping, Bureau Su, Bureau Wang, and Bureau He come back to the bureau with me to sit down, so you don't have to worry.

You have settled down well with the leaders in the county, and let them have a good time, just don't lose etiquette. "

Zhou Mingyuan led the leading cadres of various forestry bureaus out together, met Sheng Xiping, and gave some instructions.

"Hey, thank you dad, it's a good thing you're here, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to take care of you.

Dear uncles, I'm sorry, I'm too busy today to spend more time chatting with you.

In this way, if you are free in the evening, I will treat you to a drink. "

Most of these forestry bureau leaders are about the same age as Zhou Mingyuan. Sheng Xiping is familiar with them, so he calls them uncle.

"No, no, Xiping, you are busy with your business. We will chat with your father for a while, so you don't have to worry about it.

Don't drink anything at night. At our age, we only have one drink a day. You didn't drink less today, so pay more attention to your health. "

Wang Jiachuan patted Sheng Xiping on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, we are all family members, so there is no need to be so polite. Just take good care of your family's guests and the county leaders.

Let's get together again when we have the chance. ” Others echoed.

"Hey, hey, okay, uncles, please walk slowly. I'll see you off not far away."

Sheng Xiping nodded, sent Zhou Mingyuan and his entourage outside the hotel gate, and then turned back.

The guests left one after another, and finally only my relatives were left.

Everyone helped and put away the remaining dishes, tobacco, alcohol, melon seeds, candies, etc.

There was not much food left in the hall. Many people took away the remaining hard food, tobacco and alcohol when they left.

That is to say, there was not much food in the private room, and there were a lot of various dishes left, so I packed everything that could be packed and couldn't waste it.

Logically speaking, the wedding should be held by the in-laws on the second day of the wedding, and the bride will return home on the third day.

But Sheng Xi'an hasn't graduated yet, everyone else has a job, and the Wu family and the Feng family have to go back to hold a homecoming banquet, so they plan to return and leave tomorrow.

This was understandable, so that night, a few more tables were set up at the Forestry Bureau Hotel.

The four families of Sheng, Zhou, Wu, and Feng, as well as Chen Ruiqing's family, Liu Changde's family, and Sheng Xiping's uncles, all gathered together, and it was like meeting the in-laws.

It was too busy during the day, and everyone was arranged in different boxes, so there was no time to sit down and chat for a while.

This time it was arranged in the hall, everyone sat together, laughing and chatting among relatives, and the relationship was a bit closer than before.

In the evening, the two newlyweds went back to Sheng Xiping's house to stay.

In fact, Sheng Xiping had discussed with Sheng Liancheng and his wife before, thinking about letting his brothers and their wives stay in a hotel.

But this proposal was rejected by Sheng Liancheng and his wife.

For one thing, I have never heard of a wedding ceremony being held in a hotel in recent years, and for a bride to get married from a hotel, how can there be any reason to go back to the hotel at night?

Therefore, we still maintained the original plan and used Sheng Xiping's house as a new house for the two newlyweds to live in.

(End of this chapter)

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