Chapter 458 Three Tiger Cubs

After Sheng Xiping returned to Shencheng, he didn't take much rest and immediately threw himself into work.

In the new year, the company's main business direction will be to develop in other fields in addition to bulk corn, home appliances, and lumber.

A trading company never deviates from its original purpose, which is nothing more than buying and selling.

While working hard to expand the domestic market, Sheng Xiping also began to contact foreign merchants through trading companies in the port city.

Take advantage of various preferential policies in Shenzhen to gradually develop the import and export industry.

Of course, in terms of exports, agricultural and sideline products from Jilin Province are currently the main focus. After all, Chen Ruiqing is here, so it is easier to operate.

What Sheng Xiping selected were not traditional bulk export items, but products such as melon seeds, fungus, wild vegetables, edible fungi, wooden folding chairs, wicker, linen yarn, plywood, fiberboard, corrugated paper, etc., which were not very eye-catching in the past.

Business should be done bit by bit, money should be earned bit by bit, and development should be done slowly.

The path taken by others has less profit, but the path developed by oneself has more development prospects.

In these years, earning foreign exchange from exports is a top priority and a top priority for economic development.

In many places, you can even give money in exchange for precious foreign exchange.

In particular, those chosen by Sheng Xiping had never thought that they could be exported for foreign exchange. When the local government heard this, they were very happy.

Chen Ruiqing is responsible for this aspect. Sheng Xiping contacted the business, which is equivalent to adding performance to Chen Ruiqing.

Chen Ruiqing was so happy that she praised Sheng Xiping as a lucky star.

As for plywood, fiberboard, and corrugated paper, not to mention, Songjianghe Forestry Bureau is definitely the first choice.

In the past, these products were sold to domestic units. Everyone had never thought that these products could also be exported and exchanged for foreign exchange.

Especially for corrugated paper, the paper mill was not operating well at the beginning, so the bureau had to bite the bullet and start the project in order to accommodate unemployed young people.

Unexpectedly, with Sheng Xiping's help in promoting sales in recent years, the paper mill not only turned losses into profits, but was also able to earn foreign exchange through exports.

The leaders of the paper mill were so happy that they didn't know what to do.

Zhou Mingyuan was commended by his superiors for this.

Products that were not taken seriously in the past have now become popular products that can be exported to earn foreign exchange. Many local governments and factories regard Sheng Xiping as the God of Wealth.

The province has also provided many preferential policies, created convenient conditions, and fully supported it.

With the help of Chen Ruiqing, Wu Yucheng and others, everyone worked together, the company developed very well, and the revenue was considerable.

On the other side, Sheng Liancheng and his wife stayed in their hometown for a while. After the old man of the Sheng family had burned Sanqi, the couple packed their bags and embarked on the return journey.

Sheng Liancheng and his wife left home on the seventh day of the first lunar month and stayed away for nearly two months. They really felt like returning home and wished they could go home immediately.

After struggling for several days along the way, we finally returned to Songjiang River on April 12th.

Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xitai received the telegram in advance, so they asked for leave and went to the train station to pick them up.

"Dad, Mom, you've had a hard journey. Come on, let's go home first and have a good rest for two days."

Seeing her parents-in-law coming out of the station, Zhou Qinglan immediately stepped forward to greet her, took the bag from her mother-in-law's hand, and helped her move forward.

Over there, Sheng Xitai also stepped forward and took over what his father was carrying.

After all, Sheng Liancheng and Zhang Shuzhen were already here, and they had come so far by car. When they got off the bus, they felt as if they were still in the car. It was a fooling feeling.

"Qinglan, how are you doing at home? Have you gone back to the forest farm to have a look?" Zhang Shuzhen asked her daughter-in-law as she walked.

"I've gone back. On the day you left, I took Xinhua and Xinyu back and stayed for a few days.

Huahua returned home. Xinhua Xinyu and Huahua chatted for a long time. Huahua stayed at home for one night and left the next morning.

Didn't the school have a monthly holiday a few days ago? We went back again and dug out most of the food buried in the snow in the backyard, and I took it all back. "

Zhou Qinglan smiled and told her mother-in-law about the family affairs.

"Mom, don't worry, everything is fine at home.

Aunt Wang and Aunt Chen went there every day to light the fire, feed the chickens, and feed the dogs, and the house was tidy up. "

When Zhang Shuzhen heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, okay, that's right, I'm afraid you guys won't have time to go back.

Our family prepares so much food for the Chinese New Year. If no one takes care of it, what will happen if it breaks down? "

The older generation is used to living a careful life, and they feel distressed the most about things like chicken, duck, fish and so on. If you eat them, you won’t feel distressed.

There were many donkey carts picking up stations near the station. Zhou Qinglan and the others found one at random, got on the cart, and returned to their home in No. 1 Middle School.

Sheng Xinyue and Sheng Xinqi were also very happy to see her grandparents. She rushed over and hugged her grandparents' legs, calling people with a tender voice. "grandparents."

No matter how tired he was on the road, when he saw the two children, he immediately felt relaxed.

"Hey, my dear grandson, come on, let grandpa hug you." Sheng Liancheng bent down and picked up Sheng Xinyue.

"Grandpa has been away for such a long time, have you thought about me?"

"I've thought about it, I've thought about it," the little girl said while patting her chest.

We haven't seen each other for two months, and this little guy has slipped away a lot in conversation.

Zhang Shuzhen also picked up Sheng Xinqi, chatted with her granddaughter and went into the house.

"Brothers and sisters, let's eat first. I've prepared the food and will wait for you to come back to eat."

When Aunt Li saw Sheng Liancheng and Zhang Shuzhen coming back, she was very happy and quickly took the food out of the pot.

"Let's take a bite first. I bought some meat and chopped the stuffing. We'll make dumplings in the afternoon."

"Yes, yes, dad and mom, let's have some food first and a little extra. My dad and mom will come over in the afternoon." Zhou Qinglan also said.

Sheng Liancheng and the others ate two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge in the morning, and then rode for seven or eight hours.

I ate some bread, mahua and so on in the car, but I couldn't catch up with the hot food at home, which had soup and water to eat and iron.

When Zhou Qinglan and Aunt Li said this, Sheng Liancheng and his wife also felt hungry.

"Okay, let's eat something. Sister-in-law Li, please don't put the table. Please, we can put it in front of the kitchen stove and eat."

When the parents-in-law come to the house, there is absolutely no reason to eat on the stove. Zhou Qinglan set the table and served the food, allowing Sheng Liancheng and his wife to eat comfortably.

Pork stewed with vermicelli, chicken stewed with mushrooms, and rice as the staple food.

Sheng Liancheng and his wife had been away from home for so long, and they were really hungry for the food at home. They talked about how to deal with it, but in the end they didn't eat less.

Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xitai both took leave in the afternoon, so everyone started making dumplings together and prepared a few more dishes.

In the afternoon, Sheng Xinhua and Sheng Xinyu were home from school, so the two brothers came back by themselves carrying their schoolbags.

The two boys were so happy to see their grandparents back that they hugged them without letting go.

"Master, grandma, please come back, you miss me so much."

Sheng Liancheng and Zhang Shuzhen hugged their grandson, grinning from ear to ear with joy.

"No matter where I go, I can't keep up with my family. I've been away for two months, and I'm just thinking about my family."

Zhou Mingyuan and Wang Chunxiu also rushed over after work. They all got together and had a great time.

Sheng Liancheng and his wife stayed in Songjianghe for two nights. On the morning of April 14, Zhou Mingyuan arranged a car to take them back to the forest farm.

At this time, the winter production on the mountain was almost over, and for the remaining three to five days, Sheng Liancheng simply stopped going up the mountain and stayed at home to rest.

When relatives and friends learned that Sheng Liancheng and his wife were back, they came over to sit down and comfort Sheng Liancheng.

The deceased has passed away. Mr. Sheng Guangyao is almost eighty years old. In terms of years, he has lived a long life.

Moreover, in the days before he left, he was in good spirits, and Sheng Liancheng and his wife had fulfilled their filial piety in front of the bed.

Although Sheng Liancheng still feels uncomfortable when he mentions his father's death, living people still have to live their lives, and no one can wallow in pain all the time.

There were a lot of things going on at home, and gradually, Sheng Liancheng cheered up.

About ten days after Sheng Liancheng and the others returned to the forest farm, the couple was watching TV that night when suddenly there was a sound of banging on the door outside.

This voice was all too familiar. The couple looked at each other, hurriedly put on their shoes and went to the ground. When they opened the door, they saw that Huahua was indeed back.

"Hey, Huahua, how did you know we were back? Come in quickly."

Seeing Huahua, the old couple were very happy. They hugged Huahua and gave her a warm meal. Then they entered the east room.

I saw Huahua just now, and I was very happy to see it. Since the lights in the outer room were dim, I didn't pay much attention to it.

The lights in the east room turned on, and only then did Zhang Shuzhen realize that Huahua's belly was bulging.

"Hey, Huahua is pregnant again, right? Oh, look, we haven't been at home for so long, and you don't have anywhere to raise a baby."

This time, Zhang Shuzhen had experience and could tell immediately that Huahua was pregnant again.

The average lifespan of a tiger is fifteen to twenty years, and those raised in captivity can live up to nearly thirty years.

A female tiger usually goes into heat and becomes pregnant once every three years, giving birth to two to four cubs in one litter.

Huahua was pregnant for the first time and gave birth to Jiaojiao and Zhuangzhuang. Maybe it was because she was a mother for the first time. She took care of the two tiger cubs for more than three years before letting them go.

Therefore, the interval between Huahua's pregnancies was longer.

Zhang Shuzhen touched Huahua's back lovingly, while Huahua was particularly obedient and snored next to Zhang Shuzhen.

From then on, Huahua would come back to Sheng's house every now and then to stay.

It's just that now there is no Sheng Xiping in the family who can hunt. No one can provide Huahua with food. Everything has to be pointed at Huahua herself.

Fortunately, Huahua is in her prime. Even though she is pregnant with a cub, it does not stop her from hunting. Not only does she eat it herself, but she can also bring some back to her family from time to time.

It's July in a blink of an eye, and the weather is getting hotter.

Starting last year, high school returned to a three-year system, which means that Sheng Xitai, who was supposed to take the college entrance examination this year, will have to study for another year.

On the morning of July 9th, Sheng Xinhua finished his final exam. As soon as he got home, he shouted that he wanted to go back to the forest farm.

"Mom, I want my grandparents and Huahua to send me and Xinyu back to the forest farm. Xinyu is going on vacation anyway."

Sheng Xinyu is in a preschool affiliated with a small school. The elementary school is on vacation, and the preschool is also on vacation.

"We have only been back from the forest farm for a few days? Are you going back again? The school has final exams soon, how can I have time to go back with you?" High schools have few holidays, only once a month. On the afternoon of July 1st, Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xitai took their children back to the forest farm to stay for two days. They came back on the evening of the 3rd.

"Just wait a few days. Your little uncle and the others will have their exams in at most a week.

I can take three or four days off after the exam, and we will go back together then. "

There are basically no winter or summer vacations in high school. You have a few days off after the final exams, and you have to come back to class during the holidays.

"Okay then." Sheng Xinhua pouted and agreed reluctantly.

Then, Sheng Xinhua and Sheng Xinyu counted the days on their fingers every day, waiting and hoping that their uncle would finish the exam and their family would return to the forest farm.

Unexpectedly, before my uncle finished his exam, unexpected guests arrived at home, brothers and sisters Chen Feng and Chen Yue.

"Grandma Li, Xinhua Xinyu, and Yue Yue Qiqi. Oh, they miss me so much."

Sixteen-year-old Chen Feng is tall and powerful. He picked up his younger brothers and sisters one by one as soon as they met.

Especially the two little sisters, they hugged and spun around for several times. The little girls Xin Yue and Xin Qi were so happy that they giggled with joy.

"Xiao Feng, why are you here?" Aunt Li was not surprised when she saw brother and sister Chen Feng and Chen Yue.

These two children come back every summer vacation, and Aunt Li knows this.

But no one was seen sending them here, Aunt Li couldn't help but feel a little worried, so she asked.

"Take the train, I took Yue'er, and we came by train.

My dad was extremely busy and couldn't see anyone every day, and my mom didn't have time either, so we bought our own tickets and took the train back. "

Chen Feng said matter-of-factly. "Grandma, I'm already sixteen, and I'm very familiar with this journey."

After hearing this, Aunt Li rolled her eyes and said, "Your father and mother are really big-hearted. How dare you let you come by yourself in a car from such a long distance? Aren't you afraid that bad people will meet you on the road and abduct you two?"

In Aunt Li's eyes, she is still a child at the age of 16. How can her family feel relieved after traveling such a long way from the provincial capital to Songjiang River?

"Hurry, call your dad and tell him that you are here." Aunt Li hurriedly urged Chen Feng to call the provincial capital to report that he was safe.

From the time Sheng Xiping left later in the year, he said he was going to fix the phone.

But these days, it is troublesome for individuals to install telephones in their homes. This cannot be done with money.

Later, Zhou Mingyuan came forward and arranged it under the name of Gangcheng Trading Company.

Zhou Qinglan paid a lot of money and waited in line until a few days ago, she was finally settled.

Chen Feng was right when he thought about it. They were all here and it was time to make a phone call back.

So he grabbed the phone and called his father's office. It turned out that Chen Ruiqing was not there, so the secretary answered.

Chen Feng told his secretary and asked him to convey it to him.

The arrival of Chen Feng and Chen Yue made the Sheng family very happy.

Just as Sheng Xitai finished his exam on July 17th, the family packed their things and hurried to the forest farm early in the morning on the 18th.

"Master, grandma, we are back." As soon as they arrived at the forest farm, Chen Feng and the others started to cheer and ran to Sheng's house. As soon as they entered the gate, Chen Feng shouted loudly.

Sheng Liancheng went to the fields, and Zhang Shuzhen was sitting at the door, picking vegetables.

Upon hearing the noise, Zhang Shuzhen looked up suddenly and saw several children running in.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, Yue'er, are you back? When did you arrive?

Let grandma take a look. Xiaofeng has grown taller again, and the moon is even more beautiful. "Zhang Shuzhen dropped her work and stood up, looking at the children, smiling happily.

"Nai, we arrived two days ago. Didn't we just wait for my uncle to finish the exam? Then we came back together? Nai, did you miss us?"

Chen Feng came forward, hugged Zhang Shuzhen, and asked with a smile.

"I miss you. Come on, come in." Zhang Shuzhen smiled and called the children into the house.

"Xinhua, have you taken the final exam? How was it?" Zhang Shuzhen didn't forget to ask as she walked into the room.

"Nai, I did really well in the exam, double hundred." Sheng Xinhua said proudly.

"Okay, okay, good boy, you have to study hard. There are so many college students in our family, you can't embarrass your mother."

Zhang Shuzhen nodded with satisfaction and did not forget to tell her grandson.

At this time, Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Xitai led two girls, Sheng Xinyue and Sheng Xinqi, into the house.

The two little girls were so happy to see their grandma that they hugged their grandma's arms and refused to let go.

"Wait a minute, grandma is going to get you some soda. By the way, we also have some popsicles in the refrigerator. Let me bring you some milk."

When Zhang Shuzhen saw the children, she was so happy that she didn't know what to do. She wanted to take out all the delicious food in the house.

"I just took a guess. You guys will be back soon. It just so happened that someone came to the forest farm that day to sell popsicles. I bought twenty popsicles at once and put them all in the refrigerator."

While talking, Zhang Shuzhen took out some popsicles from the refrigerator and gave one to each child.

When riding in a car in the summer, there are many people in the car and it is crowded. Even if the windows are opened, it does not feel cool and everyone is covered in sweat.

A sweet popsicle would be perfect at this time.

The children each held one and whispered happily.

"Qinglan, do you want one?" Zhang Shuzhen didn't forget to ask her daughter-in-law.

"Mom, I don't dare to eat this. It's too cold. I just need to drink some water." Zhou Qinglan waved her hands quickly. She doesn't dare to eat anything too cold now.

Everyone was eating popsicles when suddenly a huge creature with colorful colors wandered over from the west room.

The children who were eating happily suddenly shouted, "Huahua, wow, Huahua is at home."

At this moment, they didn't care about eating the popsicles anymore. The children swarmed in front of Huahua and touched it with all kinds of hands.

Huahua was not annoyed, she let the children rub her and purred, as if she was enjoying herself very much.

"You guys left on the 3rd, and Huahua gave birth to three cubs on the 5th. Isn't this her confinement in the West Room?

Recently, Huahua went out for a walk in the evening and came back quickly. During the day, she stayed at home to take care of her son. "

Zhang Shuzhen smiled and explained to Zhou Qinglan and the others.

When they heard that Huahua gave birth to three tiger cubs, how could everyone sit still? I have to go to the West House in a hurry.

Zhang Shuzhen quickly shouted to them, "Slow down, don't scare the little tiger cub."

Huahua, on the other hand, walked leisurely and followed everyone back to the west room.

Seeing that the children were gathered around the big flower basket looking at the tiger cubs, Huahua simply took out the three tiger cubs and went to sleep in the nest.

The little tiger cub, which is about ten days old, has already opened its eyes.

But they are still small, their big furry heads are dangling, and they cannot stand firmly on their four legs.

However, this little tiger cub is quite big, weighing almost three to four pounds.

Sheng Xiping was not at home, so there was no one for Huahua to hunt for, so Huahua went out to catch prey by herself at night.

Zhang Shuzhen cleaned the baby bottles that Sheng Xinyue and Sheng Xinqi used when they were children, scalded them with hot water, and then bought a few bags of milk powder.

If Huahua goes out for too long at night and doesn't come back, Zhang Shuzhen will make milk powder for the tiger cub.

The tiger cubs are carefully taken care of by the tiger mother and Zhang Shuzhen, and they are all growing well.

The children were very surprised to see the tiger cub. However, the children were very well-behaved and no one reached out to rub the tiger cub. They just stood around and watched.

After a while, the little tiger cub started to grumble, maybe because he was tired or hungry, so Zhang Shuzhen called Huahua and asked her to take charge of the child.

Huahua came out of the basket and took them back one by one. The little tiger cubs swung their heads and leaned under Huahua's body to suck milk.

"Grandma, have you named these three tiger cubs?" Chen Yue raised her head and asked Zhang Shuzhen.

Zhang Shuzhen smiled and shook her head, "No, I'm just waiting for you to come back and give it to me. Just in time, you guys are discussing what to name it. I'll buy some meat or something and make something delicious for you."

It's rare for the children to come back, so they must prepare some delicious food. Zhang Shuzhen turned around and was about to go out.

"Mom, let's buy some meat and stuff. Stop working. What do you want to eat? I'll help you and let them play."

Zhou Qinglan pointed to the portable basket on the pot table. Early this morning, Zhou Qinglan went to the market and bought a large piece of meat and other food.

Zhang Shuzhen took a look and saw that there was indeed a lot of meat. It was enough for cooking at noon and making dumplings in the afternoon.

The children are back, so they must cook more delicious food. Zhang Shuzhen quickly went to the vegetable garden and picked up a lot of vegetables.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were chatting, picking vegetables, washing vegetables, and preparing lunch.

In the west room, the children gathered together and thought about naming the three tiger cubs.

Everyone was arguing about it, but in the end they couldn't decide on a good name.

At noon, Sheng Liancheng came back with a hoe. As soon as he entered the door, he heard movement at home.

"Old lady, are the children back?" Sheng Liancheng put the hoe behind the door, stretched his head and shouted towards the house.

"Well, not only the four of us, but also Chen Feng and Chen Yue are here. They are all watching the tiger cubs in the West Room."

Zhang Shuzhen was cooking, so she replied without raising her head.

The children in the West House heard this conversation outside and hurriedly came out, "Grandpa."

Good guy, the six children rushed towards Sheng Liancheng in a swarm, all rushing to hug grandpa.

But Sheng Liancheng was so beautiful that she grinned happily and stretched out her hands to give each one a hug while she was having fun.

"Oh, Xiaofeng is half a head taller than me. He must be over 1.8 meters, right? It's great. He has grown into a young man. This is rare."

"Yue'er is not short at all. She has grown into a big girl. It's really rare." Sheng Liancheng looked at the two children, feeling quite surprised.

Chen Feng had lived in the Sheng family for nearly two years. Sheng Liancheng really loved Chen Feng as if he were his own grandson.

Since Chen Feng left with his parents, he has come back to live every summer. This can be regarded as seeing an older child since he was a child.

Should I say it or not, this relationship is actually much closer than that of the children back home.

As for Chen Yue, she probably fell in love with Wujiwu at first, but gradually they got along and fell in love with this smart and sensible little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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