Chapter 424
With the help of Chen Weimin, the group of young people in the processing plant used their lunch and evening breaks to rehearse every day.

Using the method of poetry recitation and chorus, several classic old songs are perfectly combined and presented.

This year's winter sports production is scheduled to start on November [-]nd. On November [-]st, all employees will hold a swearing-in meeting and a winter sports production theatrical performance at the staff club of the forest farm.

All units under the forest farm tried their best and put on a variety of programs.

There are those who perform duo, there are those who sing northeastern drums, and there are also those who play allegro and sing the number of treasures.

Maekawa Elementary and Middle School arranged several programs, including chorus, dance, etc.

The most outstanding one was the poetry recitation and chorus in the processing factory, especially Lin Junhua, the lead singer, who won applause from everyone as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Hey, who is this little girl? Her voice and voice are as good as those of a professional singer."

Zheng Xianyong and other leaders were sitting in the audience, enjoying the program on the stage. The trade union chairman Zhao Xiangyang looked at Lin Junhua, his eyes shining.

Such a good seedling should be admitted to the trade union publicity department, otherwise it will be wasted elsewhere.

"Uncle Zhao, this is a worker from our factory, a national worker who was just assigned from Songjianghe this fall."

Sheng Xiping also sat with these people and laughed when he heard Zhao Xiangyang asking.

"Uncle, your trade union is full of talented people. Don't just try to poach someone who is good at literature and art.

It's rare for our processing plant to find someone who can speak and sing, so don't try to poach him. "

In this day and age, the cultural life of employees is still very rich.

In their spare time, the forest farm will organize various cultural and sports activities, and each unit must arrange for people to participate.

The wood processing factory is a newly established unit with little foundation. After finally discovering an artistic talent, Sheng Xiping will not let him go easily.

"Yes, yes, Xiping, you are right to say that, but don't listen to Lao Zhao's deception.

When he sees someone with artistic talents, his eyes light up and he wants to join the labor union.

Wasn’t that Chen Weimin back then?He was a good teacher in our school, so he had to borrow it.Borrowing and borrowing, finally staying in the union, right? "

Over there, Principal Wang heard what he said and hurriedly opened his mouth, directly exposing Zhao Xiangyang's old background and blocking Zhao Xiangyang's later attempts to borrow someone.

Zhao Xiangyang's face was a bit sarcastic after being complained by Wang Junsheng, and he could only cough twice in embarrassment.

"Didn't I use my talents to safeguard the people? Look, he did a great job after he was transferred to the union.

The superiors have praised him many times, and he has even published a book.

If you were in your school, facing a bunch of monkeys all day long, and being so upset, how could you have time to study literary writing? "

Zhao Xiangyang didn't have the confidence when he first said it, but as he went on, he became more confident.

This time, it was Wang Junsheng's turn to be choked so much that he didn't know what to say.

Seeing this, Zheng Xianyong and others couldn't help laughing, and Sheng Xiping also laughed.

While he was talking, the chorus of the processing plant had finished, winning warm applause from the audience.

There were special judges over there to give scores. Not surprisingly, the chorus of the processing plant received the highest score in the audience.

At the end of the morning's theatrical performance, the chorus from the processing plant unsurprisingly won the first prize, the chorus from the school won the second prize, and several other programs were awarded excellence awards.

Certificates of merit were given to the winning units, and everyone who participated in the program was given a towel.

Sheng Xiping was very happy that the processing factory won the award. He spent his own money at noon to invite all the workers who performed the show, as well as Chen Weimin, to have a meal in the canteen.

The Qianchuan Forest Farm staff canteen has developed well in recent years, raising hundreds of pigs and producing more than 3 kilograms of self-produced vegetables. Last year, it was selected as an advanced canteen by the bureau.

"Master Li, is there any meat for lunch today? Give us some hard food." When he arrived at the dining window in the cafeteria, Sheng Xiping shouted inside.

"It's a coincidence that we are here because the pig is being slaughtered today. At noon, we have braised pork, stewed with potatoes, and sauerkraut and white meat and blood sausage." Master Li replied with a smile inside.

"Okay, then you can serve us three tables, six dishes and one soup. It's quite generous. I'm treating guests this noon, so you have to carry some for me."

The processing factory has money, and Sheng Xiping is not the one who searches for things. Everyone has sacrificed his rest time to rehearse, so he must be rewarded.

"Okay, don't worry." Master Li responded and went to work.

There were more than twenty people participating in the artistic performance in the processing factory, all young girls and boys.

We work together on weekdays, and we are very familiar with each other when talking and laughing. Recently, we have been rehearsing together again, and we can talk and talk together even more.

So everyone didn't pay attention to that, they all sat together with men and women.

Sheng Xiping came back after ordering and took a look. Lin Junhua happened to be sitting next to Chen Weimin.

At this moment, Lin Junhua didn't know what he was saying to Chen Weimin, and Chen Weimin smiled shyly.

Sure enough, this marriage is destined by God. Even if some things have changed in this life, the people who are supposed to be together will still meet.

In his previous life, Chen Weimin was recruiting workers collectively at the end of [-]. There was no suitable position for him at that time, so he was assigned to work the day shift in the sawroom duty room of the forest farm.

It happened that Lin Junhua also worked in the sawing room, hugged the boss, and had a good relationship with Chen Weimin's sister Chen Liping.

During the lunch break, many young people were joking and playing in the duty room. Lin Junhua had more contact with Chen Weimin and fell in love with Chen Weimin.

One is a healthy migrant worker, and the other is a collective worker who is missing a leg and an arm.

The two fell in love, which caused a sensation in Maekawa Forest Farm at the time.The two went through many ups and downs and finally came together.

In this life, Chen Weimin recruited workers in advance and arranged to work in the labor union, while Lin Junhua was in the processing factory. Unexpectedly, the two met again because of a theatrical performance.

"Brother Xiping, come and sit down quickly."

Chen Weimin has a reserved and shy personality and has no experience in getting along with girls. At this moment, Lin Junhua was sitting next to him. His face felt hot and he didn't know where to put his hands.

So when he saw Sheng Xiping coming, Chen Weimin quickly asked Sheng Xiping to sit down and talk to Sheng Xiping.

"Weimin, thank you. Without your help, our processing plant would not be able to arrange such a good program." Sheng Xiping sat down and smiled at Chen Weimin.

"Comrade Lin, our factory's program won first place today because of your contribution.

You didn't know that when you opened your voice on the stage, Chairman Zhao of the labor union below him opened his eyes wide and kept praising you for your singing skills. "

Sheng Xiping nodded towards Lin Junhua and praised.

"No way, it's all under the guidance of Teacher Chen." Lin Junhua pursed his lips and looked at Chen Weimin involuntarily.

"Director, you just praise them? What about us? We have also contributed." Over there, other young people followed suit.

Most of the people here are people from forest farms, and they are about the same age. They used to be familiar with each other in the educated youth team, and now they work in a processing factory.

On normal days, everyone works hard in the factory, and in their spare time they often get together to talk and laugh. No one treats Sheng Xiping as an outsider.

"Yes, yes, everyone has contributed and contributed. You can eat whatever you want for lunch. If the food is not enough, we will add more.

But one thing is that we have to go to work in the afternoon, so to be on the safe side, I won’t drink.

Waiting for the New Year holiday, I’ll invite you to my house for dinner and a drink. "

The work in a processing plant is not easy. Sawing is a very dangerous job, and accidents can easily occur if you are not careful.

Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to work after drinking in the processing factory. Sheng Xiping is the director of the factory, so we must pay close attention to safety in production.

"I know, thank you Brother Xiping." Everyone said in unison.

While they were talking, someone shouted at the cooking window that the food was ready, and several lesbians immediately got up and went to serve the food and rice.

Not long after, six dishes and one soup were served, and the staple food was steamed cake with two-healed noodles.

They were all young people, and they were hungry after working all morning, so they started to eat.

Lin Junhua was sitting next to Chen Weimin and saw Chen Weimin using his left hand to pick up the dishes with chopsticks, fearing that he would not be able to reach the dishes far away.

So I helped Chen Weimin pick up vegetables, get cakes, and take care of Chen Weimin everywhere.

"I can do it by myself. Really, I've long been used to it. I can do any work by myself. Thank you." Chen Weimin said hurriedly with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Ah, okay, then if you can't reach it, just tell me."

Lin Junhua has a cheerful and generous personality. Hearing what Chen Weimin said, he smiled, lowered his head and continued to eat his meal.

They were all young people, and they didn't drink. They naturally ate quickly. After a while, the food on the table was almost ready.

After lunch, the group returned to the processing plant, chatted and laughed for a while, and then continued working.

On November [-]nd, the new year’s winter production officially kicked off.

Starting this year, there will be no need for workers to be stationed on the mountain.

Except for those on duty who guard the tractor warehouse, winch hangar, and generator warehouse, other workers on the mountain take commuter buses to work at 05:30 in the morning.

As for what time you get off work in the evening, that's not certain. It all depends on how fast you work on the mountain.

Sometimes, the production team has not finished loading the trucks and is fighting at night with torches, so they have to wait for a while.

Sometimes, the original car breaks down and the commuter bus that takes people to and from get off work is not available, so we have to wait for the original car to be repaired and the line to be cleared before it can pass.

Usually, it will be very late, and people on the mountain have no choice but to walk back along the railway in the dark, in the wind and snow, hungry.

It was quite late by the time I got home, and I had to go to work as usual the next day.

Previously, the last task of the work team was to clear the forest. The forest clearing workers gathered the logging residue and stacked it.

Now that there are processing plants, there is an additional process before clearing the forest.

The male workers at the processing plant will sort through the logging residues and pick out whatever can be sold.

Regardless of the size of the cork, regardless of the tree branches, they are all cut and stuffed into the chipper. After being crushed, they are put into sacks. When enough is accumulated, they are transported to the paper mill.

As long as the length and diameter of the hardwood meet the requirements, they will be unpacked, stacked, and then dragged back to the processing plant using a stock trolley or tractor.

We process what we can, and sell the rest to purlins, lathe posts, kelp pegs, etc. Anyway, we focus on one, making the most of the logging residues.After the processing factory team has finished cleaning up, the forest clearing workers will finally gather and sort it out. Basically, only hardwood branches and the like are left.

In the past, logging residues could be sold cheaply to employees as firewood, but now, these residues are really of no use.

Pile them together, wait until they are dry, and light a fire to finish the job.

Of course, Sheng Xiping still felt distressed when he looked at the leftovers. They should all be used.

But how to use it is a bit troublesome.

If these hardwood residues are used in 30 to [-] years to make machine-made charcoal, particle board, or biomass pellets, it will definitely be a good thing.

But there is no such technology at the moment. Sheng Xiping knows nothing about mechanical manufacturing, and he does not have the ability to study it.

So we can only give up for the time being and wait for a few years to see if there is a new technology.

The Hou family and his son have accumulated a lot of orders some time ago. Since the winter transportation has not yet started, some orders are temporarily out of stock, so winter delivery has been agreed upon.

As soon as winter harvesting and transportation began, the young men in the processing plant worked hard and went to the mountains to work every day.

Usable wood is selected from the logging residues and transported back to the factory one by one, then transported to the Songjiang River one by one, loaded onto trucks and sent to the south.

The firewood that used to be sold to workers at low prices has now become money in the accounts of processing factories.

With this money, more than 100 collective workers have a living security, so everyone is very motivated.

In mid-December, Sheng Xiyun and his son shipped hundreds of tons of apples to the Northeast with helpers.

As agreed, Sheng Xiping rushed to the Sanchazi Forestry Bureau in advance to wait.

Then, under the communication and coordination between Sheng Xiping and the local forestry bureau, the fruit truck transported the apples ordered by the forestry bureaus such as Sanchazi, Wangou, Tanghe, Songjianghe, Quanyang, Lushuihe, and Baihe along the railway line one by one. Unload the truck.

Then, return along the railway line, loading the wood that the Forestry Bureau agreed to exchange along the way.

"Brother, thanks to you, I can take care of your brother this time.

You don't know, this batch of wood has been ordered before I even waited for the car to arrive.

Let me tell you, I bought these apples with the money someone else used to buy wood.

Later, I will transport the wood back, and they will pay me the balance. When the time comes, we will earn half of the money. "

After Sanchazi finished loading the wood, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Sheng Xiyun specially found a restaurant and asked his two sons to eat with the helpers. He and Sheng Xiping found a private room, drinking and saying some heart-wrenching words.

Sheng Xiping has been busy delivering apples and loading wood these days, and Sheng Xiping has no time to chat with Sheng Xiyun.

Now that all the wood was loaded on the car, Sheng Xiping had settled his worries, so he started drinking with Sheng Xiyun confidently.

"Brother, what do you think of the things I discussed with you in my letter before?"

What Sheng Xiping said was that he wanted to open another sales department in Yantai.

After all, Hou Yashuang and his son's sales capacity is limited. The number may be larger at first, but it will gradually stabilize later.

The Qianchuan Forestry Farm has a large amount of logging every year, and there are a lot of logging residues. If you just point to one family, you probably won’t be able to sell that much.

Another thing is that other forest farms are now jealous of the processing factories making money. Several forest farms have approached Sheng Xiping privately, hoping that Sheng Xiping would give them a hand.

In this case, it was not enough to just point at the Hou family and his son, so Sheng Xiping asked Sheng Xiyun if he was willing to work with him.

"Okay, what's wrong with that?" Sheng Xiyunzheng wanted to discuss this matter with Sheng Xiping, so he specially found a private room because he didn't want others to interfere.

"My brother is helping me make money. What a great thing. Others are squeezing their heads and can't get it. What else should I be unhappy about?"

Sheng Xiyun's words are true. Who doesn't know how to make money from wood?

From the exchange of wood for apples, we can see that the profits here are huge. Who has a grudge against money?

"Just in time, I plan to retire early and let my second brother take over, and I'm just going through the formalities.

Even though I have bad legs and feet, I still have a pretty good physique. I won’t have any problem if I continue to work for another ten or eight years.

Wouldn't it be nice for us two brothers to cooperate and earn some money while I keep it for retirement? "

Of the two sons of Sheng Xiyun's family, the eldest caught up with the good times and joined a factory as an apprentice before going to the mountains and countryside and stayed in the factory.

The second son did not catch up with the good opportunity. The educated youth went to the countryside, where he married a wife and had children. He returned to the city the year before last, but the work was never implemented.

Sheng Xiyun's situation was special and he could retire early, so Sheng Xiyun planned to retire early and let his son take over the job.

Now when he heard that Sheng Xiping was going to take him into the timber business, Sheng Xiyun was even more determined to retire early.

He has special care and doesn't have to spend any travel expenses no matter where he goes.

While your health is still good now, you can work hard for a few years to save some money, whether it is for your own retirement or to leave it to your children and grandchildren.

"Sure, then we've settled this matter. I'll print out the product types and specifications that the processing factory can provide and send them to you later.

When the time comes, just look for customers accordingly. "Sheng Xiping nodded.

"By the way, brother, there are a lot of orchards over there, right? Do you use baskets to put fruits? If you use cardboard boxes instead, will anyone use them?"

Sheng Xiping suddenly remembered that his father-in-law had been looking for him recently, so he mentioned it to Sheng Xiyun.

The paper mill in Songjianghe can only produce corrugated paper for cartons, but the utilization rate of cartons is not high these days.

Previously, it was supplied to counties and towns, and most of them were used to hold ginseng, so sales were average.

Since Maekawa Forest Farm's chipping team supplied raw materials to paper mills, several other forest farms have followed suit.

I purchased a chipper and modified it myself, then went up the mountain to pick up poplar and basswood, crushed it, and sent it to the paper mill.

Especially after the winter production begins, a large amount of raw materials accumulate in the paper mill.

Although the paper mill is also trying its best to expand sales and sell to surrounding areas, the sales speed cannot match the speed of raw materials delivered by forest farms.

That day Zhou Mingyuan called Sheng Xiping and asked him if there was any way he could help find a market for corrugated boxes.

If the sales of cartons are not good, I am afraid that the raw materials will not be able to be settled for the time being and will have to be suppressed. How much we can ask for in the future depends on whether the sales volume is good.

The paper mill does not dare to stock up on too many raw materials.

Sheng Xiping was busy before and didn't think about it. Just now he had an idea and suddenly remembered it, so he asked Sheng Xiyun casually.

Sheng Xiyun was stunned when he heard this, and then slapped his thigh, "Okay, this thing is more convenient than a flower basket, and the cost doesn't seem to be high.

You don’t know, that year we had so many flower baskets, and sometimes we couldn’t even buy them.

You didn't tell me about this before, otherwise I would have shipped some back this time to try.

You see, when I go back this time, there are still a lot of empty carriages. "

Yantai is a major apple-producing area, with a large output every year. Just the flower baskets used to hold the fruit are very large. Some farmers specialize in weaving baskets to make money.

Corrugated boxes are also used in some places, but not many, mainly because local paper mills produce less of them.

When Sheng Xiyun came here, he was transporting apples. The price of these things was low. When he returned to transport wood, the price of one car was higher than that of several carts of apples, so there were several empty carriages in the back.

Sheng Xiping couldn't sit still after hearing this, "Brother, wait for me for a while, I'll find a place to make a phone call.

The truck will be sent out tomorrow morning, right?So if the cartons can be delivered tonight, can you do me a favor and help me find a market? "

"We brothers are still talking about whether to help or not? Shouldn't we deserve our share? But it's already this time, how can you get here?"

Sheng Xiyun looked outside. It was short in winter. It was only five o'clock and it was already dark outside.

It's late at night, and this place is quite far away from Songjiang River. Where can I find a car temporarily?
"Brother, don't worry about these things. I will definitely have a solution. Brother, please sit here for a while and I'll make a phone call."

After Sheng Xiping finished speaking, he quickly left the private room and found a place to make a phone call.

At this time, Zhou Mingyuan must have gotten off work, so Sheng Xiping called directly to the duty room.

As soon as the people in the duty room heard that Sheng Xiping was looking for Zhou Mingyuan to discuss something urgent, they quickly arranged for someone to go to Zhou's house to find Zhou Mingyuan.

Fortunately, Zhou Mingyuan's home was not far from the Bureau building, so he arrived in a short time.

Sheng Xiping estimated that it was almost time and called again. This time Zhou Mingyuan answered the call.

“Dad, is there any way to send a few trucks of cartons produced by our paper mill before tomorrow morning?

It needs to be larger in size and can be used to hold apples. "

Sheng Xiping didn't have time to talk nonsense. After confirming that it was Zhou Mingyuan on the phone, he spoke directly.

"I want my brother to transport some back and try to find a market for it. There are a lot of fruits there, so I might be able to do it."

"Yes, just tell me where to send the freight? I'll find someone to arrange it right away."

When Zhou Mingyuan heard this, he thought it was a good thing, so he agreed without asking any more questions.

Sheng Xiping gave the address and repeatedly told him to deliver it tomorrow morning and load it into the car before departure.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Mingyuan immediately arranged for someone to go to the paper mill to find someone, and asked the bureau's fleet to send a vehicle to the paper mill to pick up the goods and deliver them to Sanchazi overnight.

After receiving the news, the paper mill immediately arranged for night shift workers to go to the warehouse to move goods and load trucks according to Sheng Xiping's requirements.

At around ten o'clock, four cars of cartons were loaded here, and then the captain of the convoy took the people, with two drivers and an assistant on each car, and drove to Sanchazi under the cover of night.

After Sheng Xiping made the call, he went back to have dinner with Sheng Xiyun. In the evening, everyone stayed at a hotel near the train station.

The cars are all made of wood, one of them is quite old and heavy, and they are all locked with thick iron chains, so there is no need to go out on patrol and you can just rest peacefully.

At dawn, the forestry bureau's convoy finally arrived at Sanchazi Railway Station and found Sheng Xiping and others.

(End of this chapter)

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